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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Being Quiet Sucks!!!
Current Mood: Impatient
Current Song: The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails
Yesterday I listened to NIN's new album, "Year Zero." It was a concept album, or an album that told a story. This album's story (which shouldn't be very suprising to NIN fans, especially after "The Hand that Feeds") is about the current war going on. Trent hates Bush so much. @_@ The lyrics remind me of a soundtrack for "V for Vendetta" and "Children of Men." The music reminded me a whole lot of "With Teeth", more techno and calmer than NIN's older work. This isn't my favorite type of NIN's work, but it still kicks so many bands ass. :3 I simply LOVE The cover work. Whenever I saw the inside flaps, I almost squeeled because I love them so much. XD On the left side, it has a picture of Trent's right arm in a suit and holding a Bible, and on the other side, you can see his bare left arm and holding a machine gun (you can see scars on both of his wrist... that upsets me so much). Pefectly describes current America. After listening to "Year Zero", I made my t-shirt for the Day of Silence. I ended up putting a two symbols for women interconnected on one side, and two symbols for men interconnected on the other (both symbolizing homosexuality) and a heart in the middle of them. :3 On the hem, I wrote "Day of Silence 4/18/07" and "Why is it, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands"-Edward Gaines. I also painted my nails the color of the rainbow and made 3 buttons-one with the gay pride flag, one with the bisexual pride flag and "BI PRIDE" written on it, and a pink button that says "I love boys AND girls." My parents were a little grumpy whenever I reminded them that I wasn't going to talk the whole day, but they can suck it up. I'm standing up for who I am and what I believe in, and if they won't support that, then screw them. While I was taking a shower, I started wondering if I should tell my parents that I'm bi... because keeping it secret, is exactly what I'm fighting against. I decided to wait for a later time, because Dad had an important interview in the morning and it wouldn't be very fair to them if I couldn't actually vocalize my side of the story.

This is the present NIN... a.k.a. Why I like looking at Japanese bands better. XD (Trent, in the middle, is actually NIN. The rest of the men are just stage performers and help Trent during recording.)
This is one of my favorite songs (lyric-wise) off of "Year Zero", called "The Warning."
The Warning by Nine Inch Nails
Some say it was a warning
Some say it was a sign
I was standing right there
When it came down from the sky
The way it spoke to us
You felt it from inside
Said it was up to us
Up to us to decide
You've become a virus
That has eaten up its host
We've been watching you with all of our eyes
And what you seem to value most
So much potential
Or so we used to say
Your greed, self importance, and your arrogance
You piss it all away
We heard a cry
We've come to intervene
You will change your ways and you will make amends
Or we will wipe this place clean
Your time is tick-tick-ticking away
Today is the Day of Silence, and it's so hard to stay quiet. T~T Today is my first day on the Day of Silence, but it's harder said that done. Whenever I woke up, I kept on telling myself, "don't talk, don't talk, don't talk." I had to frantically scribble things on paper to talk to my dad while he looked unimpressed at me with an arched eyebrow. -_- Whenever I got to school, I put on my "bi" buttons and found out that Katie, Nicole, Devon, and Sydney were all participating too!!! :D Katie's shirt said "National Day of Silence April 18, 2007", but I liked Sydney's better... it just said "DOS: SHUT IT." XD Classic Sydney. Then he saw my bi pins and hugged me. XD In Orchestra Storm and I met up and exchanged silent greetings. @_@ Our teacher wasn't as hard on us as he was yesterday, but he held us for a long time. -_- In Art I pasted tissue paper to my lolita dress, to make it look prettier. Everyone kept on crowding around me, asking me why I couldn't talk, asking me if I was bi (I would just show them my buttons -__-), and asking me questions. It got annoying after a while, but I wouldn't change anything. Lunch was so weird. o_O I figured out that Stacie was participating on DOS too, so the only people talking in our circle were Korki and the guy that sits with her (I still don't know his name @_@), and Thu and Matt whenever they came over. Korki was determined to make me talk and kept on tickling me and made me squeal once. -_- I cussed her out on paper. XD Then she asked what a clitoris was so I had to explain it to her on paper and draw a diagram. XDDD I felt so dirty afterwards. In Science the class finished worksheets (I had already finished them, so I read some of "The Merchant of Venice") and reviewed them... I didn't get to see my grade (we didn't check our own)... I hope I did well. ;~; Korki kept on trying to make me talk by tickling me and telling me naughty things Kyo would do to me. @_@ I almost died, especially whenever she started talking about him stripping and bringing out the chocolate syrup and strawberries. *silently whimpers* -//- After that our teacher gave us a lecture on seasons and the position of the earth and all that while Matt and I wrote notes to each other, although he could talk. And, once again, he brought up the subject that he thinks I would look good in tight clothes. -_- So, tommorow, I'm going to wear a tight shirt just to prove him wrong. There's NOTHING about me that's pretty. In English Caleb barely talked to me, so that made me happy~!!! :D He, unfortunately, has the ability to read (he's smarter that I thought he was XD)... and found out that I'm bi and thinks that's hot. -__- Damn. As a class, we read Act IV of "The Merchant of Venice" and most of the girls who may be some of the best students on the English Honors class kept on showing me their stupidity. They kept on saying that Antonio is gay... what does it matter?! I almost jumped out of my chair and wrote that on the board. @_@ After reading that, some people presented their presentations on a part of grammar they were assigned to, and my group had verbs. I didn't have to present, though, since I couldn't talk and I did almost all of the research. -__- After class I finally asked Mrs. Mullins if I could move away from Caleb (it was so hard writing and keeping up with her questions ;~;) and she said "why, is he being an asshole?" XD I love Mrs. Mullins, she doesn't feel the need to censor ANYTHING around us. ^_^ But she told me yes, since we didn't have assigned seats, everyone just sits in the same spot everyday because they feel like it. o_O I decided to just walk home after school since almost everyone in our group except for Bobby wouldn't be able to talk. I read the rest of "The Merchant of Venice" for homework and then got on the computer. My dad and brother came home and it turned out my dad cancelled the interview because he got lost and wasn't able to get there on time. I feel horrible.... he really needed this job. Not just because his unemployment has stopped or the goverment took away the $1000 they were giving him, but because he's becoming increasingly depressed and keeps on saying stuff like "I've lost the will to live." It breaks my heart. I really hopes he finds something.
I wanna talk so bad. ;o; I've thought of giving up a few times, but then I bit my lip and remembered how supposedly passionate about this. If I really want change for the homosexual, bisexual, and transgender society, I'll stick this through. Wish me luck.
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