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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck If a Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood?
Current Mood: Excited
Current Song: Into the Void by NIN
Sorry about the headline, I finally learned how to say that. XD Anyhow, I GOT THE MONEY FOR THE NIN TICKETS!!! FUCK YES~! I'M GOING TO THE CONCERT!!! ^__________^ I'm so happy, I earned almost $30 selling jewelry. ^^ The only problem, is if my brother doesn't go... I can't go. So I have to keep on making jewelry if I want to go and see my future husband (a.k.a. Trent Reznor XD). But no matter, I found an assload of earrings that will total to $41 if every pair is bought... I bet they probably will be because the first day I brought the jewelry I made, everyone crowded around it like it was some type of wonder. So I'm going, biotches!!!

Other than that, not much has been going on. I have a tiny, almost non-existant crush on a guy at my school just because of his looks(I know, I'm so shallow), got a book by the same editor of Go Ask Alice (awesome book, you gotta read it), been making jewelry like crazy, and cracking down on my Japanese studies. So, really nothing has been going on. Eh... just for the hell of it, I'm gonna put up my favorite books... I'm gonna be like Oprah with her book list... XD
+Black Coffee Blues by Henry Rollins
+Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
+Thr3e by Ted Dekker
+The Giver by Lois Lowry
So, there's some good books. Enjoy. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go eat dinner and watch "The Waterboy." See you darklings later, loves! ^.~
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: Planet Rock by... um... I forgot^^;
Nothing really went on today. I'm just still making jewelry to get tickets for the NIN concert. I found out I have $12 in my bank, so that will cover about 1/3 of it... I hope I can go...
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Monday, April 3, 2006
Must... see... NIN...
Current Mood: Exausted
Current Song: Happiness in Slavery by NIN
God... I'm so tired. I've been making jewelry all afternoon trying to raise some money-I didn't even play DDR today. You see, Nine Inch Nails is coming to a town only an hour away from me so I HAVE to go see Trent Reznor. You don't understand, seeing Nine Inch Nails is one of my life long dreams. If I'm not able to see Trent, I will feel terrible knowing that I missed him when he was so close. Even though the tickets are expensive, I will do anything in my power to go see him. I counted my money, I only have $12, but I'm planning on selling an unused Old Navy gift certificate I have, selling the jewelry I'm making, picking up any money I can find, and maybe even do shit for money. If I don't go to see him... it will kill me.

Anyhow, a huge storm rolled through last night and went away this morning sometime around 10 a.m. The time change really screwed me up so I wasn't able to go to bed without tossing and turning all night, the thunder and lightning keeping me awake, and keeping my whimpering dog company... I didn't get to sleep until 2 a.m. -_- I'm exausted. Also, there's a hole in my Nine Inch Nails shirt... ;_; God, I whine a lot.
On Saturday I visited my dad's friends, who finally adopted a baby after years of trying to get a baby. I'm so happy for them and he's so beautiful... he was sleeping while we were there but he opened his eyes a few times and they were dark blue... he had brown hair, he was so adorable. I held him but I was really afraid that I was going to hurt him. He felt so fragile and his body flopped around in my arms. He looked so peaceful but he occassionaly groaned, so I had to give him back to my mom because I was so scared that I was getting a stomach ache. I'm so happy for them and I'm now praying for him everyday, if anything were to happen to him, the couple would be CRUSHED.
Mm... Mom bought strawberries over the weekend and I'm so effing happy, they're really yummy. Strawberries are my favorite fruits, even though my username has peach in it. Fruits are the best foods ever made, they are so effing yummy and I swear there is only one fruit I don't like and that is cantelope. Bleh. >_< But other than that, I LOVE fruit!!! Kudamonowa daisuki desu!!! Hey, what is everyone's favorite fruit?

Waai! So cute! ^o^
Okay, it's dinner time... and I'd better get off the computer, the storm is coming again this way. Love ya!
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Sunday, April 2, 2006
Haru desu~!
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: B.B.K. by Korn
Yay! Today is the first day of April and Spring has started! Lovely, lovely Spring when the flowers bloom and all the children are born!!! Spring is when life is at its fullest and you can feel the sweet nectar that keeps you alive coursing through your veins... it's the time of year when I've come to appreciate life the most. Come to think of it, this is the first year other than in my childhood whenever I've admired Spring. I'm not all that much of an outdoors person (because of bees, sunshine, heat, itchy grass, getting sweaty, etc.) but I can come out and admire nature. Like this morning whenever I walked out of the house, I stopped and gasped, saying "Look at all the pretty flowers!!" About fifty tiny purple flowers had bloomed all over our yard and bees were rushing to and fro to pollenate them, it was simply beautiful. ^^ And the weather actually feels nice... as long as it doesn't get too hot.

