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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
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Friday, November 17, 2006
You're All Fine Hypocrites
Current Mood: Happy/Excited
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots by Dir en grey
Guess what?! I have a new member of my family! My cousin, Robin (who I simply adore), gave birth to her baby, Millie, today. She weighs about 7 pounds and is supposedly really healthy. Hopefully, we can visit her and Millie this weekend and congratulate them. ^^ So, I'd better make this post short so I can get everything done before tommorow.
For more news on "Agitated Screams of Maggots", here's the PV for it-
Just a warning, don't watch this if you're easily disturbed. I think this is probably weirder than "OBSCURE." XD Also, it's censored because it was shown on MTVJapan. However, I'm sure that they'll post an uncensored version on YouTube sooner or later. Once again, do not thank me, thank Alayna. What would I ever do without you covering my ass, dear? XD

Yeah... I wouldn't fuck with Kyo if I were you. XDDD
Today nothing really happened today. In Orchestra I won't have to play Monday or Tuesday because only the people who are taking the trip to New York will play, so I'm going to practice Japanese during that spare time. :D Yay!!! In Algebra I just took a test and did a worksheet the entire time... I thought my head was gonna explode. @_@ In Health I ignored a video we watched and practiced Japanese and talked to Chasity. X3 But Civics was DEFINATELY the best period today. We had to partner up to take a survey, since we were figuring out how the government took surveys. Whenever the teacher said we could choose our own parner, Thai immediatly grabbed my sides (like, the sides of my back so it was kinda close to my bust @_@) and said "BECKY!" XD That gave me an excuse to touch his hand. ^-^ My stomach flip-flopped during it and I could feel my heart flutter a little. ^^; I'm such a sneaky little girl. X3 I figured out that he's against gay marriage (;~;) since we did a survey on if gay marriage should be legalized or not, but that's okay... I still love my sweet little Thai. ^^ Later he asked me to say something in Hmong, I don't remember what it was, but I later asked him what it meant... and he said it meant "I am pretty." ^//^ Awww!!! He's so sweet!!! *boucnes*

Dammit... now I stop thinking of "FILTH" everytime I see holding hands. @_@
Last night I was bored, so I started screwing around with my brother's guitar. I plucked each of the strings and tried to play a few scales, but I eventually had to put it down because I was afraid I was going to break the strings. XD They're so fragile and thin, it's crazy! The thickest string on the guitar is equivalent to the smallest string on the bass. After that I had to go play my bass so I could get over the shock. X_X
Oh, yeah. Last night I hung up this article from the newspaper for Japanophiles, "Janime", that covered two of DIRU's lives in it, comments from fans, and comments from the band. I also hung up an ad on The Family Values Tour. Now I can worship my plaques (that are on the opposite wall) and my DIRU at the same time. X3
Ehhh... I don't think I have anything more to say. I need to stock up on my Japanese studies and bass playing since I'll probably leave tommorow. Mata ne~!
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars...
Current Mood: Happy/Tired
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots by Dir en grey
Ahahaha... I've had "Agitated Screams of Maggots" stuck in my head all day. X3 For any of those who haven't heard it, just go to Thank you, Areina-chan!!! :D I like it, but I don't love it like I love some of their other work. I think that the non-chorus sounds like Kittie, but I can't place my finger on what the chorus sounds like. I like the chorus the best, especially because of the "I'll rape your daughter on your grave" part. XD A whole lot of fans/ex-fans will probably not like it because it's a supposed continuation of "Clever Sleazoid", and DIRU got a whole lot of shit for that. Whatever, I still like it. ^-^ My favorite new singles of DIRU are the following:
1.) Ryoujoku No Ame
2.) Clever Sleazoid
3.) Agitated Screams of Maggots
Yup. XD Here are the lyrics, for any of those who want them. ^^ (By the way, the are untranslated, the whole song is in Engrish.)
I'm killing the haughtily fly
I'm gonna slash your wound just like mine.
I can't hear the voices of society anymore.
I don't understand. You're all fine hypocrites.
Shout The Joy
Your song's drenched in blood and it's full of shit.
You can't shoot the silver bullet into me.
Shout The Joy
It's the Black Flag, motherfucker!!
I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars.
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'm gonna slash your wound just like mine.
I can't hear the voices of society anymore.
I Shout Die!
It's the Black Flag, motherfucker!!
I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars.
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
Cold Blooded

