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your mom...oh, ew.
Member Since
Summer Break Baby! Will be an eighth grade student in September.
Real Name
Princess of darkness herself.
Finding true love, meeting the best friend eva! (saturn wolf) Getting over the fact that I'm in Washington and here to stay.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Inuyasha, fruits Basket, Blood+, BLEACH, Trinity Blood, and (this counts to me) Avatar, The Last Airbender
To stay with the love of me for as long a possibe, and to keep in touch with all my good friends after High School.
Drawing, writing, eating, dancing(horrible), Goofing off, being a smartass, and bathing.
Drawing...I guess. I'm told that I'm good at writing. Sitting on the net and NOT putting any viruses on my computer.
| paws in the mist
Hey people. Um... What posessed you to come here? I mean seriously, I'm like, so not that special. But while you're here, look around, accually comment on stuff, sign the GB, and look at meh awesome slide show.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Survey thingy
A 'All About My Boyfriend survey' <3 - 95 very insightful questions | How did it all begin...? | Where did you meet?: | In front of our house(apartments) | When did you meet?: | The day after I got back from my moms house in California | Was it love at first sight?: | I think so. | how old were you both?: | I was 11, he was 12. | When did you have your first kiss?: | About six months after we got together, | Where was your first date?: | February 25th | How long until you met the parents?: | not long. | When was it 'official'?: | a few days later. | The good... | Whats your happiest memory of him?: | I ran away from home for four days and went to the beach with him. best four days of my life. | Whats the sweetist thing he has ever done for you?: | One day, in 7th grade, I went home sick. And after school, he walked 3 miles up a hill to see if I was okay. | Does he buy you lots of gifts?: | Yeah... | Whats your favorite thing to do together?: | Just hang out, talk, be together. | When did you know you were falling in love?: | It just kind of... grows. | Who said 'I love you' first?: | He did. | Is it true love?: | Definatly. | How do you know this?: | You can just... tell. | The bad... | Whats his worst habit?: | He's inconsiderate. | What annoys you about him?: | When he won't listen. | Has he ever hurt you badly?: | ...No. | Would he ever cheat?: | Not that I know of. | Has he to your knowlege ever cheated?: | nope. | Do you trust him?: | More then anybody. | The ugly.... | Best facial feature?: | His eyes, for sure. | Favorite part of his body?: | ^///^ chest. | Hair colour?: | Brown | What does he smell of?: | Sometimes Axe, sometimes BO, sometimes pumpkins. | Whats he wearing when you picture him in your head?: | HIs tight blue shirt. | Intimacy... | How do you feel when he holds you?: | I can't describe it. | How do you feel when you fall asleep and wake up in his arms?: | I haven't done that yet. ;_; | How does it feel when he touches you?: | Lovely | Does his touch give you goose bumps?: | sometimes. | Does he kiss your neck?: | Yeah. | Your tummy?: | Once. | Your forehead?: | Yeah. | Deep and meaningfull... | Could you be without him?: | Nope. I'm not afraid to admit that either. | Do you think about him constantly when your apart?: | YES. It sucks. | How long have you been together?: | Almost a year and a half. | Can you see a future together?: | Yes. | Would you like to get married?: | ...yeah... | Have children?: | Maybe. | Where can you see your relationship in a years time?: | I dunno, I can't see the future. | 5 years time?: | Read above. | Do you know there is definatly no-one better out there for you?: | Yes. Absolutly. | How do you know this?: | You just know. | Are you scared he might find someone better?: | Sometimes. | Is he your best friend as well as your lover?: | Definatly. | Does he come first over everyone else in your life?: | That one I don't like to admit, but...yeah. | Would you die for him?: | Without hesitation. | On a lighter note... | Whats the funniest thing you have ever done together?: | We got into trouble for vandlizing a trashcan. | Say something that only you two understand: | Toe. | Do you have nick names for each other?: | Yeah. | Does he make you laugh?: | All the time. | Do you wrestle?: | Well yeah. | Is he tickelish?: | In some places. | Are you?: | YES. | His Favorites... | Food?: | Any kind of candy. | Drink?: | Dr. Pepper. | Sport?: | Skating. | Past time?: | Skating. | Animal?: | Dogs I guess. | Aftershave?: | *gigglesnort* I have no idea. | Clothing style?: | Skater. | Band?: | He likes Tenatious D, Paramore, all kinds of loud music. | Music?: | Loud, scremo, he plays piano like NOBODY'S BUSINESS. | Your 'things'.... | Song?: | Over The Rainbow | DVD?: | The Grudge | Place to hang out?: | Around The School | Meal to cook together?: | Pizza | Lasts... | Time you saw him?: | Today | Kissed him?: | Today | Spoke to him?: | Right Now | The last text he sent you?: | No phone | When will you... | See him again?: | Tomorrow | Speak to him again?: | Right Now | Tell him you love him again?: | Right Now | Have you ever? | Spent the night together?: | Yes | Been on holiday?: | Halloween | Met his parents?: | Yes | Had naughty time?: | YEah | Made him cry?: | No | Done anything spontaneous together?: | Yesh | Lastly.... | Is this love?: | Yes. | Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |

