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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Current Mood: Extremely happy but agitated
Current Song: THE PLEDGE by Dir en grey
DIRU in Massachusetts
YAY! Today is the release of "THE MARROW OF A BONE" (in Japan)! Bonzai! Bonzai! Bonzai!!! \^o^/
This is all great, but the only problem is that my computer is retarted. It can't translate .zip or .rar files, so all I can listen to are MP3s. Do any of you guys know where I can listen to the songs where you don't have to download anything? PLEASE. I'm desperate. I've gone to fansites/Livejournals, I've gone to their official site, I've gone to their official MySpace, I've gone to thier unofficial street team's MySpace, YouTube, etc. I already have "GRIEF" and "THE PLEDGE", but that's it. If I don't get the MP3s soon, I'm going to die. And this, my friends, is not an exaggeration. I will die from exaustion of trying to endlessly find it, lose too much blood from ripping out my hair (along with chunks of head skin o_O), and go into dehydration from crying. This, I do not kid you. So, please. If you want your Momo-chan, PLEASE. Help me find MP3s. *puppy eyes*

Help Momo! DIRU wants you to!!!
Anyhowwwwwww, I watched their PV for "GRIEF" and I really like it. Like I was promised in the preview, I got a good view of Kyo crotch so that kept me happy for a while. XDDD; They have bodies hanging from the ceiling like in "OBSCURE", so it's nice to see them bring back some of the classics. ^-^ And, the have a little more camera time on Shinya so you can see him beat the shit out of those drums. X3 The shots are mostly on Kyo, the actress in the video, and Kaoru. ;~; Poor neglected Toshiya, Die, and Shinya. *hugs them* Anyhow, it rocks. Go check it out before Shinya beats you to death with his drums sticks and Kyo screams "FUCK YOU" in Kyogrish then wails like a banshee at the top of his lungs. >3
While I was visiting their official MySpace, I decided to read some of their comments and I stumbled across one that a girl had posted in regard to one of their American shows. She said that she went to a meet and greet but didn't see Kyo anywhere (which I didn't think was all that odd since Kyo is a bit anti-social and doesn't want to face another "Higeki wa Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu"), so she asked one of their roadies where he was. And do you know what they said?
The roadie said that Kyo thought no one wanted to see him.
I was so shocked to hear this and so saddened that tears stung my eyes. It kills me to think that Kyo, the man who has made possibly one of the biggest impacts on my life, thought no one wanted to see him. I wish I could've been there so much to tell him how much he means to his fans and how fantastic he is. I know NaeNae brought up a great point that it must get tiring having your ass kissed all the time, but I won't be able to help it if I meet him. He finds himself to be so insignificant sometimes and doesn't understand his true value even when fans are chanting his name and getting trampled just to have the possibility of touching him. That hurts me so much to know that he feels this way.

Genki dashite, Kyo-kun!!! ;o;
Ano, I guess I should get to my day. ^^; Before school started I latched onto Nicole and started squeeing and jumping up and down. XD; Eventually Stacie dragged Nicole and I along to walk around in the halls to pass the time, but unfortunately for them, I hadn't calmed down any. I was still jumping up and down and giggling and then I started thinking about Kyo doing some things to himself (*cough*) and I couldn't stop smiling. If anyone other than my friends saw me, they would send me to the office for looking high. XD In Orchestra I told Storm about DIRU's new album and she told me not to explode in my pants. My response was "too bad... I already did." X3 Anyhow, we just played the entire time, as always. It sucks, though, because I'm back to sucking again. The only reason I can think of is that I'm sitting next to that really good player and it's either lowered my self esteem or I'm trying to catch up to him. Being a freshman sitting next to a senior can really piss me off. -_- In Art we worked on the tree we did yesterday, then worked on a new picture we have to do. -3- I'm not working on either today, obviously, because I'm going to DIRU hunting. >3 I also got to work on one of my projects for Art that's due tommorow. @_@ At lunch I worked on more of it, so happiness~! In Science we took a test (after I was done I scribbled down notes on my paper rambling about DIRU XDDD), took notes on minerals, colored my picture for art (we have to *le sigh*), and drew Kyo's kanji on my cheek. Suprisingly, only one person asked about it... I guess they're just used to it by now. X_X In English we discussed "To Kill a Mockingbird" and worked on our project, once again. I don't really want to work on the project anymore, since I worked on it for 2 hours straight last night. -_- Being in a Honors class is harder than I thought. After school I went straight home... I was gonna run home but Nicole would kick my ass. @_@
So, I guess I better go get something to eat (I've been hungry for a while but neglected it in search of DIRU), use the bathroom (did I mention I tried to ignore and cut off all bodily functions? @_@), and go searching again. Love you guys. Ja mata~!
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