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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
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Friday, August 4, 2006
I'm Gonna Come at You Like a Spider Monkey!!!
Current Mood: Somewhat depressed
Current Song: No. (666) by Gazetto
Last night was terrible. After not having the best day yesterday, things got worse. Lately my family has had a few financial problems, my dad's company is going out of business, and my parents have really been on edge lately. I looked at a few Kyo pictures after updating and got off the computer after Mom fussed at me, telling me that that's all I ever do. Whenever dinner came around, I asked Mom if I could have any coke to drink but she told me "no." Even though I really wanted some, I got some lemonade without complaint. Then my dad said I could have some coke and Mom got pissed, saying that her opinion "didn't matter in this house." That pissed me off because she always gets angry at the tiniest little things and blows them out of proportion. Then she tried to find direction to my aunt's graduation and got frustrated cause she couldn't find them and started washing dishes (more like throwing them down and splashing water and soap on them)... because my mom was pissed, my dad got pissed to. I got upset over all the noise and went into my room, turned up Dir en grey, and started folding paper cranes for Kyo-sama. My brother came into the room and said that Mom and Dad were yelling at each other and I started crying. It was silently, to make sure I wouldn't further upset my brother. After about half an hour, Dad came in to check on us and explained that everything was alright. I couldn't help but start crying hysterically and I poured out all my fears about them getting a divorce and how I'm tired of them always fighting and all this other stuff... but I think what upset me the most is one fact that constantly burns into my brain-my birth was an accident. My parents didn't try to get pregnant with me... I was a "suprise." My parents say I'm a "gift from God", but I revere myself as an accident. And I almost killed my mother during birth. And the only reason they had my brother is because I didn't have any friends and they wanted another baby around. In other words, if it weren't for me, they wouldn't have had kids... and they wouldn't have to worry about money so much. I feel like it's all my fault and whenever I remember that I was an accident I REALLY wish I hadn't been born. It tears me apart. Also, my mother was not the first person to hold me. My grandmother was. That pushes my guilt even further. I know I was put on this earth for a reason, but I fear that I won't be able to fufill it and that all my parent's misery will have been put to waste. I hate myeslf so much... I feel like everything is my fault these days. After that my parents made up and everything was back to normal. At least they pretend it is. I finished "Geisha, A Life" last night and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to know a little more about geisha. I learned a whole lot from that book, about 50 different things. It also puts to rest a lot of misconseptions from "Memoirs of a Geisha" (despite how much I adore that book, there were a few things that put a lot of geisha to shame). So, if you want to know more about geisha or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" and were interested in it, read "Geisha, A Life." The woman who wrote it was the inspiration for Arthur Golden's character, "Sayuri."

Iwasaki-sama desu.
Today has been better. I woke up early, took a shower, folded two loads of clothes, and tried to watch "Mad Marble Hell Vision." I have to pack for my vacation that I'm going on tommorow (I won't be back or update in a week), scrub the tub, and get a fill of J-rock before my week-long fast (not counting my two DIRU CDs). I guess I'll see you guys later and mucho love. I won't see you in a while. Ja ne.
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Thursday, August 3, 2006
I am Addicted to the Perceived Fate.
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: Kodou by Dir en Grey
Waaa... genki desu ka? -_- Today has sucked... well, kinda. All I've done is take a shower, eat lunch, load about 700 pictures onto Photobucket and fold three loads of clothes. I guess it could be worse, but it's not the most exciting thing to do. I erased all my pictures from my files and they're now in Photobucket... I have three different accounts, one for Dir en Grey, one for other J-rock, and one for my icons... I'm tired of clicking and clicking... and clicking. @_@ I think I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. XDDD My brother also threw a remote at me cause he thought I would catch it (yeah... sometimes I have the reflexes of a cat but most of the time a puddle of mud moves faster than I do XP) and it hit me on the wrist, leaving a bright red mark for about an hour and now it's swollen. -_- Itai. Last night I read "Geisha, A Life", studied some Japanese, printed and translated the lyrics to "Kodou", and watched MXC. ^^ Yay Kenny and Vic. I realized today's post has been really short... I guess I'm too emotionally raped (XD) to care. In return I'll post the lyrics to "Kodou" and a few pictures. Yay.
KODOU BY DIR EN GREY (translation by
The sadness on the face will probably be gone tommorow
When did my eyes become dead?
What is waiting for me tommorrow as I sing and live without meaning?
Alone in my room as my heartbeat screams
Don't kid yourself and don't fool yourself
I am addicted to the percieved fate
I am alone I linger on to this fate
Don't kid yourself and don't wound yourself
The unstoppable rain The unstoppable sound The unstoppable scar
The unstoppable love The unstoppable song...
I can't stop it anymore
I can't handle it anymore
Kill the voice Close your eyes Drown in the darkness Roam around
I won't depend on anyone anymore
Kill the voice Close your eyes Drown in the darkness Roam around
I keep inside me your keen voice...
All in darkness
Its such an irony this sunny bright weather
-Good Morning-

