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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
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*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
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Friday, July 21, 2006
Let's Do the Monkey Dance!!! :3
Current Mood: Hyappi :D
Current Song: Reddish-diva version- by D'espairsRay
Yayayay!!! ^-^ How is everyone today, hmm? :D Yet another person has signed my guestbook and called me crazy... it seems that I've been getting alot of those lately. XDDD Blame the monkeys. ^^; Anyhow~, last night I talked to Alayna and Sharon and Jessica again (XD) and Alayna gave me an assload of songs (Japanese, Korean, AND Chinese). :3 She gave me D'espairsRay (In Vain), Fatima (Humiliate Me More, Darlin'), Clavier (Love Song), SE7EN (I Know), 12012 (Ms. Vampire), Seo Taiji (Internet War), Hyde (Cape of Storms), and I wasn't able to listen to the Nicholas Tse and Duel Jewel she gave me. ;_; At least I have 24 songs now. :3 My favorite, of course, was D'espairsRay (cause I'm a D'Ray whore XDDD), but I also really like Seo Taiji (I know he's Korean, but K-rock is still good... shut up >_<) and 12012. SE7EN made me laugh because any rap other than American makes me laugh... sometimes American makes me laugh too. XDDD But I did like it. ^^ Clavier and Hyde were on the pretty side, and I found Fatima to be on the cute side. I still like them all. :D So go me, Alayna gave me some J-rock. *dances* I need it cause I am a J-rock hobo. XDDD Also, Sharon/Sharito (PunThicPanda) and Jessica/Kyoko (xXDirEnGreyXx666) and I started a J-rock fan club and it's named JrockFanClubMKS. X3 So, please check it out if you would... all three of us would really appreciate it. ^^ I totally whored out on Japanese last night... I think I might need to lay off of it, I'm hardly gonna have time for such intensive studies whenever I go to school. ;_; I can't wait until the second year of highschool when I can take a Japanese class and actually study something I love. :D I know, it's weird, but studying Japanese actually makes me happy... is that a bad thing? ;_; I think I have a problem. ToT

Pure Love, son... PURE LOVE. <3
Goddamit, my dog woke me up barking again. >_< At 7:30 in the morning she stood up and started barking at the top of her lungs. I told her to shut up and I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. *sighs* I love her, but does she have to wake me up? I need my sleep!!! ;_; So I woke up and watched the news with my parents... e-x-c-i-t-i-n-g. XD Not. I don't know why they watch it other than to know what the weather's gonna be like... and most of the time they're wrong. The news is so depressing, they're always talking about death and rape and sex scandals and all sorts of suffering. Why don't they ever report anything HAPPY??? Well, they once did, but it was very rare... there was a boy in Iraq that was able to travel to America and get operated on, a result that would end up life-saving. There was also a dog that gotten close to beat to death and then won a local dog show. :D That's happy. *nods*
MR. NEWSMAN BY DIR EN GREY (translation by centirgrade-j)
NEWSMAN GO HELL an ugly pig
NEWSMAN GO HELL a filthy pig
In the back alley cradling the starving kitten the crying boy loved,
screamed for you.
ladies and gentlemen victims laughing at lies, crying at lies,
sneering pigs, always like this, even now like this.
Check it up 1 2 3 4 5 Are you ready
In my head a Blue Fish Has Just Died
Good Night
Without saying goodbye.
Cannot find a reason to why I am living.
Good Night
Heart pinned down... that's why.
Smiles bought for money show on the fuzzy TV
screamed from within the flock of senseless pigs
ladies and gentlemen victims laughing at crime, crying at crime
sneering pigs, always, you see, even now, you see
Damn Dave Chappelle, I've had BYAAAAAAH!!! stuck in my head for the past three days. XDDD He's a comic genius, I'm telling you. Genius. Well... I can't really think of anything else, so I better get out of you guys' hair. And don't forget, visit JrockFanClubMKS or else I'll get Kyo-san on you!!! X3
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Current Mood: Content
Current Song: Artemis by Vasalla
Konnichiwa, minna-san~! ^o^ Alas, today, I'm not as hyper as I was yesterday, but I am still pretty bouncy. ^-^ Last night I had a nice talk with Alayna, Jessica, and Sharon again. ^-^ I always have fun talking with them. :D Last night Alayna gave me an educating talk on Duel Jewel... I've only heard a few songs by them, but from what I've heard, they're really good... Hayato has a really pretty voice and then instrumentals can follow up right next to him... my favorite song is "RED BEAST wo korose", which to I am currently listening, and I am also really partial to "Promise." Today I was searching for Dir en Grey songs and I stumbled up on Vasalla's "Artemis" featuring Kyo. I didn't hear any of Kyo (unless he played an instrumental or screamed a little-but I didn't really hear a Kyo scream), but I really liked the song. Is anyone familiar with Vasalla and can point me in the right direction of finding more information about them? If you would, I would be very grateful. ^-^ On the last month of summer I have before I have to go back to school, I plan on broadening my J-rock taste, because, like I once said on Alayna's site, I am a J-rock retard. -_- I have heard of many bands but hardly ever take the initiative to listen to them. -_- Well, that is going to change, my friends? You hear me? CHANGE!!! T^T My J-rock/J-pop MP3s that I have saved on the computer only consists of 1 D'espairsRay song, 1 Madeth Gray'll song, 2 Doremidan songs, 1 Malice Mizer song, 4 Ayumi Hamasaki songs, 2 Duel Jewel song, 1 Do As Infinity song, 4 Dir en Grey songs, and 1 Vasalla song=17 songs total. -_- I really need some variety. I also need to revist some bands that I've ignored for a while like Naitomea, Malice Mizer, and lots of others. ^^; Anyhow~, last night I studied a lot of Japanese (trying to get to a point where I can understand a majority of what they're saying in movies >_<), started reading "How To Kill a Mockingbird" for school, cleaned a bit of the house (XP Pure Hell... I HATE cleaning), and God knows what else... I think I forgot. XDDD Today is the second day in a row I've ate ramen for lunch... and I still find it satisfying. ^^; I can never get tired of that stuff for some reason... *ponders the magic of ramen*

