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myOtaku.com: Pastbyer

Thursday, October 30, 2003

   Sore wa, subarashii yo!
Time: 5.40pm Fri 31 Oct - All Hallow's Eve!

Wow! I go away for a few days and 13 (I think its 13) people clicked on my site?! Again I say: Wow! Now if only they would sign the guestbook more...

It's Hallowe'en night here. I won't be going trick'o'treatin'... Was never interested in getting piles of candy that I'll never eat (I already have a pile, doumo). I don't know... I just never seem to want to eat sweets... And I don't have a costum either. That and the fact that I'm a bit old for that sort of thing...

My friend and I were talking about cosplaying Yugioh characters today. Actually I brought up the subject when I mentioned that I had a top and pants that looks somewhat like Yami no Marik's... Now all we need is a Sennen Rod, a cape, a blond wig (unless my friend is cosplaying) and a ton of hairgel... I mean, there's absolutely no way that we can get hair like his! It like, sticks straight up!! ...Scary....

E... to... I'm gonna pretty much spend the whole weekend studying... Exams in just two weeks!!! X.X

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