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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Doing Meaningless Shit Over and Over
Current Mood: Upset
Current Song: CLEVER SLEAZOID by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Reno 911
This morning I woke up at 5 to use the bathroom... and could go back to sleep. -_- I layed in bed for nearly and hour before I realized that I wasn't gonna be able to go to sleep. I got my clothes on for school and started reading some of "Chobits." I was thinking of studying some Japanese, but I didn't want to piss my parents off. At 6:30 I got some coke to drink and wake me up and made some breakfast. My parents were shocked that I was up so early, but I told them about my whole ordeal and they felt sorry for me. @_@ After eating, I put on my makeup and styled my hair, although it took longer than I hoped and it didn't work out as well. I headed to school and my friends were suprised at my hair. XD Here were some of the responses:
Devon: *point**squeal*
Katie: Cute~!
Bobby: Please tell me you lost a bet.
Matt: Your got your hair cut! It looks good.
Sydney: I was wondering who the new hot guy was.
XDDD Yeah. That's them for you. In Orchestra Myra flipped out over my hair whenever I was unpacking my viola. @_@ We played some of our songs, but the power went out for a few seconds and flipped everyone out. Storm kept on messing with my hair and then she told me and Kimberly how she got drunk at the bowling alley (they gave her beer because they thought she was 21... but she's 16 o_o) and flirting with a guy, and how some girl asked her out. XD In Art we painted our paper mache creations with some white paint. Hopefully mine will look better whenever add color because it looks like a pile of newspaper right now. -__- After I painted everything, I started working on my art assignment of drawing my dream house. Everyone was drawing these huge mashions that only people like Bill Gates can afford.... and I was drawing a traditional Japanese house. It was pretty expensive for Japanese tastes, though, because it was two stories and it had a rather large backyard (it kinda looks like an okiya with a zen garden). We had to draw the blueprints, and my favorite part of the house is upstairs, where the recording studio and bedroom or sex room (as Matt likes to call it XD) are. :3 During lunch Stacie freaked out over my hair and kept on groping it. @_@ Our circle was fucking freezing, but the door wasn't open. o_O We moved to another place in the cafeteria to get warmer, and unfortunately, it was near the bathrooms. -_- In Science Korki and Matt sat beside me and kept on screwing with me during class. -_- Whenever I bent down to get my Kyo notebook, Matt's crotch was kinda in my face (-//-) and he pushed my head down like I was giving him a blowjob. I yelled at him and hit him with the Kyo binder. XD Matt asked me if I was really bi and I told him yes, and he whispered "that's hot." He needs to jack off or something, he's getting ackward to hang around whenever he's so horny. But whenever Matt saw Kyo on the notebook (it's a picture from the "24ko Cylinders" performance from "5 Ugly Kindgom") and he told me I had to be bi to want to fuck him. XD I showed him a picture from a "Child Prey" shoot that he doesn't always look like that.... but is beautiful regardless. ^-^ I worked on my blueprints for the dream house and Korki drew a stick figure tied up and wrote "Kyo tied up." I just squealed and hugged her. X3 Korki and Matt kept on tickling me and I was really embarassed, because I'm in the front of classroom. -__- I'm super ticklish, so whenever they tried to tickle me, it worked. *grrrr* Korki kept on groping my knee and Matt was sliding his fingers down the lower part of my back and I had to bite my lip to stop from giggling. @_@ Damn friends!!! In English Caleb pissed me off, again. He keeps on punching my knee and saying stupid shit.... I want to ask to be moved, but I can never catch my teacher after the bell before she walks out the door. -_- We read "The Merchant of Venice" the entire time until one of my classmates, Johnson said he need to call his sister. We read a little more of the book, but he came back out and said that 22 people had died and 8 were injured from a shooting at his sister's college, Virginia Tech. Luckily, his sister wasn't hurt. I almost started crying whenever I heard that... that's 22 families that have been shattered. And all the pepole on that campus will never be the same. I had a feeling that a school shooting was going to happen because the entire weekend, I kept on thinking of them. I hoped it wouldn't happen, but... well, you can see for yourself. Everyone kept on joking about it, and that really pissed me off. Okay, I get the fact that maybe they need some comic relief.... but don't EVER fucking joke about people's deaths around me. We started this stupid project on parts of speech, and we were assigned verbs... and I got 2 people in my group that I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally don't like-Madison and William. Madison's a homophobic whore's that's always been a bitch and William only cares about sex and keeps on bragging about how he's this incredibly hot guy.... but I find NO sex appeal in him. Actually, I find him quite revolting. Dylan threw my eraser away, which really pissed me off. He's thrown about 3 of my erasers away for no reason. I know it's something really small to get so upset over, but I'm so tired of people treating me like shit and just walking over me because they're my friends. It hurts and and I'm tired of it.... but I have no one to blame but myself.
