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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
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Friday, August 10, 2007
I'm Gonna Rip Someone's Head Off
Current Mood: Really, really, really, super pissed off
Current Song: Namamekashiki Ansoku, Tamerai ni Hohoemi by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Scrubs
Look at this shit. I'm so pissed off that I can barely speak. This news reporter deserves to get fired for such a biased and uninformative article. I hope that one day he runs into a Dir en grey fan hoarde (that has me in it) and gets his ass kicked.
*marches off*
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Watch Your Face, My Sperm's Cold As Ice XDDDD
Current Mood: Feverish
Current Song: You & Me & the Devil Makes 3 by Marilyn Manson
Currently Watching: Wildboyz
Hey, everyone. Do you like the title? It's actually a line from "You & Me & the Devil Makes 3." XD Anyways, I nothing really exciting happened yesterday. I typed up one of my KakaIru (you can check it out if you feel like it at my LJ... c'mon, it's NC-17~!) fics for about an hour while listening to some of DIRU's unplugged songs (I am in love with the unplugged version of Namamekashiki. *teary eyes* It's so beautiful... *sniffs*) and then surfed around on the web for a while. I got really pissed off at my mom for a while because my brother handed her the phone so she could answer it but the call stopped. She got super pissed at Logan because she was worried that it was Dad and that he got in like a car crash or something. *rolls eyes* She always blows things out of proportion and then feels like she has to blame it on someone. It pisses me off whenever she blames it on me, but I won't tolerate it whenever she dumps all over my brother. I was happy whenever she left the house to go look for Dad (BTW, it turned out my dad didn't even fucking call). After eating dinner I calmed down a little bit and worked on a plot for a new KakaIru, but eventually trashed it because it was too dramatic and soap opera-y. I played some of Naruto: Clash of the Ninja 2 with my Konohagakure head protector on (I know, I can be such a Narutard sometimes XD) and kept on giggling whenever I made Kakashi and Iruka fight and some of the tacky dialogue turned out to be fairly suggestive. Like:
"Time for some extra credit!"
"Careful, don't over do it..."
XDDD Ahahaha. All the grunting and screaming didn't help either. <3 I can't wait to get Iruka's sound file on the game so I can make Kakashi and Iruka have an all out sex fest on the Gamecube. (I know... I'm a very sad, perveted child who is amused so very easily.) After that I came up with an idea and started to write it out until like 2 in the morning. @_@

Awwww, how cute. ^_^ Still, it's not as cute as...

BARBIE KYO!!!! >D BWAAAHAHAHAHAAHA!!! (Dude, Toshiya looks like a pimp. o_O)
Today I woke up at 10 because I heard my dog barking and was afraid that something happened to her but it turned out that she was just barking at a car. -_- I went back to sleep and my brother woke me up at 3:30. o_o
It's now an hour and a half later and I'm still in my pajamas. I really need to take a shower since I haven't in like two days since I've been sick. Ewwwww..... later, you guys.
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
McLovin... it sounds like a sexy hamburger.
Current Mood: Eh
Current Song: Fukai by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Star Wars
Hey, you guys. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever, it's just that I've been sick for a week and MyO hasn't let me on. I'm sorry. You guys haven't really missed anything important. All I've really done this past week is lay on the couch with a fever while I'm naseaus (I'm too lazy to look up the correct spelling) and dizzy, have a little bit of a breakdown, write two fanfics (ItaSasu and another KakaIru), watch Dir en grey's MACABRE tour DVD, write a poem, draw three pictures (two of them are of Kyo and one is Kakashi), get some origami paper for Kyo's 1000 cranes, and finish sewing up my Spooky doll. Yeah. Real exciting. Hopefully I'll be able to post up pictures of the things I've sewn up and scan some of my picture. I'm really proud of one of the Kyo pictures I drew-it's a picture of him with his arms spread and his head thrown back and I added wings on him. ^_^ The poem I wrote goes along with it. Here it is just because I can't think of anything else to write:
You're laying under the bleeding sky, choking on what held you back. Crusified, the skeletons of the sakura begin to smile. You see everything so clearly that I'm afraid you'll burst open.
