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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Friday, February 9, 2007
@_@ Neeeeee.... kuukiiiiiii....
Current Mood: Happy, but sick
Current Mood: GRIEF by Dir en grey
DIRU in Ontario, Canada
Dude.... I ate too many cookies. I feel sick. X_X Damn thier creamy deliciousness!!! -_-

They're almost as delicious as you, Kyo... (that lets you know that they're damn good!!! :D) *eye twitches* Look at those hip bones... *moans* Okay, maybe the cookies aren't that good. XD
Orchestra was so awesome today!!! We have two teachers, and Mrs. Ross, the bitchy one, wasn't here today~!!! \^o^/ Yatta! So our teacher made a deal with us-if we had a good rehearsal for 45 minutes, he would let us pack up 30 minutes early. And, apparently, we did have a good rehearsal and he complimented us a lot. ^-^ So, I was all happy and I listened to some songs from "Withering to Death" with Storm-and I was able to impress her with "dead tree"!!! I told her that Kyo screamed REALLY well in it, and she immediately demanded to hear it. XD And whenever he did scream, she covered her mouth and started smiling because she was so amazed. I knew she'd love it~! She also wants me to get "Withering to Death" for her. ^o^ Yay!!! I dragged another to the DIRU side!!! >3 In Art we worked on our warrior picture again and about 30 minutes afterwards I was bored. @_@ So I took out my iPod and listened to all of "Kisou", except for the last "[shinsou]". I was a little afraid to listen to "-mushi-", but I really wanted to listen to it. Luckily, I only got a little teary. It's probably because I was around people and I was doing something, so I was able to push back the tears. In Science we studied different types of rocks and I almost fell asleep. I kept on having to pinch and slap myself to keep me awake... I sit in the very front, so I have to pay attention. It was kinda funny, though, because I kept on answering questions and getting them right whenever I was half-asleep. X3 I also had "GRIEF" stuck in my head and I kept on thinking of Kyo's unbelivable sexniess in that PV... I think I may have drooled a little. @_@ In English we made up a rubric for our project... y'know, the one I'm doing on homosexuality? Yeah, that one. XD After that head-splittingly boring assaignment, we watched almost the rest of "To Kill a Mockingbird." I think the book was 20x better than the movie. Although I do love Atticus' voice. >3 After school I gave Storm her jacket back (we switched... she has a ghetto, fluffy, faux fur jacket XD) and ran up back to the tree to talk to everyone. Everyone kept on poking me with a drumstick Storm found on the floor and threatening to hit me with it. For some reason, I'm always the one they pick on. But whenever Stacie stuck the drumstick up my nose (-_-), we fought over it and I won! Haha! She almost broke my fingers, though, and I gave it back. X_X I'm such a wuss. After Anthony snapped the drumstick, Nicole and I ran off before Storm could come back. XD We're such bad friends (but, I did let her wear my jacket today and I gave her a bottle of lotion so she may forgive me -_-). On the way home, Nicole was incredibly hyper and we had a short conversation on how she thinks the guy playing Hannibal in "Hannibal Rising" is hot. XD We're so demented. And she also stuck a leaf in my mouth. ;~; It was nasty... *sniffs* Whenever I got home I saw that Logan (my brother) had broken out in hives. He had felt itchy last night but we thought he just had dry skin. I feel bad now... poor Logan. T~T
Man, I'm pissed off.... I found these really good icons from DIRU's new PV but no one has any wallpapers of it yet. -_- I really want to use them!!! ;o;

Aren't they simply orgasmic? :D

This IS from "GRIEF", but you have to look really hard to see it. XD
Speaking of "GRIEF", I have the lyrics and screenshots for it!!! Yay!!!
GRIEF by Dir en grey
Shout up! That's fucking bullshit
Blood tastes like vanilla
Fuck off
mottomorashii kao shite
azamuku koto shika atama ninai saru
saa moujin ni tou
Shout up! That's fucking bullshit
koukatsu no juu ga narihibiku Headless body,
koukatsu no juu ga narihibiku Headless body,
sousa warai kurue I'm damned
Fuck off
mottomorashii kotoba de
sukashita kao shite hiteishiten darou
saa kieru jikan da
koukatsu no juu ga narihibiku Headless body,
koukatsu no juu ga narihibiku Headless body,
sousa warai kurue I'm damned
I say destroy, fuck off
naze da... shinjitsu o kanjizu ni ikiru
doko ni ai ga aru no ka sae--
Shut up!
koukatsu no juu ga narihibiku Headless body,
koukatsu no juu ga narihibiku Headless body,
sousa warai kurue I'm damned
Shout up! That's fucking bullshit
Blood tastes like vanilla
When I find more, I'll share them too. ^-^
On Sunday I have to go to the library and finish my project. -_- I reeeeeeeeeeeeally don't want to have to waste my weekend on something for school. *sighs* Dammit. At least I get to listen to DIRU to take my mind off it for now. ^-^ Yay!!! Well, I guess I'll see you guys later. Love you~!!!
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