I better get off the computer in case a power surge comes... and if it does, it'll fry the whole computer. Sorry for the post.
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Koe ga Kareru made Utao...
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: AMBER by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Man VS. Wild
The rest of last night wasn't too great. -_- Nicole and I went to bed around 2, but I could only get to sleep for a while because she moans whenever she sleeps. o_O And, she threw her leg over me and gave me barely any room. -_- So I moved to the floor and made my bed there, but her moaning still freaked me out and I stuffed some cotton in my ears. XD It took me a while, and it was around 4:30, but I got to sleep.
Nicole woke me up at 2 by kicking me in the ass, but then again, that's normal for her. -_- She's also woken me up by flicking water at me, blaring crappy music as loud as it can go, screaming in my ear, and flinging my covers off of me. And I hate whenever people interrupt my sleep. >O I grumbled at her but eventually woke up. I ate some Triscuits and took a shower before eating some cheesecake. XD No wonder I'm gettin' chunky. We watched this show on Bravo called "Project Workout" or something stupid like that and I laughed at the sex party they had. XDDD Nice. I called my mom and asked her to come get me since it was already 3. @_@ My parents picked me up and we went to go eat at Ihop. XDDD I ordered the Kid's cheese omelet, but I still couldn't finish even half of it. :O And the lady who got our orders stared at my hat (it had a skull on it) with horror. XDDD I wanted to say "it's a skull, lady. Suck it up." We went to Barnes and Noble and I checked up on the Japanese section (I have almost all of the Japanese books there.... the ones I don't have are about things I've already learned or Japanese dictionaries @_@) and stared longingly at "Geisha" by Liza Dalby and "Women of the Pleasure Quarters." ;~; Not having money sucks. After our venture to Barnes and Noble, we went home and my dog attacked me because she was so happy to see me. XD I layed down for about an hour watching "Man VS. Wild" and trying not to go to sleep. I wanted to make some paper cranes for Kyo or study Japanese, but I was just too tired. Once I got a little more awake, I got on the computer and visited some of the DIRU sites and downloaded an assload of pictures. XD I had most of the Kyo pictures. @_@

Tommorow I have to go to school. -_- I don't wanna... at least I have Nine Inch Nails' new CD, "Year Zero", to look forward to (on Tuesday), and the Day of Silence (a day where students stay silent for the entire day to say that they won't tolerate discrimination against homosexuals) on Wednesday. Well, I guess I'll see you guys later. Daisuki~!!!
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
Current Mood: Impatient
Current Song: Conceived Sorrow by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: I love the 80s 3D
Konnichiwaaaaaaaaaaaa~. Last night was okay, I suppose. I made some more paper cranes for Kyo and studied a bit of Japanese. I had a really bad dream last night, though. ;~; I dreamt that I was playing in concert with DIRU in America, but Kaoru was absent because he was sick (WTF?! >O). We were playing in an American venue and I was able to scream really well and everything in sync with Kyo... at first the crowd seemed to like it, but whenever I closed my eyes to scream, I opened them and saw that the venue was empty. I looked around and saw that everyone was gone, even DIRU. I walked out into the hallways to see where everyone was, and I saw them throwing their down their beers and screaming and everything. I got really pissed off and went backstage to see how the band was doing. The backstage was really big and bright, and I saw Kyo sitting in a chair without his shirt on (he still hadn't put it on from the concert). I came up to him and saw that he was crying. My heart sank. His eyes were red and watery, his nose was red, and lips were quivering. I immediately went "oh, Kyo, honey..." and hugged him. He started sobbing into my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my neck like a lonely child. I just closed my eyes and help him tightly. He was so warm and soft. I held him until he was done crying, and then looked for the rest of the band. I eventually found Kaoru reading and smoking in a rafter of people. I called him down and gave him a hug before he asked what was wrong. I told him about Kyo and he just sort of sighed. We went to go look for the rest of the band, but then my dream ended. Still thinking of it makes me hurt because I saw Kyo crying. But I think what the dream means is that I know there are some people in the world who don't like DIRU, and I think it's a huge gamble for them to be coming to America.... but I'm proud of them. (Me standing on the stage with them was a sign of me staying true to them.) Seeing Kyo crying meant that I can see his pain and it tears me apart, and me hugging him expresses how I want to comfort him. (I'm not saying that he's weak-FAR FROM IT!!!-but I can see what hurts him.) Kaoru's stoicness and absense could mean that I think Kaoru is really stable in the transition to America and doesn't let his emotions show as much... or I don't know him as much as the others (ie: Kyo).