I like Shun and Yuya's makeup the best. ^-^
I can't really think of anything else to bore you guys with so I'm gonna take a shower and find some more J-rock. :D Whoo!!!
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Uhhhh... Moshi Moshi? X3
Current Mood: Stupid :D
Current Song: Meciless Cult by Dir en Grey
Here's some useless crap about me.
A LiTTLE BiT OF EVERYTHiNG ABOUT ME<3 | THE BASiCS<3 | Name: | Rebecca... I shall tell no more. T^T | Nicknames: | Momo, Becky, Becca, etc. | Birthday: | 10/26/91 | Gender: | Female~! :3 | Hair: | Brown | Eyes: | Brown | Height: | 5"4' | Zodiac Sign: | Scorpio/Sheep | Status: | Is that like single or with someone or something? X3 | Graduation Year: | I haven't yet~! | FAVORiTES<3 | Movie: | I dunno. ^^; | TV Show: | Mmm... INVADER ZIM!!! >w< | Book: | Memoirs of a Geisha, Black Coffee Blues, Thr3e | Color: | Black, Red, White, Silver, Blue, Purple | Food: | Pizza and Ice Cream. ^3^ | Drink(Non-Alcoholic): | Coke!!! 'Tis the shit. XD | Drink(Alcoholic): | I dun like alcohol, it's nasty. >_< | Scent: | Vanilla, rose, anything warm or floral | Actor: | Johnny Depp. ^//^; | Actress: | I don't really know. XP | Sport: | Archery~! <3 | Cartoon Character: | Gir from Invader Zim (aw... someone needs a hug! XD) | Store: | Um... *scratches head* | City: | TOKYO!!! XD | Vacation Spot: | Anywhere in Japan~! :3 | Band: | Dir en Grey!!! | Song: | Uhhh... -_- | Football Team: | Ew, I hate football. | Basketball Team: | Hate basketball. | Baseball Team: | Hate Baseball. | NCAA Team: | Huh? | Animal: | All of them!!! ^o^ | Magazine: | Cure *dances* or Seventeen. XDDD | Candy: | Hershey's Milk Chocolate... Yummy. ^-^ | Restaurant: | Kyaaaa... I guess Pizza Hut. *shrugs* | Jewelry: | Bracelets, they make me happy. :333 | Day of the Week: | Saturday-it's party time!!! *raves* | Ice Cream Flavor: | Cookie dough!!! Yummy in my tummy. :D | Number: | 9... I have no idea why. o_O | PEOPLE<3 | Your Best Friend: | Alayna and Oneechan | Your Shoulder to Cry on: | Alayna and Oneechan | Do You Have More Girl or Guy Friends: | Girl friends... which suprises me. XD | Who do You Consider a Sister: | Alayna and Oneechan (hence the name Oneechan. XD) | Who do You Consider a Brother: | My brother. ^^; | Who Knows All Your Secrets: | Me. | Do You Have An Enemy: | Anyone who stands in the name of peace | Boyfriend or Girlfriend: | No. -_- | Do You Like Someone: | KYO-SAN!!! <3 | HAVE YOU EVER<3 | Been in a Car Wreck: | Yes, when I was little. | Been Arrested: | Nope-I'm a good girl. :3 | Broken the Law: | Yeah, but not in a huge way. | Been Skinny Dipping: | No, I hate my body... *hisses* | Been in Love: | ;_; Yes | Smoked: | No, but I've honestly thought of trying it. | Drank: | Yes, and it was nasty. >_< | Been High: | No!!! That's Towely's job. XD (I watch too much South Park.) | Smoked Pot: | No, I've never done any drugs. | Been Kicked Out of School: | Nope. | Skipped School: | I've faked sick. ^^; | Failed a Class: | I've got an F before...ToT | Broken a Bone: | Nope!!! | Shoplifted: | ...yes. *hides under blanket* | Tried to Intentionally Hurt Someone: | ...yes. ;_; I'm a bad person. | Fell Asleep in Class: | XD;; Maybe once or twice. | Been in a Fight: | Nope | Been Out of the US: | No.... ToT I suck. | Had Surgery: | No, thank God. | Spent the Night in the Hospital: | Yeah, when I was born. XD | Snuck Out of Your House: | No | Lied to Your Parents: | Who hasn't? | Showered at Someone of the Opposite Sex's House: | No. | Saw Someone Die: | My dog... T~T | Had a Near-Death Experience: | I was in a tent during a tornado and got stung by a portugeuse-man-'o-war... does that count? XD | Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: | *sniffs* Yes | Had a Broken Heart: | I know the feeling all too well. | Broke Someones Heart: | I'm afraid so. | Cried Over The Opposite Sex: | Yes, it's natural | Played a Game Requiring the Removal of Clothing: | No | Laughed Until You Cried: | Are you kidding? I do that all the time!!! | Slept Under The Stars: | No. ;_; | Mooned or Flashed Someone: | XDDD No. | Killed an Animal: | NO!!! THAT'S EVIL!!! *hugs squirrel* | Prank Called Someone: | Yes. X3 | Slept in the Same Bed as the Opposite Sex: | If my brother or dad counts, then yes. | YOUR FiRSTS<3 | Boyfriend/Girlfriend: | End of 4th grade | Kiss: | 7th grade, 4 days after my 13th birthday. | Car: | Haven't gotten one yet | Trip Out of Your State: | When I was little, it was to the beach | Job: | Haven't gotten one yet | School: | A preschool/kindergarten | Slowdance: | In 6th grade | Trip to a Beach: | Oh, God.... like when I was 2-3. XD | Celeb Crush: | Daniel Radcliffe. X3 | Best Friend: | Either Kala or Nicole (who I'm not friends with) | Pet: | Coco, who died a year ago | True Love: | I honestly don't know if I've ever truly loved someone | LASTS<3 | Time You Were Out of Your State: | Last year, to the beach | Slowdance: | 8th grade, with my friend Kala. X3 | Movie You Saw at the Theater..(With Who): | Pirates of the Carribean 2, with my family | Person You Talked to on the Phone: | My mom -_- | Song You Heard: | Ready to Fall by Rise Against (Hate that song -_-) | Broken Heart: | Whenever me and my best friend seperated this year | Thing You Ate: | Ramen. :D | Thing You Drank: | Coke. ^-^ | Person You Hugged: | Uhhh... my dad or brother. @_@ | Shower: | This morning. | Show You Watched on TV: | X-Play on G4 | Trip to a Mall: | Sunday (which is suprising O_O) | Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
Hi, everyone!!! XD I'm really hyper today~! *bounces* Last night was nothing really special, just talked to my homies Alayna, Jessica, Sharon, Akira, and some of my friends from school. :3 It was really fun and I think I had a tummy ache from laughing so hard. XD I studied some more Japanese~, and taught some people some Japaense (just call me Momo-Sensei X3)... yeah. XD Last night I had the strange urge to watch "The Final"... I have no idea why, but I just HAD to watch Kyo... the entire day I had him flashing through my head, it was kinda odd. o_O HE'S A HYPNOTIST!!! HYPNOTIST, I TELL YOU!!! XDDD Eto... I realized that I really need to hit it on overdrive with my Japanese. Cause I suck. -_- I've studied it for 2 years, by myself, and I still have trouble understanding movie and songs and interviews... I'm a retard. ToT *cries* Talk about mood swings. X3 By the way, I have a new found love for the kitty face. No idea why. O_O
Have you ever thought what "Beavis and Butthead" would sound like in Japanese? XD I've wondered about that for some reason.
Today I woke up at 8:30, which is like the crack of fucking dawn for me... my dog woke me up by barking and running around. @_@ So I woke up and watched some TV then took a shower then sent something to Alayna then ate some ramen then watched some TV then studied some Japanese and then watched some more TV and then went on the O. X3 I've watched a lot of TV today... -.- I need to start reading a book ("How To Kill A Mockingbird") that needs to be finished by the time school starts, which is in a month. -_- I dun wanna read it, though, I wanna keep on with my Japanese studies. ;_; I now have three options for what I want to do when I grow up... be a psychiatrist, Japanese translater, or the first female J-rocker. :D I love Japanese, I have no idea why... it rocks my world~! <3 Awww... my brother was being mean and terrorizing my dog with a squirt gun... ;_; I saved my baby and then he squirted me. -_- Kya, I feel like watching "Ryoujoku No Ame" again. X3 For some reason I that no matter what, even if he does have a beard, I want to RAVISH Kyo. And I mean RAVISH him. XDDD Hopefully one day I'll meet him and molest him. X3

