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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
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*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Yo-ho, Yo-ho, a Pirate's Life for Me~
Current Mood: Hungry
Current Song: Rasetsukoku by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: America's Funniest Home Videos
Yesterday was great! ^o^ I woke up at 12 and got dressed and waited for Dad to come back home from the gym. After he came back, he took a shower and we went to go eat at Firebonez. After eating, we went to Sam's Club to pick up some apples and I saw that Ted Dekker, one of my favorite authors, has another novel out called Skin. I want it..... D: I sat down in a chair and read most of the first chapter... it pained me to put it down. T~T We went back home to put our stuff up since we had some perishables and stayed there for about 20 minutes. Eventually we headed out to the movies theaters to see POTC3!!!! ^o^ I was so happy, I was bouncing in the line to go see it. XD We got there a little late, unfortunately, and weren't able to get very good seats... we sat all the way at the back. :/ Oh, well, I still got to see it!!! ^o^ It was great, although I got a little confused in some parts. @_@ I almost cried in a few parts. XD Go see it if you're a POTC fan~!!! (If that's not initive in it, there's multiple Captain Sparrows in it XD) Needless to say, I had Pirate Kyo dreams last night. ^^;

Whenever I got to school today, I saw Storm, Stacie, and Kimberly standing outside of the orchestra room. I came up to them and asked if they had seen POTC3, and they all had, even Stacie, who hates the series (yes, I still can't believe it). She was complaining about how crappy the movie was and said she was disowning all of her pirate stuff and I begged her for her pirate shirt and purse. XD She said she'll give them to me, I just hope she remembers!!! ^o^ Yay!!! In Orchestra the 8th graders came to play with us today, but I was a little uneasy because my ex-boyfriend who told me that he still loves me was there, but he acted like I didn't even exist. -_- Whatever. After that, some 8th graders from another middle school came to listen to us play although I don't really understand why. o_O We have a concert tonight, but they let us go early, so I was pretty happy about that. I listened to Myra for a little while before I read some more of Frankenstein. Mary Shelly has a really beautiful way of writing, especially whenever she describes spring. ^_^ In Art I started on my new ink drawing, and I decided to have Kyo's crown tattoo in the middle and have the paper split up into 8 different sections. I wrote "the emperor is dead" (like Kyo's tattoo) in one section, am going to write "the empress is dead" (like the tattoo I plan on getting), and lyrics to "Rasetsukoku" (I thought it's tone of chaos and disorder fit in with "the emperor/empress is dead" very nicely). During lunch Matt and his girlfriend came over... I'm not too sure about his girlfriend. I heard that she's a real bitch. In Science I had to present my project on Jupiter today. -3- I was so nervous, it was getting hard to breathe before I even presented. Korki said "don't worry, Rebecca, just think of Kyo naked!" I looked at her plainly and said "if I do that, I'll be like "hi, I'm.... uh, doing my, uh.... excuse me for a moment. KYOOOOOOOO~!!!" XD I tried to keep my voice loud enough for people to hear and fairly clear, but I stammered sometimes and said "pardon me" a lot. -_- Otherwise, I think I did alright. After everyone else presented, my teacher complemented me on my project and said that I was the only one out of all of his classes who introduced their project correctly. o_o Wow. In English our teacher talked to us about a few things in grammar before we watched some more of "Fried Green Tomatoes." I was going to read some more during it, but I like the movie so far, but I decided not to. I was pissed off during one part because the melodramatic girls who always feel the need to be heard in my class kept on gasping. -_- Idiots. After school I got my viola for the concert and used the bathroom before coming down to the tree. For some reason we were talking about how we used to trace our hands in kindergarten and Daniel called Nicole a hand turkey. So Nicole is now known as either Hand Turkey or Ghandi (we were talking about how if she ever took drugs, she would be Ghandi since she's usally spaztastic). XDDD
I'm hungry and I have to get my clothes ready for the concert later. -_- I wanna go find some treasure and rape a few women first. Arrr, me mateys!!!! XB
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
Jump Upon the Sharp Swords
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: The Reflecting God by Marilyn Manson
The rest of last night was pretty nice. I talked to NaeNae-chan on AIM, and that's always fun. My ex-boyfriend logged on and started talking to me, though. -__- He always makes me feel so guilty whenever I talk to him because he tells me that he loves me and wishes that he could be with me. I hate unrequited love because I know how it feels... but I just don't have those feelings for him anymore. Eventually I went to bed around 1 in the morning.
