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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Scooby-Doo in a Fro? o_O (sorry, weird commercial)
Current Mood: Fat (yes.... fat is TOO a mood!!! XD)
Current Song: DRAIN AWAY by Dir en grey
I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, it's just that MyO was being a buttfuck and wouldn't let me get on. I'm sorry. D: You didn't really miss anything, just that Sydney was really pissed off. I hugged him and he pushed me away and said "fuck you." Anthony then tried to say hi to him but Sydney punched him. o_o Anthony was pissed off during the rest of lunch and whenever some guy said something to him, Anthony got up and pushed him. They stood up and stared at each other for a few minutes like a punch was gonna be thrown, and the chick next to the guy started screaming "Anthony, stop!!!" and drawing attention to them. A police officer came over and Anthony sat back down, but they took him to the office. The bitch then kept on saying "ya'll need to fucking control your fucking friend. If he fucking touches him again, I'm gonna fucking kick his fucking ass!" (I didn't exaggerate what she said. This is almost exactly what she yelled at us.) I just rolled my eyes and continued studying Japanese. "Fuck" eventually loses it's impact if it's used too carelessly. Stupid whore. Nicole started screaming at her to mind her own damn business and to take it up with Anthony and I thought THEY were gonna get in a fight. @_@ God.
Before Orchestra started, I saw Sydney in the hallway. I glanced at him but looked away, worried that he was still pissed off at me. He came up and hugged me and said "I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just really angry." I nodded and told him that I understood, although my feelings were still hurt. I'm such an pussy. -_- In Orchestra we practiced our songs again and our teacher kept on playing the same thing over and over again. I guess I understand since contest is tommorow, but it doesn't stop it from being annoying. Afterwards Storm, Kimberly, and I talked about exercising and stuff and eventually talked about striptease exercising and she demonstrated for us. XDDD I love Storm, she's such a crackhead. I told Kimberly about "Zuiikin English" and she was horrified. She said "wow... they must really hate America." XD In Art we had this substitute that is such an idiot. @_@ Luckily, he didn't talk all that much so I wouldn't feel tempted to laugh at him. We started painting our color wheels, but I had trouble mixing the paints. *groans* I haaaaaate painting. -3- After about 45 minutes, we started working on extra credit. I read some of the sketchbook ideas and decided to illustrate my favorite song (since I could do who I would want to kiss *coughs*kyo*coughs* I'd be too unsatisfied with it, and I didn't have a picture of him with me without him rubbing himself XD), "THE FINAL." I don't really have a favorite song (I love too many of them), so I picked "THE FINAL", which is as close as it comes. I drew a girl with her eyes closed and sakura petals falling near the side of her face. I was gonna draw her holding a razor with her wrist slit open and lyrics flowing out of it instead of blood, but I didn't think that was very school-appropriate. :/ I was gonna draw her holding a hand of sakura petals, but I wasn't able to draw the hand right. -_- Grrr. The girl beside me asked what I was drawing and I told her a Dir en grey song... I explained by pointing to the picture of Kyo on my binder and saying "the band that guy's in." @_@ She laughed and said "you're really obsessed with him, aren't you?" XD I just said yeah and she told me that I was gonna meet him one day. *starry eyes* I told her how one of my friends got a hug from him and she said "you'll get a hug from him too... and a kiss!!!" o_o I just started blushing and covering my face. I'm such a fangirl. -//- During lunch only Stacie, Korki, and I were there. o_o It was really quiet without Nicole around, but we managed. :3 In Science we worked on a worksheet and watched a video... it was so boring that I almost fell asleep, though. My eyes kept on shutting and I'd jerk awake again. XD We had to take a quiz on it afterwards, that's why I tried so hard to keep awake. In English we read some more of "The Odyssey" and watched a little bit more of the movie. I think one of the things I liked about the ancient Greeks the most is because they induldged in their sexuality. They accepted it as a part of life, and was one of the most divine acts one could ever achieve-it brought you closer to the Gods (dammit... I can't get Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" out of my head now!!! XD). Now it's regarded as a simple pleasure and we hardly ever appreciate it for it's beauty. When I got home I watched this really funny Japanese video where they teach dirty English (XDDD), and a Japanese television show where a guy farted a song and blew a blow dart through his butt and popped a balloon. XDDD And I ate some cookies, too. I think I ate too much, though. @_@ I didn't finish my homework because I was fed up with my collage, so I'm gonna do the rest later. Besides, I'm going to contest tommorow so I won't have to go to any of my classes. :P I can do it over the weekenddddddd~! *dances*

*looks Kyo up and down* Mhmmm... that's my sexual appreciation for the day. ^o~
Tommorow on the bus I plan on sitting beside Storm and we can both listen to DIRU and I'll practice some Japanese. :3 Hopefully we won't be too terrible. XD Mata ne~!
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