Suki da na!!! XDDD
Eto... I can't think of anything. ^^; Gomen ne, minna-san! I guess I'll see you guys later and have sweet cotton candy J-rock dreams~! (Dream of An Cafe-they're the tastiest!!! X3)
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Watashi wa geisha desu~! X3
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: Indeliable Sin by Nana Kitade
Last night was Japanese-tastic. X333 All I really did was practice my Japanese and look up Japanese slang (thanks, Alayna!!! Now I can say "I'm gonna hit you" in Japanese. XDDD) and etiquette. My dad was pretty happy that I found out how to say "I'm gonna hit/kill you" because he said that it's something I'll actually use a lot. Thank and "this sucks." XD While I was on (the website I got the slang from) I also looked up on some Japanese laws and boobs are actually alright to be on TV. O_O In college I plan on going to Japan with a host family... and one day I'll be sitting on the couch doing my homework and watching TV with little kids in the room and suddenly boobs will pop up on the TV and I'll start screaming "KYA~!!!! PORUNO!!! PORUNO DESU!!! KODOMO-SAN, MITENAI!!! MITENAI!!!" XD I'm such a spaz. I also learned a few Japanese mannerisms and I'm so pissed that I'll have to learn how to sit in seiza to impress Japanese... I can already sit in seiza (we have to in Aikido), but I HATE it... I'll try to get away with NOT sitting in it for as long as I can. -_- I'll have to practice. *sighs* I also looked up D and Ayabie on YouTube and D is pretty good... I like Asagi's voice, it's really pretty. ^//^ Ayabie is pretty cute, but I've only listened to three songs. Same thing with D. -_- But I'm craving DIRU... I'm like a crack addict... I constantly need a daily dosage or I'll go crazy. XDDD After that I went walking while listening to WTD and it was about 98 degrees and I was walking around in a pair of thick pants and dark, baggy shirt... that's what I usually wear, but I need to start wearing tank tops or shorts. ToT I hate those.