Peace out. X3
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Why Can't It Be?
Current Mood: Content
Current Song: red...[EM] by Dir en Grey
Waai, hello, everyone. ^^ Yesterday was pretty normal, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. After updating I went on YouTube to add some videos to my favorites and I have about 18 DIRU videos now... ^^; Most of them are PVs, but I also have a video of Kaoru hitting Shinya in the head. XDDD They're such a bunch of geeks... but I love them!!! ^o^ I'm also extremely proud of myself for finding one of the best Kyo pictures ever. XD He's backstage and has my favorite hairstyle and is growling at the camera... it's soooo cute. :3 I also found a pic of him about to go to sleep (awww...), so Momo is happy. :D I hope Dad can transfer all my J-rock files onto this computer so I can put all my pictures on Photobucket... that way, if my computer crashes, my files won't be lost and it'll have more memory on the computer!!! :D I am smart. X3 Did you guys know that Taco Bell puts onions in their bean burritos??? That's disgusting! I hate onions. X_X So instead I ate a cheese quesadilla (sp?) without the sauce. Cause the sauce is nasty. XDDD Picky, ne? After a late dinner (we didn't eat until 10 @_@) we watched "Beavis and Butthead Do America." XD I fucking love Beavis and Butthead, everytime I see it on TV I drop everything I'm doing to watch it. I even watched B&B whenever I was little... I didn't get most of the jokes, but I thought they were funny. X3 So B&B and I go waaaaaaay back. ^^ While I was watching "Beavis and Butthead" I created an alter-ego for myself. ^^ He's a chibi cat boy I named Hige-kun who is hyper, angry, crazy, loves music, loves ramen, and talks in Japanese all the time. ^^ I made a little mini-manga last night and I think it's relatively cute... but his little teddy bear (his pet) looks terrible. XD Oh, well, it's chibi, no one cares. ^^ So, after I drew Hige-kun's comic I drew a picture of Beavis and Butthead. XDDD Nice. Once again I began reading "Geisha, A Life" and gained a whole lot of respect for Iwasaki-san in just one chapter. She talked about how men would terrorize her and try to rape her, but she wouldn't let anyone walk on her-not even customers. One time she was holding a purifying Shinto arrow and walking to a shrine when a man started groping her out of the blue. She grabbed his wrist and shoved the arrow into the back of his hand and ground it around until she drew blood-she then said "I want you to look at this scar the next time you think of hurting someone. And stop." That amazed me... too many geisha let themselves be violated-and the fact that she stood up for herself as a WOMAN in Japan is like a big "FUCK YOU" to tradition. At first I admired her for being the most successful geisha of her time, her perserverance, her strength, and now her ability to take a stand. Iwasaki-sama truly is an idol. ^^ I stayed up until 3 in the morning reading and then my dad woke up and got all pissed that I was still up. ^^; Woopsies, I guess I got a little too carried away. I couldn't go to sleep, it was too hot... I took off my pants, threw off my covers, turned on the fan, and I was still sweating. And it's not like we don't have air conditioning-we do. I kept on tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable, but I couldn't. So I grabbed Tooru (my teddy bear... yeah, I know, it's sad. I have one named Shinya too. ^^;) and listened to some soothing DIRU songs and got pretty relaxed after listening to Kyo-sama's gorgeous voice. I eventually fell asleep.

I think that's his reaction to being called cute... XDDD

Awww... sleepy Kyo-san. ^^ *cuddles*
I just remembered-this weekend I'm going to the beach and I won't be coming back for a week. O_O No MyO, no J-rock (except for a two DIRU CDs XP), no internet for a whole week... and I can't go into the ocean, I'm scared to death of it... about 2 1/2 years ago I was stung by a jellyfish that could have killed me. O_O Ever since I get squeamish whenever any ocean water touches me. Well, I guess I'll just have to use what time I have now... load up on Kyo-sama!!! X3
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Current Mood: Pensive
Current Song: Kigan by Dir en Grey
Hero, minna-san. ^-^ Last night was nice, I got to look up a lot on J-rock and read three interviews from DIRU. My favorite interview had to deal with their first experiences or memories of things, and I found it all rather emotional and nice to know more things about them. I was also pretty happy because Kyo and Kaoru answered the questions the most throughly, although I was happy to know anything about them. While I was looking at pictures of Due le Quartz, my grandma came and brought us tomatoes... probably to support my vegetarianism, but I was afraid that she was gonna see Kikasa on the screen... O_O She didn't, though. Thank God. But, I found the DIRU interview really moving and it made me think about my first experiences. That's why I'm gonna answer the questions they were asked in the interview. ^^

