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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
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*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
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Monday, March 19, 2007
Current Mood: Sleepy and hungry
Current Song: The Domestic Fucker Family by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Spongebob Squarepants (XD)
I'm sorry I haven't posted in about 4-5 days, I've been kinda busy. On Friday I went to contest with my Orchestra and I guess it was descent (we got a perfect score, BTW). My teacher bitched at me for supposed wearing the wrong stuff although she didn't really specify what to wear, so whatever. She can bite me. I sat with Storm on the bus and we listened to DIRU-and she concluded that she's totally in love with "embryo." :3 I'm so proud of her!!! ^-^ She also made me write about 3 songs' lyrics too. @_@ The only problem was that I was complaining on how my mouth was dry, and she told me to get Kyo to make it wet and went into description. o//o I started sqealing and blushing and covering my ears. XD On Saturday we didn't really do anything. -_- On Sunday we went up to my granparents' house in the mountains to get my dad's car fixed. I watched "The Silence of the Lambs" on the way up (I'm doing it for a project XD) and listened to a little of DIRU. Last night I listened to one of my Japanese CDs to see if it really was true that listening to language tapes while you sleep helps you. Well, I didn't, because I was focusing on the CD more than going to sleep. X_X

I'd love for Kyo to get my mouth wet... *coughs* @//@
Orchestra was actually good because we didn't have to play. XD Storm decided that she wanted to draw on me with sharpie, so I let her do "tattoos" on my biceps. On my left arm, she drew a sun and a moon and wrote "Becky and Kyo" in Arabic. XDDD; On the other arm she drew this weird, random picture of some girl's body and "Princess" and stitches and a ghost on my ankle (I immediately thought of the ghost tattoo on the underside of Kaoru's right forearm). @_@ I wish I had a picture of Kyo's butterfly tattoo so she could've done that. ;~; After that, she decided she wanted to do my hair and put my hair in buns before wanting to kill it. XD I hate my hair... I wish I had Kaoru hair. *sniffs* Afterwards, she decided she wanted to do my makeup too, so she put some eyeshadow and eyeliner on me. And, she drew on my pants and fussed at me for wearing pants that are too big for me. XD Yeah, that's Storm for you. In Art we had to finish painting our color wheel. *groans* I absolutely DETEST painting. It's permanent, it gets all over the place, and I feel like I have no control over it. I can't wait until the painting unit is over with. -_- But there was this guy walking out of the classroom and I almost screamed-he had on Kyo creepers. o_o I want a pair so bad, but I can't find any here. -_- During lunch I had to run to the library to print something out for science and had enough time to eat a little something for lunch. Nicole was fussing at me for wearing baggy pants and Matt told me I would be pretty hot if I wore tighter clothes. o//o I laughed at him and shook my head. I was pretty flattered by the compliment, but I know it's not true and if a guy thinks I'm hot, I don't want it to be because I'm wearing clothes I don't like. I want a guy to think I'm hot when I'm in clothes I DO like and respects me. As long as they don't say "Kyo would like it if you wore tight clothes", I think I'll be alright. XD After the lecture I put my hair in pigtails and Nicole squeed and said that I was cute. XD In Science we had a talk about our progress reports (I got a low A... yay *rolls eyes*) and watched a video on animals eating each other. @_@ I don't know what's with Mr. Lutterloh and weird animal videos. Matt thinks he's into animal porn. XDDD Matt came to sit beside me and he was a dork, as usual. X3 I love him, though. In English we took a test on the Hero's Journey for "The Odyssey." We also watched the rest of it. But my God, Caleb was fucking NASTY in that period. I don't like him in the first place, but this went over the line. He spit on the floor (IN THE BUILDING!!!), farted and waved it towards me, kept on punching me in the knee, and was constantly asking me to give him a BJ. -_- God, he's annoying. After school I watched a few Japanese videos, mostly kid's TV shows. But I finally watched this infamous Japanese potty training thing and it was, disturbing, to say the least. It was very, very Japanese. XD
Meeeeeeh, nothing's going on in the world of DIRU, and I can't download "Despair in the Womb." Stupid computer. -_- I did get this really adorable clip of Die and Kyo talking and you got to hear Kyo laugh twice!!! Usually his laugh is overlapped by Die's and Toshiya's goofy laugh, but you could hear Kyo so clearly. I started "awww"ing and playing it over and over again. XD I love me Kyo giggle! >w< Ja mata~!
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
Scooby-Doo in a Fro? o_O (sorry, weird commercial)
Current Mood: Fat (yes.... fat is TOO a mood!!! XD)
Current Song: DRAIN AWAY by Dir en grey
I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, it's just that MyO was being a buttfuck and wouldn't let me get on. I'm sorry. D: You didn't really miss anything, just that Sydney was really pissed off. I hugged him and he pushed me away and said "fuck you." Anthony then tried to say hi to him but Sydney punched him. o_o Anthony was pissed off during the rest of lunch and whenever some guy said something to him, Anthony got up and pushed him. They stood up and stared at each other for a few minutes like a punch was gonna be thrown, and the chick next to the guy started screaming "Anthony, stop!!!" and drawing attention to them. A police officer came over and Anthony sat back down, but they took him to the office. The bitch then kept on saying "ya'll need to fucking control your fucking friend. If he fucking touches him again, I'm gonna fucking kick his fucking ass!" (I didn't exaggerate what she said. This is almost exactly what she yelled at us.) I just rolled my eyes and continued studying Japanese. "Fuck" eventually loses it's impact if it's used too carelessly. Stupid whore. Nicole started screaming at her to mind her own damn business and to take it up with Anthony and I thought THEY were gonna get in a fight. @_@ God.