I woke up this morning at about 9:30 to use the bathroom, but there was no fucking way that I was staying up. So I went back to sleep and my brother woke me up at 11:30. -_- I watched TV for a while before I took a shower and logged onto the computer for a little while. Eventually I had to get off and put on my makeup since it was around 1. We went to the square to eat lunch at Groucho's Deli. Our waitress was a girl in my English class, so I was kinda freaked out by that. I always feel ackward whenever I see people who go to my school working. After lunch my brother and I went to our guitar/bass lessons. While my brother was having his guitar lesson, I listened to "Jesus Christ Rock'n Roll" (I'm getting addicted to that song XD), "Beautiful Dirt", and "-kigan-." In my lesson I played "The Beautiful People" for my teacher, he showed me how to tune in drop d, and tabbed out "The Reflecting God" for me. ^_^ After our lessons, we went back home and watched Napoleon Dynamite on Telemundo for a while, even though none of us can speak Spanish except for my dad. XD I could understand a few things, but very, very, very little. Once Napoleon Dynamite was over, I watched the rest of The Silence of the Lambs on USA. For some reason that movie doesn't phase me at all, but so many people cringe at the title. I guess I've gotten used to the horrors people do to each other. The news, horror movies, and rock music can do that to you. My dad decided he wanted to go to the comic book store, so my mom and I went with him. At the comic book store I stared longingly at the yaoi and looked at a comic book based off of one of the deadly sins from the movie SE7EN (I think of the Korean rap group Se7en every time I see that movie XD). I really loved the art, but I didn't think that I could get it since it was the "Lust" issue and had a picture of a naked woman on the front. We headed over to Tuesday Morning after we were done and I looked through all of the stuff they had and was unimpressed, as usual. We got back home and I played "The Reflecting God" until I thought my pointer finger was going to fall off and I was getting a cramp from picking so fast. @_@
I'm starting to worry about myself. I'm really sleepy lately and have been taking a nap everyday. o_O I wonder what's going on.
Well, I suppose I need to get off. Mata ne.
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Friday, May 25, 2007
Batto o Motte Machi e Deyo~!
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Jesus Christ Rock 'n Roll by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: 100 Funniest Movies
Today was actually a surprisingly good day, especially considering that I had an exam. o_O Whenever I got to school, I sat around for a little while and went into the library to take the online English exam . -.- The test was okay, it wasn't too hard, but it took forever and the print was really small so I had to keep on adjusting it over and over again. -_- Whenever I finally finished, I drew chibi of me and Kyo holding hands. He had this embarassed look on his face and I was giggling and smiling and he had a kiss mark on his face. ^//^ Yes, I realize how immature I am, shut up. XD My teacher came over and smiled at it and asked who it was and I told her that it was me and the lead singer of Dir en grey (she knows who they are because I'm using "DRAIN AWAY" for my essay) and she just smiled before saying "cute." I was a little embarassed that she caught the fangirlish side of me, but you can't hide everything from your teachers, especially something REALLY big in your life. :/ After drawing that I just doodled in Japanese on my paper like "tsumannai... fuzaketeru yo!!!" ("I'm so bored.... this is stupid!!!" XD). Whenever we finally finished the exam, it was over halfway through 2nd period. I got my books and went to the bathroom before going to art. Whenever I got there, I tried to think of a new thing to do for my ink drawing since I couldn't use the one with the "Heart-Shaped Glasses" lyrics. I ended up just staring at the clock the entire time. XD Mrs. Parnell gave me back my pastel drawings and I got to take my ink drawing home, so I rolled them up. During lunch Myra came!!! :D I was so happy to see her that I threw down my sandwich, jumped up and hugged her. I asked her how she was and told her that she could come to me anytime she felt bad and that I and so many people care about her. Hopefully she believed me. I don't think I would be able to take a friend committing suicide (I've had another friend try before). In Science people presented their projects and I was so bored the entire time. I was afraid that I was going to fall asleep a couple of times. @_@ Matt kept on screwing around with the chain on my pants and chaining me to the chair, to his chair, and to my bracelet. XD I felt like a little slave girl (which is a good thing considering that I'm uke XD)... mmm, bondage. ^_^ Our teacher let us screw around the last 20 minutes, which is a really rare thing for him. I just talked to Korki and Matt, basically. In English Mrs. Mullins helped some people with stuff that confused them in the exam and then we started watching "Fried Green Tomatoes." It's pretty good... although I don't act like it, I'm developing a slight soft spot for the south (born and raised in