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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, April 2, 2007
It's Not Easy Being Cheesy XDDD
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: The Fatal Believer by Dir en grey
Curretnly Watching: X-Play
OMFG, last night on "Family Guy" was so fucking funny!!! XD There was a little segment where Chester Cheetah (the mascot for Cheetos) cut up a bunch of cheetoes with a razor, like drugs, and then snorted it. XDDD He screamed and threw down the glass tube he snorted it with and his hand had glass shards in it and he was bleeding. Then, he looked at the camera somberly and said "it's not easy being cheesy." ROTFL XDDD It may not sound funny as I'm describing it, but you really have to see it to get what I'm saying. *giggles*
Today was pretty okay. Whenever I got to school I showed Nicole and Devon "Gakuen Heaven" (a yaoi) and they laughed at me as I got all excited over it. XDDD In Orchestra we played this Irish-sounding song and a song called Rhosymedre and were trying to figure out what it meant... one of my teachers said it must be Welsh for "hot pocket." XDDD I gave Storm a copy of "The Marrow of a Bone." I feel bad for burning it, but at the same time, I don't want Storm to have to pay for the album. I feel like such a bad DIRU fan. T~T In Art we made something out of paper mache, and I decided to make an Alice in Wonderland dress. ^-^ It doesn't look very pretty right now, and I'm not completely through with it, but I hope it turns out alright. :/ I kept on giggling whenever I was reading "Gakuen" because one of the guys is named Kaoru (YEAH!!! KAORU!!! XD) and Niwa kept on calling him Kaoru-chan and it'd piss him off... just like Kyo!!! >w< (One of my goals is to call Kyo "Kawaii-chan" and live @_@) Lunch was FANTASIC. X3 We showed Matt some sex scence, and then a few other guys started looking at it and they were about to puke. XDDD Nicole (a fellow boy secks addict) and I were laughing so hard that we thought we were going to die and Matt couldn't believe that I liked it. >3 In Science Korki borrowed "Gakuen" and I took some notes and stared at the wall. It was so hot in there, though, and I wanted to wash my face because it felt so nasty. -_-' After Korki read some of "Gakuen" and told me it was horrible. XDDD It is painstakingly tacky and cliche, but I'll take whatever I can get whenever I'm despretly in need for some yaoi and can't get on the computer. In English we had a substitute so we worked on some stuff in the book. We read a few of Shakespeare's sonnets, and there were so beautiful. I like Sonnet 116 the best (we read that and Sonnet 130), although I loved them both. He really was a great author. :3 Caleb was being an ass-face as always, and was talking to one of his friends how he thinks that I'd give good blowjobs. o_O (I don't see how, I don't have big lips and I'm not pretty.) He asked me if I bite, too. -_- Stupid fuck.
OMFG, I feel so much better. I'm not sick anymore except for the fact that my head hurts and I have a runny nose. Thank God Kyo, I thought I was going to die. -__- (And thank you guys for all the get-well wishes!!! :D)

Thank you, dearest. ^-^
I have a Japanese question (once again)!!! XD Whenever I was reading "Gakuen", I saw "peko" next to Keita whenever he bowed. Is that the sound effect for bowing, or what? :O
I found this really awesome Japanese transfer student program here, and I want to go so badly. The only problem? The price tag.
I don't even have $20. *facepalm* So, I'm going to save up and try to get some money for it. Maybe I can get my school to pay for some of it or something. I just want to go to Japan. D: I'll stop complaining now. Ja mata. -3-
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