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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
All In Your Face Like Slimy Goo
Current Mood: Fangirl-y
Current Song:
Ohhh, God... -_- I can't get these fantasies of Kyo out of my head. I usually have a nice one every other day or so (yes, I'm a perv, leave me alone!!! T~T), but lately I'm having three or four every day. In Algebra and Civics today I kept on daydreaming and eventually had to snap back to reality and put back the pieces of what I missed. Normally, people just see in daydreams, but this isn't so with me. I'm devoured by it. I see, smell, feel, taste, and hear my dreams so it's like the dream is a reality and the reality is the dream. And it's not just that these daydreams are becoming increasingly regular, but that they're also becoming increasingly vulgar. I start blushing and trying not to smile in the middle of class and I start getting paranoid, like I someone knows what I'm thinking. *sighs* I think I'm gonna have to deprive myself of Kyo SEXINESS and just focus on Kyo cuteness and beauty for now. Here's a song that describes how I feel-
ZOMBOID by Dir en grey
The nurses, the costume player lick me
can not hold it in anymore, time to explode
All in your face like a slimy goo
It was less then 5 minutes
but it was a trip, a trap, a S trip
Inside your mouth like a slimy goo
In the 80's the SM were my adolesence
Midori, Eri and Jun
Those shaded areas were unnecessary. Pissed me off.
But now I am an adult
Stopped watching videos and now I go to special shops.
Got girls from the alps, I get horny.
A small park in Shinjuku and a Building in Gotanda 4th Floor
I watch and see. Do you see??
Can not be a bi now
So I think hard and destroy the theory
Dick Addiction slimy goo
Sweet My Honey
High transplay
*cries* Goddamn you, Kyo. Goddamn you and your unresitable-ness. Anyhow, today was veeeeeeeeeeery nice. In Orchestra, the New York kids came back but they didn't make us play since the kids who went to N.Y. had to the entire trip. So, I talked to my friend Jesse, who used to be my best friend last year whenever Melody drifted away, since I haven't seen her in forever. She's exactly the same as she was since the summer, so I'm happy to see that. ^-^ While I was talking to her and she was terrorising Preston and Cole, I practiced my Japanese, so that made me happy. I also got to take a nice, half hour nap. O^o^O *dances* In Algebra I suffered through the idiocy of my teacher, tried not to fall asleep, and accidentally daydreamed about Kyo a few times. -3- Health was the best period by far because we got to spend the entire period in the library AGAIN and I had finished my project the previous day. So what does that mean? Dir en grey, of course!!! >D I spent the entire time e-mailing Chasity (even though she was sitting right beside me XDDD) and staring at glorious, glorious pictures of DIRU (although one girl said Kyo was ugly T~T). So I'm a happy Momo. :) At lunch Steven was really happy and it was sweet to see Chasity and Steven so happy with each other (they're boyfriend and girlfriend now). They also said they wanted to hook me up with Justin, her stepbrother, even though Chasity's tried to do that ever since the beginning of the year. XD I'm willing to, and I want to get to know him, but I never talk to him outside of school. And, when I try to, he gets too shy and doesn't talk to me. -_- But it was really sweet whenever Chasity told me that whenever she starts talking about girls he should go out with, he says "No! I like Becky!" ^//^ And he did tell me I was a beautiful girl. o^//^ So sweet!!! In Civics all I really did was struggle to pay attention (although I failed terribly) and scribble the kanji for "kisou" all over my paper. >3 After school I sat with Chasity and Justin to try to get him to talk to me, but once again, he was too shy and started talking to his friend. Dylan came up and started talking to me, so I wasn't bored, but I still thought it was kinda sweet that Justin was too shy to talk. Afterwards, I went back up to the tree and all my friends started teasing me and telling me to "stop talking to boys" and that "you don't love us anymore." @_@ Stacie pretended that she didn't love me anymore and I started fake crying and hugged her, even though she tried to get away. Nicole eventually grabbed me off of her and I fake cried even harder and Daniel hugged me and said "sshhhh, it's okay!!!" because I had earlier said "he was the only man for me" and grabbed his chest like he does to me. XDDD;

I... *shifts* The daydreams. >_O
*pokes tummy* Ugh... I feel fat. I need to go exercise my ass off. @_@ Mata yo!
