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Sunday, December 3, 2006
awesome-ness school atarts soon and i cant wait(i kno people im a dork but learning is fun)! well later and to all who are reading merry christmas!!
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Sup me and my home slices are chillin in the computer room(were not suposed to be here) but don't tell it's a secret... oh my hair is cut off all gone(well maybe not all gone but close..) love you all soooo much make good descions about your college choices manna and sarah i kno you'll do good...gir says hi and alucard is tied up in the closet for throwing gir at me...he he
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Friday, December 1, 2006
Guess what guys!!!
I have found a way to get through to Theotaku at school!!!! sweetness! i love you guys alot miss you bunches and to quote a near and dear person to my heart!!!!"insanity is Paridise"Manna A.K.A Shader! i hope you guys are doing well please email me alot and tell Jonah to email me also. *Gir walks in* WOW you got on!!!!! Thats awesome!!*Alucard grunts* Finally what took you so long? im still in this danged tutu!!!*Gir smiles evilly* it looks great on you sort of goes with your pale undead complexion!* alucard reaches dowm to where he thought either the cassul or the jakul would be but realizes he still in his tutu and girs starts to laugh* Dang it Gir where are my guns?* While in the mean time im sitting there eating tacos(hmmm...relevance?)When i feel something knock me in my head* OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW what in the name___________(add prefered word) was that? I look down to see GIR lying on the floor dazed and confused....then it hit me he was the one who hit in the head* ALUCARD why did you throw GIR? Hmmmm just because you are in a tutu and lack space to place your guns does not give you the right to throw me or at all!*Alucard grins indeed im sorry next time i'll hit you hard enough you wont know what hit you because you'll be comatose....*gasp*Alucard you trying to be serious does not fool me as it may others...Cuz you are just on big undead and very tall and skinny teddy bear with a bitting problem... not to mention you over compulsion to shoot at idiots who annoy you..*looks at gir* to be continuued......HAHA don't you hate cliff hangers...they really suck
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Monday, November 13, 2006
Sup everyone How are you! School suck only two grades 9th and tenth! so i can so drive and i have a car! whoopie! No hellsing freaks just me i can actually draw Alucard got to go !
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Friday, May 19, 2006
Sup everyone long time no read kay well heres the deal school is ending and i wont be on the internet to update often so i ll try to as often as i can... Awww plz dont cry i know my sight sux!!! lol
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
OKay now here is the problem how do you tell a guy no. I mean it is so hard to do! I mean i just do not like to be touched please help!
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Alucard what are you doing in my t?" *walks over to the drop-dead(well he is already dead) gorgoeus va,pire. "Hmmm.. well do you want me to take it off?" *Gir walks in with same little t-shirt on as Alucard*" What the heckgir not you to man i can not even start a trend without you all taking it!" ....................... walks out to be continued.
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Hi guys im back !!*slap!* "what the heck was heck that for?... Alucard! what are you doing in ,y OZZFEST t-shirt?" *he ponders aminute and then smiles one of hes really hot vampire smiles* "um.. i think it looks nice!" to be continued.
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Monday, January 23, 2006

Ms. Bakura Ishtar likes Chrno, and Alucard...and Aion, and Bakura, and Marik...And...
"OW. What was that for!!" *looks back at Alucard*
"Your boring them."
*blows raspberry*
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Alucard finds gir asleep!
Alucard walks into his room tired and ready for bed. he walks over to his coffin about to place a hand on it.. when he feels the presence of a really hiper soul! "NO not my coffin!" Alucard was prancing around the room like a sissy girl who just stepeped in gum.... to be continued well sorry i haven't updated been to busy.
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