Aah, Kyo, you crazy fucker. I love you. XD
There you go, you little munchkins. Today was pretty nice, but I was extrememly tired. Nothing happened in Orchestra and Algebra, except for a kid hitting on our substitute teacher. XDDD It was sooooo fucking funny... she looked at him and said "you look guilty." He then just said "you look sexy." XDDD He also told her he wanted to make love to her. Ohhh, dear... this is the future. God help us all. Health was the best period today... since we watched a video for about half the class, I got to practice my Japanese and talk to my friend (well, I guess he's my friend @_@) Brian. He asked how to say "Hello, how are you?" in Japanese since we were talking about how everyone except for me would run away from Toshio (from "The Grudge/Ju-On") because I'd start a conversation with him. XD He said that I sounded like a woman on a t.v. show he used to watch when he was little that had a Japanese woman on it. :D He also said that if my eyes were slanted, I could be Japanese. ^3^ That's about the nicest thing someone has said to me. ^//^ He also happened to read the lyrics for "Agitated Screams of Maggots" while I was looking at it and he asked me to sing the chorus. ^^; So I did this little scream thing (I didn't really scream, I strained my throat so it sounded like it but it was at a whisper) and he was horrified... he said that I sounded like Satan. XDDD Ahhh, it's fun fucking with peoples' heads. :3 Nothing really happened in Civics except that poor Thai was really tired, so I didn't get to talk to him. ;_; Now I can sneak touching his hair and hand and get away with it. :D Yayness! My day was extremely boring and slow paced, but I feel like I'm gonna pass out. I'm soooo tired. -_-
Aggghh.. it's so cold in my house, that I have a space heater right next to me and have a jacket, gloves, and slippers on. X_X Now the hole on my knee in my pants is making me freeze... dammit, I'm gonna have to cover it with a scarf. -_- Well, I love you guys... I'm gonna listen to some J-rock and visit some sites. Ja ne~!
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
...On your Grave
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots by Dir en Grey
You can find "Agitated Screams of Maggots" there... and please don't thank me, thank Alayna.
I think the song is ALRIGHT. I won't say it's their best work ever, but it's certainly not their worst. I think the chorus and doesn't fit correctly with the other part of the song, like a puzzle crudely put together. I still like the song. Plus, the lyrics make me laugh hysterically. Here they are, untranslated, all in blessed Kyo-Engrish:
I'm killing the haughtily fly
I'm gonna slash your wound just like mine.
I can't hear the voices of society anymore.
I don't understand. You're all fine hypocrites.
Shout The Joy
Your song's drenched in blood and it's full of shit.
You can't shoot the silver bullet into me.
Shout The Joy
It's the Black Flag, motherfucker!!
I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars.
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'm gonna slash your wound just like mine.
I can't hear the voices of society anymore.
I Shout Die!
It's the Black Flag, motherfucker!!
I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars.
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
Cold Blooded
Ahhh, Kyo. You can rape me on... a fake grave, I guess. X3 Don'cha just love it?
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Current Mood: Upset
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots (sample) by Dir en Grey
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! "Agitated Screams of Maggots" just came out today, and I was so hyped to hear it that I tried to run home but Nicole wouldn't let me. The only problem is, I can't find an file that will play on my computer ANYWHERE. Does anyone know of an MP3 of this song? One that you can just click on and listen to on like Please, please, help me or tell me if a full version is put on YouTube. I feel like someone just told me not to breath. I NEED "AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS." Please, Momo-chan needs your help!!! ;o;