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Monday, November 27, 2006
Rock 'n' Roll Scars
Current Mood: Peaceful
Current Song:
Konnichiwa, minna-san! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, but I went to go see my new cousin. ^-^ We left the house around 10:15 a.m. (which is earlier than I get up during normal weekends -_-) and rode in the car for about 3 hours. @_@ Luckily I brought 3 CDs (DIRU's "Vulgar" and "Withering to Death" and Marliyn Manson's "Antichrist Svperstar"), one of my Japanese books, and my guide to Yonkyuu. Whenever I was listening to Manson, I found out why I just ENJOY listening to his music and don't love it. Sure, he's one of my favorite artists, but with a majority of the songs, I just don't FEEL it. Most of his songs don't have as much emotion in them such a DIRU. Manson can have really meaningful songs (all of his songs have a meaning and a lesson, but I mean something that just grabs you and makes you feel what the artist is describing) like "Tourniquet" and "Man That You Fear", but it doesn't consume me, like DIRU's. To tell the truth, Dir en grey is the only band that has ever seemed to posses my very being and made me feel so deeply. I feel and see in the sound, and everything becomes so vibrant, even with my eyes shut. The feeling is so beautiful, I can't even begin to describe it. But realizing why I truly love DIRU (not just for Kyo, for the music, or for the lyrics) makes me feel like I've gotten closer to the band and I understand everything better. ^-^ Whenever we finally got to Robin and Mark's apartment (Robin is my cousin (the mom) and Mark is her boyfriend (the dad), Robin was busy breastfeeding Millie (the baby) and playing "Ookami" so I didn't get to see Millie for a while (Robin covered herself and Millie so we didn't see anything). Mark got home a few minutes after we came, so it was nice to see him again. We sat around for a few hours, talking, looking at Wiggles (their new ferret X3), playing with Sid (their cat), and "aww"ing over Millie. I held a baby for the first time I was there, and I think it's going to be the last time for a looooong time. I'm afraid to touch babies in the first place because they're so fragile and helpless, and I'm afraid I'll hurt them. Mom asked me if I wanted to hold her, so I decided it would be the right thing to do since I want Millie to know me well, so I can be a mentor to her like Robin was to me. Mom put Millie in my arms and I INSTANTLY felt like I was going to throw up. She felt like Jell-O in my arms and her neck started to roll back. I frantically tried to make her comfortable with Mom helping me and my stomach started churning and my chest started tensing up. Millie started crying (I guess because I wasn't a very good baby-holder) and I immediately freaked out and asked Mom to take her back. It took about 15 minutes for the tensing in my chest to go away. -_- Since Robin hadn't been out of the house really since she was in the hospital giving birth (on the 17th), we went out to go to a organic food store Mark works at so we could get some TVP for me since we can't find ANY here. Mark took me around and reccommended some vegetarian things for me (since he and Robin are vegetarians too), so I have a better idea of what to get next time we go to the grocery store. I got a bottle of organic green tea while everyone got a can of organic soda (I don't know how that works, but okay @_@) and also got this really pretty "lucky karma" bracelet. I got the agate one that's supposed to bring miracles. Personally, I don't believe that the bracelet will instantly bring whatever you ask for. However, I do believe that there is power in everything, and I plan on wearing the bracelet at all times so I can think of my dreams everytime I see it and hopefully work harder at everything I do. Plus, it's pretty. XD After that we went to the mall and visited a few stores (EB Games, Sanrio Suprises, and some candy store) and walked around with Robin and Mom while they tried to make Millie stop crying. After that we caught up with Pam (Robin's mom) and had dinner at this organic cafe place. It was pretty nice, and the sandwich I had was tasty. :D Unfortunately, Millie had to be fed again so Robin and Pam had to leave the restaraunt so Robin could feed her. Once we finished, we went back to the car and Robin was really pissed off. She was tired, didn't feel good, agitated, and it still getting used to the whole mother deal. We drove back to her house and talked for a little while and Pam gave me my late birthday present, a $40 gift card to eBay. I'm sooooo freakin happy because I can't shop online, and I can get some awesome DIRU stuff. :D I plan on getting Macabre, Kisou, Six ugly, VULGAR (I already have VULGAR, but I have a burned copy that doesn't include "AMBER" and I want a serious CD), Withering to Death (same thing with VULGAR), The Code of VULGAR[ism], and 5 Ugly Kingdom. I've been surfing eBay lately, so I can get a whole lot of those, if not all, for that much. :D Eventually we left and got home at around 11:15.