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Monday, July 16, 2007
Meh random survey thingy
~The Ultimate Long Ass Survey~
Name?: Mandy Age?: 13 Sex?: I'm a girl dammit. Birth Date?: 10/20 Hair Color?: Red Eye Color?: Gray (friends say they're blue green) Height?: short Weight?: 105 Body Type?: average Piercings?: Ears. One hole on each *mumbles* Tattoos?: none...sadly. What are you wearing right now?: Gray sweat pants, yellow strapless shirt. What is your hirstyle at the moment?: down...mess Current Mood?: Dunno. Bored. Current wardobe choice?: Emo ;) What are you listening to?: Roseanne Who did you last speak with on the phone?: My boyfriend. What do you currently smell like?: My boyfriend's axe lol. Any siblings?: 3 brothers 2 sisters. Parents still married?: no...they never were. My mom died. Any pets?: 13 cats, 1 dog, 3 fish and a bearded dragon. Shoe size?: womens: 7 1/2, mens: 6. ~Favorites~ Soda?: Coke-a-cola Food?: pasta, pocky. Drinks?: Milkshakes ;) Time of Day?: Twilight, early, early morning. Barely light. Season?: Winter Day of the week?: I dunno Song at the moment?: The Great Escape Band/Artist?: Many Book?: Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Subject in school?: Language Arts Place in the USA?: Colton OR, Foresthill CA Place outside the USA?: Japan, London Color?: Green, Black Style of clothes?: Dark...Hot topic type stuff. Store?: Hot Topic, Spencers, The Red Light Magazine?: Don't read them Kind of Pet?: Any that loves me. 'cept monkies...eck. Place to be?: My room, at my friends houses, with my boyfriend. Place to vist?: California, Colton OR Place to chill?: My room, after school. Non-Alcoholic drink?: Milkshakes Meal/food dish?: I dunno Dessert?: Milkshakes :) Salad Dressing?: Don't like dressing Ice Cream?: Classic Chocolate Fast Food Establishment?: don't really care for fast food, if I had to choose, Panda Express Color?: Green Black Season?: Winter Holiday?: Christmas Perfume/Cologne?: I dunno. Video Game?: Okami T.V. Show?: Naruto, Roseanne, Inuyasha, other stuffs Smell?: Damp road Article of Clothing?: Shoes, and shirts Book?: HP Children's Book?: Good Night Moon Candy?: Pocky? Car?: Big ass old used Truck that smells like pipe...mmm the good ol' days ~Daily Life~ When do you get up?: Whenever. What is your first thought when you wake up?: mmm...ginger. What do you do first?: Answer my ringing phone (that's what wakes me up) What is your usual outfit?: PJ's durring the summer. Do you see your friends?: At school, yes, durring the summer, sometimes. What do you do when you get home?: eat. What Time do you go to bed?: whenever. ~Do You....~ Brush your teeth daily?: yes Brush your hair daily?: yes shower daily?: yes sing?: not well...but yes dance?: Yeah! I suck at it but yeah!!! party?: sometimes get drunk?: no have sex?: no read books?: yeah listen to music alot?: yes read magazines?: no go online a lot?: yes have a religion?: no have a ipod?: yes want a ipod?: have one play a instrument?: no, but my boyfriend Jon's teaching me how to play the piano get sick alot?: yes watch tv?: yes like mtv?: no like vh1?: yes like the history channel?: no have digital cable>: yes have more than 500 channels on your tv?: I dunno listen to the radio?: yes still use your cd player?: yes know html?: yes ~Music~ Do you listen to rap?: Sometimes R&B?: no Blues or Jazz?: no Classical?: no Pop?: yes Country?: sometimes Emo/Screamo?: no Heavy Metal?: no Christian?: no Techno?: Numa counts right? Reggae?: no Broadway Musical Songs?: hm... Oldies?: yeah, sometimes ~In a Boyfriend/Girlfriend~ Hair Color?: Anything but blonde Eye Color?: or brown is pretty though Tattoos?: only small ones...I guess Piercings?: Maybe an ear peircing. Favorite Music: Doesn't matter Style of clothing?: No hollister, or anything like that. body type?: Average, or thin. Personality or looks?: Personality would you go out with somebody for their looks?: No. do you go on "pity dates"?: No. does size matter?: heh heh, no do they have to be popular?: no...what is popular? does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around?: I'd rather he asked me out. where do you go out on the first date?: A walk in the park. kiss on the first date?: Naw...not me. sex on the first date?: no ~Right Now~ Do you think you look good right now?: no...I look like a mess. are you eating something?: no are you drinking something?: no are you IMing somebody?: no are you talking on the phone with someone?: no are you talking face-to-face with someone?: no what are you listening to?: Futurama what are you watching on tv?: Futurama what other websites do you have open?: TheOtaku What do you believe? Do you believe in ghosts?: yes the afterlife?: I believe we're reborn, not remembering the life before us. god?: no the devil?: no heaven?: Somewhere hell?: no scientology?: um hinduism?: huh? buddhism?: yeah christianity?: not really. Last...... Movie you watched?: Harry Potter OOTP Magazine you looked at?: I dunno Thing