Today I was look for P!NK's album "Can't Take Me Home" but I found a Korn CD, unwrapped and in perfect condition. I asked Dad when he bought it and told him that I didn't know he liked Korn. He told me that he thinks Korn's alright, but he had never seen the album before and had no idea where it came from. It's their CD "Follow the Leader" and I'm listening to it right now. Dad said I could have this "ghost CD", so whatever. Got a free CD! Yay! Although Korn isn't my favorite, I still like listening to them every once in a while. I only wish it was their newest album with "Twisted Transister" on it. >_<

I don't think they love dreadlocks enough... *sarcasm*
Well, I'm really fucking tired even though it's 10, so I'll see you guys later. Luv ya, my darklings! ^.~
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
New Layout!!!
Current Mood: Achey
Current Song: Jonny by Kittie
Gah! I knew I shouldn't have played DDR. >< My legs have hurt lately but I played DDR (or in other words, my daily workout) anyways since I neglected it for a while and now I seriously regret it. I've been working on being successful on Standard and "321 Stars" (by DJ Taka) and "A" (by DJ Takuro, I think). Two really bad ideas, my legs hurt SOOOO bad and my muscles are tight again. I'm probably gonna be limping. XD I don't really regret it, though, it was fun, and I love those hyper-active-bubble-gum-techno songs. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ^^
I'm really worried about my dog... she's been chewing a hole in her butt and she did it again today she badly that blood was oozing out of it. My dog I had for about 14 years died just a few months ago (like 7-8 months ago) and I'm so worried. She's had a few serious reactions to dairy, beef, and a type of tree. If she dies, I don't think I'll be able to stand it. Whenever she sleeps, I have to check if she's breathing or else I think she's dead... I just had my best friend, even though he was an animal, robbed from me and I don't think I would be able to take it anymore. When my mom took her back from the vet, she has a shot of amnesia but I didn't know it, and I thought she was carrying her dead body. I almost started crying, but I saw her move and was okay. I just can't stand another death.
It was about time to change my layout, so I used one of my favorite anime, Chobits and used my favorite Chobits icon. ^^ Chi is so adorably cute and who doesn't love her? Anyways, I hope you all are pleased with my choice, cause I'm not changing it.
I gotta go... I need to see if my dog's okay.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Current Mood: Sluggish
Current Song: Look So Pretty by Kittie
Bleh, as always, today was normal and BORING. Don't get me wrong, boring can be good (cause things can be EXCITING but that doesn't always mean it's good excitement) but I wish it wasn't so repetitive. XP The most outrageous thing that's gone on in my life is that I grabbed one of my friend's ass yesterday. XD Yeah, I know that I'm a whore. But at least it's exciting!!!
One of my friends who is always so peppy and happy (but she's a cheerleader, what do you expect?) want to give me a makeover and take me shopping. XD Mostly all I ever wear is jeans that fall off my ass and shirts 1-2 sizes big for me, so I'm almost always swimming around in my own clothes. Also, I'm not the most colorful person. XD Only problem is, I only go shopping one a year, so there's no way that's happening and I'm not into the Hollister thing. I'm more into relaxed clothes that don't really show skin... that way, if someone's interested in you, you'll know it's because of your personality. But tommorow I'm gonna wear a preppy outfit just for her... >_< Don't worry, it's not pink.
I feel so bad for Oneechan (Purgatory) right now... she's not really my sister, but we're pretty close and I know that I can always look up to her and rely on her. And seeing my oneechan in such pain really hurts me. It reminds me what happened a few weeks ago with that guy I was foolish enough to like. Only about 5 months ago, all I could think about was him, and now everytime I see his face, hear him speak, or even hear mention of him, I get so angry that I want to kill the person next to me. He's one of the many that's hurt me, but he's hurt me the worst. I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive him for what he did, but I'm not going anywhere near him anymore. If he wants start something, I know that I had stood my guard and did nothing to spark the conflict. Just listen to the song "Choke" by Kittie and it's exactly how I feel.
Choke by Kittie
You're Hidden By Your Good Looks, Your Fake Smile
I Loved You But It Took Me A Long While
To Realize You Don't Even Care.
All The Feelings, You Had None.
There's Only One Word To Describe You,
And Thats A Hypocrite.
I Looked Over You, I Looked Over Me.
Look At You And Smile, You Fucking Pedophile.
I Looked Over You, I Looked Over Me.
Look At You And Smile, PEDOPHILE!
My Eyes Are Never Dry.
Its All Done.
It Wasnt Real And All But It Was Fun.
Was I Not Good Enough For You King? [3x]
I Guess Not.
I Looked Over You, I Looked Over Me.
Look At You And Smile, You Fucking Pedophile.
I Looked Over You, I Looked Over Me.
Look At You And Smile, PEDOPHILE!
Well, nothing much else to write about. I love you guys, and I gotta take some asprin from listening to music so loudly. o_o
+Momo loves her music+
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: mOBSCENE by Marilyn Manson
Hey, everyone, what's up? I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but nothing really in my life has been going on, it's basically just everything replaying over and over. I'm tired of nothing happening, it's like I wake up to the same old thing. I dunno. Maybe it's hormones.
OMG, I finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden and it is now one of my favorite books. I'm telling you, that man can WRITE, son. I'm kinda jealous to tell the truth... X3 Anyhow, it's REALLY good and I can't wait to buy the DVD, the movie is so beautiful even though heavy Japanese stundents can tell there's a bit of Chinese influence in it. Anyhow, Japanophiles who haven't read it need to run to a library or Barnes and Nobles because I give that book a 10 out of 10, bitch!!! But I want a poster of Hatsumomo in my room because she is GORGEOUS. Too bad she's a real cat, though. >_<

