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Pirating on a ship.
Member Since
CAPTAIN, thnx. For that is how you will address me.
Real Name
Holding a record as the world's greatest procrastinator.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was Totoro'd.
Favorite Anime
Mushishi, E21, Bleach, Kino no Tabi, Loveless
Convert people to Mushism and worship the great god Ginko, publish a comic.
yaoi, yuri, doodling doodles, pirates > ninjas, girls, gothic lolita, KATAMARI DAMACY, hermit crabbies, Dance Dance Revolutioning, being her little Italian self
Poking, pilaging,, lurking, molesting
An intro.......UH. What should I say? What would Wonka do? Well, hm, let me think about that. *thinks* I know! MAKE CHOCOLATE. *does so* And I shall be the Master Chocolateer to rule them all. Now, really. I truly am the Master Katamari Roller. No one can out-roll my sticky rollyness. Also, if you feer yaoi or yuri - that means MAN ON MAN AND GIRL ON GIRL SEX - leave. Unless you're a masochist and want to scar yourself mentally for life. I am a lesbian who likes girls who like girls who like girls who like...UH. And we're done here.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
ACK. Haven't been online lately because of the internet. > >' But it's back - except it only work 10% of the time, but at least it works sort of none-the-less.
So I stayed up til' 12:00 am yesterday to watch Eureka Seven, regardless of the massive migraine, lack of sleep, and light-headed-ness I'd been feeling all throughout the day. And OH.MY.FUCKING.GOD. I am so glad I did. The show that I've been anticipating to see for a long time completely surpassed my expectations and has blown me away. This is instantly becoming one of my favorite anime of all time, evar. The visuals, story, characters and basically everything make the show so delicious I want to eat it all up. Even the voices was perfect. Except for Eureka's voice. What the hell is up with giving almost all female characters the most annoying high-pitched voices humanly possible? It's not attractive and it's not cute. It's annoying. The girl sounds like she was inflated with a massive amount of helium that she can't get rid of. But so far I have found Eureka's character boring, but that's probably just because we haven't gotten a closer look at here story, and I'm we will very soon.
But one of the main reasons that I'm watching this is because of Gulliver and Anemone. I don't know when they come in, but hope it's soon. They're both amazingly adorable.
Also, the mechas are sexy.
The fact that I saw some people complaining about it being 'not that good' or saying 'Id rather watch Naruto' - WTF man. This show is probably one of the best, or the best, anime to air on American television. 'Naruto' doesn't even deserve to be said in the same sentence as Eureka Seven. Naruto can burn in hell along with One Piece and Inuyasha for all I care.
Needless to say, everyone should start watching this, as it's likely to become an epic masterpiece.
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Arting and anime

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Monday, March 13, 2006
Just minutes ago, I just finished beating LoZ: A Link to the Past! >D And in only 4 days, which is fast as hell for me.
Now about the number of lives I ended the game with...

HA. I had to take a picture of that. *stabs lens flare*
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