1. The earliest memory you ever had?
I remember one time when I was 2 or 3, losing a toy I really loved at about 3 in the morning. I woke my parents up to find it, which I eventually did.
2. The first time you went to school?
I remember preschool... I found the whole experience rather nice and befriending some people but I remember someone making fun of me because I was wearing Batman socks... it really hurt my feelings.
3. First time you learned something new?
I don't really remember.
4. First time you fell in love?
I don't know if it was love, but I had a crush on a boy in 2nd grade, and it really hurt when he picked on me. Eventually we dated in 5th grade.
5. First time you went on a date?
Although I've had two other boyfriends, I didn't go on a real date until I was in 8th grade... I snuck into a "Hostel" with my boyfriend.
6. First Time You Were Scolded?
Whenever I was 4 or so, I stole a Push Pop from Wallmart because Mom wouldn't buy me one. I remember taking it out of my pocket and Daddy seeing me, and yelling at me, which he never does. Mom took me back to Wallmart, made me give the Push Pop back to the manager and tell him what I did. He gave me a lecture on how I could go to jail... it was all very upseting.
7. First Time You Felt As If You Made a Mistake?
Same as above.
8. First Time You Kept A Secret From Your Parents?
Whenever I was little I was embarassed to poop... so sometimes I would hold it in for 3 days and suffer in silence. I think that's the first secret I kept from them. ^^;
9. First Part-Time Job?
I haven't got one yet.
10. How Did You Spend You First Earnings?
Whenever I was little I spent money I got for my birthday either on a candy or toy. I was really proud of myself for buying something with my own money.
11. First Time You Bought Clothes For Yourself?
It was in 5th grade, when I started to get self-consious and realize that I didn't like my clothes and it wasn't the popular thing to wear.
12. First Time You Put Makeup On?
Whenever I was 3-4, I got into my mom's makeup drawer and smeared lipstick and really expensive cream all over myself... mom wasn't too happy. But the first time I wore makeup in public was in 5th grade... I sneaked mom's mascara when she wasn't looking.
13. First Time You Changed The Color Of Your Hair?
I was in 7th grade, and I died my hair blue but it just turned black with a blue shine because I didn't want to bleach my dark brown hair.
14. What Kind Of Place Did You First Live In By Yourself?
I haven't done that yet.
15. The First Time You Cooked?
Whenever I was little I would help my mom bake sweets... I would stir the batter and feel very proud of myself afterwards, eating the cookies and knowing I helped make them.
16. First Time You Felt Kindness?
Whenever I was little I remember my dad always doing things with me and paying attention to me... Mom worked late, so I remember Dad's kindness most distinctly.
17. First Time You Felt Like Commiting Suicide?
The end of 5th grade. I felt like everything around me was against me... that's when I started cutting and seeing a psychiatrist, as well.
18. First Time You Experienced Bereavement?
There was an old man that my family would visit alot, I never quite understood his relationship to us but I remember he was always kind and that he had Parkinson's disease... whenever he died, we went to his funeral. It was a closed-coffin ceremony and he was placed into a hole in the wall. I didn't quite understand what was going on, and it wasn't until after the ceremony that he wasn't going to come back. I was confused and started crying.
19. First Time You Fought With Someone?
Whenever I was little I used to have really long hair, about down to my butt. Whenever Mom would brush my hair, she did it viciously and it hurt, so I would fight with her while brushing my hair. I eventually cut my hair shorter.
20. First Time You Drank Alcohol?
I was in 1st-3rd grade and I saw my grandpa's beer lying on a table beside his chair. He drank them all the time so I wondered what it tasted like. So when no one was looking I took a sip. I hated it.
21. First Time You Tried Smoking?
Never... although quite a few times I thought of stealing a cigarette from someone.
22. First Time You Were Glad You Were Born?
Whenever I make someone happy or make them smile... it makes me wonder if I really do have a purpose.
23. First Time You Felt Like You Had Aged?
I remember being little and trying on some of my favorite old clothes... they fit rather uncomfortably and my parents told me it was because I was growing. I didn't want to grow and I started crying... I still don't know what became of those clothes.
There, you have delved into the psyche of Momo. :3 Happy now? After reading some interviews my family went out... we picked up Daddy from work, then went to PetsMart for somethings for our dog. My brother and I pet the kitties and then looked at the hamsters. Nothing all that exciting went on. After that I went with my mom to get some Chinese food (XP Bleh... too fried). She eventually decided to send me over to Food Lion to go buy some ice cream. While I was there a guy commented on my InuYasha shirt. I said thank you even though I find InuYasha rather repulsive now. Whenever I came back Mom looked as if she was about to cry... apparently it took a lot to send her almost-15-year-old girl out to get ice cream, although it was only 4 doors down. I think she's on crack. In fact, I'm pretty sure. All I need is evidence. We then ate the nasty Chinese food, then I read my geisha book, took some geisha notes, then went to bed. Yup.