This has been driving me crazy, so I'm asking you guys' opinion. There are three little scars (at least, that's what they look like) peeking out of the front of his pants. What do you think they are? It could be self-mutilation, a type of tattooing (that's Nicole's opinion), veins, or just his body. I just want to know, it's driving me crazy!!! >_<
Today I woke up at 10 in the morning by my dog screaming bloody murder. @_@ She woke me up by barking and I was wondering if anyone was going to get her... then I heard her screaming and I ran outside as fast as I could and saw that she was screaming at the mail man. -_- So I held her back and got the mail. He tried not to laugh at me, partially because of how ridiculous my dog looks and that my hair was all messed me. -_- Luckily, "Withering to Death" came in the mail!!! :D Yay~!!! So I immediately ripped the package open and admired the cover art. I forgot that a DVD came with it, so I squealed and watched it. XD I'm so happy because I can watch "THE FINAL" and "-saku-" with out having to go to YouTube and watch its crappy quality. Hellz yeah!!! >3 I watched the clips for "THE CODE OF VULGAR[ism]" (basically a commerical for the DVD XD) and started crying just from the clip of "AMBER." XDDD I'm a pussy, especially whenever it comes to DIRU stuff. X_X I took a shower and wore my Kabuki shirt (that I just found XD) while sitting around afterwards. Whenever my family were taking their showers and everything, I found some pictures of Miyu and Yuyu on the internet. XD They're so fucking spoiled... Shinya loves them so much. >w< After that I styled my hair and put on my put on makeup. We headed out to get something to eat and we had Jack in the Box for lunch. We headed down for bass practice and I listened to DIRU while my brother took his guitar lesson. My teacher and brother laughed at me whenever I dropped my iPod and screamed, though. XDDD My teacher gave me some new tabs and hopefully I'll get better at the bass and want to play it more. ;~; After that, I came home and my friend Nicole came to pick me up to come to her house. We went to her house and watched some TV and messed around on the computer. She did let me get on the computer occasionally, so got my good fill of Kyo-kun pictures in. :3 She eventually kept on screaming at me to shut up because I kept on "awwwwww"ing. XDD I can't help it, he's adorable. ^3^ *wiggles* I also showed her the fake-Kyo porn. XD Yay~!!! I wanna watch it again. *o*
Japanese question!!! What does purikara mean? D:
Well, I better finish watching Comedy Central because my attention is slowly dwindling. XD Also, Nicole might kick my ass if I stay on the computer more. @_@ Mata ne~!!!
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Friday, April 13, 2007
I'm Damned
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: GRIEF by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: King of Queens
Last night was alright. I made a few paper cranes for my 1000 papers cranes for Kyo, watched some TV with my family, and talked on AIM with Bou-chan and NaeNae-chan for a while. It was really funny, NaeNae and I were talking about Kyoism and being Kyoist. XD After that I watched a little bit of "Late Show with David Letterman" and then "America's Funniest Home Videos." My brother kept on laughing hysterically over one clip of a baby farting in a bath tub. XDDD My brother finally went to bed and I made some rules for Kyoism. @_@ Yes, I was bored. X_X At around 2:30, I finished reading a chapter on Japanese school and I was sort of unimpressed with it. They made it seem like it was a terrible thing how hard they pushed the students, but really the parents only want the best life for their kids. However, I do think that the kids do spend too much time on school and they're missing out on their youth. I have a half gaijin mindset on it, half Japanese. @_@ Around 3 I went to bed and eventually went to sleep around 3:30.