North Carolina, I guess that happens XD). After school I went to go get my drawing of Kyo that had been held hostage in the display case. ;o; I squealed whenever I was reunited with him. XD Bobby and I ran into Storm and I think she was on extra strength crack or something. o_O I'm serious, that girl was CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY. @_@ At the tree Nicole brought this wire crown she made in art and I put it on my head and proclaimed "look, I'm Jesus!!!" It looked extra convincing since I had a crusifix nail around my neck too. XD Whenever I got home, I showed Mom my art and she eeked at my rendition of "The Scream" (apparently she thinks it's scary, but I love "The Scream" :3) and thought that Kyo had herpes because of his lip rings in my picture. @_@ No! My beloved Kyo could NEVER have herpes! I shall sheild him from it!!! T^T *hugs Kyo*
OMFG, I HATE PHOTOBUCKET SO MUCH!!!!! *throws computer off the face of the earth* They've completely fucked up the format so that I can't view my Kyo pictures on this computer! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHH!!! MOMO NEED KYO NOW!!!!!!!!!! D<
Tommorow I have bass practice. *dances* ^w^ I love being able to make music, it makes me so happy. :D I'll see you guys later. Daisuki~!
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wrist-Cut Show
Current Mood: Bouncy
Current Song: Machiavellism by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: America's Funniest Home Videos
For some reason today, I've been inexplicably hyper. o_O Anyway, before school today, I decided to do something totally stupid and experimented with makeup by trying to imitate Kyo's eyes in the "-saku-" PV. XD I had to rub off some of the red eyeshadow to make it look more faded, cake on the liquid eyeliner, and put some SERIOUS mascara on my lower eyelashes. @_@ Luckily, it worked out. ^_^ It probably would've looked more like his if I didn't have any eyebrows, too (but, my parents would kick my ass if I shaved off my eyebrows). Whenever I got to school Devon commented on my hyperness and I just laughed. Normally I'm a zombie in the mornings. During Orchestra, our teachers were a little bitchier than normal, but I'm not all that suprised since we're having a concert in a week. After playing, my friend Kimberly came up to me and told me Myra, one of my friends in orchetra, was in the mental hospital. I was wondering if Myra was alright or not since it had been a week since she was in school, and she had been carried out of the lunch room in a streacher. Her friend said that she wasn't eating all that much lately, so I thought it might be anorexia. Whenever I asked Kimberly why Myra was in the hospital, she said that she tried to kill herself. She overdosed on some pills, and that's why she passed out. I noticed that Myra wasn't as happy as she usually was, but she lost a scholorship at the beginning of the year because she didn't have a social security number and her family had had some financial trouble. I thought she was just upset, and wasn't depressed or anything. I guess some people's signs are more obvious than others. But I really want to talk to Myra, because in 7th grade I wanted to commit suicide so many times. My life is worse than it was in 7th grade, but I'm so much happier. I want to help her because it kills me to know that someone else hurt as much as I did. In Art we finally painted our clay masks that we made a while back and I laughed whenever I remembered how ugly mine was. XD So, I took out my picture of the noh mask I was modeling it afterwards and painted it with glaze. I was painting it and brushed some of my hair away with my knuckle and got some black paint on my eyebrow. XD Luckily, I have REALLY dark brown hair so no one could tell. After painting my mask, I worked more on my ink drawing and finished it!!!! ^o^ But whenever I showed it to Mrs. Parnell, she said she wanted me to do another one because we were going to work on it all next week and I had more than 10% of white on the picture. I don't wanna do it again.... T~T During lunch I kept on complaining about how much my ass hurt (I pulled a muscle... no idea how, though o_O) and backing up into Stacie saying "rub it. Rub it!" XD During Science people were presenting their projects and I was so bored, I thought I was going to fall asleep. I eventually studied some Japanese instead (my teacher was behind me, so he couldn't see me writing), so I wouldn't get a bad grade for not paying attention. After two people presented, we watched some of a DVD of "Planet Earth" and I read "Japanese for Dummies" to pass the time. There's some stuff I really need to learn, so I may make a list. In English all we did was have an EOC practice test and I got all 52 questions right except for one, so I feel like I'll do alright. Tommorow we have to take an online EOC and take another one that's paper and pencil the friday after next. -_- Greeeeeeeeeat. After school everyone laughed at my hyperness and Sydney was disturbed that I said Kyo vomiting (fake vomit, people, fake vomit!) was hot. XD
Ugh, I hate to take the EOC at 7:35 in the morning tommorow. -_- Shouganai (everytime I say that, I think about Kaoru in the making of "Myaku" video XD). ;~; I guess I should study some more Japanese. Love you guys~!