Today I haven'tdone anything other than take a shower. I also realized I'm wearing another InuYasha shirt. XD I gotta stop doing that.
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Monday, July 31, 2006
Behind the Painted Face...
Current Mood: Bouncy
Current Song: Hanauta by Duel Jewel
Uwaaai!! ^^ Hi, everyone, it's soooo nice to be able to get the internet again. ^3^ I was gonna change my theme but I have no idea where all my icons went and the bookmark for where I got all my J-rock wallpapers has dissapeared. -_- Damn computer. Anyhow~, last night I took full advantage of the internet and after posting I went to go visit some geisha sites. :D I found my favorite geisha site ("Immortal Geisha" at of all time once again, so that made me pretty happy. ^^ I also went to Wikipedia and read up on some geisha stuff (most of it I already knew -_-) but I was able to find an awesome site called "Karyukai" ( It has the complete history of the origins of geisha, the hierachy of the okiya, and even has a kanazashi calendar. I was only able to read a little bit of it, I'm getting read to dig into the miscelaneous part, it has tons of interviews. It even has a link to one of my favorite online stores of all time-Gaijin Geisha. I almost pissed myself when I saw that. XDD I've also read over 70 pages from "Geisha, A Life" and my brother thinks I'm crazy for reading that much after getting it the same day. As you can clearly see, he's not much of a reader, and he doesn't take up books with the same passion as I do. T^T I'm really proud of myself because on the pages there's kanji printed down the side-it's the same kanji over and over again. I wondered what it was (I can only read a few kanji-probably 30 at most and identify maybe 50 -_-) but was able to identify the kanji for "ko" and finally realized that it was "Iwasaki Mineko"-her name!!! I got really happy and started dancing around. ^^; I'm glad that I've been able to finally get some REAL historical information on geisha, not just fiction. I've learned a little bit on geisha-the one that sticks out the most at me is that you can become a geisha once you're out of middle school. I find that midly dissapointing, it gives the geisha less time to perfect the arts-I suppose it is essential for educational purposes but if they were to be trained at an early age but have a tutor as well as go to geisha classes (ease up on the geisha classes-it's a sacrafice, but will still add up in the future) would be extremely benificial, I think. Although it might be stressful to the child, and would give them no choice on what they wanted to be when they grow up. I guess it's a matter of freedom and education, more than anything. When I go to Japan I want to go to an ochaya... I know it'll be expensive, but I want to see geisha/geiko in action. ^^ Afterwards I watched one of my DIRU DVDs with my brother, mainly because he wanted to see "raison d'etre".... oh, dear. -_-

Geiko... they're so pretty. ^^
Ah, dammit. I discovered something last night-if I'm going to live where I want in Japan, I'll have to learn 3 different dialects. I am currently learning Tokyo's dialect, as it is the official dialect for students studying Japanese. I also have to learn Kansai-ben, Kansai's tongue, and I also have to learn Hokkaido's seperate dialect-to which I do not know the name. I've looked in my National Geographic book but haven't found anything so far-does anyone know Hokkaido's dialect? Anyhow, the three places I plan on visiting the most in Japan are Tokyo (of course), Kyoto (where Kyo grew up, the most traditional part of Japan, and Gion Kobu is), and Hokkaido (famous for it's snow fesitavals and history of the Ainu). I plan on living in Kyoto, however, so I suppose that Kansai-ben will come first over Hokkaido's dialect. I'm hooked on learning Japanese-I have no idea why, though. I thirst for knowledge when it comes to it... yesterday the first thing I did whenever I woke up was open my Japanese dictionary and write a few words down. ^^; Dad made fun of me yesterday for looking up "shouji" (the traditional Japanese sliding doors made of paper) at 2 in the morning. XD I can't wait until my school actually does have Japanese language classes-I shall be the top student!!! ^3^
Kya, I'm hungry. I shall be back, my darklings... with ramen. X3
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Gomen Nasai, Minna-san... ;o;
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: Itoshisa Fuhai Ni Tsuki by Dir en Grey
OMFG, everyone, I am soooooo sorry. The reason I haven't been on the computer for four days (it has killed me XD) is because of a very unfortunate event on Thursday. On Thursday morning after reading a yaoi (><) and visiting a few sites the computer suddenly crashed and wouldn't come back on. IT HAD DIED. Our computer is like 8 years old and it's an iMac, so it's really unreliable... I don't even know if all my J-rock stuff is saved. My dad claimed that he did, but so far I have found no trace of my 126 Kyo pictures and the rest. O_O Please God, let them be there. If they're not, I shall cry. But it's taken about 3 days to get everything back up and I'm afraid of the computer now... I've got to King Midus crap touch. T-T I officially know that I'm addicted to the internet... mostly J-rock, but without the internet, I have no J-rock. A scary prospect. O_O After the computer died I went to the dentist (-_-) and daydreamed the entire time, while she was looking around in my mouth and she told me that she wished that all her patients were as calm as me. XDDD Nice. But before everything, happened, I got a good dose of DIRU. ^^ I got to watch "Kigan, Rasetsukoku", and "Zomboid" live on YouTube, and OMFG, I almost died. On "Kigan" Kyo did so many raunchy things, my head was gonna explode. XDDD But the most memorable thing is that he did an inverted peace sign and licked the space in between his fingers... you can guess what that means. *shivers* Curse him. CURSE HIM. Last night I got to watch "Jackass: The Movie" with my brother and dad on Comedy Central and I swear, my smile was warped because my mouth hurt from laughing so much. They're such a bunch of idiots, but I love them. All so much. X3 And Johnny and Bam are hot. XDDD

