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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, March 26, 2007
Yay for Gay Porn!!!
Current Mood: Giggly, horny
Current Song: Repetition of Hatred by Dir en grey
Ahahaaaaaaaa... I just watched the video that the fake Kyo porn came from. That guy looks so much like Kyo... if I were to see him in Japan, I would ask for his autograph and start screaming when I saw it wasn't Kyo's signature. @_@ But I started blushing during the video, since he looked at the camera and he looks like Kyo and... well, he was giving a guy a blowjob. X_X *coughs*

Ugh, last night I didn't get a whole lot of sleep because it was so hot. I would take off my pants then take off my sheets then put my sheet back on and try to sleep with my blanket and then throw that off. And then, I had to use the bathroom at 6:30 whenever I usually get up at 6:45. So, yeah, I was pissed. Whenever I got at school, I ran towards everyone and screeched "THERE'S A GAY JAPANESE PORN WITH A GUY WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE KYO SUCKING COCK!!!" XDDD Everyone just laughed and shook their head. 'Cause, that's Momo. In Orchestra we played and our male teacher was a little bitchy, but he can kiss my ass. I don't really care anymore... and I was thinking about how I was gonna go home and watch the fake Kyo porn. XDDD After we played, I studied some Japanese while listening to some songs off of WTD. In Art we worked more on our stupid paintings and I eventually got really bored and just started staring at the wall. I got tired of mixing the paints, it started pissing me off. Our homeowork for this week is to design a CD cover and back for a new band's album. So, I'm gonna use one of my band names ideas and probably make a collage like the cover of "Average Psycho." I'll probably not put an nazis on there, 'cause that would cause some shit. @_@ During lunch I just complained about not being able to watch the Kyo porn right now and I was flipping out over Nicole's super adorable new bangs. :3 In Science Matt talked to me a little and said he wasn't able to meet Bam because he fell off a roof and broke his ankle. @_@ Bam's such an idiot... but I can help but watch "Jackass" and "Viva la Bam." Does that make sense? -_- My teacher teased me a whole lot about writing on myself in Japanese (I had "Kyo no poruno" written all over me as a reminder XDDD), and about me being a vegetarian. >_< In English we presented our projects and I drew a picture of Clarice from "The Silence of the Lambs" since I was bored. Nhi and I started to present our project, but the bell rang on us right after we finished the clip with Hannibal. -3- We have to finish it tommorow. After school I was waiting impatiently for Nicole to come outside so I could go home and watch the fake Kyo porno, but she was up in the art room. I eventually caught a ride with Bobby and was able to get home to watch it. It was less than 30 seconds long, but it was sooooooooooooo worth it to a guy who looks exactly like Kyo giving blowjobs. XDDD And I started my period right after the porno. Dammit, the fake Kyo popped my gay Japanese porn cherry. @_@

(Despite how funny this picture is, I can't help but point out Kyo's insanely adorable nervous smile. >w<)
I'm really pissed off.... my copy of "VULGAR" keeps on skipping. It's from whenever I first become a DIRU fan (about 2 years ago) and I really need to buy a new copy from eBay, but my mom is being an ass and takes her sweet time putting my cash on the card. And sweet time for her is 4 months. -_- I need to replace my burned copies of "VULGAR" and "Withering to Death", dammit!!! DIRU support!!! >O
I'm so boredddddddd.... and hungry for Kyo-nessssssss.... not a good combination. D: I think I'll just watch a few PVs and complain about how I want to be Kyo's bitch. XDDD Mata ne~!
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