The cover art for "Agitated Screams of Maggots." If only I could just buy the damn thing. -_-
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Monday, November 13, 2006
Tsummanai desu yo...
Current Mood: Bored
Current Song: RED... [em] by Dir en Grey
MEH!!! I'm soooo bored and ready for "Agitated Screams of Maggots" to come out. ;_; I can hardly wait any longer, my tiny little heart is about to explode. Must... listen to... "Ryoujoku No Ame"... to curb need. >_o
Last weekend was pretty nice... we had Friday off since it was a teacher work day. Unfortunately, I couldn't listen to J-rock all day like I wanted to because I slept in until 1 p.m. and then I went to go see "Pirates of the Carribean 2" with my brother again at the movie theater that sells tickets for $2 before they're relesed on DVD. :3 It was nice, but I drank WAAAAAAY too much water and had to go to the bathroom about 4 times. XD Later that night we had pizza and watched "The Break Up." It was an alright movie, but I'd rather watch something else. On Saturday I woke up and watched a couple of hours of the "Star Wars" movies since they were showing a marathon on one of our movie channels. I was SOOOO happy because I'm a SW geek. ^^; Chewbacca rules my ass... (I have a Chewy action figure. *meep*) After that, we went a Chinese buffet for my grandma's birthday. It was alright, but I didn't get any chopsticks. T~T I ate white rice with soy sauce (I gotta get out of that habit -_-), a few string beans, and fruit. :D Yummy. My grandma seemed pretty happy with her gift (a Buddah my mom painted) but she couldn't read her card because it almost made her cry in the restaraunt. @_@ Grandma also told me that I was getting skinny.. that made me happy even though I feel like a slowly inflating balloon. :) Once lunch was over with, we went to Target and I got a t-shirt and mascara. I really like the t-shirt, it's bright green with a woman in kimono dancing in the wind with cranes swirling around her. On the side it says in kanji "tori go hana kaori"... I think they meant "tori no go to hana no kaori", but I'm not sure. -3- I flipped out whenever I read it (it was hand written, so it was harder to read than normal), I started saying "I READ MY SHIRT!!!" and celebrated by listening to some DIRU. XD Once I came home I watched more Star Wars and practiced on my Yonkyuu worksheets. ^^ Sunday all I really did was go to Sams Club and eye the drums wantingly. I want some drums soooooo bad, but they're $300 when I only have about $110 (I've saved up for a long time -_-) and I don't get allowance or have a job. So, for now, I can only hope and dream. *sniffs* Nothing really went on yesterday except for that, playing "Kingdom Hearts" for a little while, and daydreaming about going to a DIRU concert and meeting Kyo. ^//^ I love nice daydreams.

This is the shirt I got-isn't it pretty??? :D
Nothing has really happened today. I just had a whole lot of compliments on my shirt, a good cry, and Thai messing around with me. -3- Allow me to elaborate. I was wearing a creame-colored shirt that had a skull and crossbones on it with vined flowers crawling around it (ehh... it's from Target too. ^^;) In Health, we had this really fun guy come and talk to us about drugs. The entire time I weas either laughing or having a good time (because the teacher was really funny) until we watched this video where a man told a story about a housewife who abused prescription drugs. Her husband took away all of her accesses to money for the drugs like her credit card, cash, etc. But, she went to a crackhouse and sold her 5 and 2 year old boys for $85 dollars worth of crack. And do you know what they did to those children? They fucked them and taped it. Whenever I heard that, I started sobbing uncontrollably. The pain those children must have gone through is unimaginable... I just pray that they don't remember what happened to them. Luckily, I stayed quiet whenever I cried, but a few of my friends saw me. -_- At least it wasn't people I dislike. In Civics Thai and I talked a whole lot and we kept on talking about horror movies. Since we were talking about that, he decided to freak me out (I guess) and ran his finger down my back. @_@ Half shocked and half ticklish (I swear, you CANNOT touch my sides without me sqeaking), I sqealed and he just giggled. X_X He sooooo cute... *rolls on the ground*