Eto... O//O
Today was pretty nice and mellow, I enjoyed it. I woke up pretty early and wrote down an assload of Japanese, listened to DIRU, then watched one of my DIRU DVDs. XD We went to go eat at Wendy's and I had a really tasty potato... it tasted like popcorn. ^//^ I love popcorn. And then I had some mandarin oranges and a frosty. :D Go Wendys. ^^ After that we went to Barnes & Noble and I finally got "Geisha, A Life" by Mineko Iwasaki!!! ^o^ I've wanted to get that book ever since the movie for "Memoirs of a Geisha" came out, so I'm estactic that I finally got it. ^^ In case you don't know, Mineko Iwasaki is one of the most renowned and successful geisha in history, also the woman who helped Arthur Golden with information on geishas for "Memoirs of a Geisha." She's basically the inspiration for Sayuri. So far I'm only 20 pages into the book-it's only because I have to read it whenever my mom's back is turned because I'm not finished with "To Kill a Mockingbird." ^^; Oops. After that we went to go get my brother a skateboard and then we went walking at the YMCA. ^^ I listened to "Vulgar" while walking, which isn't the best, because the songs are more emotional than brash and harsh, like "Withering to Death."
Oh yeah. My dad called me a "goth hippie" this weekend. XD I told him he forgot the "Japanese-wanna be" part. He agreed.
Dinner time. :D Love you and I'll be on tommorow... hopefully. XP
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Sad Sexually
Current Mood: Mischevious
Current Song: Tsumi to Batsu by Dir en Grey
Hey, everyone... I'm really sorry about yesterday, I think the little tiny circuit in my head that connects everything just exploded. -_- I didn't mean to rant on that long, but I guess I did. ^^; Usually I don't let things like that get to me, I'm used to people saying "Kyo's a fuckhead" or "they're a bunch of fags" but I guess something poked me in my brain. o_O I think it might be from lack of Pocky. Seriously. I haven't had Pocky in about 6 months. -_- I need to go to Wallmart.

POCKY!!!!! ;o;
Yesterday was nice and sex-tastic after my little rant. ^^ Feeling good about myself once I had got that DIRU thing off my chest, on went on a DIRU scavenger hunt... I decided to listen to their PV "Tsumi to Batsu" since that song rocks my world, everyone has decent camera portions (even though how much I love him, Kyo usually gets all the camera and that's unfair ;_;) and... KAORU'S A DEATH FAIRY IN IT!!! XD I'm serious, he looks like a little fairy that will kill you in your sleep. XDDD My brother really likes the song but laughs at the PV because Kyo constantly tries to lick the camera. ^^; He asked me why he did that, so I let him read the lyrics. O_O His response was "OMG, Kyo's a perv." XDDD Then I read him the lyrics to "Zomboid" and I think he's scarred for life... my work is complete. X3
"From me the asailant, to you, the victim"
Every second, I drive it in.
If I lick your ears, just drop it
Here, hurry up and ask for more.
Put it in your mouth, faster
Lick the poison without missing a drop.
If you miss one drop...
Show lie mad sexual
1 sad sexuall 2 sad sexually
Here hurry up and scream harder.
Just hurry up and open up your eyes
Show lie mad sexual
1 sad sexuall 2 sad sexually
Show lie mad sexual
1 sad sexuall 2 sad sexually
On December 24, another person is trapped
If I lick her all over-- a 14-year-old girl,
I'll just try to break your body
I planted the seed and took it out.
She is in tears witha red mouth. Fuck her
Here, hurry up and scream harder,
Just hurry up and open your eyes
See, if I look at it more and more,
the honey keeps coming
Make your sweet honey gush
show · lie · mad · sexual
1 · sad · sexually · 2 · sad · sexually
show · lie · mad · sexual
1 · sad · sexually · 2 · sad · sexually
On December 24, another person is trapped
If I lick her all over-- a 14-year-old girl,
I'll just try to break your body
I'll keeping fucking you forever
Here's to your dry-addicted head
If I take the drug today,
I'll start to fuck you
You've got a pretty mouth.
You've got pretty breasts
You've got a pretty voice.
You've got a pretty face
You've got a pretty part here.
You've got a pretty part there
show · lie · mad · sexual
1 · sad · sexually · 2 · sad · sexually
show · lie · mad · sexual
1 · sad · sexually · 2 · sad · sexually
ZOMBOID BY DIR EN GREY (translated by
The nurses, the costume player lick me
can not hold it in anymore, time to explode
All in your face like a slimy goo
It was less then 5 minutes
but it was a trip, a trap, a S trip
Inside your mouth like a slimy goo
In the 80's the SM were my adolesence
Midori, Eri and Jun
Those shaded areas were unnecessary. Pissed me off.
But now I am an adult
Stopped watching videos and now I go to special shops.
Got girls from the alps, I get horny.
A small park in Shinjuku and a Building in Gotanda 4th Floor
I watch and see. Do you see??
Can not be a Bi now
So I think hard and destroy the theory
Dick Addiction slimy goo
Sweet My Honey
High transplay
Once my DIRU whoring was done, I practiced my bass for 45 minutes straight and I can actually read like 6 notes now-go me!!!! ^o^ The only problem with that is that my fingertips turn raw after playing that long... touching anything turned agonizing. XP I played a little song for my family and my dad then wanted to strum a little on it so I let him... the only problem is that he thought he was Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers cause he was just wearing his underwear while playing (my dad has a bad habit of walking around the house in nothing but his underwear @_@) so I eventually had to take it away from him. XD

