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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Headless Body
Current Mood: Kinda bored
Current Song: GRIEF by Dir en grey
Man, am I lucky. Whenever I showed my parents my progress report for Orchestra, they didn't flip out. Dad said he didn't really care because it wasn't a critical class. Thank God. *clings internet connection and "THE MARROW OF A BONE"* Then that luck went away whenever my hairbrush with super sharp bristles stabbed me under the thumb nail and started to bleed. @_@ Oh, well.
Today has been boooooooooooring. Whenever I went to Orchestra, I immediately had a bad feeling. Our first teacher (the nice teacher) was pretty descent to us and said that we were playing better, but then he started yelling at the 1st Violins. @_@ Then our mean teacher bitched at us harder than ever. She pointed out every single mistake, made us stop after just playing 3 notes if she wasn't satisfied, etc. I'm sick of listening to her bitch and moan. She's just going to have to accept the fact that not all of us have been playing since the age of 4. -_- In Art we drew realistic eyes, mouths, and noses because we're going to draw a real life picture soon-and we get to choose who we want to draw!!! \^o^/ So I'm going to have to find a good, kinda simple picture of Kyo-kun to draw. I wanna draw him in his "Kisou" outfit, but his makeup and outfit are so damn complicated. @_@ So I think I'm gonna use one where he doesn't have any makeup on, brown hair, a striped shirt, and is resting his cheek in his hand. *sighs* So beautiful. ^-^ Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, since I have way too many pictures for my own good. @_@ Whenever we were drawing, our class decided to turn on the radio, so it gave me the perfect oppurtunity to listen to DIRU! ^o^ I wanted to listen to "THE MARROW OF A BONE", but Mom hasn't uploaded it onto my iPod yet. And I have to burn the CD for Storm, too. -_- During lunch showed me where I bit her yesterday... and she had a small little circle-shaped bruise that was purple. o_o I didn't mean to bite her that hard... and she was wearing a jacket whenever she did it! @_@ I feel really bad now. In Science we had to take a quiz, but it was open-book and relatively easy. After I was done I drew come chibi of me hugging and kissing Kyo and him screaming "yameroyo!!!" ("stop it!!!"). He has kisses all over his face and is blushing.... it's so adorable. >w< I even drew his little pube-beard. XDDD Whenever I was drawing it I suddenly wondered... "if it looks like pubes, does it feel like pubes?" XD Dammit, now I wanna touch Kyo's beard!!! @//@ I'm such a dork. In English we read the lyrics to a song called "Little Boxes" and listened to it. I hated the actually song, but I like the lyrics. It conveys a strong message. *nods* We had a discussion on it and I wanted to laugh out loud because most of my AG class is filled with your stereotypical, Christian, gossiping schoolgirls. It was so funny to listen to the talk about people and how they discriminate when they were really talking about themselves. Also, I was a little angry that my teacher made them dig so deeply into the song and tear apart its meaning to analyze it. I hate whenever people do that. They just think too hard whenever the author initially wasn't meant to convey that emotion. As a lyricist, I'm able to know what I want to say in a vague manner. I'm a little Kyo. XD;

Here's the picture I was thinking of drawing.... *dokidoki* Isn't he beautiful? *sparkly eyes*

Or maybe I should draw this one. XD
Neee, Shiko-chan! Is this what Yumi and you saw yesterday?

o_o Damn... I have to go change my panties now. XDDD;
I suddenly want to watch tons of DIRU PVs. o_O That's not all that suprising, though. XD And I guess I better go print out the Kyo picture I'm gonna draw. ^3^ Love you guys~! Mata ne!!!
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