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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Current Mood: PISSED OFF
Current Song: Agitated Screams of Maggots by Dir en grey
DIRU in Texas
Okay, I know that my brother was kidding when he said what he said, but I have to get this off of my chest-
Okay, I was looking at some pictures of Kyo and I saw one where his biceps looked really big. So I went "whoa... he has really big muscles. o_o" So my dumbass brother looked and said "that's not muscles, that's fat." I looked at him and said "did you just say Kyo was fat?!" I started smacking him and yelling at him and flipping him off. Oooh, that pissed me off so much. >_< Then I bit him just to make sure he was sorry. I know my brother was kidding, and I know that Kyo is NOT fat (no matter what anyone says), but Kyo is really self-consious of himself. If he heard that being said, I'm almost absolutely sure that he would feel like shit. I remember reading an interview back in the "MACABRE" days whenever he had that really bad infection in his ear and had to go the hospital. They asked him what he felt like in the hospital, and Kyo told them that he felt really lonely and worried. When they asked what he was worried about, he said that it was because he was afraid he was going to get fat. I almost started crying whenever I heard that. I know it's silly to get so emotional over something like that, but to know that he thinks so little of himself breaks my heart. Even if he DID gain a little weight, he would still be beautiful. Even if on the outside he turned "ugly", he would still be the most beautiful man on the earth to me.
And a month or so ago, I was on the DIRU foto community on live journal, and I saw that one girl said that Kyo looked like he was pregnant. I was so pissed off that she said that, but even more angry that she considers herself a fan. It reminded me so much of whenever Die went anorexic because his "fans" said that he was fat. If that happens to Kyo, I will have to kill almost all of DIRU's stupid fucking fanbase.
I love DIRU. To death-you guys know that. But they have one of the most stupid fucking fanbases EVER. Luckily, all of the friends I made in the DIRU fanbase are loyal. Thank you guys, for not being stupid fucking assholes.
And on Kyo's birthday I was looking at pictures of Kyo and I saw one from the making of "Mitsu to Tsuba." Y'know, the one where it's a closeup of Kyo smiling really big and his face looks kinda round? Anyways, I was looking at that and my dad said "Kyo was a little chubby back then, wasn't he?" >_< He's ASIAN. He can't help that he has a round face and bigger cheeks than gaijin, that's just the way Asians are built. Luckily, I was able to keep my mouth shut and not completely go off on him. -_-

How could anyone say that about our sweet, cute, little dorky Kyo? D:
Okay... I think my rant is over. But if I hear ANYONE calling Kyo fat again (even if it's Kyo himself), I'm gonna have to kill them. I love that man and no one is going to make him feel like shit.

Does that look like fat to you? HELL NO. That looks like sex to me.
Last night I watched "Moon Child" for the first time, and I thought it was alright. I think the reason I didn't like it as much is because I never was a Gackt or HYDE fangirl , and that I thought it got a little scatter-brained in the middle. It was still pretty funny in all of it's Japanese cheesiness and hearing Gackt call everyone "baka" every five seconds. XD But I thought the first part was really cute and the last part was really emotional-that's what made the film really redeem itself. And plus, Son was reeeeeeeeeeeally hot. X3 Sorry to all the fans of the movie... please don't kill me... I just stood up for Kyo. *puppy dog eyes*
Today was kinda boring, but that's usual. We layed around the house for an hour or so before we actually went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. I had a tasty bean burrito. ^-^V Vegetarian delight~!!! XD Our waitress was really nice, too. ^-^ Afterwards we went to Target to get some stuff and I was so happy to see that they've stocked their Easter stuff already~!!! I love Easter things, they're so adorable. >3< There was so much cute stuff, I wanted to get it all. XD But I did get a pair of really cool skull hoop earrings and a Hello Kitty tote bag, each for a dollar~! :D I was looking at the bag and saw (1976 2007). I thought "1976? That's the year Kyo was born! Kyo's a HK baby~!!! XD" I'm such a dork. Anyway, after wandering around for a long ass time, my parents finally finished shopping and we went home. I watched TV for a while (I hate watching TV, I only layed there because I had felt sick all day and if I sat up to make a paper crane for Kyo, I would puke) and was miserable the entire time. -_- After my parents went to Blockbuster, I got on the computer and looked at some Kyo pictures to prove that Kyo wore panties. X3 Then Logan said Kyo was fat... damn, don't even get me started. I'm gonna kill someone if I do. -_-
Damn, I don't wanna go to school tommorow. I just wanna stay home and watch my DIRU DVDs. -_- Love you guys... mata ne~!
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