There's Flea... not wearing any pants. Yup.
After a tasty dinner I wrote down 33 different Japanese expressions (yes, I am obsessed X_X) and stayed about an hour on the computer staring at all my glorious Kyo pictures... unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to look at all 126 of them. T~T Poor me. Cause my brother was standing behind me the entire time, he demanded to look at some pictures of Die (since he's his favorite member). XD After that I showed him Uruha (from Gazetto) and Bou (from AnCafe) and he got pissed at them because he wants them to be girls. XDDD It's fun tainting my little brother's mind.

My brother's (and one of my) favorite pictures of Kyo. XD

O//O Whoa.

Uruha, everyone's little Gazetto whore. X3

BOU-CHAN!!! *glomps*
Afterwards I watched my brother play "SSX Tricky" on the Gamecube since he begged me and I played with his rabbit a little before getting dressed for bed, translating a little bit of "Tsumi To Batsu", and going to bed.
This morning I woke up from a really fucked up dream... I don't remember all of it, but I rememeber that I had powers that had to involve cheese and I fell in love with Die. O_O I think it had been the fact that I threatened to kill myself because there was no more string cheese the night before and my brother wanted to see pictures of Die. Either way, it was really fucked up. @_@ Today I think I'm gonna listen to more sex songs cause those always make me happy XDDD and practice my bass again until my fingers start bleeding. ^^ Love you guys~! Ja ne.
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Asobimasho Chainsaw De.
Current Mood: Angry
Current Song: Marmalade Chainsaw by Dir en Grey
Okay... right now I've been bottling up a lot of shit but now I gotta let it out. I AM SO FUCKING TIRED OF PEOPLE DUMPING ON DIR EN GREY. I don't mind someone saying "I don't like Dir en Grey" or "I don't like Dir en Grey's new stuff." That's fine, I don't care-go listen to something else. But whenever people say shit like "Dir en Grey sucks" or "Kyo's tone-deaf" or "Dir en Grey are sellouts", that really pisses me off. First of all, DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW. You say that Dir en Grey is a sellout just because they've gone international but all you're being is a fucking hypocrite. If you had the chance to earn a lot of money doing what you love and helping out your friends, there's a 99% chance that you're gonna take it. And they're playing music because it's what they love, not for the money. Second of all, DRESSING UP IS NOT PART OF MUSIC. Dir en Grey USED to be Visual Kei, now they're taking on a more grungy, vicious look. I'm fine with that and so should you. Why? Because since I last checked, the definition of music has not changed. It doesn't involve wearing makeup or pretty dresses-it's making something beautiful. If you're not mature enough to change with Dir en Grey, go listen to something else, you stupid fuck. Thirdly, IF KYO IS TONE DEAF THEN hide ISN'T DEAD. None of you motherfuckers who say Kyo is "tone-deaf" would never have the balls to do what he does every single day of his life. You would never have the courage to go up in front of thousands of people and expose your soul, singing your heart out. And his voice is like nothing I've ever heard-he is and always will be a prophet, so shut the hell up. Fourthly, KYO'S PAIN IS REAL. For all you idiots who think that Kyo cuts/scratches himself onstage for attention, you are severly mistaken. I've actually seen Kyo crying while singing a song... I've seen him carve the words "NO FUTURE" into his chest backstage... I've FELT his pain. I've cried during many things, many so trivial and fake such as movies, but never have I cried because of looking at a man. Kyo has done that to me, countless times. There are times when I see such utter pain and lonliness in his eyes that I break into tears. If that's not true, then I don't know what is. In the end, I don't care if you don't like Dir en Grey. That's fine. But if you're gonna talk badly about someone or something, make sure they don't have rabid fangirls on the loose like me that can rant on forever.

