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Freelance Writer, Administrator, OtakuBoard Category Moderator for Community, Anime Screener for ADV Films, Bandai, FUNimation, Viz and Central Park Media.
Real Name
Gail Shimura-Brightbill
I possess the magical ability to make the general public believe I am a normal adult and not an anime otaku.
Anime Fan Since
The first time I saw Doraemon as a kid.
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Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Saiyuki, Robotech and many other anime series and movies. Too much to list!
Make the best anime web community on the internet.
Writing, anime, manga, working with animals, attending anime conventions, cosplay, making new friends and spending time with my loved ones.
I can quote random lines from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Burn Baby Burn.

Panda Inferno!!
So kids, I have a funny to share with you. As you know, I am very, VERY much against people who steal other peoples work and submit it as their own. Being someone who makes her own wallpapers I find it very offensive when someone steals work. Well, today as I was approving wallpapers I came across a bunch of wallpapers submitted by a member that all had and a few other misc. wallpaper site watermarks on them. I sent them a PM...

I thought it wasn't too over the top. I didn't call the person a thief or loser for stealing wallpapers or anything, just asked for screen names to verify they are the actual creator of those papers by checking with the site admins from those sites. If they are then I figured they wouldn't have a problem with proving they are the creator of the papers. Well, here is the person's response in my guestbook of all places.

I like the very mature response of calling me a "fucking bitch". What I like even more is this person's friend tries to cover for them and take responsibility upon themselves saying that their friend didn't know I was staff. If you look at the PM it clearly states that I am an "Administrator" right after my member name. They could have also used the link in the PM to come to my site, which they obviously did to sign the guestbook and see that in my profile it says I am staff on the site. There are also my press releases and interviews I do for the site. Plus, why would someone who is NOT staff be approving wallpapers?!? DUH!!!!
Obviously there is only one thing to say about his person...

Perhaps this image is correct about that person.
Anywho, I just figured that you guys would get a kick out of how this person dealt with me calling them out on their submissions. I already sent Adam an email about this. I wonder when he contacts this person if they will cuss at him too even though he IS the site founder. LOL
Now I don't want any of you guys to do anything silly like flame this person. If you want to help me you can tell me if the wallpapers they do have on their account are actually theirs or if they are taken from other sites as well. Obviously this person is not going to own up to the wallpapers. It's sad, if it really is this person's work they really should just say it is their work. The response I received makes me think they are stolen...perhaps I hit a sore spot.
Now, my bishie break:

Need I say more.
Ok, now that I aired out my dirty laundry I will move on the the few questions I got yesterday. Very good by the way. I had much fun trying to think of answers. Let's get on to business now.
Seto Kaiba Freak: Least favorite Saiyuki villain and why?

Nii Jyeni. Freaky creepy bunny loon. Just the way he carries himself...always with the bunny that really makes me wonder if he is a Plushie. Plushies are a segment of the Furry Fandom. Some Plushies do more with their Plushies than just sleep with them. >_<;;
the fizz: Which would you eat: chocolate covered ants or candy cover cockroaches?

I would definitely eat chocolate covered ants. I have been told they are pretty tasty. Cockroaches just seem to "buggy" for me. Ants > Cockroaches.
626 or 627? & What and Why?!?

Oh a Mazda 626 would be great!
626 since it is a palindrome. What is a palindrome, it is a word, phrase, verse or sentence that reads the same forward and back. For example: A rash self-warning: I sign in raw flesh, Sara!
Go on, you know you want to write that sentence backwards, it's the same . The punctuation is just there to make it easier to read. Take that out and you're good to go. Oh and the Mazda 626 would be nice too. ~_^
YueMoon: What was the greatest time in your whole life when u were 14 years old?

Damn you Penicillin!!
When I was 14 the greatest time in my life was surviving a major allergic reaction to Penicillin. I missed 2 months of school, ended up in the hospital, had the Reverend for my church stop by and talk to me about Heaven (nothing gives you hope when you feel like you are getting the "Last Rites" @_@) and ended up with a funky purple rash. Getting back to being healthy was the best thing that happened to me when I was 14.
What are the lyrics to Rainbow - Ayumi Hamasaki?

She has gorgeous eyes...I'm jealous.
Dokokara ka yasashiku hibiku
Itsudatte kikoeteta you na
Sugu soba ni atta nukumori
Yurusu koto de yurusareteta
Haruka mou tooi kako mo
Iyasu tsumori ga iyasareteta
Kigazukeba sonna fuu ni
Ai wo toozake you to shita boku wa ai ni tsukuwarete ita
Dokokara ka kimi wa maiori
Itsudatte tsutaete kureru
Sugu soba ni aru shiawase wo
Sasae nagara sasaerarete
Sukoshizutsu yorisotte
Mamori nagara mamorarete wa
Kakushin e kawatteku
Ai wo toozake you to shita boku wa ai ni tsukuwaretan da
Norikoerare sou ni nai itami naraba
Tomo ni wakeai aruite ikou ka
Kakaekirenu hodo no yorokobi mochiyori
Tomo ni wakeai aruite ikou ka
Ima wa kimi dake no tame ni utaou
Ima wa kimi dake no tame ni utaou
Taisetsuna boku no takaramono yo
Taisetsuna boku no takaramono yo
Uh uh-
No rain can't get the rainbow
No rain can't get the rainbow
No rain can't get the rainbow
No rain can't get the rainbow
MiasmaMoon: Would you rather live your whole life without John or pandas?

Pilot or Panda...what a choice.
I would rather spend my whole life without pandas. I would be lost without John. He really is my soul mate. Plus, I doubt any other guy out there would be able to put up with me as well as he does! John > Pandas.
Summoner Rekka: Star Wars? or Star Trek (the next generation)?

The force is with me.
Star Wars...the original three, not the new stuff. I am old school when it comes to my Star Wars. As for Star Trek. I am not a Trekkie. John is though. It just isn't my bag baby.
Mew Wem: How are the main characters (Heathcliff/Cathering) developed in the first 3 chapters of the book Wuthering Heights?

Oh, I am so torn by desire!
Ok, let me see if I can remember anything from waaay back in the day when I read WH. In the beginning we have Lockwood who is the narrator. He is visiting Heathcliff when he becomes more interested in Heathcliff's past after a supernatural happening. He then asks a servant who use to work/live at WH to tell the story of Heathcliff and Catherine. You start out with the end of the story and learn more about the characters as the past is revealed. The beginning chapters set up the dark and brooding mood of the entire story line. The "ghosts" that haunt characters all builds to the characters personalities in which they deal with their "demons".
I know this was kinda broad and vague but it has been a long time since I read the novel so I am not sure what exactly happens in the first 3 chapters. Doesn't Catherine have a diary that sheds light on her personality? I am not sure when that shows up. Or is that a false memory? I don't know. Hope that kinda answers the question.
Well, that just about does it. Phew! Lots of typing for today's post. I plan on getting some rest and then making the rounds to everyones sites. I love you all and hope you are having a great weekend. Laters!

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