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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Yatta~~~! >D
Current Mood: Accomplished/Achey
Current Song: Survivalism by Nine Inch Nails
I made it all through the day without talking yesterday!!! :D Well, I mouthed "what" twice and accidentally whispered, but it was barely audible. @_@ The important thing is that I didn't give up. :3 I'm not a very talkative person, but it was hell not talking to my friends and I just wanted to throw the dry-erase board down because my mother constantly talks and it's so hard to keep up with her. @_@ I did make it, though, and I'm very proud of myself for standing up for what I believe in. ^-^ And I rewarded myself with a nice little dream about Kyo trying to get my to talk. *coughs* @//@ To put it shortly, I ended up screaming talking in the dream. XD

Kyo could make ANYONE moan. They don't have to be a fan, and they don't have to be a woman. He could make the straightest of straight men beg for more... I mean, look at that ass!!! XD
Whenever I woke up this morning, my dad said hey and I just waved tiredly at him. He looked at me and said "you know you can't talk today." I glared at him and said "I know!!!" and I he just said that he was glad my voice wasn't broken. -_- *facepalm* Whenever I was done doing my makeup and hair, I went to the living room and my dad told me that he saw some videos the Virginia Tech murderer sent CNN in between the shootings. Dad said he was a fucking idiot, and I agree. I haven't seen the videos or read any of the reports he sent, but I saw 2 pictures and Dad told me that in the video he was basically complaining about all the rich kids and said he was making a name for outcasts.
If you're stupid enough to think that taking someone's life is the answer to anything, you're dead fucking wrong. To someone, that life is precious. I know whenever you're angry you don't want to hear any reason and whenever you're depressed, you don't care anymore. I know, I've been done that road. But bringing a gun to school and killing your fellow classmates... that's not acceptable. There's always a way out of feeling like your drowning, although it may not feel like it. I sympathize with the kid who shot up Virginia Tech. He was confused and angry, but that's no reason for doing what he did. I'm extremely saddened that he had to die. But I'm even more saddened that he killed 22 people. Okay, off of depressing stuff. Whenever I first got to school, I grabbed Matt and showed him that I was wearing a tight shirt (well, as tight as I'll go) and he went "WOW" and said I looked good. He looked me up and down, probably because he just realized that I have boobs. -_- In Orchestra our teacher wasn't as strict, but she called out Storm in front of everyone and that really pissed me off. I hate whenever she does that to people, but if you do that to my friend, we have a problem. After the teacher let us pack up, I listened to DIRU while studying Japanese. Eventually Storm came over to talk to me and quizzed me on Japanese. XD She said I had a Japanese accent. T^T *<- So happy she's crying XD* Then she started singing the chorus of "Conceived Sorrow", and I sang with her and was helping her with the pronunciation. She just looked at me and said "Damn! You even sing like them!!!" (meaning the Japanese) XD In Art we starting drawing again (YAY!!!! >W<), and were drawing conceptional art (I think that's what it's called, at least @_@). It's where you look at things in 3-D, you don't just draw them like a kindergarteners draw houses. This was easy for me, since I've drawn this way for a long time. We had to shade 3 boxes, and turn the rest of the boxes into objects. I ended up making the objects the following: Dir en grey's "5 Days Blitz" DVD set (>3), Kyo's foot box XD, a bed, a cabinet, a wardrobe, a TV, a block of cheese, and something else. I forget. XD Mrs. Parnell saw Kyo's foot box and she said "he needs a foot box?" (she's pretty familiar with Kyo considering how much I fangirl about him XD) I nodded my head viciously and said "yes!!! It helps him stay stable whenever he headbangs. One time he fell off and got a concusion. ;~; So the foot box is very important." She laughed and asked if that was what it looked like and I said yes, and it's red. She just laughed and walked away. XD During lunch, we were able to talk again and it was a whole lot better than it was yesterday. After I ate my pineapples, Korki and Stacie each gave me a quarter so I could get a cookie. ^-^ I gave Nicole part of the cookie since there wasn't enough money to get one, and then Korki gave her money for another cookie. XD The only bad part was, Nicole was too lazy to get up and she put the money in her pocket, and took the 15 cents I gave her to get a cookie (yes, I take all the money I can get). She finally gave it back whenever I stood above her and it looked like I was going to hump her head. XD In Science Korki kept on writing stuff like "Kyo sucks" on my paper (she does that all the time, she doesn't like Kyo very much and she loves screwing with me) and that reminded me of the fake Kyo porno video. XD I told her about it and she laughed but then said "wait.... you watch PORNO? o_O" I laughed and told her that Alayna sent it to me. I don't think she was very convinced. -3- Then, our teacher was doing an exercise with us where he used a red light and blue light, so we couldn't see much. She kept on screwing with me in the dark, and then she laughed and layed her head on my thigh. Then, all of the sudden, she bit me!!! o_o I screamed at her, but I wasn't all that suprised since Korki's infamous for biting people. Then, she bit me on the leg again!!! She went to go screw with Matt and bit my finger. -_- That didn't hurt all that much, so I didn't really care. She came back and bit me on the thigh and arm. X_X It really hurt whenever she bit my arm, and I kept on rubbing it and it was swelling. @_@ Whenever the teacher turned on the lights, I saw that it was purple. o_o I showed Korki and she laughed and said she was sorry and I showed Matt and he went "HOLY SHIT!!!" XD My leg bites were hurting and I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom, but he said no. I protested by saying "but I could have rabies! SEEE?" And showed him my arm. XD Then two other people wanted to see it and they were horrified. XD In English we discussed a little bit of "The Merchant of Venice" and then went over the fashion of thr Renaisannce. I personally like of the fashion of the Renaisannce, but I admit that I probably would never want to wear it. @_@ They showed a man with a ruffled collar, which symbolizes royalty and my teacher told us that one idiotic narrow minded asshole (I know him) said that he must've been gay and that it was a sin and a man who wears women's clothing is a sinner. I almost started screaming, but luckily my teacher is pro-homosexuals and told the boy that in the Old Testament of the Bible that it was also a sin to eat shellfish. Thank you, Mrs. Mullins. <3 Then the rest of the grammar groups did their presentations, except for one. While some people were presenting, Caleb mentioned George Bush and ridiculued me because I didn't like him. I was so pissed off that I didn't say anything to him except for "fuck off", "fuck you", and "shut up" the rest of the class. I would've moved, but there are no spare seats in the class. -_- After school, I showed everyone my arm hickie and they were freaked out. XD And I kept on rubbing my shirt since it's really soft and so did Nicole and Devon. They ended up rubbing my boobs too. -_- I'm not suprised, though, they always do that.
My arm still hurts, and it's 4:30... and Korki bit me around 12. @_@ Now there's a little pink ring where you can see her tiny teeth marks and a bruise coming on. -_- Kyo, make it feel better!!! ;o;
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