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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Friday, February 16, 2007
Current Mood: Happy/Excited
Current Song: CLEVER SLEAZOID by Dir en grey
DIRU in Colorado
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KYOOOOOOOOO!!!! *jumps up and down, dances, throws confetti in the air, screams* 31 years ago, our dear little Kyo-kun was born in Kyoto, Japan and never gave up on his dreams to become a musician. He even took the huge risk of quitting high school when he was just a sophomore to pursue his middle-school dreams. Ever since the age of 16, he worked with music and joined bands until he hit success with Dir en grey at the age of 21... now look and see what a sexbomb he's become today~! ^o^ Bonzai! Bonzai! Bonzai!!! \^o^/ I really hope Kyo has a good birthday even though he has to spend it in America (poor Kaoru-kun has to too... I hope Shinya can get to Japan by the 24th ;~;)... his fans better sing him happy birthday, give him good gifts, and make him feel at home!!! >O

Awwwwwwww..... it's little baby Kyo~!!! V^//^V
I had a great day today~! I didn't really have to do anything!!! XD Whenever I woke up, I threw on my Kyo shirt (it looks like his from "DRAIN AWAY"), Kyo necklace (the dogtag with a cross on it), put on my Kyo-esque watch and chain, Kyo button (I made a button last night with my button maker that has Kyo's kanji and a heart on it), pyramid-spike belt, and wrote Kyo's kanji on both of my hands. So, obviously, I tried to dress as similarly as Kyo as possible today. XD Whenever I got to school I ran to the bathroom to paint Kyo's kanji on my cheek and whenever I got out, I found my friends and screamed "happy Kyo's birthday!!!!!!!" XD Nicole was horrified, but wasn't very suprised. In Orchestra I found Storm and clinged onto her and screamed "HAPPY KYO'S BIRTHDAY!!!" She asked how old he is and whenever I replied "31~" she just stared at me for a second then asked "you're a stalker, aren't you?" XDDD; Our teacher was kinda bitchy today, but luckily, we were saved by a fire drill. >3 I got to talk to Sydney for a little bit and told him that it was Kyo's birthday. XDDD In Art we had to finish something that I finished yesterday, so I just sat around and practiced Japanese. Whenever I was sure that my teacher wouldn't see, I whipped out my iPod and listened to a whole lot of "Kisou." ^3^ In lunch I just talked to Stacie and Nicole about how excited I am that it's Kyo's birthday. XD; I'm such a loser. In Science we just did about three pages from our workbook then watched a documentary on animals for no apparent reason. X_X At least it made me come up with two lines of lyrics ("silently waiting in the orchids until the poison blooms" and "swallow the wing")... and it was fun to watch some of the other girls squirm. X3 In English we almost finished watching "Edward Scissorhands." I love that damn movie. XDDD; I almost cried because it's so sad and Edward is so sweet. @_@ Outside I wished everyone a happy Kyo's birthday and then got picked up by Anthony for trying to kick him. o_o I hate being picked up, I started screaming and kicking and shit. XD

"Oh, no.... I sense.... FANGIRLS."
For Kyo's birthday, I plan on making more paper cranes (I'm working on a project to make 1000 paper cranes for him... so far I only have 220 -3-), watching PVs, reflecting on his career and success, wishing him luck in his years to come, listening to "THE MARROW OF A BONE", etc. Y'know, things I normally do but in a larger quantity. XD; Well, happy Kyo's birthday everyone!!! Just remember not to drink too much or you'll have a hangover on Kaoru's!!!
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