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Freelance Writer, Administrator, OtakuBoard Category Moderator for Community, Anime Screener for ADV Films, Bandai, FUNimation, Viz and Central Park Media.
Real Name
Gail Shimura-Brightbill
I possess the magical ability to make the general public believe I am a normal adult and not an anime otaku.
Anime Fan Since
The first time I saw Doraemon as a kid.
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Saiyuki, Robotech and many other anime series and movies. Too much to list!
Make the best anime web community on the internet.
Writing, anime, manga, working with animals, attending anime conventions, cosplay, making new friends and spending time with my loved ones.
I can quote random lines from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Q & A
SomeGuy: Madam, would you consider yourself to be an Elvis girl or a Beatles girl?

Elvis or Beatles eh. I would have to say that "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together..." Beatles baby. With lyrics like these how can you not love the Beatles?! "I am the eggman, They are the eggmen, I am the walrus, Goo goo g' joob, Goo goo g' joob, Goo goo g' goo, goo goo g' joob goo, juba juba juba, juba juba juba, juba juba juba juba, juba juba"
SunfallE: How long have you had Rheumotoid Arthritis? And what helps you the most in dealing with it?

I was officially diagnosed in 2003 but I have been dealing with RA in my life for as long as I can remember. My mom, her twin sister and their father (my grandpa) all had/have RA. I have never known them to not have RA, it's kinda weird to think about. I have never seen them healthy. I am very lucky that I didn't have to deal with JRA but no matter when in life you get something like an autoimmune disease it's never a good time. I am luckier than many since I grew up seeing what the disease does to people, both emotionally and physically, so I was a bit more prepared to deal with the diagnosis.
What helps me the most in dealing with it...definitely would have to be the support of my friends and family. Without their support and understanding I know I would be completely lost. They all know that there are days that I can't get out and about and do stuff with them. Support from friends and family have done more for me than any medication ever has.
Extraordinary pilot, smuggler, and soldier in the Rebel Alliance Han Solo: If you had something you wanted/needed to say to someone, but you knew it was something they wouldn't want to hear, would you tell them?

Yes. I would be honest with them, even if it is something they don't want to hear. It may be really tough, they may not appreciate hearing things they don't want to hear...but eventually (hopefully) they will see that you did it because you really care and are open and honest with them.
-If it weren't for Pandas, which other animal theme would dominate YourO?

Hippos. Hippos rock. Did you know that the baby hippo eats approximately 80 lbs of food a day?! They also kill more people in Africa yearly than lions...don't mess with hippos!
Winged Youki: If you were traveling in a car at the speed of light...and turned your lights on...would they do anything?

Eegah! I have never really thought about this...I would say that they wouldn't do anything. Hmm, this is something I need to ponder...
-If Jimmy cracked corn and I didn't care...Would you?

Nope. Unless I became a chicken then I would care since it would be my supper.
Mouse: If anime didn't exist, what would dominate your time?

Stalking you. @_@;;
-Do you believe that the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?

You know it! I have that saying on my signature on! I am guessing that there is no totally amazing meaning to's probably something simple like the hokey pokey. :P
hiei teddy bear: If they ever did a live action movie of saiyuki, who do you think would be the best people do to the four bishie?

That is a tough question. I don't have an answer for any of the guys except for one- Gojyo. I swear me saying this makes me sound like some dirty old lady. My former backyard neighbor. He does modeling for Calvin Klein and is just gorgeous! He's totally got the body for know, the kind of body that makes girls have impure thoughts. ::daydreams::
Summoner Rekka: Feedback on friend's heartache.

I am sorry to hear about your friend. That really sucks. The very best thing is to make sure she knows you are there to support her. That you care and no matter what you will be there. Time is the best cure for a broken heart. If this guy really did love her he wouldn't have treated her with so little respect. Just make sure she knows that you aren't like this guy and that you are a true friend.
Okami Wolf: Why is Genjo so damn fine?

Because Minekura is an amazing artist who knows what every bishie loving girl wants and put those traits into the perfect package -- Genjo Sanzo.
Chabichou: Why do you love pandas so much?

Pandas are so cute! John's nickname for me is Panda and whenever I see one I think about him. It gives me the warm fuzzy feeling inside. So pandas for me = happy thoughts and feelings. Plus, unlike people, pandas are considered cute and cuddly even though they are short and plump. ~_^
Aaryanna: What is your favirote type of dog? Or rather which breed do you think looks the cutest?

That is a really tough question. I think French Bulldogs and Boston Terriers are cute...they have those short noses and bat ears...cute, just plain cute. But then another part of me totally adores English Mastiffs. Yes, I know they are over 200 lbs of dog but they are soooo sweet! I just can't choose. I would have to say each dog, even mixed breeds, can be cute if their personalities are. Brynner (aka Bun Bun, Boo Buns, Bear Buns) the one I posted the picture of the other day is a rescue dog. Mixed breeds can be just as cute, or more cute than purebred dogs.
KitsuneTsuki: How many pandas do you own?

What an evil question! I have hundreds of panda items...I have no idea of an exact number. Plus, the world can never have too many pandas!!
-When did you start your panda obsession?

In 1992 when John gave me the nickname Panda.
-What is your favorite novel?

Oh boy, another tough question. I would have to say it is Katherin Dunn's Geek Love. It is an excellent story of, well, pretty much a traveling freak show family. It just gives you the feeling that the "normal" people are actually the freaks of this world. It is a great book if you can stomach the bizarre story line.
Well, I think that pretty much covers the questions. Thanks for the good ones. I am quite impressed with this round of questions. I knew you guys wouldn't let me down! Well I hope your weekend has been a great one and you are all in great health. Take care and I will chat with you all soon. Thanks again for the great questions. You guys rock my panda socks! ::huggles::

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