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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Ferocious Marshmellows!!! XD
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: The Fatal Believer by Dir en grey
Currently Watcing: Planet Earth
Yesterday was so much fun!!! At Best Buy my mom ordered an American copy of "Withering to Death" for me so I don't have to use the burned copy anymore-and she's paying for it!!! ^o^ I was bored and looking around in the CD section and saw that DIRU's TMOAB was on the approved list and I squeed and jumped up and down. I read what they had to say and it said something slightly like this-
"Heavy metal lyrics are hard to understand, so it should've affect anyone that they're in Japanese. "Clever Sleazoid" is extremely impressive, considering the fact that vocalist Kyo is below 5 feet tall."
*facepalm* Whenever I heard that I suddenly was thrown out of my happy coma and screamed "he's my height, dammit!!! And what does height have to do with vocals?!" XDDD; Ahaha. I'm such a scary rabid fangirl. We finally went to go see "Blades of Glory" after waiting for a couple of weeks. You guys need to see it. During one scene I laughed so hard that I was slamming myself against the seat, had tears streaming down my face, swallowed a piece of ice, and was laughing five minutes afterwards. But with a team of Will Ferrel and Jon Heder, what more can you expect??? (Oh, you get to see Jon in his underpants. XDDD Something I NEVER thought (and wanted) to see.) Later that night I listened to TMOAB and sang with the lyrics and decided to write my favorite lyric out of the whole entire album and paste it up on my wall. It's "hone no zui made aishite kure" ("love me to the marrow of my bones") from "The Fatal Believer." I thought it was weird that DIRU used that for the title of their album considering that the titles of the albums and songs are often irrelevant to whatever it's about. I put it under my Japaneseque Rock File featuring Dir en grey and add for The Family Values tour. I also decided to post the picture of Kyo Dani-chan drew for me. :3 I'm gonna post some more Kyo pictures on the wall... my wall of worship is gonna get crowded. -3-
You know you love it.... because, honestly, who can resist midly homo-erotic comedy??? XD
Today has been okay despite the fact that I ate too much candy and feel HUUUUUUUUUUGE. Whenever I woke up I saw that our baskets were out in the living room and we waited for Mom to come out and then we looked in it. We just had a buttload of candy. XD; I ate a Snickers egg and thought I was going to puke because it was so rich. X_X After that I took a shower and my dad laughed at my Easter outfit-my Squee shirt, a pair of jeans, my Kyo necklace, liquid eyeliner, and my Invader Zim wristband. Then I listened to "The Fatal Believer" and they screamed "THAT'S NOT APPROPRIATE FOR JESUS!!!" afterwards. @_@ It's a good thing they were kidding, or else I'd have to go fangirl on their ass. XD; We went to my grandma's house and hung out for a little while then ate lunch. I practiced a little Japanese whenever the rest of them were talking and drew a picture of Flopsy from the Peter Rabbit tale (we had a chocolate rabbit and there was Peter Rabbit on the cover-so cute~!!!). After a while my family teased with pictures of me whenever I was a little girl and saying "look how cute you were~! Becky, what happened?" and making fun of me. -_-' My aunt just recently got a convertable so she took us on a ride and went to her house and I got to pet her cat Boots. ^-^ He's so cute, but I haven't seen him since Christmas. Cats love me for some reason, but I'm also allergic to them. D: *sadness* Then we got back to Grandma's house and just hung out. Eventually we left, and afterwards I just layed on the couch and tried to go to sleep while watching "Seinfeld" and playing my GameBoy.
"Dear lord, thank you for giving us your only son to die for our sins... but most importantly, thank you for Kyo." XDDD;
Ugh... I feel like my allergies just bitch slapped me. @_@ Maybe if I look at some Kyo pictures or watch DIRU PVs, I'll feel better. *remembers picture of Die and Toshiya cuddling that she saved* HEY~! I feel better already!!! ^//^
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