Hatsumomo and Sayuri!
ZakuroIro and I have started a site purely dedicated to yaoi and yuri and fights for gay rights. So if you love you yaoi/yuri and are upset about the unfair treatment of gays, please, PLEASE visit LemonLove to show your pride! ^^ I've been busting my ass lately trying to come up with good ideas and get some people to visit the site, so you don't know how happy I'd be if you'd just see what it is. Thanks you!!! *bow*

Yeah, it's yuri. DEAL WITH IT.
Well, I gosta go... Mom will kill me if I don't put up the dishes. XD
+Princess Peach! (heh heh, yeah right, you would never catch me in pink)
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Some song from Walk The Line... rents are watching it
+Momo needs less happy pills+
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Current Mood: Not sure
Current Song: Starfuckers Inc. by Nine Inch Nails
I'm hungry but there's nothing here to eat except for cookies and fatty stuff... I'm starting to get sick from eating chocolate (I can't eat more than 1/2 a candy bar or I start to feel pukey). All we have here is rotten bacon and American cheese... ew. Ums for the poor?
I'm feeling better than I have in the past week, quite possibly the past month, so I'm pretty content, but I don't feel the best... there's been a certain thing I did that has upset my parents greatly, and now I have to deal with it... it really sucks. But I'll have to learn how to take care of it.
God, Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden is SUCH a good book... I love it so much and everytime I get the oppurtunity, my nose is burrowed in it again. XD Anyone who's really intrested in the life of geisha or Japan in the 40-50's should REALLY read this book. The movie is pretty good too and the girl who plays Hatsumomo is so hot... she reminds me and Zakuro of Kaoru from DIRU because of her cheekbones. ^^ Reading the book wants me to go to Japan even more and see geisha, they are so beautiful... I can understand why they're called "walking pieces of art." ^^

LOL, I love this picture so much, they're standing in front of a baseball card store! ^o^
I'm watching MadTV and I'm still hungry. >_<
+Momo needs nutrition!+
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
Climbed Up Real High Now Fall Real Far
Current Mood: Relieved
Current Song: Wish by Nine Inch Nails
God, I am so relieved... I feel better than have in about a week and I didn't really cry today, thank God... Zakuro seems pretty upset and I think she finally got how hurt I am over what she did. She seemed pretty sad on her last post and today she hardly spoke to me and when she did, it seemed that she chose her words carefully. Also, when I looked at her it looked like she was about to cry... I feel kinda guilty but I feel like I shouldn't have to. I'm still a little mad and upset about what she did to me and I still that it was pretty whorish for what she did... but I'm willing to forgive her. I know that our friendship will never be the same and that I may always hold this against her, but I'll try not to. I'm just thankful that I'm in a merciful mood and finally calmed down.
Do you guys think I'm too much of a door mat?
I'm bored, so here's a survey for Nine Inch Nails fans.
1. Is NIN one of your favorite bands or your absolute favorite band?
2. If you met Trent, what would you say to him?
3. What's your favorite NIN song?
4. What's your favorite NIN music video?
5. What's your favorite NIN album?
6. In what order are your favorite NIN albums?
7. Are you pleased with Trent's new look or are upset? (For those who don't know, he got a buzz cut ;_;)
8. Do you have any NIN merchandise?
9. Are you part of The Spiral (official fan club)?
10. Do you think being clean has affected Trent's work? And if so, for the good or bad?

My Answers
1. NIN is my favorite American band. ^^
2. I would probably be too busy squealing and dry humping his leg. XD
3. "Hurt".. it's the saddest, but it really speaks to me.
4. "Closer", it's so obscure and awesome! :D
5. The Downward Spiral
6. The Downward Spiral, The Fragile, Broken, Pretty Hate Machine, and With Teeth
7. He's still pretty, but how could he do that to his hair?! ToT
8. I have a t-shirt, DVD, and all of the CDs-I wish I had more. >_<
9. No, but I wish I was!!!
10. I think it's affected him, but for the good. He still has beautiful work, but he's seeing things more clearly which slightly takes away the alluring unknown from his work. I still love his work, though.
Well, there it is, peoples. Later.
+Momo Reznor ^^;+
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