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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Taste the Destiny
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Lie Buried With a Vengeance by Dir en grey
Yay~!!! Last night I finally got to contact the webmistress of my favorite Kyo fansite! ^o^ I hope we get to be good friends, she seems like a really great fan. :3 The only problem was, I got to thinking, "am I really all that great of a Kyo fan?" I know I talk about him constantly, but it's more about his looks than anything. Yes, he's a GORGEOUS man, but am I really dedicated whenever I mainly focus on my lust towards him? Too often I go into my super horny "OmFG, KYo iS LKe SO eFgINg HAwT~!!! HeLl YEAH~!" fangirl mode. Do I really appreciate the massive talent he posses? Am I really a fan? After that, I read the only DIRU fanfiction that I'll agree to read (for some reason, I can't read fanfictions o_O) and once again sobbed like a baby whenever I read it. @_@ It's just so damn sad, and the thought of the possibility of Kyo feeling that way and suffering like that just tears my heart apart. *sighs* I'm way too fucking sensitive.
In Orchestra, our teachers weren't too hard on us. That made me really happy, and we got like 15-20 minutes to ourselves so I was able to give Storm some advice. Apparently she likes some guy and doesn't know how to get to know him. Hopefully I was some help. In Art, I actually was able to work on Kyo's facial features today!!! :D I finished up his nose, drew his eyes, and finished his mouth!!! I'm so damn happy!!! >w< But whenever I was asking Ms. Parnell for advice on drawing his lips, she looked at the picture for a moment before saying "he has big lips, doesn't he?" I guess she sensed the swooning in my voice whenever I dreamily sighed "yeeeeah..." or could just tell from the way I overreact over every single little detail on the picture, but she grinned and said "ooh, all the better to kiss Rebecca with!" I just blushed, smiled, and put my forehead on the table and was able to stop my fangirly giggle. @_@ The picture was looking GREAT, and I was actually satisfied with it. So I started smudging the shade on his face, and went over his mouth and accidentally got the black from his mouth all over the rest of his face. >_< I almost started screaming, I was so upset. I kept on gasping "no! no!!!" and buried my face in my hands. Ugh, I was so pissed off. So I erased his lips and started working on his buttons. Still, I was SO upset, because I had gotten it PERFECTLY. *headdesks* Damn. We also have homework that's due by Thursday, and it's to design a tattoo for us or someone else. I don't know wheather to draw one of my previous planned tattoos (I have all of the tattoos and piercings I want mapped out already for when I turn 18 XD) or just be lazy and draw one of Kyo's tattoos. Then again, that might be a little difficult since he's been taking an assload of trips to the tattoo parlor lately. o_o I may just draw his butterfly tattoo. ^-^ During lunch I kept on complaining about my picture (XD drama queen, much?) and eventually went up to the art room with Korki and Nicole to show them what I had so far. Whenever I told Nicole how Mr. Parnell said that Kyo has big lips, she just said "he's got dick sucking lips." XDDD Yeah, that's our normal coversations. @_@ Korki's picture makes me feel terrible... she's such a great artist, and seems to have every single little detail down perfectfully. My picture is still better than what I usually do, so I'm trying to not complain too much. In Science we watched a 15 minute video and then worked on a paper model of Pangea the rest of the time. I got to work with Korki, so we had a fun little conversation. :3 During English we discussed more archetypes and watched a little bit of "Indiana Jones." XD Our English class ROCKS. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling all that great and felt like I was gonna puke. I pushed myself to stay, though, because I needed to work on Kyo's lips after school. After school I headed to the art room and found Nicole there, of course. I immediately started working on Kyo's lips and actually got them back to a pretty descent state. -_- I wish I had them the way they were, though. *sniffles* But, Ms. Parnell's son, Christian (who's SUPER cute and is an amazing artist), looked at my picture and said "that's really good!!! It looks exactly like the picture!" ^//^ I thanked him and I'm so flattered that he said it to me. *giggles* I'm thinking of posting up the picture in a fanart for some Kyo fansite (and of course, I'll put it up here too). Anyway, he asked me what I thought of his picture and once again, I was really flattered that he even cared about my opinion. I told him it was really good, because it is. It looks just like the photograph, and I'm not saying that to be nice. And one word to the wise-don't walk home in high heels. >_O
BTW, Nae-chan, thank you SO much for that compliment. I giggled and went "awwwwww!!!" whenever I read it. XD Sadly, I'm not the biggest Kyo fan ever (I wish I was), but I hope one day I'll be able to get there. :)

Look at the way the sunlight just hits him so perfectly... I was left breathless whenever I found this. How can I NOT worship such a God?
Well, my dad needs to get on the computer for some work. I love you guys. Mata ne~!!!
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