If I could only create a world beautiful enough for you. Hidden from all the corruption that ate away at what made you human.
Forget about everything that killed and burned you alive. Shed that skin and spread your wings, reaching for some high power that we're not blessed enough to see.
It's short, but I like it. And it's rare that you hear me say that about my own work. Oh, some news in the Dir en grey world!!! It's not super super important (say like the release of a song or anything), but I still think it's important.
I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. At first I didn't like the chin pubes, but then I kinda grew on them. Whenever I found out that he shaved them off, I was happy but now I realize the great power the chin pubes had. T^T All that matters is if Kyo is happy with it, though. If he's happy with it, I'm happy with it.

Awwwww. ♥
Um, I guess that's all I really have to say. Nothing all that exciting to report when you've been sick for over a week. -_- Love you guys~!
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
Yaoi is Good for the Soul~!
Current Mood: Hyper
Current Song: ugly by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Spongebob Squarepants
Ahhhhhh, last night was nice. ^_^ I went to the gym and tried out an eliptical trainer that made your arms move too. It took more energy than I realized it would and I was so tired afterwards. @_@ Since my dad wanted to do 10 more minutes in the gym I worked on my abs and arms a little. I looked in the mirror and noticed that Melody was near me and she was watching me in the mirror. It made me self-consious because she's so beautiful and thin and I'm... well, Momo. I tried not to pay attention and focus on possible story lines for slash I want to write, but I was still a little distracted. Once I got home I decided to go on a Naruto kick and played Naruto: Clash of the Ninjas 2 and then read some Naruto from a year's subscription of Shounen Jump. At 3 in the morning I could barely keep my eyes open so I went to sleep and had happy dreams of Kyo. ^//^- ♥

Don't worry Kyo, dear, you're still #1 in my heart. ^w^ (He's so cute... doesn't he look like he's asking for some food? :D)
Today I woke up at two and watched as my brother played with Lily. I was a little annoyed because I was just waking up and he was making a lot of noise. I read a little bit more of Naruto as I woke up and started looking around for something to eat. My brother and I couldn't find anything to eat so I made some mac & cheese and it turned out okay. It took me a while to make it, though. @o@ After eating I went on the computer and read about 5 KakaIru yaoi, despite the fact that I read like 5 NaruSasu slashes yesterday. I'm on a boy secks high. XD I read most of it whenever my mom was teaching my brother how to mow (aka, actually doing something productive ^^;) and I had a lot of fun because I was alone in the house. I could giggle and awwww at the yaoi all I wanted, I skipped around the living room while singing to the Spongebob Squarepants theme song and cuss whenever I stubbed my toe. XD Ahhhh, freedom.

So cute~! But I think someone took Iruka's name too literally. ^^; (at least they didn't draw a scarecrow hugging a dolphin XD)
GAWD, I hate dieting. I want to eat cookies, dammit!!!! D< I guess I better get dressed for the gym since my dad will be here soon. Love ya~! ^o~/ *muah*
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Kakashi! Why would you hit your wife?! XD
Current Mood: Fangirly
Current Song: Ummmm... "Spiderpig, Spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does." XD
Heeeeeey, everyone. I think I like my friend Matt. o_o I thought I liked him for a while, but now I'm pretty sure. I've had three dreams now in like the past week of us being together, and one where I was resting my head on his shoulder and holding me. -//- Damn hormones. Other than discovering that, I really haven't done much of anything. I've been trying to study more Japanese, I read a little more of that shitty book I have to read for school, started drawing some more pictures, and decided that I'm going to go on Weight Watchers again. The combination of dieting and working out will help me lose more weight... although I HATE dieting. -_- I keep seeing Melody at the gym and I keep getting pissed whenever I see her and push myself so hard that I feel like my legs are going to fall off from working out so hard. Is that a bad thing? o_o
Today has been boring, as usual. I woke up at 1:30 and woke up a little while before I ate a cheese quesodilla and watermelon. I recorded my stuff in my Weight Watchers journal thing and read soem exercise stuff. After a little while I got on the computer and checked everything before finally getting some yaoi in my system after over a month of not having any (yes, I am a deprived little child). D: I read a KakaIru fic and was giggling from the extreme cuteness of it all. XD I love KakaIru. ♥ Whenever I get better at making plushies I plan on making a Kakashi chibi plushie and then an Iruka so he won't be lonely. ^w^ Speaking of which, can you guys give me any pictures of chibi Kakashi and/or chibi Iruka? I would really appreciate it. ^_^

OMFG... *dies from the overdose of cuteness from the idea of Kakashi asking Iruka on a date* *twitch*
Eh, I think I'm gonna read another yaoi or two before going to the gym. Love~!!!