Okay, I know I've posted this picture before, but I love it. It's just absolutely beautiful and flatters him in every way. ^-^
I woke up around 7 to use the bathroom but couldn't go back to sleep until around 8. -_- I kept on staring at my wall of worship and thinking about how veiny Kyo's hands are in one picture and how pretty the picture Dani-chan drew of him is. XD Eventually I fell asleep. My brother woke me up at 1 but I bitched at him and went back to sleep. (I like my sleep, dammit!!!) I woke up again at 1:30, but this time, stayed up. After a few minutes, I ate some pancakes. *wiggles* I watched some of "World's Wildest Police Videos" with my brother (-_-) before I went to take a shower. I found my NIN shirt and squealed. XD I styled my hair and was thinking of making a faux hawk, but decided not to. Since I had some homework to do, I did it and my mom came home. o_O I checked my e-mail while talking to Nicole and I was so happy to see that I got a new e-mail from Rachel!!! ^o^ *dances* I love talking to her, she's so nice and cool. :3 After the e-mail I layed on the couch while Mom watched so many episodes of "Knitty Gritty." *eye twitches* I tried to go to sleep, but wasn't able to. -3- Now I'm on here because I'm bored and wanted to post. :D

Kyo's mighty, veiny hand!!! XD (I won't post Dani's pic because I don't know if she wants me to.)
Unfortunately, today is my last day of vacation. ;~; Now I have to wait for summer break. -_- Well, it was fun while it lasted. I'll talk to you guys later. Rabu~!
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
Headless Body
Current Mood: Sick
Current Song: GRIEF by Dir en grey
Last night was fine, except for the fact that I kept on trying to get used to my hair. XD It's so weird because I cut like 6 inches off. @_@ I cut out the picture I used for the hair cut and posted it up and two other pictures of Kyo on my wall of worship. Now I have him smiling down on me while I sleep. :3 After we ate dinner, we watched "Lost".... Goddamn, I love that show. XD It's so intricate and compelling, and it always leaves you begging for more. It kicks ass!!! >D I studied a little bit of Japanese and eventually my parents and brother went to bed. Whenever it was 1 in the morning, I watched "America's Funniest Home Videos" and sat down and watched it until it was 2. -_- I decided to read up a little bit of Japanese culture, but I knew about most of it. :/ As I tried to go to sleep, I imagined a couple of scenarios where I went to a DIRU concert and got to see them at a meet and greet and they gave me a backstage pass since I cried whenever I saw Kyo's cuts and I gave him the 1000 paper cranes I'm currently working on. @_@ And Kyo gave me a hug too. XDDD; I'm such a dork.... if only it came true. -__- Hell, I'd be happy enough just to go to a concert!!! :D I layed in bed for about an hour until I had to go to the bathroom and then tried to go sleep, which I did around 3. -_-

Hug for Momo-chan? Pwease? *puppy dog eyes* ;~;
My brother woke me up at 1:15 today. I could've had 15 more minutes of sleep!!! D< *shakes fist angrily* Whenever I woke up, I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed because the back of my hair was sticking up from the hairspray last night. XD I noticed that my picture of Kyo from "THE FINAL" on my wall of worship was falling off, so I had to press that on again over and over again since the tape sucks. -_- Then I noticed the picture I used for my hair cut fell off!!! D: I looked around and eventually found him behind my pillow. *relieved sigh* Whenever I found him I said "there you are, sweetie!!!" and lovingly stuck him back on the wall. XDDD I'm such a loser. I went and ate a quesodilla since my tummy was growling and grumpily watched "World's Wildest Police Chases" with my brother. -3- Afterwards, I took a shower. It was weird washing and conditioning my hair, because I keep on grabbing for more hair but it ends at the nape of my neck. XD It dries really fast, too!!! :D I laughed at myself in the mirror because my hair was sticking to my face and it made me look like I had an egg for a head. XD I was all happy because I realized I can make a faux-hawk and spike my hair up now!!! HELL YEAH!!!! >D Whenever my brother was in the shower, I watched "-kigan-" from "5 Ugly Kingdom" and headbanged and bounced on my couch. XD I feel so energized whenever I just watch them on a DVD, imagine how I'll be whenever I see them live!!! (Yes, I will see them live one day!!! I don't care what it takes! T^T) My grandma called and said she wanted to take me and my brother to one of her friend's house to see the donkeys she had. XD So I styled my hair (which was kinda ackward, since I NEVER EVER style my hair), and ended up with a messy, spiky cool look. :3 I likey. My grandma came and didn't freak out like I thought she would, which dissapointed me a little. XD We drove to her friend's house and pet the donkeys, who were really sweet. One kept on nudging the other one's butt and was really pesistant, so I was worried that the boy one wanted to.... *eye twitches* fornicate with the girl donkey. And, sure enough, the boy donkey straddled the girl donkey. -_- Luckily, the walked behind the shed to do it and didn't make any noise. *buries face in hands* So disgusting. After that we looked at some stuff her husband had built... there were like 3 log cabins, a play house, and he spruced up a railroad cart!!! I was really impressed, but it wasn't all that interesting. :/ After an hour, Grandma took us back home and we thanked her. Once I got home, I instantly watched "GRIEF" since I was craving it. XD; Here I am. :3