Before Orchestra started, I saw Sydney in the hallway. I glanced at him but looked away, worried that he was still pissed off at me. He came up and hugged me and said "I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just really angry." I nodded and told him that I understood, although my feelings were still hurt. I'm such an pussy. -_- In Orchestra we practiced our songs again and our teacher kept on playing the same thing over and over again. I guess I understand since contest is tommorow, but it doesn't stop it from being annoying. Afterwards Storm, Kimberly, and I talked about exercising and stuff and eventually talked about striptease exercising and she demonstrated for us. XDDD I love Storm, she's such a crackhead. I told Kimberly about "Zuiikin English" and she was horrified. She said "wow... they must really hate America." XD In Art we had this substitute that is such an idiot. @_@ Luckily, he didn't talk all that much so I wouldn't feel tempted to laugh at him. We started painting our color wheels, but I had trouble mixing the paints. *groans* I haaaaaate painting. -3- After about 45 minutes, we started working on extra credit. I read some of the sketchbook ideas and decided to illustrate my favorite song (since I could do who I would want to kiss *coughs*kyo*coughs* I'd be too unsatisfied with it, and I didn't have a picture of him with me without him rubbing himself XD), "THE FINAL." I don't really have a favorite song (I love too many of them), so I picked "THE FINAL", which is as close as it comes. I drew a girl with her eyes closed and sakura petals falling near the side of her face. I was gonna draw her holding a razor with her wrist slit open and lyrics flowing out of it instead of blood, but I didn't think that was very school-appropriate. :/ I was gonna draw her holding a hand of sakura petals, but I wasn't able to draw the hand right. -_- Grrr. The girl beside me asked what I was drawing and I told her a Dir en grey song... I explained by pointing to the picture of Kyo on my binder and saying "the band that guy's in." @_@ She laughed and said "you're really obsessed with him, aren't you?" XD I just said yeah and she told me that I was gonna meet him one day. *starry eyes* I told her how one of my friends got a hug from him and she said "you'll get a hug from him too... and a kiss!!!" o_o I just started blushing and covering my face. I'm such a fangirl. -//- During lunch only Stacie, Korki, and I were there. o_o It was really quiet without Nicole around, but we managed. :3 In Science we worked on a worksheet and watched a video... it was so boring that I almost fell asleep, though. My eyes kept on shutting and I'd jerk awake again. XD We had to take a quiz on it afterwards, that's why I tried so hard to keep awake. In English we read some more of "The Odyssey" and watched a little bit more of the movie. I think one of the things I liked about the ancient Greeks the most is because they induldged in their sexuality. They accepted it as a part of life, and was one of the most divine acts one could ever achieve-it brought you closer to the Gods (dammit... I can't get Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" out of my head now!!! XD). Now it's regarded as a simple pleasure and we hardly ever appreciate it for it's beauty. When I got home I watched this really funny Japanese video where they teach dirty English (XDDD), and a Japanese television show where a guy farted a song and blew a blow dart through his butt and popped a balloon. XDDD And I ate some cookies, too. I think I ate too much, though. @_@ I didn't finish my homework because I was fed up with my collage, so I'm gonna do the rest later. Besides, I'm going to contest tommorow so I won't have to go to any of my classes. :P I can do it over the weekenddddddd~! *dances*

*looks Kyo up and down* Mhmmm... that's my sexual appreciation for the day. ^o~
Tommorow on the bus I plan on sitting beside Storm and we can both listen to DIRU and I'll practice some Japanese. :3 Hopefully we won't be too terrible. XD Mata ne~!
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
No One Will Hold You Back Now
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: Lacrymosa by Evanescence
Ugh, trying to go to sleep last night was hell. >_< I had taken a three hour nap before hand, and I woke up to eat dinner and take a shower. Two hours later, I had to go back to sleep again. -_- Don't get me wrong, I LOOOOOOOOOVE my sleep, but I wanted to stay up! So I layed in my bed for about 45-60 minutes before I fell asleep. I guess it didn't really help that I kept on thinking of going to a DIRU concert and meeting them and Kyo letting me look at his tattoos (XDDD I'm such a dork) and then I had a seperate dream of me and Kyo. *ahem*

*tries not to explode in her pants... and fails*
Today has been alright, it's just that I've felt really pissy today. I guess it's because my period should come up in a few days, but still. Usually I just really hurt before hand. Whenever I got at school I showed my friends my "I love Kyo" wristband and they all laughed. They told me that it was definately MY wristband. XD Anyhow, in Orchestra, Mrs. Ross wasn't there, so we played through our music and our teacher let us do whatever the hell we wanted. Which was saying a lot, since the period lasted about 3 hours since the sophomores were taking a writing test. o_o I studied some Japanese and mouthed the words to a couple of DIRU songs and listened to all of "Kisou." I eventually got pretty tired and layed my head to go to sleep, but our teacher told us it was time to leave. -_- Damn!!! In Art we worked more on our collages and apparently we're going to start painting tommorow. I'm dreading it, since I haven't painted in about 5 years. o_o Scary, ne? In Lunch I got a little irritated with Anthony. It was funny the first few times he molested me, but now it's just getting ridiculous. I just want him to leave me alone. And he keeps on talking to me about girl sex because I teasingly said that "I want to learn how to have girl sex." I don't know, maybe it's this PMS. I moved away from Nicole before she could eat any of my pudding, and sat with Korki and Thu (her boyfriend) and-she kept on grabbing his crotch and he woudl get so embarassed because they were out in public. XD They're so cute together. >w< In Science we went over the physical science of our state (ooooh, yippee. I don't give a fuck), but I basically ignored him and studied Japanese the entire time. @_@ It's not my fault I have no interest in where I live-if North Carolina wants me to be interested in it, maybe it should try harder. XD In English we talked about "The Odyssey" and read a little bit more of it. It's interesting, and it's cool to dig deeper into the realm of Greek mythology. The only problem was whenever they kept on saying "prophet", I wanted to scream out "KYOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" XD When I got home, I watched four performances from my 5 Ugly Kingdom DVD since I craved the live performance of "Bottom of the death valley" and "24ko Cylinders." I played "Karma" to show my brother how bitchin' Kaoru's guitar playing is. >3

You just KNOW that that guitar and whoever he's looking at is his bitch.
