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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, January 15, 2007
Hyappi!!! :3
Current Mood: Very, very happy
Current Song:
Whooo!!! Thank Kyo, I'm out of school today!!! *dances* Eh... actually, it's more like "Thank Martin Luther King Jr. for ending segregation." ^^; Sorry, Mr. King. But seriously, today is a day to celebrate not just because I'm out of school. This is a day to celebrate a man with a dream who changed the world. A man who made his dream come true, where his children could play outside with white children. Because of Mr. King, people of all skin color can be united and with no resentment (for the most part-unfortunately, prejudice isn't completely gone). Hopefully his dream will become so vibrant that people will no longer notice skin color, and notice the person's character. And hopefully one day people will be united no matter their religion, their belief, their sexual preference, etc. I hope I live to see that day. ^-^
Nothing really happened yesterday except for going to Wal*Mart and watching "Ju-On 2" (which I personally thought was better and creepier than the first :D) and "Crank" (which was FUCKING AWESOME. Go see it. Now.). At Wal*Mart, I had to buy bras (-_- Dear God) but I did get to rape the oriental food section for all it was worth. :D Unfortunately, I was only able to get Pocky (I almost called it "bokki" in the car and giggled myself to death XD). I was going to get kimchi, but it had meat in it so I wasn't able to. Also, I was going to get Sapporo Ichiban noodles, but it has gluten in it. -_- Damn it!!! By the way, the Pocky was delicious. ^3^
Today my brother woke me up around 12:30... for a while I just rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but eventually got up. -3- I sat around for a little while but eventually got hungry so I ate some ramen that I got yesterday. SQUEE!!! ^o^ *hugs ramen bag* Since I didn't really feel like watching TV, I busted out my "5 Ugly Kingdom" DVD and headbanged while eating noodles!!! Whoo!!! I cried during "-mushi-" and "ain't afraid to die", but I can't say that I'm all that suprised. Those songs tear me apart every single time. Those "Akuro no Oka", and "zakuro" kill me. I got a headache from headbanging so hard (especially during "The Domestic Fucker Family"). XD The first time I watched it, my neck hurt days afterwards. @_@ The entire time I watched the DVD, I couldn't help but marvel at how gorgeous and talented every single one of the members are. I gotta rant about every single one of them now. XD
1.) Toshiya- God... where to start? Toshiya is such a talented artist, and can make everyone smile during the most devastating song. His fingers glide across his bass so gracefully and looks just like the angel is. Wheather you play the bass or not, you can't help but admire him.

2.) Die- During the entire DVD I kept on ranting to my brother how awesome Die is. XD Not only is he a fabulous guitarist that can move anyone with his paradoxical playing (by paradoxical I mean soothing and stirring, quiet and vicious, etc.), but he also is a GREAT backup vocalist. He has a subtle voice, but you know that his lurking presence remains.

3.) Shinya- Shinya is the most underappreciated member of DIRU, but he deserves the spotlight. If you were to meet him, you would never believe that he's a rockstar-or for the record, a drummer. He's so quiet and timid, you hardly ever notice that he's there. But as soon as he gets behind the drum set, everything changes. His passion drives him into a rage so strong that you can barely see his arms as he plays. He's a valuble asset to DIRU who too often goes unnoticed.

4.) Kaoru- Kaoru... the leader. The main composer. The glue that holds DIRU together. Never before have I known someone that is so closely tied to music. Every single song that he creates is so delicately written, so haunting, that it leaves an impact that you can never forget. Not only that, but he gets so into the music that I bet the apocolypse wouldn't stir him. He's engulfed by it and it becomes his the very beat of his pulse.

5.) Kyo- Shiiiit... if you guys aren't sitting down already (and why aren't you? o_O), you need to. This is gonna take a while. XD Kyo's voice is phenomenal. I've never heard anything like it before-he can sing you the sweetest lullabye or scream loud enough to wake the dead. He can do so many different things with his voice, that sometimes it makes you wonder if he really is human. Kyo also just completely captivates the audience. Wheather he's just singing, dancing, scratching his chest or arms, or fishhooking himself, you can't take your eyes off of him. He's incredible-he puts so much emotion into his vocals, that it's a wonder how he can fit his voice into such a tiny, fragile-looking body. Not only are his voice and performance amazing, but also, his physical apperance is too. He can look like a prince or a demon-sometimes both at the same time. The way the light dances on his eyes and the sorrow you see in him can bring me to tears. I could go on forever about him.

Ugh... I need to practice my Japanese since I have a day off. Sorry for the rant. XD Mata ne~!
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