I have another Japanese question!!! I know that an all over yakuza body tattoo is called "irezumi", but what's the normal word for a tattoo? :O
Hopefully I'll get used to styling my hair before Monday, whenever I go back to school. @_@ I guess I'll talk to you guys later. Mata ashita!!! ^o^
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Motto Fukaku de Atama. (I don't know if that's right @_@)
Current Mood: Happy/Sleepy
Current Song: Fukai by Dir en grey
The rest of last night was alright. I sang my heart out to TMOAB and tried to scream, but failed miserably. -_- One time I tried to scream and I either sounded too much like a girl or just sounded tone-deaf. My dad and I went to eat at Taco Bell until we picked up my brother from his friends house. Whenever we got home I played my Gameboy while watching "Ninja Warrior" (my brother and dad watch it for the action, I watch it for the Japanese). I don't really remember what else I did, because I was so bored. But, I had such a weird dream last night. o_O I dreamt that I was surfing the web on a laptop at school while we were watching a film and I saw the title of a clip that said "Kyo crotch rubbing." X_X So, naturally, I clicked on the link, and it went to a clip of a guy who looks a lot like Kyo (he won a contest where he could get a makeover for Kyo in real life during the Gauze days) and Kyo sitting together in a diner. All of the sudden the guy who looked like Kyo started rubbing Kyo's crotch and Kyo was blushing while trying to get him to stop. It was really cute, but they kept on zooming in on Kyo's crotch and he was wearing tight gym pants. o//o Even in my dream, I was getting turned on and blushing. -//- I guess what the dream means is that one of the most important things to me is Kyo, and him being happy in general. Also, as long as he's made happy, even if it's not by me, I'll be okay with it because HE'S happy. That and I have a whole lot of sexual frustrations towards him. -_-'

His pants looked a whole lot like this... except, it showed... a... lot... *nosebleed* @//@
Today has been the same as all the other days. I woke up at around 9 to use the bathroom, then went back to sleep because there was no way I was going to stay up at 9 since it's my vacation, dammit! >( My brother woke me up at 1:30 and I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. After that I took a shower and got on the computer. I tried posting, but my computer was being stupid and wouldn't let me on MyO. *facepalm* After that I played more of my Gameboy and cleaned up my room a little since Mom asked me to. Then agian, my room is a bomb shelter, so I didn't get much done. I layed around for a while until my neighbor, Tina, called me a said she would cut my hair. I went over to her house and gave her the picture of Kyo I wanted my hair modeled after and I thought she was going to have a heart attack because of how short it was compaired to my hair. XD For a while she kept on calling Kyo "she" and tried not to laugh. (the picture was after the "Kisou" era) Eventually I said something about "him" or "his" and she said "oh!!! I thought he was a girl!" XD Ahhhh, poor Kyo. He's too pretty for most Americans. T^T *huggles him* My mom came in and I told her how Tina thought Kyo was a girl and my mom started picking on him. -_- My family loves doing that to me. Whenever Tina was cutting my hair, she kept on gushing about how pretty and healthy my hair is. XD I guess it's because I don't blow dry it or anything. Eventually she finished my hair and took me to see it. I think it looks okay, but maybe whenever it gets less poofy and grows out a little longer, it'll look more like Kyo's. :3 Now I'm just trying to get used to it. XD Whenever my parents were home, I showed them a recent picture of Kyo and said "see, he looks more manly!!!" and they took a look at it and mumbled. Hah, they know I'm right!!! >D

He's just too much man for them to handle. T^T
Well, that was my day and my ackward last night. -//- Hopefully my dream tonight won't make me blush everytime I think about it. Mata ne~!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
We Look Up to the Sky for Answers to our Lives.....
