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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, February 19, 2007
1 MORE DAY~!!!
Current Mood: Excited
Current Song: Conceived Sorrow by Dir en grey
DIRU in Texas
WHOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!! Tommorow Hot Topic will released "THE MARROW OF A BONE" and DIRU's new t-shirt~!!! I am so effing excited, and totally prepared to rape my merchandise once I get it. >3 My parents are going to buy the t-shirt as a late Valentine's Day gift, and I'm going to buy the CD... they better have the limited edition, dammit. >( Also, I'm going to see if they have "Withering to Death", because I only have a burned copy and it sucks ASS. Also, I feel bad for not giving DIRU any money for their hard work. ;~; If they don't have WTD (which I doubt-our HT sucks... but they better fucking have TMOAB and the t-shirt or some shit's gonna go down), I'll just buy it off eBay since I have $70 there. *shrugs* But I just hope that I don't orgasm too much in front of my parents once I get the stuff. o_O
Last night I felt really protective of Kyo since I had to fight my brother for saying that Kyo was fat. I started working on my fanletter again until Dad told me to go to sleep. XD
In Orchestra we played our asses off because our teacher was being a real bitch but I did manage to squeeze in some time to work on Kyo-sama's letter. I'm a sneaky little monkey, ne? ^o~ In Art we had to draw in some missing pieces of a real life picture, and I was so happy at first because I thought we were going to be able to choose what picture we were going to draw. And of course, you all know who I'd draw. ^^; But, that wasn't the case and I had to listen to some DIRU to make it all better. For some reason I've been in a sad song mood today. I listened to "embryo", "Higeki wa Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu" (damn, that's a mouthfull @_@), and "24ko Cylinders." I wanted to listen to "Myaku", too, for some reason, but "MACABRE" and "Vulgar" got erased off my iPod a month or so ago. o_O Lunch was normal lunch. Anthony and Nicole grabbed my legs whenever I was getting up so I did a split and Stacie pinched my ass, though. >_O I'm always the one who gets raped in our little group. XD Anthony did give me a dollar so I could get something to drink and I got a Powerade called "Artic Freeze." However, everyone at my school thinks that it's watered-down skeet because of it's cloudy white color. XD So, whenever I got the bottle I started hugging it and saying "Kyo no bukkake desu~..." @_@ (For those of you who don't know, bukkake is an AV term for cum. Bukkake really is a creamy, white sauce poured over udon, though. Yeah.) Just a little creepy, ne? X_X But then, again, if he weren't so goddamn hot, I wouldn't have to be creepy. So, yes, it's Kyo's fault. XD In Science I basically worked on my Kyo fanletter the entire time but paid attention to what was really going on for about 10 minutes total. @_@ But if I don't watch it, my fanletter's gonna turn into a novel soon. I have enough time to work on it, though, considering that I have to finish all of my 1000 paper cranes before I give it to him... and I only have 225. -_- In English we had a substitute so our class really just screwed around. I did actually work, though, despite the fact Dylan kept on taking my eraser and Caleb kept on bugging me. -_- Damn them!!! After school I got a condom. XDDD I don't remember what I said, but Anthony gave me a condom and I put it in my makeup bag right next to the picture of Kyo rubbing himself. XDDD I know that I'll never use it, but it'll always be fun to scream "I GOTS A CONDOM!!!" @_@ I really need to lay off the candy if it's gonna make me this damn hyper.

Y'know, Kyo should really be Powerade's spokesperson. *imagines Kyo's Powerade commercial-Kyo walks on the set, holds up a bottle, says "Boku no bukkake desu", takes a sip, and walks off.* Hell, I'd buy it. XD
Kyaaaaaaa, I can't wait until 6 p.m. tommorow~! That's when I get to raid Hot Topic. *SQUEE* DIRU, here I come~!!! I guess I'll just watch the "GRIEF" PV and some of their lives to tide me over until then. *squeals* Mata ne~!!! V^o^V
FUCK YES~!!! I got all the lyrics for "THE MARROW OF A BONE" HERE!!! HUUUUUUUUUUGE thanks to Dani-chan! I love you~!!! >w<
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