KYAAAAAAA~!!! Love that picture!!! ^o^
Lately I've been wanting to re-read "Memoirs of a Geisha" because I love that book so damn much... -_- I've always loved geisha but lately I've been paying more attention to J-rock than geisha. They miss me~! X3 I've been wanting to buy so many kimono/yukata and geta/zori/tabi and geisha makeup but I'm broke and I can't order stuff online. T-T I know that I won't really do anything with them, but I need to start practicing wearing yukata/kimono and geta/zori/tabi so during my trip to Japan my kimono won't fly open and I won't break my neck while wearing geta. ;_; I'm such a gaijin. *cries* I need to start getting into the habit of Japanese mannerisms... I already bow a lot of the time without really noticing it and I scream out Japanese and stuff. Anyhow~, I need to visit my favorite geisha site to get back in the habit. ^-^

O_O Sugoi!!! This is just a postcard from Nagasaki!!!
Awww... Ivana from "The Suite Life of Zach & Cody" is soooo cute... I want to hug her. <3 Gah, my brother needs to stop watching so much Disney Channel and Nickelodeon... I'm starting to get attatched to these shows. XDDD
Comments (6) |
Monday, July 17, 2006
>_< I'm so sorry...
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: Ugly by Dir en Grey
Oh, I'm sooooo sorry, everyone!!! I haven't updated in about 4-5 days which is pretty unusual for me. -_- I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I've just been kinda preoccupied and nothing really exciting has gone on except for yesterday. Yay yesterday!!! ^3^ Anyhow, on Saturday all that really happened is that I went to Aikido (-_- The swordwork still has my arms huring!!!) and go see my grandma and poppy (yes, I call him poppy... leave me alone!!! >m<). There I was forced to eat a cookie, studied Japanese, lectured on how I need to do chores, and stood in the rain. Standing in the rain was nice. ^-^ I felt really at peace and it was all so gorgeous. Afterwards my parents fussed at me for getting wet. XD Once we got home I got on AIM and started talking to Alayna ("Chikan desu, ne???" XDDD), Jessica (KYO CAKE!!!), PunthicPanda (Toshiya XDDD), and some of my friends from school, which was nice. ^-^ Some of my school friends were pissed that I hadn't talked to them in nearly two months. ^^; Oops... anyhow, it was really fun and I ended up talking for about 4 hours. XDDD I guess time flys when you're rambling about J-rock. Yesterday, was quite more eventful than Saturday. We went to the restraraunt Firebones where Mom and Dad teased me about J-rock and telling me that Kyo was a bad idol. -_- I told them about "Higeki wa Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu" (sp?) and that shut them up for a while. ^-^ Then we went to the mall, which I haven't been to in freakin EVER (like 3-5 months XDDD) and I went to Hot Topic. It hasn't changed alot, but I'm sorry to say that I had to buy something... ToT There was an issue of "Cure" (my FAVORITE Japanese magazine!!!) that had Phantasmagoria in it so I had to get it. -_- It was FIFTEEN DOLLARS. FIFTEEN DOLLARS. In Japan it's usually $8, but I had to buy it... I'm angry at myself for spending that much on a magazine, but... *looks at it* it's so awesome!!! ^o^ D is on the cover and I've decided to check them out!!! :D Actually, I made a whole list of J-rock bands I want to check out but looking through that magazine... about 30-40 total. ^^; I like "Cure" so much because not only does it talk about bands, but it also has tour schedules, fashion advice, highlights on clothing, and ways you can mimick J-rocker's make-up. :3 I can only read a little bit of it, what I can makes me happy. *wriggles* Anyhow, after losing alot of what little money I have, we went to go see... "PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST!!!!" WHOOOOOOOOOO!!! *victory dance* It was really good and I thought that it had FANTASTIC visual effects and storyline. It also brought up the ancient question to me-"would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?" I thought long and hard about this, and.... despite how much I love the Japanese, I would rather be a pirate. Why, you might ask? Well, ninja have about the same hygeine problems as pirates, and pirates have more fun. Even though I'm afraid of the ocean (got stung by a portugeuse-man-o'-war three years ago), I would rather be partying all day and night on top of the ocean than stay in one place just killing people. Pirate get to do that AND search for gold. So, yes, I am a pirate. Momo the pirate. I like the sound of that. X3 Anyway~, we went to Blockbuster after that and I got a movie called "Marebito" and came back home and ate me some ginger ramen. *SQUEE* Love that stuff. ^-^ After that I watched "Marebito", a Japanese horror movie that unviels the root of fear. "Marebito" literally translates to "rare person" but it can also be used for "stranger." Anyhow, I didn't think it was scary, just odd, and it made me horny. -_- Dammit. At least I learned about 8 new Japanese words from it. ^-^ Afterwards I studied some more Japanese and read a little bit more of "Cure" and went to sleep. Here I am. Miss me? ^.~ Probably not. XD Anyhow, that was my exciting weekend. Really. That's exciting for me. XDDD

