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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, March 12, 2007
I'm an Ass Sorceror~! XD
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: The Deeper Vileness by Dir en grey
I'm sorry I haven't updated in the past three days! I was spending the night at Nicole's house all weekend. On Friday we basically camwhored, watched "Jackass 2", and she searched the computer for all of her crappy emo bands. For those who want to see "Jackass", make a note that it's 10x nastier than the first one, and be prepared to see TONS of naked people. Even Weeman is naked. o_o So be prepared for that. @_@ Anyway, that was fun except for getting images burned into my brain that I'll never erase and having to suffer through all the sucky bands. -_- On Saturday we she surfed the computer more but I finally made her go on my Photobucket account so I could get some Kyo goodness into my life. ^-^V Also, I made her read the only fanfiction that I'll read and she got to see me cry. XDDD; She made fun of me and told me that it wasn't all that original, but whatever. I hate saying it, but you really have to be a DIRU fan and have a relative understanding of Kyo to get it. After a while we had to go get my brother and we walked to my house. I grabbed TMOAB since I was going crazy from the lack of DIRU. XD After that we watched some TV and ate some food and cake for Nicole's birthday party. We eventually watched some of Carlos Mencia's stand-up special and the "Axes of Evil" stand-up comedy tour. If you have any time to catch it-DO IT. That was the funniest thing I've seen in a while. After that we went to the mall and went to Claire's, Hot Topic, and Spencers. It's been forever since I actually went shopping, so I felt like a spoiled little rich girl hanging bags off of my arms. Granted, I only bought $14 worth of stuff, but still. X_X At Claire's I bought 3 bangles (one sparkly black one, one zebra print one, and one black one with stars) and a big ass ring that covers half of my finger. XDDD At Hot Topic (I didn't really wanna go, but eh) I got this Fruits Baskets wristband that says "I LOVE KYO." Despite the fact that it was Furuba (I think furoba everytime I hear that @_@), I (of course) meant it in the DIRU way. XD; I also made a donation to the Hot Topic foundation for music because I'd feel bad if I didn't. -3- At Spencers we drooled over the Avenged Sevenfold batskull shirts (I want one so bad... D:) and I giggled at some of the adult products. XD However, I did get this really awesome necklace that's a nail. It's a "Passion of the Christ" product, but still. Who can resist a nail necklace?! Nicole bought an action figure of Patrick (from Fall Out Boy) and I thought she was going to die. @_@ I started complaining on how DIRU doesn't have any action figures or plushies or stuff like that, but then again, I think Kyo would rather take a bullet in the head than see a fangirl squealing over how adorable his plushie is. XD; Poor Kyo-kun. That night we eventually fell asleep while watching "Jackass." XD She woke me up by moaning. -_- She keeps on moaning whenever she sleeps, it's kinda disturbing. o_O On Sunday I woke up from my mom calling my cell phone and asked me when I was coming home. x_x I packed up my shit and told Nicole happy birthday before Mom came over and took me away. After leaving Nicole's house, my family and I went to go get something to eat at the mall (since my brother wanted a belt) and then went to Target. I got those pair of shoes I talked about last week and I'm so happy-I don't have to wear leather anymore!!! \^o^/ After that, we went to the movies to see "300." OMG. You guys need to go see that movie. It's not a want. It's a need. It's beautiful, passionate, dramatic, and just breathtaking. I'm not saying this just because I'm interested in the Greek culture, I've heard this from people who know nothing about it. You can't live life fully without seeing this movie. (One warning-there's a few sex scenes and some nudity, so don't go with your parents. If you do, cover your eyes and peek between them-that's what I did. XD)

King Leonidas on the battle field.
Today was mediocre, but I'd rather have it be that than bad. Whenever I woke up I wanted to throw myself against the dresser. -_- I HATE daylight savings time. Thank God it only lasts 3 weeks. In Orchestra my teachers were bitching again, but not all that bad. They were more frustrated than just being evil. The only problem was that I thought I had started my period. o_o Luckily, it was just my imagination. In Art we started on a project where we had to create a collage of picture of just one picture-I decided to do red. That was pretty boring and time consuming. -_- During Lunch I kept on getting harassed and Nicole put her finger in my pudding again. >( Bitch. Everyone was telling me that I looked skinny because I was actually wearing a girls' t-shirt that fit me (XD) and Matt even told me I looked pretty. *blushes* ^//^ I had to ask him if he was blind, though. XD He just told me "I can see through people." *rolls eyes* Yeah, yeah. He was just being nice. In Science we sat through another boring and long lecture and I read a little bit of "Japanese for Dummies" and wrote a few lyrics in my head down. Mr. Lutterloh kept on making fun of me for writing on myself. I know that I'm gonna have an assload of tattoos when I grow up because I already have so much ink on me. XD In English we watched the rest of "Indiana Jones" and I daydreamed about Kyo. It didn't get too graphic, but it was WONDERFUL. *melts* After we discussed "Indiana Jones", we took a quiz on "The Odyssey" and the story of why the Trojan War started. I probably did badly, but I should know better since I grew up on Greek tales (my family's not Greek but you'd think we were if you looked at me, watched the movies we watched, and heard us complain complain about how we want Greek food XD). -_- At the tree outside, I found out that Nicole stole my iPod! I got so pissed at her, I tried going after her, but Anthony held me back. I asked her if she took my Kyo pictures and she said "ew, no! Why would I want those?!" So I started chasing her but Anthony held me back and I fell on my ass. XD; I'm such a dork-I get pissed off if you steal my Kyo pictures, but I also get pissed if you don't want to. @_@

... *squirms* That's enough to fuel my fantasies for a week. XD
I'm sorry this post was so long, I just wanted to fill you guys in on why I was gone. Nicole said she will probably have the pictures uploaded by the weekend (I know, I'm sorry that you guys have to wait so long-it's just that her USB cord only works on her dad's computer). Well, I'll stop pestering you guys. Mata ne~!
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