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• partyhiei
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• partyhiei
• 1991-03-31
• japan
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• 2005-04-30
• killer demon
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• name? I told u my name!it's HIEI!!dumb ass!
• masterd the viola!!and guitar..kinda
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• 4 ever "duh!" ^-^
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• killin' all "stupid" human's
• tryin' to kill kuabara playing the viola and guitar and yoga
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/30/05:
i dont see myself being the crazy but only time will tell
To pick up hiei: Hi will you help me find my lost puppy? I think he went into this cheap hotel room across the street.
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Result Posted on 06/30/05:
Aries - Your Love Profile
Your positive traits:
You're quite the charmer. You've got the wit and attitude to attract almost anyone you meet.
Out spoken and honest, any date knows how they stand with you.
Fearless, independent, and willing to try anything twice - your dates should expect the unexpected.
Your negative traits:
You tend to be vain, and you expect your partner to feed that vanity often with complements.
Hot tempered and impulsive, you've occasionally ended things ... only to reget it later.
You're obsessed with being the best, most loved girlfriend or boyfriend your sweetie's ever had.
Your ideal partner:
A risk taking, free spirit like yourself - who can keep up with your latest wild child antics.
Someone stylish, attractive, and fit... who can keep you attracted for months.
Is hard to get - and lets you pursue things. You prefer to be the chaser, not the one being chased.
Your dating style:
Wild, unpredictable, fun, and daring. Your ideal date may involve a couple motorcycles or naked skydiving.
Your seduction style:
Honest and direct - you have no need for romance or much foreplay.
Show off. You like to show your lover how you're the best ever.
Ambitious. You often like to go all night - or aim for multiple orgasms.
Tips for the future:
Start to believe in second and third chances. You don't have to dump them so fast.
Savor the process. Sometimes the best part of falling in love is taking things in slow motion.
Let go of comparisons. If someone's with you, then you've already one. Stop worrying about exes.
Best place to meet someone online: - honest and straightforward profiles, just how you like them!
Best color to attract mate: Red
Best day for a date: Tuesday
Get your free love profile at Blogthings.
Result Posted on 06/30/05:
it's so sad...I've done all these!!
You Know You're Addicted to Ebay When... |
Every time you go to the grocery store, you offer the cashier one cent more for each item in the cart of the person in front of you.
To cut costs, FedEx and UPS are considering relocating their operations centers to your house.
Sitting on the floor of your empty apartment, you stare at your fingers and wonder whether they'll sell better individually or as a matched set.
Your spouse is loving and caring but you decided to file for divorce because you need the storage space.
You're the reason they adopted the "No selling your children's vital organs" policy.
ou find yourself searching eBay auctions for milk, eggs and bread.
When your wife agrees to have sex with you, you become suspicious and ask how many other bidders there were.
Just ask your kids, eRay and eFaye.
After a particularly passionate night, you lean over and whisper in your spouse�s ear, "Excellent service, great communication! Would recommend again! AAAA++++"
You set your alarm clock for 3 am so you can log on to protect your bid.
You've called someone a naughty name for outbidding you at the last second.
You've questioned your sanity because of the price you've bid... more than once.
You've changed all your clocks to "eBay official time (PDT)."
You've bid on something even though the picture doesn't show up correctly.
You've purposely run up the bid on something similar for which you paid more.
You've rolled your eyes at the word "antique" or "vintage" used on something made in the past decade.
You've gritted your teeth each time you've clicked on a description that uses the word "L@@K."
You've turned up the volume on your email alert so you'll never miss an Outbid Notice.
You've made "My eBay" your default home page.
You've emailed a seller to correct their description with accurate dates or details.
You've come to rely on "convenience cash" from PayPal and wish you could pay all your bills like that.
You've earned a "Shooting Star" Feedback Profile for more than 10,000 purchases!
You won't go to estate auctions because they don't take PayPal.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Ebay. |
Result Posted on 06/30/05:
You Know You're From Florida When... |
You own at least five pairs of flip flops
You know someone who's been struck by lightning
You're more scared of the freaks who live down the street than gators
Your backyard is sometimes a swamp
You're officially sick of Disney
You shrug off hurricane warnings
You've been permanently blinded by fat men in speedos
There are only two seasons - hot and hotter
You've drank a flaming alligator.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Florida.
Result Posted on 06/30/05:
hiei where ae u?*look's under bed*ha i found u!
oh...u saw nothing...bye bye *goes back to messing with hiei*soo cute hey come back here you pain!!
P |
is for |
Proud |
A |
is for |
Alluring |
R |
is for |
Radiant |
T |
is for |
Timeless |
Y |
is for |
Yummy |
H |
is for |
Humorous |
I |
is for |
Industrious |
E |
is for |
Enjoyable |
I |
is for |
Ideal |
Result Posted on 06/30/05:
i liked it now i will do hiei's name!
P |
is for |
Proud |
A |
is for |
Alluring |
R |
is for |
Radiant |
T |
is for |
Timeless |
Y |
is for |
Yummy |
H |
is for |
Humorous |
I |
is for |
Industrious |
E |
is for |
Enjoyable |
I |
is for |
Ideal |
Result Posted on 06/30/05:
i liked the quiz*turns to hiei*what about u?...oh...hiei say's e got bored..well that's not very nice well I dont care if u'r a demon!oh well bye bye!
Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 100%
Pride: 100%
Envy: 60%
Sloth: 60%
Wrath: 60%
Gluttony: 40%
Greed: 20%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 63%
You'll die from overexertion. *wink* |
Result Posted on 06/30/05:
wow am i a bad person? oh well fuck it! *look's around,start's yelling*where did hiei go?!*see's hiei eating a sandwhich*oh there u are!sorry folk's!!
Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 100%
Pride: 100%
Envy: 60%
Sloth: 60%
Wrath: 60%
Gluttony: 40%
Greed: 20%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 63%
You'll die from overexertion. *wink* |
Result Posted on 06/28/05:
i love this one!!
Result Posted on 06/28/05:
i love this quiz
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