Phantasmagoria!!! <3
Right now I am looking at my little retard baby (a.k.a. my dog, Lily) and wondering why the hell my brother is watching football. He changed it over to "That's So Raven." Good. I like that show. X333 Gah, I need to take a shower and eat some lunch... NAKED TIME!!! XDDD I'm just kidding... but not really. Love you guys and see you later~!!!
Comments (4) |
Friday, July 14, 2006
Stupid, Stupid Me... -_-
Current Mood: Angry
Current Song: Ryoujoku No Ame by Dir en Grey
Okay, this is gonna be a really short post because I woke up at 3:30 this afternoon. -_- Here's the URL for the PV for "Ryoujoku No Ame", the FULL version. I really like the music and it's got plenty of blood, sex, S&M, and screaming for the whole family-they've even got scary-looking dogs for the kids!!! (Larth2thnik gave me this link, so everyone thank her.) Enjoy, everyone.
Comments (7) |
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The Feeling of Uncertainty
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: Ryoujoku No Ame by Dir en Grey (despite the fact that it's only 30 seconds long -_-)
I feel bad because last night I didn't play any DDR... damn me!!! >_< I was too sore so I decided I wouldn't and know I wish I had. *sighs* Stupid, achey muscles. Anyhow, despite the fact that I feel guilty about not DDRing, I'm happy because I have discovered the magic of Kana. ^-^ I listened to a little bit of Buck Tick ("Romance"), Shiina Ringo ("Ringo No Uta"), Nana Kitade ("KISS"), and I decided to listen to Kana... I had seen a couple of her pictures before and REALLY liked her style. So, I typed in her name and found the song "Hebi Ichigo"... at first I didn't know what to do about her voice, but after listening to 6 or more songs, I decided that I liked it. ^3^ It's really odd... her voice can sound sweet, screechy, brash, and she can scream!!! It's awesome! ^-^ I love how she's able to trash the image of the normal Japanese woman but still look adorable while she does it. :3 But curse Kana, she made me feel like a hentai during "Chimame"... -_- She was wearing a low cut shirt and I... um. >//< She's one of the prettiest women I've ever seen, and that made it worse. -//- I hate whenever stuff like that happens... I can't look at a picture of Kyo with his legs spread open for too long or I HAVE to scroll down. XD Anyhow, I REALLY like Kana's music and it makes me happy to see a woman in the J-rock world. Y'know... a REAL woman. X_X After that, I worked on my letter to Kyo and I had to tear one out because it wasn't good enough... so, I finally came up with a descent rough draft. I'm gonna type it up, and I want you guys to critize it... if you don't, I think you're up to something. PLEASE, I need for it to flawless.
If someone were to ask me what meant the most to me in life, without a doubt, I would confidently answer "music." Music is an enigmatic and rather touchy subject-everyone has a different opinion. Personally, I believe that "real" music has one true name-Dir en grey. Despite the fact that I am 14, an American, and have been a fan for only 1 1/2 years; Dir en grey has made a profound change in my life. Because of you and your band, I have began studying Japanese, changed the way I write lyrics, changed the way I revere music, opened my mind, realized who I want to be, and helped me realize that everyone, no matter what tongue they speak, all feel pain the same way.
When it comes to lyrics, I view you as a God. Never in my life had I ever read such heartfelt, sorrowful pieces of work. On numerous occassions I have been brough to tears upon reading one of your songs-without the music playing. Even such songs as "Zomboid" have an odd sense of wonder to them that astounds me. With ever song, new or old, you NEVER cease to amaze me.
The first song I ever learned how to sing in Japanese was Dir en grey's "Cage." I was amazed at how beautiful Japanese was, and heightened my interest in the language of Japan. I now hope to become fluent and move to "the land of the rising sun." And to think, all of this because of one song.
Not only do I admire you musically and lyrically, I also love how you're not afraid to be YOU. To me, this is what stands Dir en grey apart from other, more mainstream J-rock bands. You're not afraid to look a little obscure (ocassionally scary) and want to be the essential "pin-up" boy that too many Visual Kei artists are. Your kindess is something rare these days in celebrities, and I really take that to heart. You're a true induvidual, there's no other way around it.
I've always loved music, even as a child, but it is now what fuels me. Dir en grey in particular has helped me realize that. I hope to become part of a band upon my coming of age-I sing daily and am saving up money for a pair of drums. Even if that doesn't work out, I'll always hold music near and dear to my heart.
I've made you 1000 paper cranes in hope to show you my appreciation towards everything you've showed me. Even in America, you make a difference. I hope this letter has helped voice that, although I believe I'll never be able to express my gratitude towards you and Dir en grey. Thank you, and look forward to seeing Dir en grey in America.
Sincerely, (My name here)
Please, please, please, give me feedback on my letter. I need to make it better, but I don't know where to start. And if it's something like "write it over again", that's okay because I still have 880 paper cranes to go until I'm done. Aaah, I can't wait until "Ryoujoku No Ame" comes out, I getting ready to tear my hair out waiting for it. If you think this is bad, it'll be at its worst whenever it's the last three days... I'll probably get all foamy at the mouth and start screaming and crying. XD Until then I'll listen to Kana.