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold
The rest of yesterday was okay. I studied Japanese, made some jewelry, watched the PV for ASoM and I tried to watch "GRIEF" (but the sound and picture weren't syncing up and that just pissed me off), read some stuff at Bleeding Idol, my favorite Kyo fansite (the webmistress is super nice too :3). After doing all that I ate dinner and got back on and talked to some of my friends on here. I talked to NaeNae, Andi (cuddle~bear), and Sharito (PunThicPanda). Yay! ^o^ My brother and dad kept on picking on me for spending a lot of time on the computer. -_- They can kiss my ass, I like talking to my friends!!! T^T
Today I woke up at 1:30 again and ate some frozen pancakes after 10 minutes (the reason I eat as soon as I wake up is because if you don't eat for 8 hours, it slows down your metabolism and your body goes into starvation mode). I blankly stared at the TV as my brother and Mom (who came home for lunch) watched "World's Wildest Police Chases." I eventually got fed up and put up my dishes and took a shower and put my "DICK University" shirt (I got it from a restaraunt called "Dick's Last Resort.... and my parents bought me this shirt XD). Now, here I am. @_@ I like having days off, but they're also so boring and I hate posting about them because I know you guys are bored too. I'm sorry.
Ehhhhh... I'm bored, so I'm gonna post up a DIRU survey for you guys.
1. Name your favorite albums, from favorite to least favorite
2. What's your favorite PV?
3. What's your favorite song?
4. What's your favorite live?
5. What's your favorite style (like which era)?
6. What's your favorite single cover art?
7. What do you think is the most impactful song?
8. What do you think is the most disturbing song?
9. Who's your favorite composer, and why?
10. Who would be the best party buddy?
My Answers
1. VULGAR, Kisou, sixUgly, The Marrow of a Bone, Withering to Death, GAUZE, Missa
2. OBSCURE!!! :D My favorite PV/Music video of ALL time.
3. So hard to choose. @o@ But I guess I'd have to say THE FINAL or -mushi-.
4. Once again, so hard. ;~; I guess I'd have to say Shokubeni from THE CODE OF VULGAR[ism], -mushi- from 5 Ugly Kingdom, or Higeki wa Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu from It Withers and Withers Tour. Like I said, so hard to choose. @_@
5. VULGAR, hands down. I thought it was the most beautiful era, because they retained a V-Kei version of eroguro, but started to move away from V-Kei. You started to see even more of the natural beauty of them.
6. Taiyou no Ao!!! So pretty. *o*
7. Mazohyst of Decadence. The first time I heard the song, I got chills. Whenever I read the lyrics, I was left speechless.
8. Probably Mazohyst of Decadence or embryo. Because this type of thing happens every day.
9. Kaoru! His styles can change so dramatically, and every single one has a different personality.
10. TOSHIYAAAAAAAAAA!!! XD Did you see how hammered he got during the video where they were in a club??? He rubbed Kyo's teet, the lucky bastard!!! XD

Ooooooooh, "Bam's Unholy Union" is on!!! I get to hear Bam scream Dushon Mandick (I don't know how to spell it @_@)! Whooo!!! ^o^ Brandon's dressed as Ben Franklin. XDDD I'll see you guys later!
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Monday, April 9, 2007
Shout the Joy
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Lost
Herro, everyone. The rest of yesterday was pretty nice. I ate pizza for dinner (yum yum!) and got on the computer whenever my parents were watching "Rocky Balboa." I went on a lolita binge. @_@ I visited my favorite clothing labels, Candy Violet and Cute Salad. ^o^ I wish I could buy clothes from Vivcore (the parent of these two labels), though. T~T After that I visited Avant Gauche and read up on an article on Gothic Lolita fashion. Then I went on Wikipedia and read more on Gothic Lolita and I plan on researching different types of lolita like Sweet Lolita and Elegant Lolita later. It's odd that I love fashion so much, but I don't have any in mine. XD After that I watched a little of "V for Vendetta" and studied some Japanese before I went to bed.

