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Skee-Town, MI
Member Since
Super Villian/Legendary Hero
Real Name
P-Dogg The Omen
I have destroyed a galaxy or two, but saved many, many more. This planet I shall one day rule! Oh yeah, I also logged 103 hours on FFX and i am still playing. MUST CONQUER FFX IN ITS ENTIRETY!!!!!!
Anime Fan Since
The Beginning Of Time. Same as Mega.
Favorite Anime
FLCL, Puni Puni Poemy, Dragonball, DBZ, DBGT, Azu Manga Dao, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, Demon Beast Invasion, Hawk The Loog, and HENTAI.
To become ruler of the planet Earth and make it the funnest, most awesome planet inhabited by intellegent life.
Playing Videogames, watching anime, drawing, story writing, partying, sex, & world domination.
I can whup ass in videogames, solve puzzles with great ease, draw anime well, stay awake for months & have sex for 5 hours straight.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Got Damage!!!!
Apperantly the other three drawings I submitted did not go through, or were turned down by the approvers. I will be attempting to submit them again sometime this week and if any end up posted twice I will just delete one. Anyway, Keep a look out and I'll Rule you later!
For The Good Of Evil!
P-Dogg Man
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2 of 5
Two of the five drawings were approved so far, so go check em out and come back for the other three once they are approved and posted.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
5 of 50 New Fanarts Submitted!
I have just submitted 5 of the 50 fanarts I mentioned previously on as the otaku turns. Please view them and please vote and comment, but remember, vote and comment fairly ;)
For The Good Of Evil!
P-Dogg Man
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Monday, October 25, 2004
Is Wisdom Worth The Pain?
My wisdom teeth started coming in a couple years ago. They are now finishing thier task of ripping through my gums, but I must wonder, is the wisdom they will provide me worth all the pain. I woke at 4:30 AM to the worst tooth ache I've ever had and an ear ache caused by it. I just stayed up til I had to go to work playing Final Fantasy Tactics on Playstation. I have mastered almost every job accept mediator, calculator, and dancers. I've been doped up all day on Ibuprofren to relieve the pain, but it's getting rediculous. Oh well, no pain, no gaining power over all mortals and making the world a cooler, more fun place to live. I will continue my world domination and my art. Peace.
For The Good Of Evil!
P-Dogg Man
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Now That Is Religion!

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George W. Bush Jr. Is Evil! VOTE FOR JOHN KERRY!

"I'm P-Dogg Man & I Approve Of This Photo, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
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The ultimate in home entertainment convenience.