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Undesirable No.1
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Beautiful Dirt by Dir en grey
Yaaaaaaaay, I finally finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last night!!! \^o^/ (Just in case you're worried, don't worry, I would never ruin the ending for you guys. :3) It was SUCH a great book, if you're a HP fan, you need to get off the internet right now and finish reading it. It was kind of odd reading it because the book had a sense of finality to it and my mind kept on freaking out, saying "this is it. This is the last book." I started reading the HP books in 1999, and I grew up with Harry. I kept on sobbing during the book too because it had so many sad parts in it and I actually had to go into my room to cry during one part. XD But I love the way J.K. ended it and I'm very happy. You guys need to read it, it's so wonderful (sorry, Nae, I know you hate Harry Potter. And I agree, I think I should turn some Potter-heads into DIRU addicts too. XD)
I don't really have anything to say, for the past two day's all I've really done is sat on the couch and read. On Friday I went to Nicole's house and hung out with her before we went to Barnes and Noble for the Harry Potter party they had there. We got to the party whenever there was only 20 minutes left (-_-), but I did get to see Sydney, Katie, Syrai, and her hot emo friend. I was talking to Katie and I was staring at Jeff (the hot emo boy) and she asked me what was wrong and I said "hot emo boys in Hello Kitty jackets make my heart flutter." (YES, HE WAS WEARING A HELLO KITTY JACKET~!!! *squee*) Once I said that, Katie screamed "HEY, JEFF, THIS GIRL THINKS YOU'RE CUTE!" As soon as she said "Hey, Jeff" I was running away, but Nicole grabbed my shirt and I couldn't go anywhere. I was blushing so much and covering my face, but Jeff just smiled at me and said thanks. @_@ *dies* At 11:30, we headed to Wal*Mart to get the book because it's cheaper and there aren't as many people there. Well, there certainly were more people there than last time. @_@ Whenever we went to Wal*Mart to get Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, we could just walk into the store and get the book, there were hardly any people there. But there was probably around 300 people there this time. @_@ We wandered around Wal*Mart for a long time and ran into this really weird guy who gave me this bad feeling (I eventually got away from him and dragged Nicole with me by saying we needed to go look for our moms) and then waited in line. We only had to wait 5-10 minutes to get our book and I was reading it in line. XD There were a lot of people around me who pissed me off because they went straight to the last page. Idiots. And from then on, I've pretty much been reading Harry non-stop. Once I was done with the book last night I started sewing up my Kyo plushie. ^_^
Well, that's basically all I've done for the past three days. Sorry for the Harry Potter-related post to all of those who don't like the books. Later~!
