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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Current Mood: Angry
Current Song: Conceived Sorrow by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: Everbody Loves Raymond
I'm am so sorry that I haven't posted in nearly a week, but MyO has been a total asshole and hasn't let me get on. -__- Damn website!!!! *shakes fist angrily* You really haven't missed anything except for a dream I had, though, so don't worry. The dream was one I had last night, and it was super weird. I dreamt that Marilyn Manson and Twiggy (his ex-guitarist) came to my house on Christmas Eve, for no apparent reason. o_O I was in the middle of making paper cranes for Kyo, and for some reason, I told them that I needed to finish the cranes. They went to my mom's bedroom, and I went in the living room and finished my cranes. I came back in Mom's bedroom and saw that Manson and Twiggy were asleep on Mom's bed, at least I thought. But I heard giggling, and I realized that they were watching the TV... and it had HGTV on (for those of you who don't know, HGTV is a television channel where people learn how to do projects and plant plants and redo your house). XDDD When they realized that I was in, they acted like nothing happened and gave me autographs. XD I think what the dream means is that I know that Manson is a normal person like everyone else and isn't the monster that everyone makes him out to be (that probably stuck in my head because I'm re-reading his biography). Also, although I really love Manson's music, DIRU will always come first (hence the Kyo cranes). Manson's probably on my mind too because I'm pissed at him for ditching Dita, the idiot. >( The dream's still funny as hell, though. X3

In Orchestra today our teacher wasn't all that bad. So, I was thankful. And I listened to some DIRU at the end. >3 In Art we worked more on our one point perspective picture of a city. Since I was stressed out on trying to draw a shinkansen, I decided to draw "DIRU City." XDDD Yes, I realize how much of a dork I am. Shut up. @_@ I got tired of drawing, so I started studying Japanese. Yay. :D Lunch was pretty mediocre, except for whenever Nicole gave me a purple nurple and everyone kept on throwing stuff at my sore.... eh, boob. >_> Then Nicole gave me some more purple nurples. ;o; Owwwwwwwwieeeee! In Science we just watched a movie on lightning and I studied Japanese for a little while before trying to take nap. Unfortunately, Matt kept on coughing really loudly and wouldn't drink any of my water (he did yesterday, the stubborn bastard -_-). I also put on his shirt cause I was bored, and I got really freaked out.... it fit me. o_O I know it was a men's medium, but Matt is an anorexic-looking guy! And, well, I'm chunky. @_@ So I got a semi-confidence boost, which is very rare in my case. :3 In English Caleb kept on asking me if I would get high with him. -_- No matter how much I said no, he kept on begging me. I swear on *winces* Kyo that I won't do drugs. (I'M SORRY, SWEETIE!!!! ;O;) I don't wanna ruin my life and shatter my dreams that have a small chance of maybe coming true. Other than that, we studied more grammar and watched the rest of "Much Ado About Nothing." I was bored, so I studied more Japanese. >P After school we stood around the tree and Nicole gave me more purple nurples even though I still hurt!!! ;o; I got her back by giving her some and poking her with a stick. XD Daniel kept on trying to take the stick from me, though, and I was getting ready to kick him as hard as I could in the balls. I don't wanna look at him, I don't want to hear him, and I especially don't want him to touch me after he cheated on me. If he would've touched me, I'm sure I would've punched him. Whenever I got home, I studied some Japanese for about an hour. Around 4, I got on the computer and checked my normal DIRU sites before looking at some DIRU tabs. Alot of them were really hard, so I went to Ultimate-Guitar.Com to look for some Marilyn Manson tabs (please don't kill me ;~;). I downloaded about 3, and some of them were my favorite of his songs. :3 I downloaded "mOBSCENE", "Angel with the Scabbed Wings", "The Long Hard Road Out of Hell." YAY~!!!! ^o^ As soon as I got them, I ran to my room and tuned Vivian (my bass) and hooked her up to an amp before I practiced those songs for about an hour straight. I've got "mOBSCENE" down pat, and I'm so proud. V^_^V *wiggles* After practicing my bass, I played some DDR. I've been gaining and weight that I lost, so I'm really upset and want to lose it and maybe a little more. :3 I'm about 5-10 pounds from being the ideal weight for someone my size. *dances* I took a shower after DDRing (I hate how I get so sweaty >_<), and now I'm on the compy. I'm thinking of practicing my bass again. XD I'm getting addicted.

Toshiya, please give me strength to be as good as you!!! ;o;
I'm so glad I got to get back on, I had nothing to do. XD I wub you guys. <333 Ja ne~! (If I can get on later @_@).
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