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Skee-Town, MI
Member Since
Super Villian/Legendary Hero
Real Name
P-Dogg The Omen
I have destroyed a galaxy or two, but saved many, many more. This planet I shall one day rule! Oh yeah, I also logged 103 hours on FFX and i am still playing. MUST CONQUER FFX IN ITS ENTIRETY!!!!!!
Anime Fan Since
The Beginning Of Time. Same as Mega.
Favorite Anime
FLCL, Puni Puni Poemy, Dragonball, DBZ, DBGT, Azu Manga Dao, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, Demon Beast Invasion, Hawk The Loog, and HENTAI.
To become ruler of the planet Earth and make it the funnest, most awesome planet inhabited by intellegent life.
Playing Videogames, watching anime, drawing, story writing, partying, sex, & world domination.
I can whup ass in videogames, solve puzzles with great ease, draw anime well, stay awake for months & have sex for 5 hours straight.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Now That is Accurate!
Tell me this don't sound like a world dominator, such as I!
How to make a P-Dogg Man |
5 parts success
5 parts ambition
3 parts leadership |
Method: Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of caring |
Personality cocktailFrom
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
100+ HITS!
I finally got 100 hits (107 now) over the course of the past 2 days. MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Also 30 GB Entries. My evil popularity grows and grows! I will catch up to you soon MegaMatt, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
A little more about your future dictator!
I got this idea from demonprincess, thought it might help you get an idea of who you all will be bowing to in the not so distant or far from now future!
LOVES:Evil, Videogames, Anime Parties, Fun & Chelle.
DISLIKES:bitches, richies, snobs, goody two-shoes & bible thumpers.
HONORS:The code of the evil genius.
WisHES:to dominate the world and all it's inhabitors.
WANTS:more fun from the rules on earth.
PERSONALITY:strange, interesting, humorous, evil, wierd, crazy, narotic, odd, cool, fun, sexy.
BEST Quality:determination & intellegence
DESCRIBED BY GIRLS AS:Evil yet irresistable.
described BY GUYS AS:Evil yet awesome.
FAV BOOK:The Zork Chronicles.
FAVE FOOD:Eyeballs and Steak!!!
WORD I USE MOST: Vengeance, DOOWAY, or any of the seven cuss words.
OBESSESSION:World Domination
ANIME CHARACTER I WISH TO BE: Android HELL 17 or an Evil Trunks.
MY ANIME GIRL:Android 18
VIDEOGAME ID DIE W/OUT:Any Final Fantasy Saga
LAST WORDS: For The Good Of Evil!
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Fanart mega production has begun!
I have just went through and made a list of all the characters I will be personally artistically rendering and can honestly say that in all 50 drawings, not one character will appear twice. Also, As you know, I shall rule the world and my assistant is AnimeBlue Girl. My third key position has just recently been offered to DemonPrincess! So watch out world, my army groweth, and not even the couragious Mega-Matt can stop me! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... I need a cigarette...
For The Good Of Evil!
P-Dogg Man
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
A P.S:
Please remember to check out my anime and when you do, please remember to vote fairly and comment constructively. I apprreciate it. Thank you.
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New Fanart Comith...
I have purchased a 50 sheet 9X12 sketch pad for $2 at Dollar General and I will now be filling it with my best artwork that will all be posted here. I have decided to go on a fanart spree drawing my favorite and original characters. Therefore, you should expect 50 new fanart pieces from me over the next two months. It would take less time, but work and women take up some too. Keep your eyes peeled and try this gamer quiz for now! What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You?
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
My New Assistant
I have hired AnimeBlue_Girl as my new Assistant in my dominations of this planet. Prepare for a new world order filled with awesomeness and coll stuff for all!!!
For The Good Of Evil!
P-Dogg Man
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I am an Evil Dead Zombie!
 You are an Evil Dead Zombie. The spirits of the dead took over your body in a lonely cabin, and now it's your job to kick some Ash ass. Sadly, while you'll succeed in beating the bejeezus out of Ash repeatedly, he will ultimately wipe you from existence. You can only be killed by bodily dismemberment.
What kind of Zombie are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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I am Slash...
Take the quiz: "Which Rock Star Are You "
 Slash you are a newly sober guitar god with a love for snakes. you are the Lead Guitarist of the band Velvet Revolver
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Monday, September 20, 2004
New Fan Art
I will be posting new fan art soon, those who haven't seen and voted on my 9 current pics, please do, and please comment, critisism is a motivator and helps with improvement. However, if you comment just tp be an ass and be mean, I will smite you and slay your pets. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Evil feels sooooooo good!
For The Good Of Evil,
P-Dogg Man
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