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
Current Mood: Bored but amused
Current Song: Angel with the Scabbed Wings by Marilyn Manson
So, I hope you all enjoyed my emo-tastic Kyo fanfic that I posted yesterday. XD I actually got a better response than I thought.... I thought my story was extremely meteocre and cliche but you guys flipped out over it. XD Thank you for the response, though. :3
Yesterday was pretty boring. I woke up at 1:30 and blankly stared at the TV before washing my face and then getting something to eat. I took a shower shortly afterwards and finished sewing up my pig plushie, who I decided to name Murphy! :3 I even stood on the couch and made him walk on the ceiling while I sang "SpiderPig, SpiderPig does whatever a spiderpig does." XD I was laughing so hard that I thought I was going to fall off the couch. I went to the gym again and Melody was there, unfortunately. The anger I felt at seeing her and my CD made me push myself harder than usual and I burned 602 calories. @_@; Oops. I was wearing a white t-shirt and a black bra too, and my sweat made it look like I entered a wet t-shirt contest. -_- Thank God the design on the back was so huge that could could only see the straps. Whenever I got home my brother told me that he saw dear ol' Matt at the skate park and got to talk to him! I was really happy to hear that, I miss Matt and all of my friends. D: I started read HP 5 again to jog my memory for the 7th book and I read like page 129. Less than I wanted to. -_- Whenever I went to sleep I started thinking of Kyo (all of those 30+ pictures on my wall of worship kinda drill it into your brain XD) and all of the sudden the image of him rubbing himself during the MACABRE 00>01 DVD flashed through my head and I almost died choking on my own spit. I honestly believe that one of his goals in life is to make me die from his sheer hotness. Damn you, Kyo, you deadly, sexy bastard!!! D<
Today has been no better. I woke up at 1:30 and read a little bit of Harry Potter to wake me up. Mom decided that she wanted to make me lunch (o_O) and she made me a delicious egg and cheese omelet. ^_^ I think she put too much cheese in it, though, because I feel kinda sick... and that's saying alot, considering that I eat enough chesse to constipate a whale. @_@ I took a shower and got on the computer, checking all of my normal DIRU resources.

I thought I was going to die whenever I found this. XDDD I've loved this picture for so long and the caption fits it perfectly. ♥
Well, that's all that's happened today. Real exciting, huh? Hopefully this post has been more Momo-ish than the ones I've been posting lately. -_- Love ya~!
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Kyo Fanfic
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: DRAIN AWAY by Dir en grey
Okay, so some of you wanted to hear my Kyo fanfic, and I have nothing else to do since I finished sewing up my stuffed pig. It's a little rusty and cliche and I don't have the best writing skills in the world, but it's the best I can do. Enjoy.
Another road. Another empty night in another country. Goddamn, it was getting reptitive.
Kyo sighed and placed his hand under his chin and stared out the window, rain punching the pane in steady beats. This tour bus had grown so stale and confining. Despite the fact his friends were with him, he felt so numb all the time. He was beginning to think that he could not feel at all, as if the road seducted him with its kiss of death and left him dry and hollow.
Even fucking had lost its fun. His girlfriend would meet him once a month, and he always knew what she wanted. She would make some type of small talk trying to be non-conspicious before she was stripping and unzipping his pants. The poor girl had to belt out everything in her repetoire before he even got hard. And it was almost impossible to come unless he focused everything on the act and pushed himself as hard as possible. Afterwards the girl would lay spent and panting beside him while Kyo stared at the ceiling, wondering what was wrong with him. He was a rockstar, fucking all the girls he wanted was one of its privleges. As a boy he imagined girls lining up to let him inside of them. Now that it was happening, he felt nothing from it. She would pull on her clothes before kissing him, the taste of his cum still heavy on her breath, and leave him to his thoughts. Kyo would remain there for hours, laying naked and cold. He didn't recognize the man in the mirror anymore.
Often after these passionless one-night stands, Kyo would experiment with his tolerance of pain. He started using a scalpel he bought recently and proved itself far more useful than normal razors. He would carve deeply into his chest, scratching out words that screamed so loudly in his head. Sometimes he cut on his neck, threatening death upon himself. Eventually he would turn the blade to his wrist and watch the blood bead upon the fresh wound. He stared at the mirror, watching the ruby liquid trickle down his body. His chest seemed to be nothing but scabs. No one had ever said anything to Kyo about inflicting pain upon himself, but earlier that week Shinya expressed his consearn. He said that he was afraid he'd find Kyo dead and lying in his own pool of blood one day. The reason he took the scalpel to himself so much was because he couldn't feel anything. No matter how deep he cut, even if he reached his inner most core.... Kyo never felt a thing.
The only time his emotions pierced through him was on stage. With the blinding lights, nameless faces, and so many voices screaming his name. He could hear the pain, desire, lust, and every other color he had muted in himself within his voice. Whenever he ripped himself open in front of the ones who craved him so, he felt real. He flied on razor-blade wings. Kyo wished he could jump into the crowd of greedy hands and let them tear him apart piece by piece. Sitting backstage after a show, panting and covered in blood and sweat, he felt complete. His cuts stung. His heart ached and he could smile. He could laugh. Kyo's life exploded into technicolor onstage. Anywhere else he was just a lifeless shell. The Nobody.