Today was pretty uneventful, but still fun. In Orchestra we sat around again since most of the people are still in New York, so I practiced Japanese, tried to go to sleep, and unintentially listened to some people's conversations. @_@ In Algebra we did the same dumbass thing as we always do and I was bored out of my friggin mind. In Health we have to do a project (my group got "eating disorders"), and we went to the computer lab to do that. Half of the time I was talking to Chasity and finshing the project, and the other half was spent trying to look at pictures of DIRU. XD I think Chasity likes Die and Kaoru the best, because whenever she saw them, she immediately went "oooohh..." XD Whenever I was on my way to Civics, I saw my friends Sydney and Katie and Sydney kissed Katie (they're boyfriend and girlfriend). I pouted and said "heyyy, what about me?" I laughed because I was, of course, kidding. But Katie said "You can kiss her" and all I could do was say "what?!" All of a sudden Sydney put his hand over my mouth, tipped me back, and kissed his hand. XD And to make it worse, my Civics teacher was watching the whole time and just gave me this knowing look. @_@ In Civics all we really did was review this test (that I got an 84 on -_-), so it wasn't all that fun (y'know... except for the delicious X-rated kinky Kyo daydreams I had. *cough* @_@). After school I went to the tree with my friends and made fun of this little paper mache thing Bobby made and kept on using it as a cup. XD I also complained about Daniel always rapes me (not for real, he just pokes me and says he raped me and always grabs my boob out of nowhere -_-) and he grabbed me. @_@ I whined again and he just replied "You know you loved it!" XD I'm always the one in the group who gets "raped" or hugged or groped because I never really do anything about it. Katie always tells me how sweet and cute I am. XD I had to walk home alone today because Nicole's sick with mono, but I didn't really mind. I just practiced my Japanese, especially "soko de sawannai yo!" ("don't touch me there!") @_@

I'm sorry that was such a long post, but I felt I had to tell you guys about Millie. :3 Well, I better go away since you guys are probably dying from boredom and I need my share of DIRU. Later! :D
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Friday, November 24, 2006
Current Mood: Headache-y
Current Song: Cage by Dir en grey
Um... I need a little help. Does anyone know where you can enter the contest for being a roadie to Fair to Midland and Dir en grey. Cause I really want to be a DIRU roadie. XD
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Kaimono... -3-
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: Shokubeni by Dir en grey
As you guys can clearly see, I changed my layout from "OBSCURE" to "Clever Sleazoid." I was really pissed off because I like the wallpaper, but I had to change it since it kept on dissapearing on me. -_- But I really like this wallpaper (I got it from a kickass German Kyo fansite called Benu), so I'm all happy. ^-^ *dances*
Today was sooooo tiring. I (stupidly) decided to go shopping with Grandma and Aunt B since they wanted me to pick out clothes I wanted for Christmas. I didn't want to because I hate shopping and I hate huge crowds, but I also want clothes. ;_; So at 10:30 I met them at Old Navy and looked around with my Grandma and Aunt. I tried on like 10+ different things, but ended up getting about 6 shirts for $70. (;_; That's soooo much!!!) I think the thing I was most excited to get was a black kinda frilled shirt that looks like Kyo's from the "DRAIN AWAY" PV. :3 Hopefully I can get a plaid jacket, denim skirt, plain red tights (I can just draw on them with a black sharpie), and red boots. That'll be an assload of money, but definately worth it. ^-^ I also REALLY like this white shirt I got that has silver little cassettes on them. So cute!!! I also wanna go back there sometime to get Chasity a gift set of these cute little robot figurines since she loves cute robots. ^3^ After spending about and hour there, we went to Target and shopped around for some stuff for things little kids from a charity organization wanted. Aunt B and Grandma were happy I was there because I know what little boys like... when I was little I used to play with Tonka trucks (sometimes with my Barbies in them) and Hot Wheels too. XD We also picked out a few things for my brother too. After that we headed down to Shoe Carnival to see if we could find any Converses for my brother (we couldn't -_-) and I eyed a few pairs of really cute shoes. X3 Usually I'm not a shoe junkie, but it's growing on me. Afterwards we went to EB Games to pick out some games for my brother. I wanted to play "Guitar Hero" soooo bad, but this little kid was messing with the controller. I was afraid I was gonna burn holes through the poor little thing. XD We didn't do anything else other than browse around at Hallmark and Sam's Club, but that's it. All I've really done today after shopping was pet my dog and surf the internet. XD Just like any other day.