My skull t-shirt. ^3^
Well, I guess I better go listen to some J-rock before my head explode and excercise a little. :3 Mata ne~!!!
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
I'm *star*struck...
Current Mood: Fangirl-ish
Current Song: Mushi by Dir en Grey
Gawd, I feel so fangirlish... I was watching one of my favorite DIRU interview, Kyo's Rock Legends 2003 interview and I couldn't stop giggling. I was fine until I saw him during the interview and heard his voice (they were showing concert clips beforehand). He looked so adorable and tired, I just wanted to give him a blanket, a pillow, and a kitty (yes, a kitty. Shut up). ^//^ I kept on trying to translate what he was saying in my head but my stupid fangirl instincts kicked in all I could think was "HE'S SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *rolls on the ground*" -_- Eventually I did calm down and start watching it seriously without much interferance, but then my dog coughed and sounded like an old lady an I couldn't concentrate anymore. XD Goddammit.

NYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *jumps off the chair* SO CUUUUUUTE!!! XD
I've been listening to 12012, and so far, I've loved every single thing I've heard. I can't wait to get back on YouTube and listen to some more, they kick ASS. I really like Wataru's voice and Hiroaki's guitar. :D Hopefully I can check out girugamesh sometime, too.

12012 in the "HEART" PV.
Oh, speaking of J-rock bands other than DIRU (XD), does anyone have any The Piass MP3s? I've heard one song by them and REALLY enjoyed it. I also find their look to be very intriguing. ^^
I listened to Marilyn Manson's "Antichrist Superstar", and it is a must have for anyone who even relatively likes Manson. This is a piece of heaven (well, Hell, whatever) and it made me headbang so much that I thought I was gonna pass out afterwards. BUY THIS ALBUM.

Um, I don't think I have anything else to say. Today has been pretty boring (other than everyone complimenting me because I was wearing green rather than black, having a sprained ankle, and it was the last day of Sex Ed.), so I don't have anything to talk about. I'm sorry. I'm also gonna eat waffles soon, so I gotta go. Mmm... waffles.
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
It's a Long, Hard Road out of Hell...
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell by Marilyn Manson
Ello, everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while, I feel really bad. ;_; To make up for it, here's a list of DIRU's American tour that Alayna cave to me. THANK YOU, AREINA!!! *huggies*
Feb 1, 2007 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Revolution
Feb 2, 2007 Lake Buena Vista, FL House of Blues (Orlando)
Feb 3, 2007 Atlanta, GA Roxy Theatre
Feb 5, 2007 Baltimore, MD Ram's Head Live
Feb 6, 2007 Philadelphia, PA Theatre of Living Arts
Feb 7, 2007 Boston, MA Avalon Ballroom
Feb 9, 2007 Toronto, ON Guvernment
Feb 10, 2007 New York, NY Nokia Theatre
Feb 12, 2007 Detroit, MI St. Andrews Hall
Feb 13, 2007 Chicago, IL House of Blues
Feb 14, 2007 Minneapolis, MN Fine Line Music Club
Feb 16, 2007 Englewood, CO Gothic Theatre
Feb 18, 2007 Houston, TX Meridian
Feb 19, 2007 Dallas, TX Palladium Ballroom
Feb 21, 2007 Tempe, AZ Marquee Theatre
Feb 23, 2007 Los Angles, CA The Wiltern Theatre
Hope some of those are in one of you guys' states, because it's not in mine OR Alayna's. Yes, we are sad little monkeys. We want to see Kyo and Shinya (and everyone else, of course)! ;o;