Kyo stared out at the tar embilical cord streached before him and breathed upon the window, fogging it up.
"Bo-ku wa... na-ni-mo... nai.", he spelled out in the fog, gazing at it while it burrowed into his brain. "I am nothing.", he repeated in broken English. Once more he gave the window a glance before laying down on a couch and closing his eyes. The concert would be in a couple of hours.
Maybe he could cry this time.
Ooooh, emo-tastic! So that's my depressing little story. Enjoy.
Meh, I got me some strawberry pocky, bitches. >3 I gotta finish On the Beach before Friday, whenever Harry Potter comes out. @_@ Later!
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Still Alive
Current Mood: Head-achey
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Wildboyz
Aaaaah, I haven't posted in a while. I'm sorry. ;o; I've preoccupied with my sewing and everything. I haven't actually sewn anything yet, but I've cut out the fabric for the Kyo plushie (and painted his face and the "MAD STALIN" on his shirt), stuffed pig, and part of the onigiri pillow. My mom is pissing me off because she's acting like I'm a pain in the ass but I can spend some time with her whenever she teaches me how to sew. And I've wanted to since 5th grade. This is why I hate being around her. Anyway, craft wise, I went to AC Moore the other day and bought 18 dollars worth of crap. I bought two shirts and some transfers for two DIRU shirts I've wanted to do for a while (a black "MAD STALIN" shirt and a white shirt with the Kai/FILTH bug on the front and "JAPANESE ZOMBIE HEROEZ" on the back. I'm gonna do a few others like "Chick-A-Fetus: Eat Mor Baby" too. XD) and some stuffing for the plushies. Tommorow I hope that I can sew something up or I'm gonna be pissed off. (I'll post pictures of all my stuff whenever I get them made.)
Oh, for those of you who want the plushie patter, here's the website I got it from. I just recently discovered her, but I love Runo. XD
Today I woke up at around 1, ate a quesodilla, and got dressed. I didn't really feel like taking a shower. I finished my Kyo fanfic (it's not like yaoi or hentai or anything) I started last night and I'm working some more on an HarryXRon (from HP) slash I started last night. Yay slash! ^o^ I talked to Nicole on the phone for like an hour and half before I went to the gym with Dad and burned 530 calories. Afterwards I went home and ate dinner before cutting out some fabric. I decided that I wanted to play by brother's new game Naruto: Clash of the Ninjas 2. I'm such a sucker for meteocre beat-em-ups. X3;
That's all I've really done lately. I feel like there's nothing worth posting. :/ Sorry. I love you guys, though. Mata ne~!
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Friday, July 13, 2007
He Looks Like Broke-Ass Sexual Chocolate.
Current Mood: Hungry
Current Song: -karasu- by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Scrubs
Yesterday was pretty nice. I woke up at 3 (O_O GAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!! WTF, WHY WOULD NICOLE WAKE ME UP THAT LATE?!) and I hung around and watched Chappelle's Show with her for a while before we went to Wal*Mart. While we were there, we got all girly and spazzed out on purses and shoes. -_-; I am ashamed of myself. But the good thing is, I got some Pocky and a purse with strawberries on it!!! :D It's so cute, I squeed all the way home about it. XD Shortly after we got back to Nicole's house, I went home and ate dinner. Once we were done with dinner, I got on the internet and posted some stuff on MySpace. I don't see why everyone is so rabid about it. o_o I honestly don't. I had to read some more of my dumb-ass book for school, and I'm about half way finished with it. I have to finish it fast because HP 7 is coming out in 10 days (sorry, NaeNae-chan. Just put KAT-TUN's face on the characters XD)!!! D:
Today I woke up at 2 (-_-) and made a sammich. I sat around for a while before I decided that there was nothing to watch, and I took a shower. I got on the internet to look for some plushie patterns and finally found one that I could use! :D I also found some patterns for a really adorable kitten made out of terry cloth and a felt pig!!!! o>w
Well, I'm REEEEEEEEEEALLY hungry and my parents are bringing dinner home soon. Mata ne~!
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