I have a couple of Japanese questions. What does "aijou" mean? I know it has something to do with love, but what is it? Also, does "todokanai" mean endless? Thanks in advace. ^-^
I need to study some more Japanese and I've been craving the PV for "OBSCURE" and "GRIEF." I guess I better take care of that now. Mata ashita!!!
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Monday, March 12, 2007
I'm an Ass Sorceror~! XD
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: The Deeper Vileness by Dir en grey
I'm sorry I haven't updated in the past three days! I was spending the night at Nicole's house all weekend. On Friday we basically camwhored, watched "Jackass 2", and she searched the computer for all of her crappy emo bands. For those who want to see "Jackass", make a note that it's 10x nastier than the first one, and be prepared to see TONS of naked people. Even Weeman is naked. o_o So be prepared for that. @_@ Anyway, that was fun except for getting images burned into my brain that I'll never erase and having to suffer through all the sucky bands. -_- On Saturday we she surfed the computer more but I finally made her go on my Photobucket account so I could get some Kyo goodness into my life. ^-^V Also, I made her read the only fanfiction that I'll read and she got to see me cry. XDDD; She made fun of me and told me that it wasn't all that original, but whatever. I hate saying it, but you really have to be a DIRU fan and have a relative understanding of Kyo to get it. After a while we had to go get my brother and we walked to my house. I grabbed TMOAB since I was going crazy from the lack of DIRU. XD After that we watched some TV and ate some food and cake for Nicole's birthday party. We eventually watched some of Carlos Mencia's stand-up special and the "Axes of Evil" stand-up comedy tour. If you have any time to catch it-DO IT. That was the funniest thing I've seen in a while. After that we went to the mall and went to Claire's, Hot Topic, and Spencers. It's been forever since I actually went shopping, so I felt like a spoiled little rich girl hanging bags off of my arms. Granted, I only bought $14 worth of stuff, but still. X_X At Claire's I bought 3 bangles (one sparkly black one, one zebra print one, and one black one with stars) and a big ass ring that covers half of my finger. XDDD At Hot Topic (I didn't really wanna go, but eh) I got this Fruits Baskets wristband that says "I LOVE KYO." Despite the fact that it was Furuba (I think furoba everytime I hear that @_@), I (of course) meant it in the DIRU way. XD; I also made a donation to the Hot Topic foundation for music because I'd feel bad if I didn't. -3- At Spencers we drooled over the Avenged Sevenfold batskull shirts (I want one so bad... D:) and I giggled at some of the adult products. XD However, I did get this really awesome necklace that's a nail. It's a "Passion of the Christ" product, but still. Who can resist a nail necklace?! Nicole bought an action figure of Patrick (from Fall Out Boy) and I thought she was going to die. @_@ I started complaining on how DIRU doesn't have any action figures or plushies or stuff like that, but then again, I think Kyo would rather take a bullet in the head than see a fangirl squealing over how adorable his plushie is. XD; Poor Kyo-kun. That night we eventually fell asleep while watching "Jackass." XD She woke me up by moaning. -_- She keeps on moaning whenever she sleeps, it's kinda disturbing. o_O On Sunday I woke up from my mom calling my cell phone and asked me when I was coming home. x_x I packed up my shit and told Nicole happy birthday before Mom came over and took me away. After leaving Nicole's house, my family and I went to go get something to eat at the mall (since my brother wanted a belt) and then went to Target. I got those pair of shoes I talked about last week and I'm so happy-I don't have to wear leather anymore!!! \^o^/ After that, we went to the movies to see "300." OMG. You guys need to go see that movie. It's not a want. It's a need. It's beautiful, passionate, dramatic, and just breathtaking. I'm not saying this just because I'm interested in the Greek culture, I've heard this from people who know nothing about it. You can't live life fully without seeing this movie. (One warning-there's a few sex scenes and some nudity, so don't go with your parents. If you do, cover your eyes and peek between them-that's what I did. XD)

King Leonidas on the battle field.