Fuck yeah.
Okay, with that all said and done, I feel much better. ^^ Yesterday I practiced my bass some more, took a 2 1/4 mile walk (I was fucking TIRED afterwards, I didn't take a rest and I'm on my period), tried to talk on AIM (Alayna and Sharon, I'm sooooooo sorry, my computer shut down while I was printing lyrics to "Marmalade Chainsaw" and my parents wouldn't let me get back on), listened to "Marmalade Chainsaw" and sang the lyrics about 9 times (XD), and thought about how angry people who are down on Dir en Grey make me. I love "Marmalade Chainsaw" but lately I've been going a bit overboard, I find the song facinating and totally thrash-worthy... not to mention the lyrics "nobody's hell like mine" really touch my heart.... I have no idea why, but it just does. I know that everyone has their each induvidual hell, and every single one is terrible. I'd really like to see a live of it. ^^
MARMALADE CHAINSAW BY DIR EN GREY (translation by centigrade-j)
rolled all over the wall
making like a champion of right, you're a monkey.
One Twelve Two Eleven Three Ten Four Nine Death Thirteen
blow away the bastards who are all talk no action
do you think me mad? does that please society?
Suck suck suck 'em all till the end mine death thirteen
wrists made a reality, throb, Ain't fuckin' around
Mouth to Mouth
I can't hear the first cry,
Honey watching the chopping block from above.
a sacrificial flower stuffed into the refrigerator
the highly praised Serial Horror Show
Nobody's hell like mine
dancing, you're a Majestic Baby
An Orange-d up Thirteen
Nobody's hell like mine
screaming, you're a Majestic Baby
A clockwork Death Thirteen
let's play with a Chainsaw
living true to yourself is a merit, there are no shortcomings.
One Twelve Two Eleven Three Ten Four Nine Death Thirteen
screaming out, I'll blow you away.
do you think me mad? is society glad?
Suck suck suck 'em all till the end mine death thirteen
wrists made a reality, throb, Ain't fuckin' around
Nobody's hell like mind
dancing, you're a Majestic Baby
An Orange-d up Thirteen
Nobody's hell like mind
screaming, you're a Majestic Baby
A clockwork Death Thirteen
Thanks for everyone who gave me tips on where to get tabs, I really appreciate it. And it's okay that some of them are guitar because my brother's going to buy a guitar once he earns the money and I want to learn how to play a little of it. :D Thank you so much!!!

Play that bass, Zero-sama!!! XD
XP I feel all crampy and hungry. I guess I'll talk to you guys later and I hope my rant didn't bore/anger you TOO much. Atode, minna-san~!
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Jesus Christ R 'n Roll
Current Mood: Accomplished
Current Song: Jesus Christ Rock 'n Roll by Dir en Grey
Guess what I found out on Friday? Kyo's in the hospital with acute tonsilitis and apparently he's quit smoking since January. Why did no one tell me this? Why have I just found this out? Why? Hmmm? Can you answer me that? I hate you all. I'm leaving.
I'm sorry... I lost my temper. I didn't mean that, I really love you all. *hugs* But I'm serious, I just found out that Kyo is in the hospital. He's just getting his tonsils pulled, but poor thing. ;_; At least afterwards he can eat lots of ice cream and popcicles... well, at least popcicles. Shinya will probably eat all the ice cream. XDDD I'm not all that worried about him but I just hope his voice will be unaffected and he will continue to stop smoking. ^^

Get better, Kyo-kun!!!
Yesterday was really nice-I went to go visit my cousin that I haven't seen since Christmas. I took about 3 1/2 hours to get there (ugh... I hate long cra rides) and the entire time I listen to DIRU and introduced my brother to them. ^^ He really likes them, even better than Linkin Park, his favorite band. So, yesh, I have dragged my brother to the dark side. :3 We went to go visit her to meet the father of her baby and just because. They have an apartment together and it's really nice-they have two kittens, one named Sid (after Sid Vicious-they're hardcore punk fans... everytime I think of Sid Vicious I think of Kyo saying that they're stupid. XDDD) and Gabby. Sid was really cute and tiny, but Gabby was too shy to come out but I did see her once and she was really pretty. :D The father was really nice to Sid, and any boy who's nice to animals wins me over. ^^ But I found out that I'm allergic to cats... I was so fucking miserable. My head was hurt, my nose was stuffy, and my eyes were puffy and itchy and watery. ;_; I love kitties, I don't want to be alergic.... *cries* Anyhow, he was really nice and a vegetarian and a bit of a game geek, which is cool. ^^ He kinda reminded me of my brother, so I like him, he's nice. While we were there they showed us all this crap on YouTube, like a Mac ad spoof (and everything they said is true-I have a Mac XDDD), and Mac game ad spoof, Bush siging U2, and kittens talking. XDDD I also got to see my aunt, who I haven't seen in fucking ever, which was nice. Basically all we did there was talk and get to know him. We also went to go eat pizza and there I asked my cousin about bass (since she plays the bass in a band) and she gave a me a few tips and-get this-let me BORROW her first bass, complete with a gig bag, a pick, a cord (for an amp), and a strap. I was really suprised, but quite pleasantly. ^^ Also my cousin's boyfriend let my brother borrow X-Men Legends for the PS2, so he got something too. XD On the ride back I had a nice little nap but got a little paranoid that the door would fly open and I'd fall out of the car and die. XDDD Nice.
This morning I woke up to the most delicious dream ever. ^o~ First, I had a weird dream of Sheryl Crow singing "Hanauta" but Duel Jewel (o_O) and then I had the good, sex-tastic dream. Okay, it was a dream of the PV for "Ryoujoku No Ame" re-done and Kyo was wearing his Ryoujoku No Ame outfit, right? Well, he was outside standing in the rain and had some guy pinned up against a wall and started making out with him. It was ORGASMIC. I'm not even kidding. I probably quivered in my sleep. XDDD After that I woke up and discovered that I have my period. -_- Greeeeeeeeeat. Fuggin hate my period. After that I took my shower then ate some delicious ramen. :D After that, I practiced the bass for about 30-45 minutes and I discovered that I like playing with my fingers rather than with a pick... the pick makes it sound more shake-y and with your fingers you seem to have more control. ^^ And here I is. :P I'm probably gonna practice the bass again, but that's just cause I like the feeling of being able to have a bass in my hand and look like a bad ass. XDDD Once I get enough practice under my belt I'm gonna look for some Dir en Grey and Nine Inch Nails tabs-anyone have a suggestion on where to get them?