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
That Blue is Getting Me High
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: Heart-Shaped Glasses by Marilyn Manson
Currently Watching: Scrubs
'Ello, 'ello, everyone. :3 How are we all today? Good, I hope. ^_^ Mine was descent. In Orchestra, our teacher was bitching at us more than usual but I'm trying to not let it get to me. Besides, after June 7th, I'll never have to deal with that class agian. Whoo!!! ^o^ *dances* In Art we worked more on our black and white ink drawing, and I shaded it with some odd patterns. Around her neck I used bars to shade, on her collarbones I used bubbles, and behind her neck I used stars. Bubblesssssssss~. ^3^ I decided to write Marilyn Manson's lyrics for "Heart-Shaped Glasses" on the background since the girl has hearts in her eyes and my teacher suggested I should put the lyrics in her hair too. But whenever Mrs. Parnell was reading the lyrics (she printed them off for me) she kinda stared at them fearfully and asked me what it was about. I don't blame her, the song does kinda sound threatening. XD ("Don't break my heart and I won't break your heart-shaped glasses.") Plus, it has some strong sexual undertones inspired by "Lolita" (about a man who has a sexual relationship with a VERY young woman). I love the lyrics and like the song, but it got kinda annoying writing the lyrics OVER AND OVER again. @_@ It gave me time to think more deeply about them, though. In Science we took our last test, finally. ^o^ Afterwards I read some of "Japanese For Dummies" (although most of it is a review :/) and tried to take a nap but couldn't. -3- In English we went over our essay once again and went over some grammar rules. I'm really happy that I don't have a whole lot of trouble with English since my language skills are more advanced since I study Japanese. Yay Japanese!!! ^o^ Some people saw me looking through my Japanese book and were really amazed that I knew it and asked me to write their name. @_@ Whenever I got home, I wrote my final draft of my introductory paragraph of my essay and painted my model of Jupiter so I would have it done in advance. Thank God I'm done with that project, it's been so fucking annoying. -_- After that (since Mom was on the computer D<) I watched "Machiavellism", "-saku-", and "THE FINAL" on my DVD that came with the American version of Withering to Death. I noticed that the camera in the "Machiavellism" PV were like right under Kyo. o_o All of the sudden it was like Kyo was straddling your face. XD Whenever I came out, Mom was still on the computer, so I watched "Gothika." It was okay. Not good, not bad. Just okay. :/

I wouldn't mind if you straddled my face, Kyo. *coughs* @_@
Once again, I have a headache and I'm tired. T~T I need to play my bass and make some cranes for Kyo since I've been slacking off on that lately. @_@ Mata ne~!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
You're in the Jungle, Boy....