Here's what the shirt looks like. It's not as fluffy, and it doesn't have ruffles, but it still looks pretty damn close. :3
Well... nothing else is really interesting enough to put up here. I'll leave you be, darlings. Mata ne~!
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
Current Mood: Thankful
Current Song: OBSCURE by Dir en grey
Since today's Thanksgiving, I guess I should discuss the things I'm thankful for. @_@
1. My family
2. My friends
3. Music
4. J-rock
5. Dir en grey (duh!!!)
6. Kyo (once again, a huge duh!!!)
7. Animals
8. My health
9. Love
10. Peace
11. Feelings
12. Beauty (not physical, the things I see inside people that are beautiful)
13. Nature
14. Japan
15. Japanese
That's not necessarily all I'm thankful for, but there are so many that I wouldn't be able to list them all. Those are just the ones that come to mind first.

Awwww... ^x^
Today was a slow and quiet Thanksgiving, but I think holidays should be like that. I woke up at 11 and betrayed my diet by eating a doughnut (but, give me a break!!! It's a holiday!!! D:) and sat down to watch some TV with my family. After sitting around and being lazy for about half an hour, I took a shower and studied a little bit of Japanese. While everyone else was getting ready, Dad and I watched an episode of "Sanford & Son" where they had a Japanese family in it and I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna cry. It's funny to Americans, but it's especially funny to a Japanese person or someone who's educated about Japan whenever someone eats fish eyes. XDDD After that I watched "Agitated Screams of Maggosts" since I was bored... X_X Eventually everyone got ready and we went to Lowes' Foods to get Cool Whip and cat's food since my grandma and aunt wanted it. At about 1:45, we finally got to my Grandma's house and we sat around until Grandma and Aunt B (what I call my Aunt Beth. XDDD I wasn't able to say "Beth" when I was little, so I've called her "Aunt B" ever since) finished lunch. I had a pretty good lunch (cheese lazagna, mashed potatoes, a roll, cranberry sauce, and Cheerwine... GOD, I trashed my diet @_@) and we sat around talking and I played Pong and Marioworld for a little while. (Okay, more like an hour X3) I finally got to eat my Grandma's awesome lemon merangue pie and I savored every friggin' bite. Unfortunately, it was sweeter than I remembered and I had to get a glass of water afterward. @_@ While Grandma and Aunt B talked about shopping arrangements for tommorow, I wrote down some lyrics I thought of and drew a chibi of Kyo from "THE FINAL." :D My grandma and aunt convinced me to go shopping with them tommorow (I don't know how they do that... they must have a Jedi mind trick @_@). See, I HATE shopping because there's always so many people around and I feel so fucking crappy about myself whenever I try on clothes. At least I'll have something to wear. -_-
So, it's been a pretty descent Thanksgiving. Hopefully I'll survive tommorow. @_@ Well, to be thankful for all of the wonderful things I've been blessed with, I'm gonna go watch some J-rock. :D Mata ne~!
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Current Mood: Alright
Current Song: Escapism by An Cafe
Yay... DIRU's coming out with a new album in February!!! I've waited for hearing about the release of a new album from them since about "Ryoujoku No Ame", so I'm uber happy. Then Kyo, Kaoru, Shinya, and Toshiya can get lots of money in time for their birthdays (poor Die-san... ;_;). :D Here's some info:
THE MARROW OF A BONE is the sixth full-length album by Japanese rock group Dir en grey, set to be released on February 7, 2007. No announcements have been made regarding where it will be released, yet Europe and North America in addition to Japan are likely, given the band's recent and ongoing tour efforts in these territories. Incidentally, Dir en grey will be touring the United States around the time of the album's release.
