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myOtaku.com: PeachesXCream

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

   Tsumannai yo~!!!
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song:

Today was so boring... I hardly did anything all day. -_- In Orchestra we played a new piece (that I really like-and it's relatively easy so I don't feel like a complete failure whenever I play it-Yay!!! :D) and practiced and older one. After all that I listened to some DIRU with Storm. I'm so effing happy that she likes them-it makes my tiny little black heart explode with happiness. ^-^ In Algebra we supposedly "reviewed", but it was more my idiot teacher talking to herself the entire time. Since I wasn't gonna learn anything, I talked to Korki and listened to almost all of "MACABRE" (the only ones I didn't listen to were "Deity" and "MACABRE-sanagi no yume wa ageha no hane"... I wanted to, but I didn't have any time -_-). And I was so bored that I drew all over my face with eyeliner. XD I drew two hearts on my cheek, heavily lined my eyes, and filled in my top lip (leaving the bottom one alone)... Carley said I looked like death and I cheered. XD At least I got to listen to DIRU. *sighs* Gym, once again, was a free day, so we were able to do whatever we wanted. So I talked a little to Chasity, studied court cases, and listened to almost all of "Kisou" (I didn't listen to the 2nd and 3rd "shinsou"). I slept for a little while but woke up whenever I basketball hit me in the face. I was too sleepy to even feel angry at the guy. @_@ In Civics we studied for a while, took a quiz on court cases, and played a review game. Exciting.... *sarcasm* Outside the tree I thought I was gonna freeze my ass off even though I had on my hoodie, a scarf, and a hat (I did have gloves, but Stacie wanted them so I lent them to her @_@). Daniel didn't try anything again today (thank God), so I've made a decision to not say anything unless he does it again. Storm came to give me my pen back (she had borrowed it in first period), but she looked really sad. She wouldn't answer Stacie when she asked what was wrong, so I went to her and asked "Storm, honey, are you okay?" She didn't look at me or anything, she just kept on walked and kinda snapped "I'm fine!" I knew I shouldn't have bothered her, but she looked so sad. I should've just let her be. -_- Eventually Mom came to pick me and Nicole up. After she dropped Nicole off and sent my brother to our house, Mom took me to the dermatologist to get my stitches taken out. It didn't really hurt, it just freaked me out whenever she was pulling on the stitches on my cheek (I have a phobia of stitches ripping out skin @_@), because the skin had grown over the stitches. No wonder they had itched so much. o_o Anyhow, it didn't hurt and my dermatologist was very impressed with how well they were taken care of. My moles that they took off were not positive for cancer, and were 100% fine. At least Mom doesn't have to worry about them anymore. I was supposed to study for the Algebra final I have tommorow, but I didn't really feel like it... and I felt more like singing to all of "Withering To Death." @_@ Damn your seductiveness, DIRU!!! Damn you!!!

Yesss... so very, very seductive... o_o *wipes up drool*

Tommorow I'm exempt from my orchestra exam so I don't have to come to school until 10:30. ^-^ More sleep for Momo~!!! So happy. :3 BTW, thank you everyone for your kind words yesterday-they really helped. Any good luck to my Areina-chan whose getting surgery tommorow!!! ;o; Maaa, I guess I'll talk to you guys later. Ja ne~!

EDIT: Okay... I took this long-ass quiz thing that you guys may find interesting. Enjoy.

