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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, March 19, 2007
Current Mood: Sleepy and hungry
Current Song: The Domestic Fucker Family by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Spongebob Squarepants (XD)
I'm sorry I haven't posted in about 4-5 days, I've been kinda busy. On Friday I went to contest with my Orchestra and I guess it was descent (we got a perfect score, BTW). My teacher bitched at me for supposed wearing the wrong stuff although she didn't really specify what to wear, so whatever. She can bite me. I sat with Storm on the bus and we listened to DIRU-and she concluded that she's totally in love with "embryo." :3 I'm so proud of her!!! ^-^ She also made me write about 3 songs' lyrics too. @_@ The only problem was that I was complaining on how my mouth was dry, and she told me to get Kyo to make it wet and went into description. o//o I started sqealing and blushing and covering my ears. XD On Saturday we didn't really do anything. -_- On Sunday we went up to my granparents' house in the mountains to get my dad's car fixed. I watched "The Silence of the Lambs" on the way up (I'm doing it for a project XD) and listened to a little of DIRU. Last night I listened to one of my Japanese CDs to see if it really was true that listening to language tapes while you sleep helps you. Well, I didn't, because I was focusing on the CD more than going to sleep. X_X

I'd love for Kyo to get my mouth wet... *coughs* @//@
Orchestra was actually good because we didn't have to play. XD Storm decided that she wanted to draw on me with sharpie, so I let her do "tattoos" on my biceps. On my left arm, she drew a sun and a moon and wrote "Becky and Kyo" in Arabic. XDDD; On the other arm she drew this weird, random picture of some girl's body and "Princess" and stitches and a ghost on my ankle (I immediately thought of the ghost tattoo on the underside of Kaoru's right forearm). @_@ I wish I had a picture of Kyo's butterfly tattoo so she could've done that. ;~; After that, she decided she wanted to do my hair and put my hair in buns before wanting to kill it. XD I hate my hair... I wish I had Kaoru hair. *sniffs* Afterwards, she decided she wanted to do my makeup too, so she put some eyeshadow and eyeliner on me. And, she drew on my pants and fussed at me for wearing pants that are too big for me. XD Yeah, that's Storm for you. In Art we had to finish painting our color wheel. *groans* I absolutely DETEST painting. It's permanent, it gets all over the place, and I feel like I have no control over it. I can't wait until the painting unit is over with. -_- But there was this guy walking out of the classroom and I almost screamed-he had on Kyo creepers. o_o I want a pair so bad, but I can't find any here. -_- During lunch I had to run to the library to print something out for science and had enough time to eat a little something for lunch. Nicole was fussing at me for wearing baggy pants and Matt told me I would be pretty hot if I wore tighter clothes. o//o I laughed at him and shook my head. I was pretty flattered by the compliment, but I know it's not true and if a guy thinks I'm hot, I don't want it to be because I'm wearing clothes I don't like. I want a guy to think I'm hot when I'm in clothes I DO like and respects me. As long as they don't say "Kyo would like it if you wore tight clothes", I think I'll be alright. XD After the lecture I put my hair in pigtails and Nicole squeed and said that I was cute. XD In Science we had a talk about our progress reports (I got a low A... yay *rolls eyes*) and watched a video on animals eating each other. @_@ I don't know what's with Mr. Lutterloh and weird animal videos. Matt thinks he's into animal porn. XDDD Matt came to sit beside me and he was a dork, as usual. X3 I love him, though. In English we took a test on the Hero's Journey for "The Odyssey." We also watched the rest of it. But my God, Caleb was fucking NASTY in that period. I don't like him in the first place, but this went over the line. He spit on the floor (IN THE BUILDING!!!), farted and waved it towards me, kept on punching me in the knee, and was constantly asking me to give him a BJ. -_- God, he's annoying. After school I watched a few Japanese videos, mostly kid's TV shows. But I finally watched this infamous Japanese potty training thing and it was, disturbing, to say the least. It was very, very Japanese. XD
Meeeeeeh, nothing's going on in the world of DIRU, and I can't download "Despair in the Womb." Stupid computer. -_- I did get this really adorable clip of Die and Kyo talking and you got to hear Kyo laugh twice!!! Usually his laugh is overlapped by Die's and Toshiya's goofy laugh, but you could hear Kyo so clearly. I started "awww"ing and playing it over and over again. XD I love me Kyo giggle! >w< Ja mata~!
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