No official track list has been made available so far, it remains to be seen whether the three singles released since Withering to Death. (namely "Clever Sleazoid", "Ryoujoku no Ame" and "Agitated Screams of Maggots") will be included or not.
Thank you, Wikipedia! :D I really hope that it's released in America, that way I won't have to beg on my hands and knees to get it online from my parents. -_-

Last night I was sooooo freaking depressed, I just didn't want to even look in the mirror. I felt like I was just so unbearably disgusting-looking that I wanted to cry. I have a really low self-esteem and I'm my worst enemy when it comes to it. I just want to be beautiful. Hell, I just want to FEEL beautiful. It can be a lie, I don't care. But I just want to look in the mirror and smile. It hurts. Also, my father was really depressed and angry. He has been ever since he lost his job, which was more than 3 months ago, I think. I just want to make him happy... I want him to get a job he will finally like, or at least find accetable. But I always want the think I can't have the most, don't I? I also kept on thinking of Melody and wondering if things could have, would have been different for us. Luckily, I didn't cry, though. I don't think I can cry anymore sometimes. Maybe it's just that I'm in so much pain that I can't bear to bring myself more. And what's even more sad is that I didn't dream of meeting DIRU before I went to sleep, like I always do. I just felt to tired and my mind kept on screaming at me that I would never meet them. Oh, joy.
Today was better. I kept on telling myself that today was the last day I had to go to school this week, so I dragged myself out of bed. @_@ At school everyone kept on telling me that I was wearing green instead of black. X_X I'm sure I know that. I guess it was nice to see a change for them, though. In orchestra, once again, I didn't have to play so I studied Japanese for the Yonkyuu study guide I have (I'm not taking Yonkyuu, but I thought it would be smart to follow a guide on what I should learn rather than randomly learning words like I do) and *tried* to sleep. I almost feel asleep whenever class let out, so I was pissy. We had to go to homeroom to get our school pictures... mine were TERRIBLE. I look like a guy, like I'm drunk, and I didn't even smile but I thought I did. I wanted to tear them up, especially after my break down the previous night, but I just stuffed them in my binder angrily. In Algebra our teacher was back from her vacation in the Bahamas, so we didn't have to work the entire time. When she was talking, I just scribbled on my paper and completely ignored what she said. Yay for not caring!!! In Health we watched "Radio", and I studied Japanese, studied for a Civics test, wrote a note to Chasity, and watched a little bit of the movie. After I studied for the Civics test, I decided to watch the movie since Radio was so sweet. I ended up crying in one part (I won't say for those who haven't seen it) and if I didn't try to stay quiet, I would have SOBBED. Tears were just streaming down my face, and I wanted to hold him. I hate seeing people in pain, especially when they can't express it in ways others can. I have such a soft spot for people with mental dissablities and children, I'll do anything for them even if it means the death of me. In Civics we had a review for a test, and everyone was actually suprised that I actually got a basket (we were playing this kinda basketball thing @_@). After that, we took the actual test and I had about 15 minutes to practice more Japanese. After that, Thai and I finished our survey until it was the end of class. Standing outside with my friends today was especially fun. Bobby had made a paper-mache skull and he and Sydney kept on tossing it back screaming "Look! He gave me head!" XD Eventually we decided to toss it all around, put I never got proper head... Daniel didn't do it right. XDDD; Daniel, Bobby, Sydney, Nicole, and I decided to play football with it to decide who would "get head." Sydney one the first time, but the second time Nicole and I tackled him and we got yelled at by teachers while everyone was like "holy shit, the goth kids are playing football." @_@ After that we made a whole lot of pervert jokes after that like "luckily I ended up on my knees and not my back" and "I went down so hard my knees are bleeding." Well, my knee actually did get a scratch because I tackled Sydney and landed on a tree root... @_@ But it's okay.
Mmm... I guess I should watch some DIRU now while my parents aren't home. X_X Mata ne~!
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Monday, November 20, 2006
Current Mood: Unbelievably Excited
Current Song: Clever Sleazoid by Dir en grey
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bouces* Listen to this, listen to this, listen to this!!!!