Current Mood: Happy, Tired
Current Song: Welcome to the Jungle by Guns n' Roses
To clear up any confusion over the use of "asoko" yesterday, here's a brief explination. "Asoko" in Japanese literally means "over there" or "that place." However, in slang it's taken a usage of the male or female reproductive organ as well. Hope that helps. :3
Okay, now onto my day. Whenever I got to school, for some reason Katie started talking about this course at our school called "abstinance education." Apparently, they completely discourage sex and say that you'll die if you have it, even with a condom. They also say that birth control doesn't work. o_O Um, no. You will not die because of sex, unless you have condomless sex with someone with AIDS. Also, condoms, if you use them right, are effective in protecting yourself from STDS. Also, only certain birth control pills have been proven that they don't work, and the pill isn't the only birth control. There's also shots and patches. They also say that masturbating is bad. WTF?!?!?!?!? They kept saying that you'd cum on each other. What the hell are you doing masterbating in front of someone anyway? The way I look at it, it's perfectly fine to masturbate if you want to stay abstinate (as long as it's not in front of anyone, because you might be tempted to have sex). Also, I don't have a problem with sex if you're having it with someone you truly love and are ready for any consequences it might bring. End of story. Abstinance classes, although are good in some cases, just piss me off most of the time. In Orchetsra class we played most of the time, and I read the rest of "Black Coffee Blues" at the end of class. Damn, I love that book. XD In Art we started on a project where it's in black and white, and has motion and patterns in it. I drew a picture of a girl with her hair spread out around her head, hearts in her eyes, and stippling on her lips. It's kinda crappy looking. :/ During lunch Stacie and Nicole made fun of me again because I walked fast, looked down at the ground, and tried not to blush whenever I passed Spencer. -//- Fuck them. But Stacie DID buy me strawberries, so that made up for it. :3 In Science class we studied the sun, although most of the time I was trying to get Korki to stop drawing penises in my planner. XD I was bored so I doodled stuff on my paper like "What Would Kaoru Do?" The Leader-sama is all knowing. X3 I also thought about how most of the sexual things are 99% all talk all the time. Like, for instance, I say that I'd do Kyo in a heartbeat. But honestly, if he came to my house now, ripped his clothes off, and demanded me to fuck him, I would be blushing and hiding my face. @_@ I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay to shy to back up half of the shit I say. XD In English we shared our articles that relate to the human condition. I did the Wendy's Chili-Finger case (where the woman put the finger in her bowl of chili and said that she found it there). My teacher was really impressed that I knew the word "machiavellism." Thank you, Dir en grey~! >3

o_o Kyo, I swear to God, you're going to give me heart attack one day.
My head hurts and I'm really tired. -_- I guess I should take care of that. Later~!
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Monday, May 21, 2007
Sweet My Honey
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: ZOMBOID by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Spongebob Squarepants (XD)
Hello, everyone. :3 Today was pretty nice. In Orchestra we played about 10 minutes before we left, as usual, but I did get to talk with Storm. We started dancing around and singing to Marilyn Manson songs. It would have been perfect if Storm and I were dressed like the slasher girls (two girls who normally went to Manson concerts who carved the name "MARILYN" and the other "MANSON" into their chests) whenever we were dancing around and singing "Disposable Teens." X3
Disposable Teens by Marilyn Manson
and I'm a black rainbow
and I'm an ape of god
I got a face that's made for doing violence upon
I'm a teen distortion
survived abortion
a rebel from the waist down
I wanna thank you mom
I wanna thank you dad
for bringing this fucking world
to a bitter end
I never really hated a one true god
but the god of the people I hated
you said you wanted evolution
the ape was a great big hit
you say you want a revolution, man
and I say that you're full of shit
we're disposable teens
we're disposable teens
we're disposable teens
we're disposable
we're disposable teens
we're disposable teens
we're disposable teens
we're disposable
you said you wanted evolution
the ape was a great big hit
you say you want a revolution, man
and I say that you're full of shit
The more that you fear us
the bigger we get
the more that you fear us
the bigger we get
and don't be surprised, don't be surprised
don't be surprised when we destroy all of it
In Art everyone finished up their oil pastels, but I was already done, so I worked on my homework. We had to draw a picture from an ant's point of view, so I decided to draw a strawberry. It turned out to look like it was partially rotted (I did get a kick out of it, though, because of the line "kusatta ichigo asoko no naka" ["the rotten strawberry inside the pussy"] from "FILTH" X3) and beat it with an ugly stick, though, so I'll just use a free homework pass. :/ I don't feel like drawing it again. In Art whenever I was drawing the fugly (fuckin'-ugly) strawberry, I kept on wishing I had my angel Kyo picture with me so I could work on it. During lunch I kept on staring at Spencer and I feel like such a stalker. Whenever he would pass by, Stacie would say "okay, Becky, smile and act cute", but I could only blush and hide behind my jacket. @//@ He's so damn beautiful. At the beginning of science, I was telling Korki about my Kyo picture and Matt thought I said that I masturbated to a picture of Kyo. o///////////o Then Korki and Matt started going into detail and talking about Kyo's.... parts *twitches* and I all I could do was turn bright red and hide my head. -//- To tell the truth, I honestly can't think of Kyo naked. I just get way too embarassed and feel filthy. XD During the rest of Science, I didn't really pay attention, I just drew this picture I've had in my head for a while. I drew a picture of a weak, frail looking hand laying in a pool of blood. Instead of it being blood, though, it's the lyrics from "THE FINAL." I drew that because of the line "chi wo nagasu tabi ni, ikiteru wake miidasu kotoba ga azayaka de" ("every time I drain my blood, the meaning of my life becomes vibrant"... or something like that @_@) is very visual to me, and that's what I see. On my way to English class, I saw Spencer again and I realized why I like him so much-he reminds me of Shinya! He has this frail, feminine-looking body, shaggy hair, and a smile that cannot be described. And, he likes Dir en grey. X3 In English we went to the computer lab to take an EOC pre-test and worked on our essays for the human condition. After school I saw Spencer again and Nicole screamed at me for being so shy and looking over at him so girlishly. If I'm like this around just normal guys, imagine what I'll be like if I ever meet Kyo. I'll be staring at the ground the entire time, shaking, as red as a strawberry, sweating, and probably not even be able to speak. XD Yup.