Today was mediocre, but I'd rather have it be that than bad. Whenever I woke up I wanted to throw myself against the dresser. -_- I HATE daylight savings time. Thank God it only lasts 3 weeks. In Orchestra my teachers were bitching again, but not all that bad. They were more frustrated than just being evil. The only problem was that I thought I had started my period. o_o Luckily, it was just my imagination. In Art we started on a project where we had to create a collage of picture of just one picture-I decided to do red. That was pretty boring and time consuming. -_- During Lunch I kept on getting harassed and Nicole put her finger in my pudding again. >( Bitch. Everyone was telling me that I looked skinny because I was actually wearing a girls' t-shirt that fit me (XD) and Matt even told me I looked pretty. *blushes* ^//^ I had to ask him if he was blind, though. XD He just told me "I can see through people." *rolls eyes* Yeah, yeah. He was just being nice. In Science we sat through another boring and long lecture and I read a little bit of "Japanese for Dummies" and wrote a few lyrics in my head down. Mr. Lutterloh kept on making fun of me for writing on myself. I know that I'm gonna have an assload of tattoos when I grow up because I already have so much ink on me. XD In English we watched the rest of "Indiana Jones" and I daydreamed about Kyo. It didn't get too graphic, but it was WONDERFUL. *melts* After we discussed "Indiana Jones", we took a quiz on "The Odyssey" and the story of why the Trojan War started. I probably did badly, but I should know better since I grew up on Greek tales (my family's not Greek but you'd think we were if you looked at me, watched the movies we watched, and heard us complain complain about how we want Greek food XD). -_- At the tree outside, I found out that Nicole stole my iPod! I got so pissed at her, I tried going after her, but Anthony held me back. I asked her if she took my Kyo pictures and she said "ew, no! Why would I want those?!" So I started chasing her but Anthony held me back and I fell on my ass. XD; I'm such a dork-I get pissed off if you steal my Kyo pictures, but I also get pissed if you don't want to. @_@

... *squirms* That's enough to fuel my fantasies for a week. XD
I'm sorry this post was so long, I just wanted to fill you guys in on why I was gone. Nicole said she will probably have the pictures uploaded by the weekend (I know, I'm sorry that you guys have to wait so long-it's just that her USB cord only works on her dad's computer). Well, I'll stop pestering you guys. Mata ne~!
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
Mmm, ass. (Sorry, blame X-Play XD)
Current Mood: Headbang-y
Current Song: Death Sex by The Distillers
Hello~. Today was pretty good. :3 In Orchestra, we got bitched at more than usual. o_O And suprisingly, it wasn't by Mrs. Ross, it was by our other teacher (who's usually nice). So I was kinda confused, but decided to just let him get it out. It's not like anyone really listens to them anyway. @_@ But I thought I was going to fucking DIE... one of the viola players whispered "I think RJ's" (our teacher) "having his time of the month." XDDD Everyone in the viola section heard it and I had to stop playing because I was trying so hard not to laugh. XD; In Art I shaded my Kyo picture a little more (Mrs. Parnell decided that I needed to shade it a little more), and it looks slightly better. :/ And she gave me this thing to spray on the picture that'd prevent the pencil from smearing. :D I was so happy, I sprayed away. X3 Afterwards I had about 3/4 of the class left, so I started drawing Kyo from the "24ko Cylinders" performance from 5 Ugly Kingdom, but didn't like it and erased it before I got too far. Afterward I shaded my tattoo a little more (I did Kyo's crown tattoo-I plan on getting it tattooed on my LEFT wrist-not my right, like his-and I may write "the empress is dead" instead of "the emporer is dead") and talked to the chick next to me about Japanese since she wants to learn a little. Lunch was lunch. Matt did make fun of me for wearing my Dir en grey t-shirt, though. ;~; He said "do you wear the same thing everyday?" I wear it once a week. -_- I guess he just notices it more since a zombie-skull-weird thing is screaming at him. XD In Science we took a test (apparently I did well because my science teacher said "not too bad, Rebecca" once he was done grading it o_O), played "slaps" with Matt (where we slap each other until we eventually give in-I was the one to give in first -3-) and watched a video where animals fought each other. XDDD Korki and I shared a chair and sat beside Matt while we commented on animal sex since it showed crabs gettin' busy. @_@ Yeah, we're disturbing. In English we just watched some more of Indiana Jones. Some nazis were in the movie and there was this scene that was so haunting... there were banners with swastikas on them hanging all over the place and they were burning books with Jewish authors. But, the scary thing was that there was this music that sounded so happy. I don't suppose that they would be playing heavy metal or something like that, but it made me remember that they thought they were doing the right thing. It's still so puzzling and frightening that they were celebrating over spilled blood. Not only of men and women, but of children as well. What's the most frightening is that there are still people out there carrying those same beliefs. It's just so scary thinking about all of the things that people try to hide away in this world. I've decided that if I ever get in a band and get famous (I highly doubt it, but still...), I want to do a music video like that scene. After school I headed up to the art room and waited for Nicole to come up with her camera to take a picture of the Kyo drawing. I didn't find her and called her, but no answer. I went outside to see if she was standing at the tree, but she still wasn't there. So I went up to the art room and called her again, but she still didn't answer. While I was talking to Mrs. Parnell, she called me and I told her to get up there and take the picture. But she kept on screaming at me that our ride was alrady there, but I told her that it would only take a minute to get the picture. Eventually we had a 6 minute long sqeaking match. Whenever I get pissed off, my voice get super-high. XDDD She hung up and called me again and came up to the art room and screamed at me to go outside, but I yelled at her to take the picture when she was already in the room. She yelled "I can't! My camera's at home, charging!!!"
