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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
What do you get....
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: THE FINAL by Dir en grey
*laughs* Thanks for all of the positive feedback on my whole "am I really a true Kyo fan" thing. I know that I'm not the biggest Kyo fan, and I decided that it wouldn't matter if I was. As long as I'm supporting DIRU and Kyo, that's all that matters. And I imagined Kyo receiving the results of who his biggest fan was. It went something like this-
Surveyor: Kyo-san! We have the results of who your biggest fan is! Their name is (whoeverthehell'sname)!
Kyo: *blinks* Okay. Can I go back to sleep now?
XDDD Yup, that's Kyo. I also read some of the "Deadly Claris" manga that they sold at some of the American concerts. I was only able to read a few pages, and I wasn't able to understand all of it (because I only read yonkyuu level kanji), but I started laughing. XD Okay, so from what I could tell, Kyo was some type of demon-prince person. I think he was walking in his palace, but some girl was chasing a butterfly and it landed on his arm (where his butterfly tattoo would be-it even had the Russian underneath it). The girl asked if he would give it to her, and he smiled before ripping it apart. I'm sure he said something cruel to her, I just couldn't read it. The reason I laughed was because Kyo acts like such a tough guy but he's a total sweetheart. I mean, he stands up for Shinya whenever he's picked on sometimes, he loves Toshiya's cat even though it hates him (XD), and gives some of his fans hugs. Haha! Kyo is a sweetie, Kyo is a sweetie~! *dances around* (Sorry, that "Deadly Claris" thing was totally random. But if you guys, want to read it, here's the link. XD)

KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAA!!! I'm sorry, I couldn't resist!!! XD
In Orchestra we worked on some pieces and got bitched at by Mrs. Ross. *rolls eyes* I had to use the bathroom, and she said, "okay, but this is the last time until contest." I think contest is a month or so off, but whatever. If I have to use the bathroom, she can kiss my ass! I'm tired of her constant bitching, not only at me, but at all of my classmates as well. It's fucking ridiculous. Anyway, Art was much better. I finally finished my Kyo picture!!! \^o^/ I had to shade until my hands cramped (since the background is grey and his suit is black @_@), but it looks good. :3 The weird thing is, it looks better up close than it does from far away. o_o I guess it's because I shaded his face so lightly (I was afraid that I was going to fuck it up again T~T), so you can't really distinguish his face from his neck. -3- I was complaining about it but the chick next to me was like "it's good!!! It looks just like him!!!" XDDD During lunch I had pudding and pineapples (not together o_O) and it was soooooo good. *drools* I haven't had pudding in forever, so I was so happy. ^-^ It pissed me off a little, because Nicole kept on sticking her fingers in it. >_< I don't know where the fuck her hands have been!!! So I ran to the other side of cafeteria and glared at her while I ate my pudding. XDDD Afterwards we went up to the art room to take a picture of my Kyo drawing for you guys, but it was locked!!! D: I was so pissed off, but not to worry-I'll take the picture tommorow. In Science we worked on a study guide for our test tommorow, and Olivia worked with me. -_-' She's nice and everything, but good lord, she talks too fucking much!!! I thought my head was going to explode. *signs* Korki eventually came up and sat with me in my chair and made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to die. She told me a joke that I haven't heard in forever!!! Out of the blue, she whispered "what do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord? ... my ass." XDDD I started giggling hysterically and we continued talking about the crackhead-iness of "Kung Pow!" XD In English we watched some more of "Indiana Jones" and went to an assembly. It was on the U.S. Army, so I completely ignored it, of course. I fucking HATE the army. I think it's great that people are so patriotic, but I hate the thought of being paid to kill each other. :/ They did a routine that was really cool, though. I can appreciate art. Just not the army. The entire time I was outlining this chibi picture of me hugging Kyo and him frantically trying to get away. XD Good news, though-Nicole was able to take a picture of that! I'll put the picture of Kyo I drew in art and my chibi picture in the same post. I'll probably have it by Thursday or Friday. ^-^
Well, I guess I better get started on the tattoo picture that's due tommorow. @_@ I decided to draw Kyo's crown tattoo on his right wrist and the (French... I think?) words underneath it that say "the emporer is dead", because I want it when I turn 18. Plus, it looks bitchin'. >D Mata ne~!!!
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