Here's the Black/White Classic Dress Set from Candy Violet... I want it so bad. T~T
Today has been pretty uneventful, considering the fact that I've only been awake for two hours. XD My brother woke me up at 1:30 and we watched "Lost" for a little while before I ate a quesodilla. ^-^ After eating I went on the computer and checked my DIRU resources to see what was new and found my icon. >3 After that I read this article on someone's trip to a Japanese porno shop. XDDD; I wasn't suprised by any of it, but it gave me a good laugh. Now I gotta add a few more things to my "Things to Do in Japan" list. XD Once I was satisfied, I took a shower and got back on the computer again. Here I am. @_@ Some day I've had so far. I plan on researching more on lolita, making jewelry, watching a few DIRU PVs, studying Japanese, and practicing my bass.
Wellll, I guess I better do those things that I said I would. Mata ne~!
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
Ferocious Marshmellows!!! XD
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: The Fatal Believer by Dir en grey
Currently Watcing: Planet Earth
Yesterday was so much fun!!! At Best Buy my mom ordered an American copy of "Withering to Death" for me so I don't have to use the burned copy anymore-and she's paying for it!!! ^o^ I was bored and looking around in the CD section and saw that DIRU's TMOAB was on the approved list and I squeed and jumped up and down. I read what they had to say and it said something slightly like this-
"Heavy metal lyrics are hard to understand, so it should've affect anyone that they're in Japanese. "Clever Sleazoid" is extremely impressive, considering the fact that vocalist Kyo is below 5 feet tall."
*facepalm* Whenever I heard that I suddenly was thrown out of my happy coma and screamed "he's my height, dammit!!! And what does height have to do with vocals?!" XDDD; Ahaha. I'm such a scary rabid fangirl. We finally went to go see "Blades of Glory" after waiting for a couple of weeks. You guys need to see it. During one scene I laughed so hard that I was slamming myself against the seat, had tears streaming down my face, swallowed a piece of ice, and was laughing five minutes afterwards. But with a team of Will Ferrel and Jon Heder, what more can you expect??? (Oh, you get to see Jon in his underpants. XDDD Something I NEVER thought (and wanted) to see.) Later that night I listened to TMOAB and sang with the lyrics and decided to write my favorite lyric out of the whole entire album and paste it up on my wall. It's "hone no zui made aishite kure" ("love me to the marrow of my bones") from "The Fatal Believer." I thought it was weird that DIRU used that for the title of their album considering that the titles of the albums and songs are often irrelevant to whatever it's about. I put it under my Japaneseque Rock File featuring Dir en grey and add for The Family Values tour. I also decided to post the picture of Kyo Dani-chan drew for me. :3 I'm gonna post some more Kyo pictures on the wall... my wall of worship is gonna get crowded. -3-

You know you love it.... because, honestly, who can resist midly homo-erotic comedy??? XD
Today has been okay despite the fact that I ate too much candy and feel HUUUUUUUUUUGE. Whenever I woke up I saw that our baskets were out in the living room and we waited for Mom to come out and then we looked in it. We just had a buttload of candy. XD; I ate a Snickers egg and thought I was going to puke because it was so rich. X_X After that I took a shower and my dad laughed at my Easter outfit-my Squee shirt, a pair of jeans, my Kyo necklace, liquid eyeliner, and my Invader Zim wristband. Then I listened to "The Fatal Believer" and they screamed "THAT'S NOT APPROPRIATE FOR JESUS!!!" afterwards. @_@ It's a good thing they were kidding, or else I'd have to go fangirl on their ass. XD; We went to my grandma's house and hung out for a little while then ate lunch. I practiced a little Japanese whenever the rest of them were talking and drew a picture of Flopsy from the Peter Rabbit tale (we had a chocolate rabbit and there was Peter Rabbit on the cover-so cute~!!!). After a while my family teased with pictures of me whenever I was a little girl and saying "look how cute you were~! Becky, what happened?" and making fun of me. -_-' My aunt just recently got a convertable so she took us on a ride and went to her house and I got to pet her cat Boots. ^-^ He's so cute, but I haven't seen him since Christmas. Cats love me for some reason, but I'm also allergic to them. D: *sadness* Then we got back to Grandma's house and just hung out. Eventually we left, and afterwards I just layed on the couch and tried to go to sleep while watching "Seinfeld" and playing my GameBoy.