-_- I was so pissed off. Why couldn't she have told me that in the first place, that would have saved like a good 10 minutes!!! So I took my shoe off and chased her with it and hit her about 2 times. XD I'm sorry you guys, I was really upset. She said she'd take the picture tommorow. If she doesn't, Nicole and I will have to fight to the death. *rolls up sleeves*

Don't worry-if she doesn't take the picture tommorow, I'll get Kyo on her. Trust me, you don't wanna fuck with the man with the eyeball in his mouth. XDDD
I really need to study Japanese and exercise more. I guess I'll work on that right now. Mata ne!!!
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
What do you get....
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: THE FINAL by Dir en grey
*laughs* Thanks for all of the positive feedback on my whole "am I really a true Kyo fan" thing. I know that I'm not the biggest Kyo fan, and I decided that it wouldn't matter if I was. As long as I'm supporting DIRU and Kyo, that's all that matters. And I imagined Kyo receiving the results of who his biggest fan was. It went something like this-
Surveyor: Kyo-san! We have the results of who your biggest fan is! Their name is (whoeverthehell'sname)!
Kyo: *blinks* Okay. Can I go back to sleep now?
XDDD Yup, that's Kyo. I also read some of the "Deadly Claris" manga that they sold at some of the American concerts. I was only able to read a few pages, and I wasn't able to understand all of it (because I only read yonkyuu level kanji), but I started laughing. XD Okay, so from what I could tell, Kyo was some type of demon-prince person. I think he was walking in his palace, but some girl was chasing a butterfly and it landed on his arm (where his butterfly tattoo would be-it even had the Russian underneath it). The girl asked if he would give it to her, and he smiled before ripping it apart. I'm sure he said something cruel to her, I just couldn't read it. The reason I laughed was because Kyo acts like such a tough guy but he's a total sweetheart. I mean, he stands up for Shinya whenever he's picked on sometimes, he loves Toshiya's cat even though it hates him (XD), and gives some of his fans hugs. Haha! Kyo is a sweetie, Kyo is a sweetie~! *dances around* (Sorry, that "Deadly Claris" thing was totally random. But if you guys, want to read it, here's the link. XD)

KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAA!!! I'm sorry, I couldn't resist!!! XD
In Orchestra we worked on some pieces and got bitched at by Mrs. Ross. *rolls eyes* I had to use the bathroom, and she said, "okay, but this is the last time until contest." I think contest is a month or so off, but whatever. If I have to use the bathroom, she can kiss my ass! I'm tired of her constant bitching, not only at me, but at all of my classmates as well. It's fucking ridiculous. Anyway, Art was much better. I finally finished my Kyo picture!!! \^o^/ I had to shade until my hands cramped (since the background is grey and his suit is black @_@), but it looks good. :3 The weird thing is, it looks better up close than it does from far away. o_o I guess it's because I shaded his face so lightly (I was afraid that I was going to fuck it up again T~T), so you can't really distinguish his face from his neck. -3- I was complaining about it but the chick next to me was like "it's good!!! It looks just like him!!!" XDDD During lunch I had pudding and pineapples (not together o_O) and it was soooooo good. *drools* I haven't had pudding in forever, so I was so happy. ^-^ It pissed me off a little, because Nicole kept on sticking her fingers in it. >_< I don't know where the fuck her hands have been!!! So I ran to the other side of cafeteria and glared at her while I ate my pudding. XDDD Afterwards we went up to the art room to take a picture of my Kyo drawing for you guys, but it was locked!!! D: I was so pissed off, but not to worry-I'll take the picture tommorow. In Science we worked on a study guide for our test tommorow, and Olivia worked with me. -_-' She's nice and everything, but good lord, she talks too fucking much!!! I thought my head was going to explode. *signs* Korki eventually came up and sat with me in my chair and made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to die. She told me a joke that I haven't heard in forever!!! Out of the blue, she whispered "what do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord? ... my ass." XDDD I started giggling hysterically and we continued talking about the crackhead-iness of "Kung Pow!" XD In English we watched some more of "Indiana Jones" and went to an assembly. It was on the U.S. Army, so I completely ignored it, of course. I fucking HATE the army. I think it's great that people are so patriotic, but I hate the thought of being paid to kill each other. :/ They did a routine that was really cool, though. I can appreciate art. Just not the army. The entire time I was outlining this chibi picture of me hugging Kyo and him frantically trying to get away. XD Good news, though-Nicole was able to take a picture of that! I'll put the picture of Kyo I drew in art and my chibi picture in the same post. I'll probably have it by Thursday or Friday. ^-^
Well, I guess I better get started on the tattoo picture that's due tommorow. @_@ I decided to draw Kyo's crown tattoo on his right wrist and the (French... I think?) words underneath it that say "the emporer is dead", because I want it when I turn 18. Plus, it looks bitchin'. >D Mata ne~!!!
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Taste the Destiny
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Lie Buried With a Vengeance by Dir en grey
Yay~!!! Last night I finally got to contact the webmistress of my favorite Kyo fansite! ^o^ I hope we get to be good friends, she seems like a really great fan. :3 The only problem was, I got to thinking, "am I really all that great of a Kyo fan?" I know I talk about him constantly, but it's more about his looks than anything. Yes, he's a GORGEOUS man, but am I really dedicated whenever I mainly focus on my lust towards him? Too often I go into my super horny "OmFG, KYo iS LKe SO eFgINg HAwT~!!! HeLl YEAH~!" fangirl mode. Do I really appreciate the massive talent he posses? Am I really a fan? After that, I read the only DIRU fanfiction that I'll agree to read (for some reason, I can't read fanfictions o_O) and once again sobbed like a baby whenever I read it. @_@ It's just so damn sad, and the thought of the possibility of Kyo feeling that way and suffering like that just tears my heart apart. *sighs* I'm way too fucking sensitive.
