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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Headless Body
Current Mood: Sick
Current Song: GRIEF by Dir en grey
Last night was fine, except for the fact that I kept on trying to get used to my hair. XD It's so weird because I cut like 6 inches off. @_@ I cut out the picture I used for the hair cut and posted it up and two other pictures of Kyo on my wall of worship. Now I have him smiling down on me while I sleep. :3 After we ate dinner, we watched "Lost".... Goddamn, I love that show. XD It's so intricate and compelling, and it always leaves you begging for more. It kicks ass!!! >D I studied a little bit of Japanese and eventually my parents and brother went to bed. Whenever it was 1 in the morning, I watched "America's Funniest Home Videos" and sat down and watched it until it was 2. -_- I decided to read up a little bit of Japanese culture, but I knew about most of it. :/ As I tried to go to sleep, I imagined a couple of scenarios where I went to a DIRU concert and got to see them at a meet and greet and they gave me a backstage pass since I cried whenever I saw Kyo's cuts and I gave him the 1000 paper cranes I'm currently working on. @_@ And Kyo gave me a hug too. XDDD; I'm such a dork.... if only it came true. -__- Hell, I'd be happy enough just to go to a concert!!! :D I layed in bed for about an hour until I had to go to the bathroom and then tried to go sleep, which I did around 3. -_-

Hug for Momo-chan? Pwease? *puppy dog eyes* ;~;
My brother woke me up at 1:15 today. I could've had 15 more minutes of sleep!!! D< *shakes fist angrily* Whenever I woke up, I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed because the back of my hair was sticking up from the hairspray last night. XD I noticed that my picture of Kyo from "THE FINAL" on my wall of worship was falling off, so I had to press that on again over and over again since the tape sucks. -_- Then I noticed the picture I used for my hair cut fell off!!! D: I looked around and eventually found him behind my pillow. *relieved sigh* Whenever I found him I said "there you are, sweetie!!!" and lovingly stuck him back on the wall. XDDD I'm such a loser. I went and ate a quesodilla since my tummy was growling and grumpily watched "World's Wildest Police Chases" with my brother. -3- Afterwards, I took a shower. It was weird washing and conditioning my hair, because I keep on grabbing for more hair but it ends at the nape of my neck. XD It dries really fast, too!!! :D I laughed at myself in the mirror because my hair was sticking to my face and it made me look like I had an egg for a head. XD I was all happy because I realized I can make a faux-hawk and spike my hair up now!!! HELL YEAH!!!! >D Whenever my brother was in the shower, I watched "-kigan-" from "5 Ugly Kingdom" and headbanged and bounced on my couch. XD I feel so energized whenever I just watch them on a DVD, imagine how I'll be whenever I see them live!!! (Yes, I will see them live one day!!! I don't care what it takes! T^T) My grandma called and said she wanted to take me and my brother to one of her friend's house to see the donkeys she had. XD So I styled my hair (which was kinda ackward, since I NEVER EVER style my hair), and ended up with a messy, spiky cool look. :3 I likey. My grandma came and didn't freak out like I thought she would, which dissapointed me a little. XD We drove to her friend's house and pet the donkeys, who were really sweet. One kept on nudging the other one's butt and was really pesistant, so I was worried that the boy one wanted to.... *eye twitches* fornicate with the girl donkey. And, sure enough, the boy donkey straddled the girl donkey. -_- Luckily, the walked behind the shed to do it and didn't make any noise. *buries face in hands* So disgusting. After that we looked at some stuff her husband had built... there were like 3 log cabins, a play house, and he spruced up a railroad cart!!! I was really impressed, but it wasn't all that interesting. :/ After an hour, Grandma took us back home and we thanked her. Once I got home, I instantly watched "GRIEF" since I was craving it. XD; Here I am. :3

I have another Japanese question!!! I know that an all over yakuza body tattoo is called "irezumi", but what's the normal word for a tattoo? :O
Hopefully I'll get used to styling my hair before Monday, whenever I go back to school. @_@ I guess I'll talk to you guys later. Mata ashita!!! ^o^
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