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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Friday, March 2, 2007
Yay for Europe!!!
Current Mood: Okay
Current Song: reddish (diva version) by D'espairsRay
YAY!!! "THE MARROW OF A BONE" came out in Europe today! That means more album sales, more popularity, and more publicity for DIRU!!! ^o^ Yay!!! I hope all of my European friends (that means you, Veronika-chan~!) gets their copy. ^-^
Today in Orchestra the girl who asked me about my pants size wasn't there today, so that made me feel a little better. I also got a few compliments on my outfit (an empire waist tanktop, my Kyo shirt, my dark wash jeans, my dominatrix boots XD, and Kyo necklace) and said that I looked pretty. XDDD; I wasn't wearing as much makeup as usual, so maybe that helped. I dunno. After Orchestra we went to homebase and we got our GPAs and a booklet to decide what to pick for our classes next year. I was so pissed off because I found out that they DON'T have Japanese, like they said they would. I waited for it and looked so forward to it, that I felt a little crushed. I guess I'll get over it and take German if it doesn't work out. In Art I worked more on my Kyo picture and finished almost all of his hair. I really wish I had picked a different picture, since his hair is multitonal and a pain in the ass to draw. >_< Right now I'm working on his ear (OMFG, HIS EARS ARE SO ADORABLY CUTE!!! >w< I want to kiss them X3) and soon I'll be on his eyes. While I was drawing him, I felt so insignificant and little. It reminded me of this really tacky line from "SLC Punk!" where a girl said something along the lines of "I'm an insect staring up at a god." I'm so imperfect, and when I look at him, I see everything I wish I could have. He's so gorgeous, he's an amazing lyricist, can captivate an audience that doesn't even speak the same tongue as he does, and is just so breathtaking. There's no real word to describe the way I feel about him except for "moeru" (to feel a burning passion towards someone or something that devours your entire soul), and that still doesn't even cover it. I started listening to some DIRU to really get in the spirit of drawing Kyo and I've finished about 1/4-1/5 of it already. ^-^ During lunch I had to finish something for science since I forgot it last night (-_-) and fill out a form for the guidance councelor (so I could discuss wheather or not I could take Japanese at the local community college-if they have it-and still get high school credit for it). I got about five minutes to talk to my friends, and I didn't get to eat anything. ;~; In Science, our teacher discussed our course planning with us. Here's what I'm going to do (if Japanese isn't available)-
1. English 2 (Honors)
2. Biology
3. Geometry
4. Visual Arts 2
5. Fashion Design 1
6. German 1
7. German 2
8. World History
9. Foods 1
10. Health (it's basically learning how to take care of people)
I worked on it while he was talking, but I did listen to most of it. In English we took a test that revieled our subconsious. I learned that I have a relatively happy outlook on my life, I'm a person who is comfortable with herself and doesn't need to impress people with looks, love is a very delicate and important thing to me and I often indulge in it, and that I'm a very passionate person. I knew all of that already, but it was cool that my subconsious revealed that. I normally am able to interpret things, but I guess that's gone away for a while since I'm not all that into Wicca anymore. I mean, it's still my primary religion, but I'm not super-Wiccan like I used to be. But while we were interpreting this, everyone got to eat pizza, but I wasn't able to because I didn't pay for any. But I was so damn hungry, because I hadn't eaten anything about 8:30 last night. o_o Luckily, the teacher took pity on me and let me eat some. ^-^
... I was gonna post the picture of Kyo I'm drawing, but Photobucket is being a bitch. So here's this-

Ewwwwwww.... my Mom's watching "Tyra." ;o; I want to stab my head. XD And, with her home, I'll probably not be able to have enough time on the computer. -_- I guess I'll just watch some movies I got from Blockbuster Online. Whoo~!
DUDE. I just watched THE best movie-it's now my favorite Japanese movies and probably my favorite movie of all time. It's called "Shimotsuma Monogatari" (it's American name is "Kamikaze Girls"), and is kinda like "Nana." It's about a girl named Momoko (played by Fukuda Kyoko), an emotionally detactched lolita. She loves BTSSB (the lolita fashion lable Baby The Stars Shine Bright) and really wants nothing more than to wear BTSSB. She runs into a yanki Biker-chick named Ichiko (played by Tsuchiya Anna) and they become an unlikely pair of friends. It's an awesome movie and shows you how important friendship really is. I high recommend it for fans of "Nana" and lolitas. :3

Momoko-chan (top) and Ichiko-sama. ^o~V Click here to visit "Kamikaze Girls"' American website!
Ano, I guess I better go since one of my favorite episodes of "Scrubs" in on. >3 Mata ne~!
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