In Orchestra, our teachers weren't too hard on us. That made me really happy, and we got like 15-20 minutes to ourselves so I was able to give Storm some advice. Apparently she likes some guy and doesn't know how to get to know him. Hopefully I was some help. In Art, I actually was able to work on Kyo's facial features today!!! :D I finished up his nose, drew his eyes, and finished his mouth!!! I'm so damn happy!!! >w< But whenever I was asking Ms. Parnell for advice on drawing his lips, she looked at the picture for a moment before saying "he has big lips, doesn't he?" I guess she sensed the swooning in my voice whenever I dreamily sighed "yeeeeah..." or could just tell from the way I overreact over every single little detail on the picture, but she grinned and said "ooh, all the better to kiss Rebecca with!" I just blushed, smiled, and put my forehead on the table and was able to stop my fangirly giggle. @_@ The picture was looking GREAT, and I was actually satisfied with it. So I started smudging the shade on his face, and went over his mouth and accidentally got the black from his mouth all over the rest of his face. >_< I almost started screaming, I was so upset. I kept on gasping "no! no!!!" and buried my face in my hands. Ugh, I was so pissed off. So I erased his lips and started working on his buttons. Still, I was SO upset, because I had gotten it PERFECTLY. *headdesks* Damn. We also have homework that's due by Thursday, and it's to design a tattoo for us or someone else. I don't know wheather to draw one of my previous planned tattoos (I have all of the tattoos and piercings I want mapped out already for when I turn 18 XD) or just be lazy and draw one of Kyo's tattoos. Then again, that might be a little difficult since he's been taking an assload of trips to the tattoo parlor lately. o_o I may just draw his butterfly tattoo. ^-^ During lunch I kept on complaining about my picture (XD drama queen, much?) and eventually went up to the art room with Korki and Nicole to show them what I had so far. Whenever I told Nicole how Mr. Parnell said that Kyo has big lips, she just said "he's got dick sucking lips." XDDD Yeah, that's our normal coversations. @_@ Korki's picture makes me feel terrible... she's such a great artist, and seems to have every single little detail down perfectfully. My picture is still better than what I usually do, so I'm trying to not complain too much. In Science we watched a 15 minute video and then worked on a paper model of Pangea the rest of the time. I got to work with Korki, so we had a fun little conversation. :3 During English we discussed more archetypes and watched a little bit of "Indiana Jones." XD Our English class ROCKS. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling all that great and felt like I was gonna puke. I pushed myself to stay, though, because I needed to work on Kyo's lips after school. After school I headed to the art room and found Nicole there, of course. I immediately started working on Kyo's lips and actually got them back to a pretty descent state. -_- I wish I had them the way they were, though. *sniffles* But, Ms. Parnell's son, Christian (who's SUPER cute and is an amazing artist), looked at my picture and said "that's really good!!! It looks exactly like the picture!" ^//^ I thanked him and I'm so flattered that he said it to me. *giggles* I'm thinking of posting up the picture in a fanart for some Kyo fansite (and of course, I'll put it up here too). Anyway, he asked me what I thought of his picture and once again, I was really flattered that he even cared about my opinion. I told him it was really good, because it is. It looks just like the photograph, and I'm not saying that to be nice. And one word to the wise-don't walk home in high heels. >_O
BTW, Nae-chan, thank you SO much for that compliment. I giggled and went "awwwwww!!!" whenever I read it. XD Sadly, I'm not the biggest Kyo fan ever (I wish I was), but I hope one day I'll be able to get there. :)

Look at the way the sunlight just hits him so perfectly... I was left breathless whenever I found this. How can I NOT worship such a God?
Well, my dad needs to get on the computer for some work. I love you guys. Mata ne~!!!
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Monday, March 5, 2007
Bladder Damage Builds Character! XD
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: undecided by Dir en grey
Today has been pretty nice! Yay!!! ^o^ Whenever I got to school I whipped out my issue of "Revolver" and turned it to the DIRU article and pointed to the picture of Kyo and said "okay. This is your God..." *and I turned to the next page and pointed to DIRU "... and this is the band that rapes you at night." XD Then Anthony ripped it out of my hands and pressed it against his crotch!!! ;o; I started yelling "NO! My crotch magazine!!!" X3 Then I turned to the Kittie article and said "okay, this is Morgan. She's my walking orgasm." XD Then he took it from me again and I had to scream and he grabbed me and I started screaming some more then people nearby walked away. XDDD; Oops. I found out the perfect way to actually enjoy orchestra-have Kyo fantasies~!!! I had a rather graphic but satisfying daydream as our teacher picked apart every little theing abou the way we played... but I was happy. ^//^ In Art we worked more on our grid pictures, but I didn't have such a good time with it. o_o I did pretty well with the ear, but then I got to his eyes. FUCK. I thought his eyes were going to be pretty easy, but I was wrong and stupid. -_- It doesn't really hit me how intricate and beautiful Kyo's eyes are until you actually look at them for a while. I kept on screwing it up and I probably put my face in my hands and growled more than a depressed monkey would do. @_@ Luckily, I was able to do the outline of his face, jacket, tie, and buttons with ease. I also finished his nose (although I need to shade his nose piercing), and started on his luscious, beautiful, rich, rich lips... oh, God. o_o

*runs to bedroom to finish her orgasm and change her underwear*