you ate?: Pasta Book you read?: Peeps T.V. Show you watched?: Roseanne Time you cried?: Today...out of laughter though. Took a shower?: Yesterday Got a REAL letter?? (a.k.a. Snail Mail): Febuary Ate at a restaurant? (not fast food): Does Starbucks count? Cd you bought?: Linkin Park What is/was...... The best thing to happen to you today?: My dad got NAILED by my bed. Most prized possession?: The necklace I'm wearing 1st vehicle?: Scooter? Current vehicle?: Bike Favorite quote?: "Live each day as if it was your never could be." favorite quote?: Uh... your bedtime? (on average): 3:30 am 4 am your best trait/characteristic?: Sence of humor your worst trait/characteristic?: I kinda act like a baby, I suck my thumb, have really high pitched hiccups, giggle ALL the time. ~Do You......~ Store things under your bed?: I have a loft bed, and so yeah... My computer's under my bed. daydream?: yeah Live in a home, apartment, duplex or mobile home?: condo. I miss the apartments though. own a cell phone?: No have a good luck charm?: My necklace Collect anything?: Crabs attend high school or college?: One more year and I'll be in high school make good grades?: not really. ~Have you ever.....~ Had a surgery?: Stiches on my head. had teeth pulled?: no broke the law intentionally?: yeah ran away from home?: yeah broke a bone?: finger cheated on a test/exam?: no had a friend pass away?: yeah been issued a citation/traffic ticket?: no been in a auto accident?: yeah lied to someone?: yeah been lied to?: yes Do you believe.....? In Karma?: not really In god?: no In heaven and hell?: no ghosts?: yeah horoscopes?: no In others? (friends, family....etc.): yeah In yourself>: sometimes ~Your Love Life~ Are you single or taken?: Taken What's his or her name?: Jon do you care about them?: More than anything in the world are you in love?: words can't describe do you really love them?: you have no idea do you think they really love you?: yes whats so special about this person?: his imperfections what do you want most for this person?: For him to live a full, happy, and wonderful life. what would you do for this person?: anything...I'd give my life for him do you think it will last?: I really hope so. do you talk to each other everyday?: Yes what is their birthday?: March 1st what color are his/her eyes?: Brown how long did you know each other before going out?: 'bout a week. Have you been on a ACTUAL date? (hooking up doesnt count): yes whats the most romantic thing they have done for you?: existed are they mean or nice?: amazing. hot or sexy?: beautiful :) boring or fun?: both. do you share secrets?: yeah do you cuddle?: lol I guess... do you get along with their family?: yeah do you go out or stay in?: both how old is your love?: 13 Is he or she a virgin?: yes are you a virgin?: yes have you had sex together?: no if so did you enjoy it?: We hug. has he or she ever lied to you?: yeah... have you ever lied to them?: Once...but I told him the truth after it. do they have siblings?: no did you meet them?: no do they like you?: *sigh* do you like them?: T_T did you meet their mother?: yeah did you meet their father?: um...he...passed on if so do they get along with you?: Yeah Lastly, is they're anything you wanna say to your love?: It's personal.
Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site
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Friday, June 22, 2007
sigh... I'm having some issues... er, about, something personal, but I think I can say it here.
I'm having some questions about my 'sexual orientation'. I know I'm not a lesbian, but...I think I'm bi. *gasp*
I told my bf, he says he thinks that awsome, and that he supports me.'s just kinda weird, you know?
Advice would be nice, or help of some sort...
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! My boyfriend got caught looking at p0rn last night!!! HE blames me for doing it, says I told him to, but, I have absolutly no memory of that whatsoever. I'm slightly irked that he was doing that in the first place, but the fact that he got caught doing it, makes up for everything! It was like 3:00 am and his mom came out 'cause she thought she heard a catfight, well...possibly, I hear there's a p0rn site called catfight. He was stupid enough not to close the window when she came out. So now he's grounded from the computer...lolololol!
You gotta love my p0rn addicted, big-nosed, skater boyfriend.
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Mandii-chan had WASL today. Washington Assesment Of Student Learning. IT SUCKED. I have never felt a more burning hatred of anything else on this living earth. I couldn't see Kamiru-chan(saturn wolf) or Jon-kun...all day. I was tired, and really didn't feel like writing about my favorite place in 3rd person. NOT FUN. Our homeroom teacher read us the instructions, saying stuff like, 'take your time, relax, don't worry.' BS. You fail this, you fail. You have untill an hour before the school day's over, th chairs we sit in suck so we can't relax, and hell yes you have to worry! But anyway... We have it again tomorrow, then 2 days next week, and 2 days the NEXT week, will the touture ever end..?
My name is Mandii, pity me.
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