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myOtaku.com: PeachesXCream

Monday, January 29, 2007

   Get Down With the Sickness XD
Current Mood: Sick, crappy
Current Song: Rasetsukoku by Dir en grey (MP3 not available... son of a bitch -_-)

Yesterday was pure crap. To make a long story short, Dad got pissed off and it made me so upset that I cried for about 30 minutes straight then went to sleep for about 4 hours. Yeah. At least I got to go to an Asian markert and get some chopsticks and a bag of Hana no Kuchizuke (candy that tastes like flowers-pure love ^-^). I really like Hana no Kuchizuke, so at least that kept me happy. *hugs bag*

Hana no kuchizuke.... daisuki. ^-^ *hugs tiredly*

Today is not much better because I am sick. -__- I stayed around until early 3rd period, until I couldn't take it anymore and I went home. I even held my picture of Kyo rubbing himself to my chest (yes... I carry one around... it makes me happy >_>) and it didn't help all that much. ;~; Whenever I got home I drank some soda to help calm my tummy and layed down and started to watch the X-Files. After a while I got some ramen and ate that then watched some more X-Files. After a while my neck started to hurt from laying on the couch so I went to my room to sleep. I slept for about 3 hours until I woke up and was suddenly horny. o_O; I ate something then got onto the computer and watched "Ryoujoku no Ame" (which is basically porn without the nudity, but is 10x better because it has DIRU in it >D), watched a live of "Ryoujoku no Ame" in America (they were REALLY good in it, but I got kinda pissed off because some ignorant bastards were walking around during their performance -_-'''), and watched Kyo rub himself. Yup. I'm a chijo, but I don't really care.

Ngh... Momo need Kyo crotch. *crawls*

I've been working on a Japanese guide for people going to a DIRU concert in America and what to give the members as gifts, so hopefully I'll have that up by the 31st (the day before the first concert -_-). I've just been sick and in a really shitty mood, so I haven't done anything lately. I'm also supposed to call Kyoko-chan (hon, I'm sooooooooo sorry I haven't done it earlier) and finish a picture for art. Can't I just lie down and watch DIRU?

Oh, yeah... in reference to last post, Kyo did indeed have abs so toned that they made you want to explode in your pants everytime you saw them. That was during "The Code of VULGAR[ism]" era, but he still has a stomach so fine that I would lick them if I had the chance too... >.>


... and now.

Okay. Horny sick person going away now.

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