*chokes on water* @//@
I want to work on the rest of my angel Kyo picture, but on the picture, part of his head is cut off because of the bucket. @_@ So I'll have to go through my photobucket (it's not as easy as it sounds.... that's about 880 pictures o_o) and find a substitute. I'll see you guys later. Daisuki~!!!
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
It's All Relative to the Size of Your Steeple
Current Mood: Amused
Current Song: The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson
Currently Watching: King of the Hill
Yay!!! :D Last night I got the tab for "The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson-one of my favorite of his songs. ^_^ *dances* I didn't play it until today, though, because I got it relatively late. o_o The rest of the night, I watched "Ninja Warrior" and folded some paper cranes for Kyo. Also, I got some pictures of Kyo for a picture I have in my head. I was thinking of tattoos the other day, and this absolutely beautiful picture popped into my head. I imagined a blue green background with Kyo reaching up towards the sky with his head thrown back. His lower half is devoured in flames and you can see a bare outline of wings coming from his back. At first I thought of pheonix wings, but they could also double as angel wings. I hope it looks as beautiful as it does in my head.

Must.... resist urge.... to lick computer..... >_o *twitches*
Today I woke up around 11 because my dog jumped on me and woke me up. -_- Dammit!!! I woke up and stared angrily at the TV before getting my act together and taking a shower. Whenever I got dressed, I put on my jewelry but couldn't find my "I love Kyo" wristband!!! D: I looked frantically all over my desk and asked my family where it was but only found my Invader Zim wristband. ;~; I felt a little distrought, but I looked one more time and I found it!!! I started squeeing. XD We went to go eat at Tony's Pizza, a place we haven't been to in about a year. o_O After that, we went to Target and I circled the whole store. I found this reeeeeeeeeally cute skirt on clearance that I would actually wear, but I wasn't about to ask my parents for it. We don't have money for things I want at the drop of a dime. I also found this really cute shirt that would go great with it. I wish I had money. T~T After Target, we went to A.C. Moore to get some stuff for my project on Jupiter. While we were there, I looked for some iron-on transfer letters to make a "MAD STALIN" shirt. They didn't have any, goddamn craft store. >_< Eventually we went home and just hung out. We sat around watching "Zoolander" while I worked on "The Beautiful People." I really love Twiggy, he's a great bass player and composer. Also, J-rock has given me an abnormal attraction to men in drag. XD And Twiggy looks really nice without makeup too. :3 I played bass until my fingernails felt like they were making my fingers bleed (I cut my nails too short D:) and got on the computer to tell you all about my boring day. XD

Twiggy is on the left of Manson. :3
Hm. I guess I should take a shower and make more cranes for Kyo, and maybe start on my picture. Mata ne~!