This morning I was soooo inexplicably tired... I had to drag myself out of bed with "c'mon... you'll be able to listen to Marilyn Manson... you know you want to..." -_- I almost fell asleep in orchestra while holding my viola. O_O' Thank God I didn't drop it. Nothing happened in Orchestra and Algebra (except for my Algebra teacher calling me Jessica instead of Rebecca XD), as always. Just being bitched at and being bored. Bleh. In Health, we now have Sex Ed., so girls went in a different room than boys to discuss the sexual organs. The entire I just examined my nails (I'm growing them out, and I'm not used to it), chewed gum, try not to blush, sang "Suck" by Nine Inch Nails in my head, say "but Kyo asked me to..." whenever Chasity told me to be abstinent (and made her laugh hysterically), and drew some pictures. Meh. During lunch, I kept on thinking about how they said that whenever you shed the lining of your uterus (your period), sometimes bits of the lining come out. And for some reason, whenever I was eating my pineapples, I kept on thinking of bits of... *twitches*... uterus being in my pineapple cup. I don't why it bothered me, usually I laugh and would say something like "YAY!!! UTERUS!!!" I wonder if I like hit my head or something while I slept. @_@ Nothing important to note happened in Civics, except that I got to stroke Thai's hair. :3 It was so nice, I wanted him to purr like a kitty. XD I pat his head because he was pretending to cry (I don't know why), and I was like "Awwwww, Thai, what's wrong???" and took the oppurtunity to pat his hair. X_X He then smiled and laughed like he always does and says "Haha, I was kidding!!!" XD He's soooo cute. While I was under the tree talking with my friends, I called my parents to tell them that I would be coming home late (it turned out that Nicole's mom WASN'T gonna pick us up), and with my cell phone on, of course, I got a perverted idea. I turned my cell phone on vibrate, stuck it down the front of my pants, and asked my friends to call me. They did, and I screamed and took it out immediately. XD I swear, I usually don't do that... just a random outburst of sad sexuality. @_@ Then, I heard Olivia scream "BECKY!!!" I looked down at the school (my friends and I stand on a slope that overlooks the school) and saw Thai standing next to Olivia, and he was waving wildly. I smiled and squeaked "THAI!!!" and ran down the hill and hugged him. ^3^ He didn't even object, I was sooooo happy. We talked a little and then he had to go, and HE gave me a hug. I could have melted into a puddle of happiness. :3 After that, I had to go home, and whenever Nicole and I walked home, a firetruck passed us and about 10 feet or less away from us, it blared it's horns. It was so loud that I got dizzy (I've had ringing in my ears before that, so the firetruck just made it worse) but I imagined how awesome it would be if I went to a DIRU concert that loud. XDDD Since then, I've just printed out a 42-page study guide for Yonkyuu. Yeah... at least I got hugs from THAI!!! *rolls around on the ground*
Well, I guess I better get started on finishing Marilyn Manson's autobiography, study for Yonkyuu, and exercise. Ja mata!!!
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
And God Said
Current Mood: Excited
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots by Dir en Grey
Oh, no! Hide the kids!!! It's Dir en grey!!! :D
Here's the preview for "Agitated Screams of Maggots" that I found on YouTube, so I'm all happy and even more pumped for the single to come out. The preview is animated, so I don't know if the whole thing is gonna be like that or not. The drawing looks like the cover art from Korn's "Follow the Leader." Hmmm... *family value tours + suspicious looking art work= ?* Yay for asking for things and getting them!!! XD
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Current Mood: Excited
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots by Dir en Grey
DIRU put a sample of their newest single, "Agitated Screams of Maggots", that comes out on November 15th, on their website. I listened to it and it sounds pretty American and harder than some other songs, but I still love it to bits and pieces. :D There's also a sample of the PV, but my computer's a retard, and won't let me see it. I'll be checking YouTube everyday, but if anyone sees the PV on YouTube, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME!!! If you don't, I'll cry and twitch on the ground and die. ;_; So, please keep that in mind for your little obsessed Kyo fangirl. If you do, I shall love you forever. :3