I wish I were as pretty as her... T-T
Oh, joy. "Double Chocolety Cookie Crisp." Another reason for American kids to get fat. -_-
I'm hungry and I gotta take a shower... I love you guys, and don't forget to proofread my letter. PLEASE. Byes~! ^-^
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
-_- (Atashi wa Baka Desu.)
Current Mood: Embarassed
Current Song: Itoshisa wa Fuhai ni Tsuki by Dir en Grey
Gah, yesterday I made such a fool of myself on Larth2thnik's site yesterday. >_< I was commenting on her site and she was talking about DIRU's new single coming out, "Ryoujoku No Ame", but didn't put the name up and I started freaking out. I had heard about "Ryoujoku No Ame" about a month ago but forgot all about it and it obviously shows, so I sounded like a complete idiot and DIRU-love-wanna-be. -_- Also, she said that Kyo got a goatee. O_O KYO GOT A GOATEE-you did not hear me wrong. (I hate facial hair... I hate any hair (other than hair on your head and eyebrows), to be more exact. I think that's why I like J-rockers so much. XD Anyhow, I went on their site (which I NEVER do-it takes up too much damn memory and fansites are usually more helpful than it is) to hear a sample of "Ryoujoku No Ame" and it is GORGEOUS. I wasn't able to watch the movie (my computer's software isn't up-to-date enough >_<), but I was able to go on YouTube and see the sample of the PV. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but it does look kinda funny because his hair is dyed blonde but his goatee is black. XD He's still hot as fuck, though. The full version of "Ryoujoku No Ame" comes out on the 26th, so keep on the lookout for it. Off of the subject of my stupidity, I was victorious in finding the mailing list for DIRU's fanletters. I found it on a Kyo fansite, called Bleeding Idol. It also said that the mailing address INDEED used to be on the Official Site but they took it off-so she's not sure if it's still intact, but it's worth a try. I think they might have taken it off because they're getting too much-especially that their popularity has spread overseas. After that I practiced more Japanese, and I'm currently trying to learn how to write "namida" in kanji. -_- I freakin hate kanji. I mean, it's awfully helpful in clearing up words with dual meanings but you have to know at least 2,000 to read a newspaper or magazine. I also designed an outfit similar to Kyo's in a "DRAIN AWAY" photoshoot, and I hope I can buy the things I need. Last night was awesome-I got to watch "South Park, Robot Chicken, and Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story." I love all of those shows/movies, they make me want to piss my pants laughing everytime I watch it.

This is the outfit I'm trying to imitate... too bad I concentrate more on the man inside the clothing. XD
I'm sore from trying to go to sleep last night. Both my arms and the muscle above my right breast hurts. -_- Damn uncomfortable-ness. It seems like everyone is depressed lately... like my poor Areina-chan is miserable. ;_; DON'T BE MISERABLE, AREINA!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! ToT *hugs*

For you, my sad little dear!!! May DuJu make you happy!!! (I know it's a bad picture and you can't see Shun-sama's face, but it's the only big picture I could find. -_-)
I've realized that my posts have been really boring lately. I'm sorry that my life really sucks that much and you have to hear about it, you guys. -_- I suck.
Man, I think I'm gonna take some tylenol for my achiness and get something to eat. Loves~!
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Onaka ga Suite Imasu... -_-
Current Mood: Hungry
Current Song: The Final by Dir en Grey
Okay, so yesterday after complaining about how much I hate my body, I actually did something about it. Go me! ^o^ I played half an hour of DDR and burned 259 calories... usually I play for a whole hour and burn about 420 calories. -_- Oh, well. Better something than nothing, ne? And I forgot how hard it was on the body!!! Afterwards my legs were weak and whenever I was practicing my Japanese, my hands were all shaky whenever I wrote, which made my kanji, hiragana, and katakana look like crap. XP Grrness. Anyhow, I made a few paper cranes (14 to be exact XD), which gets me up to 110 paper cranes for Kyo so far. *sighs* Speaking of which, do any of you have friends in Japan who are part of {a knot}? I think they get letter addresses to DIRU, but I'm not sure. -_- And do any of you have any idea how to reach DIRU? Cause I have to get these paper cranes to Kyo if it's the last thing I do!!! T^T Anyhow, I ate spagetti (yummy!!! ^o^) and watched the latest episode of "The Venture Brothers" which made me laugh so hard that I started crying. Dean thinking his pants are haunted by ghost Apaches because there's a "teepee" in his trunks=Fucking hilarious. XD My parents kept on teasing me because I was looking at DIRU stuff and telling me how obsessed I am with "Ki-Yo" (-_- It's KYO) and all that crap. Last night I had the bestest dream ever. ^//^ I dreamt that Kyo and I went on a date in Kyoto, around the middle of spring, when the sakura were almost fading of their color. The sun was setting and Kyo and I were in kimono, looking at the stream under the bridge we were standing on. I decided to go into the stream and play with the fishes and the turtles (XD), calling them "kame-chan" and "sakana-chan." Kyo laughed at me and whenever I came back on the bridge I said that the sunset was beautiful and he kissed me on the cheek. *sighs* ^^ It's so tacky, I know, not to mention that it wasn't real, but I loved it. :3 I'm such a dork. XD

