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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Current Mood: Head-explodingly happy
Current Song:
I am so happy that I could fucking cry. Kayla (lemurturtle) was such a sweetheart and uploaded the MP3s of "THE MARROW OF A BONE" onto her computer and sent them to me. Thank you so much, sweetie~!!! I would sell you my soul, but there's hardly anything left. @_@ Also huge thanks to everyone and anyone who helped me in my quest for DIRU. >3
And how are the results, you ask? Sweet. Oh, so sweet. So sweet that I tried have an affair with my computer. XD Granted, I am only on "Ryoujoku no Ame", but what I've listened to is pure and uncensored love. BTW, has anyone else noticed that Kyo's voice has taken on a rougher tone to it, even when he's just normally singing? I suspect it's from the smoking, throat problems, increased screaming, and possibly a new style he's trying out. But I love his new little scream-squeal thing-y. I giggle everytime I hear it. X3 I'm gonna try to hunt down the lyrics tonight.
Whenever I was searching for "THE MARROW OF A BONE" last night, I stumbled across a picture that's somewhere in their album. So, I'm going to warn you now just in case the American version has it on it too-DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, TAKE THE SLIP OFF OF THE CD IN FRONT OF YOUR PARENTS OR ANY OTHER ADULTS. I think it may be just the limited edition, but I'm not sure, but... THERE'S BOOBIES ON IT!!! XD I'm not too suprised at this, I mean, it IS DIRU, the band that created "OBSCURE." But, as you all know, parents can be unforgiving of this. ^^; This, On the cover, there's three pictures of a man's bare chest at the top, then three pictures of a woman's bare chest at the bottom. So, just beware of that. X_X
Here's the picture if you want to know what it looks like.
School was okay, I guess. It's just getting to a point where everyday blends into one grey blur and all I look forward to is getting home to listen to DIRU. It just feels like I'm reliving every single day over and over again and I don't feel alive until I'm doing the things I love. Anyways, Orchestra sucked. Our teacher told us how much we suck more than usual and told us that she's going to start pulling people out of the class for random pop quizzes, and I know that I'm gonna get pulled out of there faster than a kid getting ripped away from a porno. Just fuckin' great. -_- In Art we worked more on our grid drawing of this warrior Leonardo DaVinci drew. @_@ In attempts to drown out the voices of my overly-loud classmates, I listened to almost all of "Withering to Death." I was starting to get pissed in the middle of "Kodou", though, because some idiots were almost screaming and I had to turn it up to hear Kyo's voice over theirs. We all know that you never get in the way of Momo and DIRU. XD; In Science we studied the properties of gems and classified minerals into groups. I kept on thinking of one of my favorite gems, garnet, and had D'espairsRay's "Garnet" stuck in my head the rest of the period. >3 In English all we did was watch part of "To Kill a Mockingbird." From what I've seen, it must have been a remarkable movie for its time. The camera work is better than some of today's movies (yes, I'm a dork, I notice camera work @_@), has excellent acting, and a well-picked cast. And then girl who played Scout is just GORGEOUS. I want to find out what her name is and look up pictures of her whenever she got older-she must have been so beautiful. After school, Nicole gave me the "Taste of Chaos" CD (the only reason I want it is because DIRU is on there... DIRU and Avenged Sevenfold are the ONLY good bands on there) and as soon as I got home, I popped it into my CD player and listened to it, but it turns out, it was just the normal version-I thought it was going to be live. And it kept skipping because there were scratch marks on it. D: That breaks my little heart!!!
Well, I'm gonna leave you guys alone and listen to the rest of "THE MARROW OF A BONE." My parents and I made a deal that they're gonna take me to Hot Topic on the 20th to buy it... and if they won't, I'll walk there myself to get it-even if it IS on the other side of town. T^T I can't wait! SQUEE~!!!
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