~Deep Questions That Make You Think~Mostly Original~81 Questions
Nickname:Becky, Becca, Momo
Best memory:Probably going to the Nine Inch Nails concert of May 2006
Worst memory:Remebering whenever I was suicidal
Best dream:There've been so many
Worst nightmare:Probably my mother drowning my brother in the toilet while I was forced to watch
Weaknesses:Music, DIRU, and Kyo
Strengths:Memorizing things in Japanese, appreciating music
Anyone have the same birthday as you?:Um... Jon Heder. XD
Would you...
die for a friend?:Yes.
die for your crush/bf/gf?:I don't know.
die for your family?:What kind of fucking question is that?! Of course!!!
ever kill yourself?:I don't think so...
Kill someone else?:No-never.
If you had to choose- save your cat or save your enemy?:*eye twitches* Can't I save both? If not, then the cat
rather freeze or burn to death?:Burn-it's quicker.
admit you love someone?:Yes. -_-'
break the law or lie to save a friend?:Of course!!!
Have you ever...
cut yourself?:Yes
been in love?:I think so...
thought about suicide?:Yes
hated someone so much you thought you would really kill them?:I don't think I seriously meant it-and that was 2 years ago.
starved yourself?:I tried to, but I didn't really succeed.
forced yourself to cry?:Um... probably
forced yourself to throw up?:Whenever I was little and I didn't want to eat corn. XD
betrayed a friend?:I don't think I have... but then again, you'd have to ask my friends
hurt someone else so you would feel better about yourself?:No.
Which is worse?
your friend dying or your parent dying:God... I guess your parent.
losing all your old memories or never being able to make new ones:Losing all your old memories.
being rejected by someone you love or having your feelings returned only...:Being rejected by someone you love
to be dumped a month later:Look at the above answer
being raped or willingly having sex and later regretting it:Being raped
having no emotions or only being happy once every couple of months:Being happy only once every couple of months
losing all your friends on earth or never having found God:Losing all your friends on earth
being dumped or dumping someone:Dumping someone
falling in love with an anime character or falling in love with a celebrity:Falling in love with an anime character
a friend moving away or losing touch with a friend who lives right near you:Losing touch with a friendwho lives right near you
What is your dream in life?:To meet Kyo... no! To be fluent in Japanese! Wait! To go to Japan!!! Shit... I can't choose. -_-
Do you have insomnia?:Not really
Do you often wake up in the middle of the night after a bad dream?:I don't I've done that in a really long time.
Do you get deja vu?:Hardly ever.
Did you ever have a dream that came true?:Yes.
What about a nightmare?:Probably.
Did you ever have a realistic dream that truly scared you?:Yes.
Do you daydream?:About Kyo, yes... o//o
Have you ever dreamed you were falling?:Yeah... and it always feels like I am
Greatest fears:Losing the ones I love, jellyfish, people
What are you not afraid of at all?:I think everyone's a little afraid of everything
Name a weird phobia you have.:Um.. having stitches ripped out of skin o_O
Has your fear ever come true?:One time I lost my dog (one I love)
Is your fear a common fear?:I think the losing the ones I love is
Any particular reason for the fear?:I was stung by a jellyfish 3 years ago
Does it ever control your life?:No, not really
Have you had nightmares about the fear?:A few times, yes
Are you more afraid of rejection or failure?:Failure
The Past
Most missed memory:Not having to worry about war, people dying, sadness
How have your feelings changed throughout your life?:Yeah, quite a few
First memory:I don't really remember
Happiest childhood memory:Playing with my brother and my dog
Saddest childhood memory:Having someone die but I didn't really know what was going on...
What was your first word?:"Dada"... I'm a daddy's girl. ^^;
First friend?:Either Tori, Nicole, or Kala
First crush?:Johnny o_o
First love?:Stewart XDDD
What would you do if...
your best friend died because of you?:Never forgive myself
your true love moved out of the country?:Try to move to the same country
your friend gave you the choice of cheating on the really tough math final?:I would decline
a friend offered you drugs or alcohol?:Maybe accept the alcohol, but decline on the drugs
a friend of the same gender told you they were gay and asked you out?:It would depend if I liked the or not
your bf/gf asked you to have sex with them?:I probably wouldn't be ready yet
you were sexually abused?:Would never have sex again
you were betrayed by someone you trusted and cared about?:I've had that happen before-I'm still alive, aren't I?
you found out your friend wanted to die?:Do everything humanly possible to stop them from wanting that
Final Thoughts
Are you saved?:I don't think so
Do you believe in God?:I believe in some universal force, so, I guess in some odd way, yes.
Why or why not?:Until science comes up with a logical answer, Im sticking to what I believe is logical
Are you depressed or sad all the time?:No. Actually, it's quite the opposite.
What are you hoping for in the future?:Being in a band, going to Japan, becoming proficient in Japanese, and hopefully meeting DIRU
What makes you happy?:Music, DIRU, Kyo, other people being happy, my friends, peace, animals
What makes you sad?:Other people being sad, war, meat, death, etc.
Do you believe in the Bible?:No.
Why or why not?:To put it plainly, I'm not a Christian.
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That is all.

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