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Kumo ni Naritai
Current Mood: Bored, Tired
Current Song: OBSCURE by Dir en grey
Hello, everyone~. The rest of last night wasn't all that special. We watched "Smokin' Aces", which was pretty good. It had a good plot, was action packed, had really cool dialogue, but I felt like they could've done a whole lot more with it. After it, I just read some more of "Black Coffee Blues" and the rest of my family went to bed by 12:30. o_O Weird. I enjoyed the privacy, though, and watched some "Ninja Warrior" before turning it to "40 Greatest Metal Songs." Slipknot, Korn, Marilyn Manson, Guns 'n' Roses and Faith No More were on it! \^o^/ Yay!!! I went to bed around 1:45 and stared loving up at my Kyo pictures before I went to sleep. ^_^ I love my Kyo wall. *rubs face on pictures*

So cute~! >w<
Today I didn't have bass practice, but my family still felt the need to wake me up at 12:30. -_- I slept as long as I could, but I eventually dragged my ass out of bed whenever Mom yelled at me. I stared at the TV as I woke up little by little and got dressed whenever my dad came home. My parents went to go feed my grandparent's dogs because they're away on vacation, but my brother and I stayed home. Logan got on the computer and I listened to some of Marilyn Manson's "The Golden Age of Grotesque" while I got all my jewelry on and put on makeup. Whenever they picked us up, we wandered around for a little while before going to eat lunch at Sonic. After lunch, we came back home and my parents slept, my brother went outside, and I watched the rest of "40 Greatest Metal Songs." I screwed a little around on the computer while watching "Scrubs", and here I am. Exciiiiiiiiting days I have here. @_@
I've been really hungry lately and I have no idea why. I'm not starving myself, I'm only eating a little less, I haven't been exercising as much, and there's no way in hell I'm growing (I've stayed the same height since 5th grade and only increased in bust from an A32-B36 -_-). Maybe because it's my period. I don't know, I just want it to stop.
You guys really need to check out this awesome Kyo fan site called Bleeding Idol. The chick who runs it, Rachel, is REALLY nice and is so fun to talk to. I really feel like she understands my passion towards Kyo. So whenever you have the time, please check out her site. She puts a lot of time and effort into it. :3

Visit her site, dammit! Visit it!!!
Well, I guess that's really all I have to say. My brother's watching "Naruto"... ha, I got him hooked on anime. Too bad I'm not all that intersted in it anymore. @_@
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Friday, May 18, 2007
You Can't Break My Soul
Current Mood: Content, but hungry
Current Song: Clever Sleazoid by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: That's So Raven
I was gonna post the other day, but MyO crapped out on me. I'm sorry. -_- Thank you guys so much for all the kind comments, they really helped me. You guys mean so much to me and even though I don't know you all personally, I feel closer to you guys than all my friends here combined. I really appreciate how I can pour my soul out to you guys and you won't judge me. Thank you.
I've felt a hell of a lot better lately. All I really needed to do was listen to some upbeat songs ("umbrella" and "HADES", although the lyrics aren't all that upbeat XD) and watch a few DIRU lives to feel better. I've decided to drop trying to stray away from Kyo and Dir en grey, because I love them, and they always make me feel great whenever everything else comes crashing down. I know that I may never see them live, or ever meet them, but that's okay-I'll live with it. Today in orchestra we got off early and I read "Black Coffee Blues" by Henry Rollins (my absolutely favorite book of all time). I love BCB, it's so raw and truthful. Henry's prose is gorgeous and I was left breathless the first time I read it. I really recommend it. ^_^ In Art I finished my rendition of "The Scream." It turned out okay, but I pray to Kyo that I will never have to work with oil pastels again. -_- I didn't really do anything during lunch... I've been unusually quiet around my friends since my breakdown. In Science we worked in our workbook and I read some more of BCB. I feel like Matt and I are drifting farther and farther apart. Maybe it's because he's not paying as much attention to me as he did for a while, or that he's treating me more like a guy than a girl. I guess having a crush on him doesn't really help. In English we worked on our essays, which is how a song relates to the human condition. I chose "DRAIN AWAY." ^w^ *wiggles* Whenever I got home, I tried to get on the computer, but Mom kicked me off. -_- I read some of BCB, but I got a little tired and took a nap. Whenever I woke up, I read some more (what?! It's addictive!!! XD), and watched "Scrubs" before I got on here.

I'm sorry for trying to neglet you, Kyo, dear. *hugs*
I guess I better go eat dinner since my tummy is growling. Once again, thank you guys. I love you all~!!!
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