(Not intended to offend anyone in anyway, so don't be a wimpy kiddy baby whiner.)
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I Have Completed Some Drawings.
I have already completed 4 drawings, including a Final Fantasy 8, 2 Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi's And an original Anime pic of a character I made for MegaMatt's Original Anthromorph comic that is now like a treasure, waiting to be discovered again. I can't post them cuz I'm at the college, but as soon as I can get on MY computer again. Then you may vote and comment responsibly! Peace.
For The Good Of Evil!
P-Dogg Man
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
How I Like My Women...
Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for guys) | Created by 123456789 and taken 27 times on bzoink! | The Physical (what you prefer for your girl) | Hair Color | Dark Brown / Black | Eye Color | Green / Blue | Importance of a white smile | Not Very. But she should have all her teeth. | Bust Size | a handful is good, C cup, MUST B REAL! | Stick thin, thin, average, chubby, just plain fat | Average is best, I hate twigs! | Importance of nice legs | Medium | Tight ass or big ass | Ghetto Booty | Any piercings, and where | Not Important, just no eye, nose or lip rings or studs! | Any tattoos, and where | Tattoos are good, but not neccessary. No face or neck tattoos! | Height(estimate) | 5' to 6' (prefferably around 5 1/2') | Age | 18-35 (prefferably mid 20s) | Clothing style preference | Sexy, but not slutty. | The Mental and Social (what you prefer for your girl) | Intelligent, average, or ditzy | Average, no brainiacs or dipshits! | Music genre preference | Any, but a few in common would be good, especially ICP or metal! | Math/Science major or Humanities major | Math/Science, I can't take those hippy psychiatrist types. | Sincere or jokester | Jokester, like me. | Reserved or | A Lady on the Street, but A Freak in The Bed. | Drama queen or calm | Calm, save the Drama Fo Yo Mama | Innocent or Bad Girl | Bad Girl is best, but innocent is okay | Chaste or Slutty | Chaste, better than a whore who'll cheat on me. | Highly attached to you or independent | Middle of that, needs me but doesn't need me to survive. | Athletic or Girly Girl | Girly Girl, athletic girls are to boisterous. | Rich or Poor | Poor, I hate richies, and I'm poor too. | An accent, which country's? | Not an issue. | Have you ever | Dumped a girl because she liked you too much | Yes. | Lead a girl on for kicks | Yes. | Asked a girl out purely because she was hott | No. | Flirted with girls even though you had a girlfriend | Yes. | Lied about not having a girlfriend | Yes. | Lied about having one | Yes. | Cheated | Yes. | Been Cheated on | Yes, by an extreme whore, so I cheated on her, she didn't care, so I dumped her ass. | Pretended to like somebody to make them feel better | Yes. | Who was she? | First love | Babygurl. | The one who got away | Babygurl. | The ex you would still go back to | Skirrl. | The one who never knew how much you cared | Melanie. | Your current crush | Shnookie. | The one you were too intimidated to ask out | No One. | Your first kiss | Babygurl. | Your first 2nd base | Babygurl. | Your first 3rd base | Babygurl. | Your first time | Illeah. | Current friend you would date if you had the chance | Babygurl. | Friend with benefits | Skirrl. | Celebrity crush | Renee O'Connor | Best kiss | Shnookie | Best lover | Shnookie | Best date | Shnookie | Best looking past or present girlfriend | Shnookie | Be Honest | Ever wanted to switch your current girl for one of her friends | No | Ever tried it | No | Ever suggested a threesome or had it suggested to you | Yes | Ever tried it | Not Yet | Do looks matter | Yes, but not more than personality. | Would you agree to be a "friend with benefits" | Yes | On what date was the fastest you've gotten to 2nd base | 1st | 3rd base | 1st | Sex | 1st | Your ideal threesome (any girls: celebrities, girls you knnow, etc.) | Me, Shnookie, & Renee O'Connor or Angelina Jolie | Would you dump a girl just because... | She was fat | If She Became grossly overwieght like 250+ | She was stupid | Yes, if she was a complete moron | She smoked | no | She drank | if she drank too much. | She drank heavily | Yes | She did serious drugs | Anything other than weed, shrooms or cactus, yes. | She went to jail | Depends on what for and how long and how serious we were at the time. | She had a long history of many past guys | No | She had an STD | Yes | Your parents hated her | No | Your friends hated her | No | She didn't put out | No | She put out too quickly | No | She wasn't your religion | No | She wasn't your political party | No | She moved to a different city | No | She moved to a different state | Yes, if we werent extremely serious | She moved to a different country | Yes | She honestly believes that Elvis is alive | I do, so no (PS: So is Tupac!) | She cheated on you | Yes, immediately. | She tried to limit which of your friends you could see | If it kept happening, Yes. | She didn't want children | Yes. | She wanted children | No. | She wanted to get married | No. | She told you she loved you | No. | She proposed | No., I might say no, though. | She called you six times a day | If it was to harass or question me, yes | She used to be a man | post-op, no | She turned out to really be a man | yes. | She was bisexual | Of course not. | She was a hermaphrodite | depends on how serious we were when I found out | She made you take this quiz just to see if it matched up with her | No, but she is here, just not watching. | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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The Best Quizzes!
The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. | Created by -ambiguous and taken 33003 times on bzoink! | What comes to mind when you hear.. | ..snow? | Die | ..rain? | Wet | ..tornado? | Death | ..summer love? | Bullshit | ..Jon? | Fag | ..Mike? | Plaza | ..Shea? | Who | ..banana? | Monkey | ..dizzy? | Fun | ..Laura? | Parker | ..Juan? | Castillo | | Bitch | ..white? | Yuck | ..peppermint? | Mmmmm (is that a word?) | ..New Found Glory? | No | ..placebo? | Happy | juice? | Burning | ..candid camera? | Funny | ..sister? | Blonde | | Black | ..hate? | You | | Sucks | ..President? | Kerry | | Boring | ..rap? | Rocks | ..pop? | Sucks | ..rock? | Awesome | ..punk? | Ass | | Best | ..death? | Weak | | Food | ..duuude? | Sweeeet | ..the end? | Near | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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