So my sources tell me that Dir en grey is coming out with a new album! "The Marrow of a Bone", it's said to be released February 7, 2007.
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *foams at the mouth*
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Namida Iro...
Current Mood: Meh
Current Song: OBSCURE by Dir en grey
Ugh... today wasn't the best, but not the worst. I think it's because it was so boring, went by so slowly, and the little voice in the back of my head kept on punching me in the eye. In orchestra I didn't play the viola because only the people going to New York had to play today. So the entire time I studied Japanese and (tried to) sleep... I couldn't sleep because I could feel the vibrations of the basses through the floor, I couldn't really get comfortable, and I kept on thinking someone was gonna throw stuff at my butt or something. XDDD Algebra SUCKED. All we did was work non-stop and I wanted to slam my head against the desk until all I saw was red. In Health we talked about drugs and I drew An Cafe's "NYAPPY" logo all over my paper. XD During lunch I only got to eat my sandwich (normally I usually have a sandwich and some type of food) because I forgot to do my homework over the weekend and it was due the next period. I finally got that finished during the last 3 minutes of lunch, and went to Civics. I got to finish up a project with Thai, but it wasn't all that fun because I volunteered to do a whole lot of things although I didn't want to. -_- Once again, I felt like I was overwhelmed with work and IT SUCKED. Also, Thai said that my friend Korki was pretty, which further proves my hunch that he likes her. I don't really care, though... I never expected him to like me, so I'm not getting my hopes up. Whatever comes my way I can swallow. On my way walking home with Nicole I discribed the PV for "Agitated Screams of Maggots" and I thought she was going to vomit multiple times. XD I want to watch it with her and see her reaction... priceless. >3 Oh, yeah... once I got home, my dog peed on the floor and I had to clean it up before my dad got home or else he would kick her ass. -_- N-A-S-T-Y. Right now I'm watching "Just Friends" with super hottie Ryan Reynolds... yay for raging hormones!!! Ugh... I'm sorry you guys... I have no idea why I'm in this dry sarcastic mood right now. Maybe it's low self esteem. Whatever.

Awww... Kyo-san... you always make me feel better. ^//^
Ummm... bye. @_@
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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Current Mood: Bored
Current Song: 24ko Cylinder by Dir en grey
Ughhh... I'm so bored. And my throat hurts. -__- Here's a survey to waste some time with.
1. Have you ever smelled the rain?: Of course. That smell makes me happy. ^-^
2. Have you ever had someone from your past suddenly appear?: Yes, but it didn't end up well.
3. Have you ever felt like the whole world was right?: Hmmm... I'm not sure. Maybe once or twice, when I was in love.
4. Have you ever cried because you felt good?: Um... I've cried because I thought someone (Kyo) and something (songs) were so beautiful before... does that count?
5. Have you ever walked along when it's cold outside and you have a fever?: Yeah, it makes you feel all weird. @_@
6. Have you ever wondered if the universe was sitting on someone's fingernail?: As a matter of fact, yes. It drives me crazy. -3-
7. Have you ever seen the sky at night when the clouds look like flowers?: No... but I would like to. ^-^
8. Have you ever wanted something but then when you got it found out it wasn't what you needed?: Yeah... I feel bad after I get it. ;_;
9. Have you ever tried to make things right, only to realize they work out if you let them be?: Yes... sometimes I think things would just be better if I just didn't interfere.
10. Have you ever seen a grown man cry?: I've seen my father cry... I'm not sure about any other men.
11. Have you ever seen an amazing lightning and thunder storm like they have in the midwest?: I don't know if it was like in the Midwest, but I have seen some really awesome thunderstorms.
