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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Yo-ho, Yo-ho, a Pirate's Life for Me~
Current Mood: Hungry
Current Song: Rasetsukoku by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: America's Funniest Home Videos
Yesterday was great! ^o^ I woke up at 12 and got dressed and waited for Dad to come back home from the gym. After he came back, he took a shower and we went to go eat at Firebonez. After eating, we went to Sam's Club to pick up some apples and I saw that Ted Dekker, one of my favorite authors, has another novel out called Skin. I want it..... D: I sat down in a chair and read most of the first chapter... it pained me to put it down. T~T We went back home to put our stuff up since we had some perishables and stayed there for about 20 minutes. Eventually we headed out to the movies theaters to see POTC3!!!! ^o^ I was so happy, I was bouncing in the line to go see it. XD We got there a little late, unfortunately, and weren't able to get very good seats... we sat all the way at the back. :/ Oh, well, I still got to see it!!! ^o^ It was great, although I got a little confused in some parts. @_@ I almost cried in a few parts. XD Go see it if you're a POTC fan~!!! (If that's not initive in it, there's multiple Captain Sparrows in it XD) Needless to say, I had Pirate Kyo dreams last night. ^^;

Whenever I got to school today, I saw Storm, Stacie, and Kimberly standing outside of the orchestra room. I came up to them and asked if they had seen POTC3, and they all had, even Stacie, who hates the series (yes, I still can't believe it). She was complaining about how crappy the movie was and said she was disowning all of her pirate stuff and I begged her for her pirate shirt and purse. XD She said she'll give them to me, I just hope she remembers!!! ^o^ Yay!!! In Orchestra the 8th graders came to play with us today, but I was a little uneasy because my ex-boyfriend who told me that he still loves me was there, but he acted like I didn't even exist. -_- Whatever. After that, some 8th graders from another middle school came to listen to us play although I don't really understand why. o_O We have a concert tonight, but they let us go early, so I was pretty happy about that. I listened to Myra for a little while before I read some more of Frankenstein. Mary Shelly has a really beautiful way of writing, especially whenever she describes spring. ^_^ In Art I started on my new ink drawing, and I decided to have Kyo's crown tattoo in the middle and have the paper split up into 8 different sections. I wrote "the emperor is dead" (like Kyo's tattoo) in one section, am going to write "the empress is dead" (like the tattoo I plan on getting), and lyrics to "Rasetsukoku" (I thought it's tone of chaos and disorder fit in with "the emperor/empress is dead" very nicely). During lunch Matt and his girlfriend came over... I'm not too sure about his girlfriend. I heard that she's a real bitch. In Science I had to present my project on Jupiter today. -3- I was so nervous, it was getting hard to breathe before I even presented. Korki said "don't worry, Rebecca, just think of Kyo naked!" I looked at her plainly and said "if I do that, I'll be like "hi, I'm.... uh, doing my, uh.... excuse me for a moment. KYOOOOOOOO~!!!" XD I tried to keep my voice loud enough for people to hear and fairly clear, but I stammered sometimes and said "pardon me" a lot. -_- Otherwise, I think I did alright. After everyone else presented, my teacher complemented me on my project and said that I was the only one out of all of his classes who introduced their project correctly. o_o Wow. In English our teacher talked to us about a few things in grammar before we watched some more of "Fried Green Tomatoes." I was going to read some more during it, but I like the movie so far, but I decided not to. I was pissed off during one part because the melodramatic girls who always feel the need to be heard in my class kept on gasping. -_- Idiots. After school I got my viola for the concert and used the bathroom before coming down to the tree. For some reason we were talking about how we used to trace our hands in kindergarten and Daniel called Nicole a hand turkey. So Nicole is now known as either Hand Turkey or Ghandi (we were talking about how if she ever took drugs, she would be Ghandi since she's usally spaztastic). XDDD
I'm hungry and I have to get my clothes ready for the concert later. -_- I wanna go find some treasure and rape a few women first. Arrr, me mateys!!!! XB
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