I woke up this morning, took a shower, folded clothes while listening to "Withering to Death", and got on the computer. XD Yeah, nothing's really happened today and my tummy keeps on growling. -_- I guess I should eat but I want to visit everyone's sites and watch some some PVs!!! Oh, hey, did you guys know that Kisaki in Phantasmagoria was also the Kisaki in La:Sadies??? I had no idea until last night and now I feel like an idiot. -.- I also read quite a few lyrics from "Withering to Death" and I must admit, they are quite angry. It seems like every year DIRU progresses, the angrier and sadder Kyo gets. DON'T BE THAT WAY, KYO-KUN!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! ToT
-To you, in the navy blue sea-
I close my eyelids as I know I am alive
Slowly I throw up Life is white
No one can come into my frozen heart
-I pray to you in the navy blue sea-
You are weak But stay as you are
Can you hear? My rusty voice cries out to you
Can't make it into words But I just want to feel you now
Deeper than the deep sea that I can't see deeper deeper deeper I
sleep tommorow
deep blue
The things I can't forget are too painful
deep blue
What voice, what words will you use to talk to me
-In the navy blue sea, the tears mix in- No on notices the reason for crying
So the life can't be saved, feel life
Even just for this moment, please live
Deeper than the deep sea that I can't see deeper deeper deeper you sleep
deep blue
Just realizing that I am getting used to getting hurt
deep blue
When the seasons comes and winter sleeps, I will come visit with flowers
Gah, I'm hungry. Gotta go eat, huns. Love ya!!!
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Kudamono ga hoshii desu... ;_;
Current Mood: Dissapointed
Current Song: Yurameki by Dir en Grey
Gaaah, I am so pissed. >_< Yesterday I realized that I gained back some of the weight I had lost over the summer. Dammit!!! I haven't played DDR in about a month, so I guess that could be the problem... but I have less time for J-rock if I do that!!! ToT I must choose between J-rock or being healthy... fuck. I gotta be healthy. I guess I'll just start doing DDR in the evening so I'll still have time for J-rock but less for my Japanese studies. DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!!! Stupid, stupid, ugly me. T-T I walked 2 miles yesterday, so I guess that helps. *sighs* Oh, for any of you who are mildly interested, listen to "Withering to Death" while to you walk, it has quite a few songs that get your blood pumping. Also, yesterday, I tried to go see POTC2 but all the tickets were sold out. ;_; I'll have to wait until this weekend. Also, last night there were new episodes of "Chapelle's Show, Mind of Mencia, and Reno 911." ^-^ I thought "Reno 911" was the funniest, despite how much I love Dave Chapelle. And last night I had to eat soy chicken for the second night in a row. -_- Gah, sometimes I wish I weren't a vegetarian, there are more options. But I must do it for the animals. T^T God, I'm a whining bitch.
Today I ate dry, frozen waffles for lunch. -_- I need to eat some celery or carrots and yogurt. I want fruit so bad... I have no idea why, but I think I'm gonna go crazy if I don't have a strawberry RIGHT NOW. O_O Give me a peach or a banana or an apple or some grapes or an orange or something, for God's sake!!! ;_; Any how, I love Mad TV so much... it cracks the Hell out of me. XD Ah, I need to get something to drink. Those waffles were so fucking dry.
Wow, this post is actually pretty short. And pretty damn whiny. I'm sorry, you guys. I know that I suck. -_- Here are some pics to make up for it.

O_O K-kyo... *drools*

OMFG, I love Kao's face. :3

Die.. *doki doki*

*sigh* Toshiya-kun is so handsome... ^//^

I don't see how Shinya can be so pretty!!! ^o^
Um... yeah. I'm gonna go now. XD Atode.
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