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This is Halloween
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Physical by Nine Inch Nails
Oi, minna-san! How was everyone's Halloween? Mine was pretty nice, except for the first part. I had a whole lot of homework (69 problems @_@) but only did 20, I just said "fuck it." By the time I finished posting on MyO, Mom came home and wanted my brother and I to get ready for Halloween. So I got my mom's yukata (actually, it wasn't even a yukata. It was more like a thin Japanese bath robe with a design on it) with a skirt and tanktop so I wouldn't get cold. I also put on some of this crappy makeup my brother got from Wallmart, but I ended up taking it off because I couldn't stand the oily look and feel. Plus, my face looked grey and I seemed more frightening than elegant. XD So I went as a senior geisha (just with lipstick and eyeliner) and Mom put my hair up in a bun and put chopsticks in them. X_X I felt like I was wearing forks in my hair, considering that I EAT with the chopsticks she put in my hair. I just stayed quiet because she was being nice. -_- Also, I put socks and my flipflops on. XD I looked more like a guest at an onsen or ryokan than a geisha, even with my uchiwa. @_@ So I went to my grandma's church and everyone was telling me how beautiful the yukata was and how pretty they thought I was. XD I would hate to see their reaction to a REAL geisha... they would faint of shock. Actually, they'd be more shocked by an oiran, unfortunately. -_- Anyway, my grandma kept on parading me around and showing me to her friends and telling me to tell them something in Japanese. Mostly I just laughed and said "konban wa." I was a little annoyed whenever the youth minister came and started telling me about their program. I'm a Wiccan/Buddist, I would prefer not to. I can't really blame my grandma, though, because she doesn't know that I'm a pagan, it'd break her hardcore-Baptist heart. My aunt was there, and it was fun to see her there. She's so sweet, I love her. :D Eventually, we left after about 30-45 minutes being there, and so did my aunt and she gave me and my brother candy bags. XD After that, we went to one of my dad's friend's neighborhood, and trick-or-treated there. You always get the best candy at the rich people's houses. ^3^ It was kinda hard trick-or-treating because I was wearing my yukata, and I'm not really used to walking in it. Logan (my brother) kept on making fun of me for it, because I kept on shuffling my feet, but I kept on telling him it's how Japanese women wear kimono. He just laughed at me again. -_- The worst part was walking up stairs, because I had to hike up the hem of the yukata but I felt like a whore for it. ;_; My brother and I got a whole lot of candy, but I was really cold (but sweaty @_@) afterwards, and one guy said we were too old to go trick-or-treating. I would've kicked his ass if it weren't for the yukata. XD Eventually, we went to my dad's friend's house who has the biggest and best Halloween display in the city. It had been about two years since I last saw Tom (my dad's friend), so I was happy to see him again. Tom, my dad, and I talked for a little while before I walked off and started daydreaming. Eventually, we left after about two hours, and I had to go home since it was 10. X_X

This is a geisha...

And this is an oiran, or prostitute. You can see why gaijin would be more startled by oiran.
Today hasn't really been special at all. The best thing that happened was that whenever I woke up, Dad said that he had taped Marilyn Manson's performance on Jay Leno last night, so I crawled out of bed to see the T.V. I watched that and listened to "The Beautiful People" while I got dressed, so I had a Manson-tastic morning. XD All I've really done today is daydream. Honestly. When we weren't playing in Orchestra, after taking the test in Algebra, and during Civics, that's all I did. I payed attention in Health class just because they were showing how to perform CPR and that pretty important. But OMFG, Thai was soooo cute today. He always wants me to teach him something in Japanese, so whenever I bring a Japanese book, he grabs it immediatly. He was so adorable trying to pronounce the words, I wanted to cuddle him. XD All I really wanna do is rest my tired feet, stop feeling sick from the candy I ate (I can't eat a whole lot of sugar-just two pieces makes me feel naseaus X_X), and watch DIRU videos. And that, my dears, is exactly what I'll do.
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