The bass is sooooo Toshiya's bitch.
I have the sudden urge to watch "Filth" and laugh at Kyo's big ass dreadlocks and cute little tummy. :D I am off, my little darklings. Until then-
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Ongaku wa Ai Desu~!
Current Mood: Alright
Current Song: In Vain by D'espairsRay
BYAAAAAAAAHHH!!! How ya'll bitches doin'? A'ight? A'ight. X3 (I can't believe I just used "ya'll"... *shudders*) Waaaaa, nothing really happened last night to speak of. Ummm... while watching "Eight Below" (that movie made me so happy... huskies are my favorite type of dogs :D) I flipped through my issue of "Cure" and decided to draw Asagi from D since he looks cool. XDDD It turned out suprisingly descent. I'm working on real life pictures (since all I use to do was anime and now when I ocassionally draw it's usually chibi :3), so I was happy that Asagi turned out good. I showed the picture to my parents and said "lookit him!!!" and they just went "O_O That's a guy?" XDDD You think they would have learned by now. I also wrote down so much Japanese that I thought my head was gonna explode... I wrote down like 9 different kanji, most of them for color. O_O OMFG, some of the kanji for colors are sooooo hard... I only know "aka", "shiro", "haiiro", and can identify "kuro." ;_; And I also learned the kanji for "kuni", which makes me laugh everytime I see it. X3 Allow me to explain-kanji are designed after the object or thing the kanji is supposed to signify. For example, if you look at the kanji for "yama", you can see three peaks of a mountain. The kanji for "kuni" is "tama" (ball) in "kuchi" (mouth). So everytime I see the kanji for "kuni" I think of balls in someone's mouth. XDDD I hate kanji. -_- Oh yeah... I also listened to "Akuro No Oka" and cried... that and "Ain't Afraid To Die" always make me cry. XDDD

This isn't the picture of Asagi I drew, but still, he looks cool.
Today has been pretty uneventful too... I slept in until 1:30 (thank God :D) even though my dog barked until I was awake again but I got to get back to sleep... go me!!! *dances* I jumped through the shower and then we went to go eat at Applebees... which wasn't so nice. My dad seemed pretty bitchy, like everything I said made him upset so I stayed quiet while sipping on my coke and reading Japanese. -_- And Applebees has only ONE dish for vegetarians there and that is cheesesticks... it seems like I'm always eating something with cheese in it now that I'm a vegetarian. XP Then we went to Target and I once again stared longingly at the electronic drum set I want... $300. ;_; I'm thinking of getting a bass since it's only $150, has an instructional video, it's smaller (my room is REALLY messy), and is my second choice of an instrument. I really want to learn how to play the drums, but I guess I'll have to settle for the bass. BUT, if I do choose it, I'll try to learn how to play Toshiya's solo in "Cage." :D After drooling over the instruments I went to the women's clothes section and looked at all the stuff I want but can't afford. T~T Being on a budget sucks... my family has always been on a budget, but I guess now that I'm a teenager and want more stuff I guess I realize it now. All my clothes look like crap and I want to buy more. ;_; I guess I'll just deal with it. -_- I also stepped in some gum and got some on my shoe and foot (since I was wearing flip flops). -_-' Damn idiots don't know how to use a trash can. The only other thing I've did today was put up the Band of the Week on JrockFanClubMKS. Woo!!!

DIRU in their "Cage" outfits... Kaoru's hair makes me laugh. :D
Eto...... @_@ I guess that's all for my ranting. I hope it at least midly intertained you guys. O_O Oooooh, Mom broke out the twizzlers. Yummy time. :D
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