Okay, back. *eye twitches* I'll be done as soon as I finish his lips, eyes, buttons, and all the shading. I was talking about how I was happy that I didn't have to draw his eyebrows (since they're shaved in that picture) and the chick beside me said "he SHAVED his eyebrows?" XD I just said "yeah"... I knew I should've drawn a picture from the "saku" photoshoot!!! >3 At lunch we had a pretty nice time and I found out that Nicole is going to meet Fall Out Boy (since she joined their fan club). I'm really happy for her, and that I don't have to go with her. ^-^V I told her that DIRU is thinking of making an American [a knot] and she was really happy and told me that I better join. -_- Dude, if DIRU has an American [a knot], I'm gonna be one of the first fucking people to join. XD; She told me that I should be the vice-president (only vice-president since I'm underage @_@). XD Stacie also got her first dose of DIRU (since she asked me why I liked Kyo so much. I told her that he was sexy, beautiful, had a gorgeous voice, etc. so I let her listen to a few songs to prove it) and she liked it!!! ^o^ Yay, I popped her DIRU cherry~!!! X3 I said I was going to hump her for saying Kyo had a beautiful voice but she ran away. @_@; In Science I stared at the ceiling for a little while and came up with a crappy little song called "Decomposed" (my songs have been super ero-guro lately o_o), then daydreamed about Kyo again while we were watching a video on earthquakes. X_X In English we had a substitute, so I just listened to my iPod while doing all the work. I'm really dissapointed that "undecided" isn't a more popular DIRU song. It's so beautiful and the lyrics flow like silk in the wind. Why don't more people know about it?! ;o; After school was pretty fun. We basically just acted like a bunch of idiots and giggled our asses off. XD; Always good fun.
undecided by Dir en grey (it's the crappy official translation, but it's better than nothing, ne? :/)
There is no where these two can go having their backs to
each other
They can not ecen hear the sounds of the rain that pours
They walk with their backs to each other, where will they go
One by one their footsteps disappears.....
Change me into a memory and head to the new ocean
I wish you happiness from the heart
There is happiness behind the tears
But behind the tears you are not there
I don't want to part from you
But your words stab my heart, do you see??
I don't want to part from you but
The waves are erasing your footsteps one bye one
With the changes of the 4 seasons
Maybe its too late but I want to hold your hand
With the changes of the 4 seasons
There will always be a hello and a goodbye, and a hello to you.
Hm, I guess I should go check all of my DIRU sites and see what's up. Loves~!
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Sunday, March 4, 2007
Has my head gone mad?
Current Mood: Depressed
Current Song: Lie Buried with a Vengeance by Dir en grey
Nothing really happened since I last posted except for the fact that I watched "Uzumaki" (probably the crappiest Japanese movie I've seen-don't waste your time with it) and got the April issue of "Revolver", the one with DIRU in it. It basically just covered facts and background, but that's kinda what I expected. It still had a picture of them and a picture of Kyo, so I'm happy. ^-^ I personally think the best part of the article was whenever poor little Die-kun was complaining about how you couldn't find bidets (toilets often found in Japan that wash off your rear end after using the toilet) in America. XD Oh, dear. I was a little taken aback, though, because Kaoru mentioned that he doesn't really think that American fans know what they're singing whenever they sing along with them at concerts. Um... Kaoru-kun, most of your fans speak at least a little Japanese. AND, some fans are extremely fluent and are able to translate Kyo's lyrics so we can understand them. It pissed me off a little bit, but there's no way I can stay mad at Kaoru. *squishes* Besides, America isn't really all that famous for knowing other languages. o_o Anyways, there was also a really cool article on Kittie in "Revolver" too. And Morgan.... *drools* OMFG, she looks so HOT. I wanted to lick the page whenever I saw her on the table of contents. XD; I love Kittie since they're an all girl hard rock band and prove that chicks CAN kick guys' ass when it comes to music. >D Kyo and Morgan are my most important influences when it comes to putting passion into my lyrics and music. And, in my eyes, if you're up there with Kyo, you're pretty damn important. Anyway, the article was really funny because they were shopping at the beginning of it and Morgan randomly said "I wanna fuck a loose whore." XDDD Kittie reminds me so much of me and my friends. Also, I was looking around on Batsu and saw a conversation saying that DIRU might start an American [a knot]. It was a real coinsidence, considering that I was talking to Nicole how it was unfair how only fans living in Japan can join [a knot]. I hope they do make one (in fact, I hope they make an international [a knot], that way all fans can join) so I will be able to have all the DIRU goodness that I crave. ^-^

Here's a picture of Kittie. Morgan is the third from the left. ^-^ I also have a little crush on their bassist, Trish (the girl second from the left). @_@;
Today hasn't been all that great... not bad, I guess, though. I woke up and kinda layed around for a little while until we finally got our act together and went to a Mexican restaurant. My brother kept on teasing me that I looked extremely pale today because I was wearing red lipstick, and I told him that it wasn't really an insult since I strive to look this white. He just looked at me weird after I laughed whenever he told me I looked dead. @_@ The waiter was really nice to us and I had a vegetarian special, that had a side of beans and a cheese chalupa. :3 'Twas very tasty. Afterwards, we went to Target and I visited the shoes section. I want some new shoes, since mine are made out of leather, and that's against my beliefs. I feel terrible everytime I wear it, it's the same as eating meat to me. So I was looking as some shoes and found this really bitchin' pair of slip ons that were my size and only about $14. Unfortunately, I know I wouldn't be able to have them since I know that my family's tight on money since my dad's unemployment check has run out. I mentioned the shoes to them and I immediately wished I hadn't, because I knew it made my dad upset. I got suddenly depressed afterwards, and it felt like someone put a load of bricks on my back. I don't know why it happened, and it was so sudden. I don't understand myself. Whenever we were checking out, I looked at myself in a mirror and couldn't help but be disgusted. I'm so ugly and so fat. I wish I could be someone else. I'm losing weight, so please don't assume that I'm whining without actually doing something about it, but it just seems that it's not happening fast enough. I wanted to cry and smash the mirror. I'm never good enough for myself.