"Dear lord, thank you for giving us your only son to die for our sins... but most importantly, thank you for Kyo." XDDD;
Ugh... I feel like my allergies just bitch slapped me. @_@ Maybe if I look at some Kyo pictures or watch DIRU PVs, I'll feel better. *remembers picture of Die and Toshiya cuddling that she saved* HEY~! I feel better already!!! ^//^
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Current Mood: Relieved
Current Song: Conceived Sorrow by Dir en grey
Currenly Watching: X-Play
OH, THANK GOD!!! IT'S SPRING BREAK, FINALLY!!! >D I've been waiting for it for about 3 weeks, and it's finally here. Now I'm gonna pass out from happiness. XD
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I just had this English project on Queen Elizabeth I that I had to do in 2 days (I didn't procrastinate-it was assigned 2 days before the due date). o_o So, I had no DIRU (well, image-wise) or MyO for two days. That may not sound like a lot, but I thought I was going to die. -_- I did so much research on the paper, I was too tired from being on the computer that I took a nap afterwards. So, I'm sorry you guys, I just needed some rest. You guys really haven't missed anything, I've just did research for the project, printed out TMOAB lyrics and translations for Storm, made jewelry to sell (I decided that's how I'm going to raise money for Japan... since I made $30 in less than a month last year whenever I was making money for the Nine Inch Nails concert), and sleeping. Reeeeeeeal exciting. @_@
We didn't have to do anything in Orchestra today, so I just ate pretzels, read some Shakespeare for English, and listened to some DIRU. After a while we had to listen to some of the songs we played for contest and wrote about some of the good and bad things we did. Meh. In Art we had to finish gluing newspaper on our paper mache projects, but it doesn't look all that great. -_- Hopefully it'll look better whenever I paint it. D: During lunch we just talked and I listened to "dead tree" since it was playing in my head. In Science we picked a topic we want to do for a project at the end of the year. I chose Jupiter, since someone stole my topic for Saturn. T~T It was my friend Ally, though, so I can't be mad at her. After that we watched a video and I tried reading my Japanese grammer book, but there wasn't much light so I was straigning my eyes. In English we took a quiz on a scene out of "The Merchant of Venice" and presented our projects on the Renaissance. I really liked the presentation on Art and Music in the Renaissance, which really doesn't suprise me. @_@ I was the last person to present, and I was the only one who did the project alone, and I was shaking and blushing the entire time. -_- Even though I've gotten better at speaking in front of people, it still makes my subconsious nervous. @_@ Eventually the bell rang in the middle of my presentation, and Mrs. Mullins had me stay after class to present the rest to her. I was almost done until she stopped me and smiled. She said "Rebecca, you can stop presenting and go home now. You obviously worked really hard on this, and I'm really impressed." That made me so happy. This is the first honors/AG class I've ever been in, and always felt inferior when comparing my work to them, but meeting Mrs. Mullins standards (which can be hard to do) means that I'm one step closer to academic success. One of the reasons I can be so committed to my school work is because I want to go to Japan so badly, and if I keep up my grades, I'll have a higher chance of becoming a foreign exchange student and meeting the Japanese standards. Also, I'll be able to earn scholorships to go to a good college and get a major in Japanese, maybe a Ph.D. Am I thinking too much??? XD

I'm so happy to be on the computer again. :D One of the reasons I'm almost orgasming over spring break is because I'll be able to study more Japanese (I've been falling behind in my studies lately D:), watch more DIRU, and make more jewelry. *bounces* YAY~!!! ^-^ I can reunite with my precious Kyo once again. *sparkly eyes* XDDD;

Kyo, you little sweetheart, I missed you!!!! >w< *squishes*
Well, I hope I haven't bored you guys to tears in this post. RABUUUUUUUU~! >w<
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