12. Have you ever needed to be held?: Hasn't everyone?
13. Have you ever made something you thought was great but no one else liked?: Yeah. T~T
14. Have you ever made something that you thought was terrible that everyone else loved?: I actually do that a lot. XD
15. Have you ever splashed in puddles?: Yeah! That's like the best thing to do!!! :D
16. Have you ever been really sick?: Yeah... the worst thing I ever had was strep throat. ;~;
17. Have you ever made a snowman in your front yard?: Yeah, but they were never really great ones.
18. Have you ever known what it was like to love and be loved in return?: I don't think so.
19. Have you ever had a crush?: I currently have one. ^//^
20. Have you ever had a kiss?: Not many.
21. Have you ever known how good something was?: Whenever I feel something extremely wonderful, I think that it's the best thing in the world. :D
22. Have you ever not know how good it was until it's gone?: Yes. T-T
23. Have you ever tried to write poetry but ended up throwing it away?: Too many times. -__-
24. Have you ever held the power?: "The Power?" o_O
25. Have you ever felt like you knew something was right?: Yup.
26. Have you ever seen something terribly sad happen right before your eyes?: Whenever my dog died...
27. Have you ever experienced true happiness?: I've felt unbelievably happy, but I don't know if it was true.
28. Have you ever given a love letter?: -//- Yes.
29. Have you ever tried to make someone feel better, just because you saw they were down?: I do that all the time.
30. Have you ever wanted a kiss?: Hasn't everyone?
31. Have you ever needed a hug?: Yeah!!! Hugs are the best!
32. Have you ever wanted to just do things on impulse?: Quite a few times. XD
33. Have you ever wanted to paint a picture?: Yeah, but I'm not very good. ;-;
34. Have you ever wanted to just run?: Yeah.
35. Have you ever needed to get away?: A whole lot of times in 7th grade. (two years ago)
36. Have you ever tried?: Twice, I think.
37. Have you ever wanted to be a kid again?: Yeah, whenever I'm feeling really depressed.
38. Have you ever blew big bubbles with pink gum?: Yeah, I love doing that shit. :D
39. Have you ever lost a love?: Unfortunately, yes.
40. Have you ever experienced puppy love?: Awwww... ^//^ Yeah.
41. Have you ever experienced love at first sight?: I guess you could say that...
42. Have you ever tried to tell someone something but the words wouldn't come out?: Too many times... it happens so much when I try to write songs. T~T
43. Have you ever written a letter to someone you lost touch with?: Yeah.
44. Have you ever walked down a country road with your friends?: No, but that's sounds lovely! :D
45. Have you ever had a really good time with your best friends?: Yeah, but I don't feel that very often any more.
46. Have you ever told them how much they mean to you?: I can't come out with the words
47. Have you ever shown them that you love them?: I don't think I could ever fully explain.
48. Have you ever told your parents you love them?: Yeah! Every night before I go to bed.
49. Have you ever told someone else you love them?: Yeah, but sometimes I wish I didn't.
50. Have you ever played with your old toys?: Yeah... it brings back a whole lot of good memories. :D
51. Have you ever gone back in your mind and remembered?: Yes.
Ehhh... that was kinda depressing. I gotta go. Mata ne~!
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Saturday, November 18, 2006
I'm Killing the Haughty Fly
Current Mood: Dissapointed
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots by Dir en Grey
For all of those who are interested, here's the full version of the "Agitated Screams of Maggots" PV, uncensored.
I want to watch it sooooo bad, but my Mom's behind me and I already saw a part with humping in it, so I think I'm going to wait. XDDD

Enjoy, my dears. (OMFG, LOOK AT THOSE LIPS!!! >D)
I didn't get to see my cousin and her baby today because she's too tired to even talk. Mom was talking to her on her cellphone, and she sounded like she was drunk. So, hopefully, I can go see her and Millie (her baby) over my Thanksgiving break. I'm dissapointed, by I understand. T~T
Um... nothing all that special happened today. I mean, it was slow, but it was nice. I helped my mom clean my dog's ears, so we had a nice little struggle from my dog. We went to a Japanese restraraunt and the waitress was suprised that I knew Japanese and she got all happy and laughed whenever I said "gochisousama deshita" whenever we left. XD I dyed my hair black with that Loreal Color Pulse in Electric Black all by myself, so I'm pretty happy with it. If only it were darker, though. -3- While I was waiting for my hair dye to work, I watched "Audition." It's a pretty good movie, but it wasn't as scary as everyone kept on saying it was. Normally, I'm not scared at movies that could actually happen... when I really should be. X3 But I really liked the movie, and I have "kirikirikiri..." stuck in my head. XDDD Um... that's about all that happened. Hopefully I'll have more for you guys tommorow. :(
Well, I'm going to stall a little while and hope my mom leaves the room so I can watch the PV for ASoM. Ja mata!
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