I want to exercise, but I just don't have the energy. I'm still depressed, my head hurts, my eyes sting and it feels like I'm going to cry, and I'm hungry (but I'm not going to eat anything because I don't want to build up on the fat). I feel like going to sleep. I wish I wasn't like this.
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Friday, March 2, 2007
Yay for Europe!!!
Current Mood: Okay
Current Song: reddish (diva version) by D'espairsRay
YAY!!! "THE MARROW OF A BONE" came out in Europe today! That means more album sales, more popularity, and more publicity for DIRU!!! ^o^ Yay!!! I hope all of my European friends (that means you, Veronika-chan~!) gets their copy. ^-^
Today in Orchestra the girl who asked me about my pants size wasn't there today, so that made me feel a little better. I also got a few compliments on my outfit (an empire waist tanktop, my Kyo shirt, my dark wash jeans, my dominatrix boots XD, and Kyo necklace) and said that I looked pretty. XDDD; I wasn't wearing as much makeup as usual, so maybe that helped. I dunno. After Orchestra we went to homebase and we got our GPAs and a booklet to decide what to pick for our classes next year. I was so pissed off because I found out that they DON'T have Japanese, like they said they would. I waited for it and looked so forward to it, that I felt a little crushed. I guess I'll get over it and take German if it doesn't work out. In Art I worked more on my Kyo picture and finished almost all of his hair. I really wish I had picked a different picture, since his hair is multitonal and a pain in the ass to draw. >_< Right now I'm working on his ear (OMFG, HIS EARS ARE SO ADORABLY CUTE!!! >w< I want to kiss them X3) and soon I'll be on his eyes. While I was drawing him, I felt so insignificant and little. It reminded me of this really tacky line from "SLC Punk!" where a girl said something along the lines of "I'm an insect staring up at a god." I'm so imperfect, and when I look at him, I see everything I wish I could have. He's so gorgeous, he's an amazing lyricist, can captivate an audience that doesn't even speak the same tongue as he does, and is just so breathtaking. There's no real word to describe the way I feel about him except for "moeru" (to feel a burning passion towards someone or something that devours your entire soul), and that still doesn't even cover it. I started listening to some DIRU to really get in the spirit of drawing Kyo and I've finished about 1/4-1/5 of it already. ^-^ During lunch I had to finish something for science since I forgot it last night (-_-) and fill out a form for the guidance councelor (so I could discuss wheather or not I could take Japanese at the local community college-if they have it-and still get high school credit for it). I got about five minutes to talk to my friends, and I didn't get to eat anything. ;~; In Science, our teacher discussed our course planning with us. Here's what I'm going to do (if Japanese isn't available)-
1. English 2 (Honors)
2. Biology
3. Geometry
4. Visual Arts 2
5. Fashion Design 1
6. German 1
7. German 2
8. World History
9. Foods 1
10. Health (it's basically learning how to take care of people)
I worked on it while he was talking, but I did listen to most of it. In English we took a test that revieled our subconsious. I learned that I have a relatively happy outlook on my life, I'm a person who is comfortable with herself and doesn't need to impress people with looks, love is a very delicate and important thing to me and I often indulge in it, and that I'm a very passionate person. I knew all of that already, but it was cool that my subconsious revealed that. I normally am able to interpret things, but I guess that's gone away for a while since I'm not all that into Wicca anymore. I mean, it's still my primary religion, but I'm not super-Wiccan like I used to be. But while we were interpreting this, everyone got to eat pizza, but I wasn't able to because I didn't pay for any. But I was so damn hungry, because I hadn't eaten anything about 8:30 last night. o_o Luckily, the teacher took pity on me and let me eat some. ^-^
... I was gonna post the picture of Kyo I'm drawing, but Photobucket is being a bitch. So here's this-

Ewwwwwww.... my Mom's watching "Tyra." ;o; I want to stab my head. XD And, with her home, I'll probably not be able to have enough time on the computer. -_- I guess I'll just watch some movies I got from Blockbuster Online. Whoo~!
DUDE. I just watched THE best movie-it's now my favorite Japanese movies and probably my favorite movie of all time. It's called "Shimotsuma Monogatari" (it's American name is "Kamikaze Girls"), and is kinda like "Nana." It's about a girl named Momoko (played by Fukuda Kyoko), an emotionally detactched lolita. She loves BTSSB (the lolita fashion lable Baby The Stars Shine Bright) and really wants nothing more than to wear BTSSB. She runs into a yanki Biker-chick named Ichiko (played by Tsuchiya Anna) and they become an unlikely pair of friends. It's an awesome movie and shows you how important friendship really is. I high recommend it for fans of "Nana" and lolitas. :3

Momoko-chan (top) and Ichiko-sama. ^o~V Click here to visit "Kamikaze Girls"' American website!
Ano, I guess I better go since one of my favorite episodes of "Scrubs" in on. >3 Mata ne~!
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