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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, March 5, 2007
Bladder Damage Builds Character! XD
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: undecided by Dir en grey
Today has been pretty nice! Yay!!! ^o^ Whenever I got to school I whipped out my issue of "Revolver" and turned it to the DIRU article and pointed to the picture of Kyo and said "okay. This is your God..." *and I turned to the next page and pointed to DIRU "... and this is the band that rapes you at night." XD Then Anthony ripped it out of my hands and pressed it against his crotch!!! ;o; I started yelling "NO! My crotch magazine!!!" X3 Then I turned to the Kittie article and said "okay, this is Morgan. She's my walking orgasm." XD Then he took it from me again and I had to scream and he grabbed me and I started screaming some more then people nearby walked away. XDDD; Oops. I found out the perfect way to actually enjoy orchestra-have Kyo fantasies~!!! I had a rather graphic but satisfying daydream as our teacher picked apart every little theing abou the way we played... but I was happy. ^//^ In Art we worked more on our grid pictures, but I didn't have such a good time with it. o_o I did pretty well with the ear, but then I got to his eyes. FUCK. I thought his eyes were going to be pretty easy, but I was wrong and stupid. -_- It doesn't really hit me how intricate and beautiful Kyo's eyes are until you actually look at them for a while. I kept on screwing it up and I probably put my face in my hands and growled more than a depressed monkey would do. @_@ Luckily, I was able to do the outline of his face, jacket, tie, and buttons with ease. I also finished his nose (although I need to shade his nose piercing), and started on his luscious, beautiful, rich, rich lips... oh, God. o_o

*runs to bedroom to finish her orgasm and change her underwear*
Okay, back. *eye twitches* I'll be done as soon as I finish his lips, eyes, buttons, and all the shading. I was talking about how I was happy that I didn't have to draw his eyebrows (since they're shaved in that picture) and the chick beside me said "he SHAVED his eyebrows?" XD I just said "yeah"... I knew I should've drawn a picture from the "saku" photoshoot!!! >3 At lunch we had a pretty nice time and I found out that Nicole is going to meet Fall Out Boy (since she joined their fan club). I'm really happy for her, and that I don't have to go with her. ^-^V I told her that DIRU is thinking of making an American [a knot] and she was really happy and told me that I better join. -_- Dude, if DIRU has an American [a knot], I'm gonna be one of the first fucking people to join. XD; She told me that I should be the vice-president (only vice-president since I'm underage @_@). XD Stacie also got her first dose of DIRU (since she asked me why I liked Kyo so much. I told her that he was sexy, beautiful, had a gorgeous voice, etc. so I let her listen to a few songs to prove it) and she liked it!!! ^o^ Yay, I popped her DIRU cherry~!!! X3 I said I was going to hump her for saying Kyo had a beautiful voice but she ran away. @_@; In Science I stared at the ceiling for a little while and came up with a crappy little song called "Decomposed" (my songs have been super ero-guro lately o_o), then daydreamed about Kyo again while we were watching a video on earthquakes. X_X In English we had a substitute, so I just listened to my iPod while doing all the work. I'm really dissapointed that "undecided" isn't a more popular DIRU song. It's so beautiful and the lyrics flow like silk in the wind. Why don't more people know about it?! ;o; After school was pretty fun. We basically just acted like a bunch of idiots and giggled our asses off. XD; Always good fun.
undecided by Dir en grey (it's the crappy official translation, but it's better than nothing, ne? :/)
There is no where these two can go having their backs to
each other
They can not ecen hear the sounds of the rain that pours
They walk with their backs to each other, where will they go
One by one their footsteps disappears.....
Change me into a memory and head to the new ocean
I wish you happiness from the heart
There is happiness behind the tears
But behind the tears you are not there
I don't want to part from you
But your words stab my heart, do you see??
I don't want to part from you but
The waves are erasing your footsteps one bye one
With the changes of the 4 seasons
Maybe its too late but I want to hold your hand
With the changes of the 4 seasons
There will always be a hello and a goodbye, and a hello to you.
Hm, I guess I should go check all of my DIRU sites and see what's up. Loves~!
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