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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Vagina blood.... it's good for the soul! ^_~V
Current Mood: Happy and crampy
Current Song: Clever Sleazoid by Dir en grey
OMFG~!!! *bounces* I was so happy last night, you guys should've seen me!!! ^o^ Last night Fuse had Dir en grey on "Steven's Untitled Rock Show." Whenever Kaoru and Toshiya appeared on the set, I squeed so loud that my dad had to cover his ears. XD I was kinda dissapointed that the whole band wasn't there, but I didn't really expect them to. Kyo and Shinya probably would rather swallow some spikes than talk on American television. :/ Logan kept on making fun of me for being a dork and screaming "LEADER-SAMA!!!" and swooning over how angelic Toshiya looked and how soft his voice was. XD; They also played the PV for "Clever Sleazoid"!!!! :D I started singing along with it and expected "doing meaningless shit over and over" and "one day I'll fuck your parents" to be bleeped out, but Kyo's Engrish is so awesome that they didn't. ^-^ I started clapping and giggling whenever I heard it. XD And Kaoru-sama is proud of us!!! Steven asked them how the fans got into J-rock and they thought really hard before Kaoru laughed and said "I don't know. I'd like to!" XD I was so proud of myself. X3; The only problem was that Dad kept on making fun of the way Kaoru talks (y'know, how he'll pause for a moment, mumbles, and kinda briskly draws in air between his teeth), calling Dir en grey "Dirty grey" (he knows their real name, he just likes teasing me @_@) and asking "why won't he let that other bastard talk?" -_- I just said "Dad, that's Toshiya. No one really talks in interviews except for Kaoru." It still made my day. ^-^

Yay for sexy Toshiya-sama...

...and for dorky leader-sama!!! :D
This morning I started my period. *sighs* It mucho sucks. I get the worst fucking cramps during my period. -_- In Orchestra I was sooooooo angry. We changed seats and I had to sit to two people that I really don't like all that well. Plus, my nose kept on running and we didn't have any tissue. I went to go get the key so I could go to the bathroom but I couldn't find it anywhere. Mrs. Ross finally got it and I got up to use the bathroom after but she screamed at me "no! This is viola time, sit down." She then snapped her finger and pointed at the chair, like I was a dog. I was so pissed off, I just sat down and dug in harder on my strings and played louder, kinda taking it out on my viola. She pisses me off so badly, I just want her to leave me alone. -_-' Before Art, I saw Nicole and said "OMFG... I think Dir en grey popped my cherry." She just kinda looked at me like "o_O" and said "Becky..." I then grabbed onto her shirt and said "I'm serious! It might be my period, but I think that they did..." She then ran away. XD My poor friends. In class I finished up my self-portrait (ugh) and worked on a picture of some celebrity we have to do. In lunch I talked to my friends like normal except that Nicole kept on trying to step on Matt's nuts so he leaned against me to try to get away from her. XD And I got $5 from Anthony!!!! :D I was begging for some spare change (what? I need money for the DIRU issue of Revolver... BTW, does anyone know how much Revolver costs? @_@) and he gave me $5!!! \^o^/ Yatta!!! I hugged him and jumped up and down and made the mistake of saying "me love you long time" and he tried to drag me to the bathroom. XDDD In Science we watched this really boring film on earthquakes and Olivia kept on reading from my Japanese book and I corrected her. It was really hard to understand her when she had the wrong pronounciation and wasn't using a Japanese accent, though. @_@ In English we discussed archetypes and our next course. So yay~! It was a lot of note taking... at least it was interesting. ^-^
I'm supposed to be finishing a picture for Art that's due tommorow right now... but I love you guys and DIRU more. *nods* I have to go to my grandpa's birthday party in about 45 minutes, so I guess I better get off and get some tylenol for my tummy. -3- Mata ne~!!!
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