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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Kakashi! Why would you hit your wife?! XD
Current Mood: Fangirly
Current Song: Ummmm... "Spiderpig, Spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does." XD
Heeeeeey, everyone. I think I like my friend Matt. o_o I thought I liked him for a while, but now I'm pretty sure. I've had three dreams now in like the past week of us being together, and one where I was resting my head on his shoulder and holding me. -//- Damn hormones. Other than discovering that, I really haven't done much of anything. I've been trying to study more Japanese, I read a little more of that shitty book I have to read for school, started drawing some more pictures, and decided that I'm going to go on Weight Watchers again. The combination of dieting and working out will help me lose more weight... although I HATE dieting. -_- I keep seeing Melody at the gym and I keep getting pissed whenever I see her and push myself so hard that I feel like my legs are going to fall off from working out so hard. Is that a bad thing? o_o
Today has been boring, as usual. I woke up at 1:30 and woke up a little while before I ate a cheese quesodilla and watermelon. I recorded my stuff in my Weight Watchers journal thing and read soem exercise stuff. After a little while I got on the computer and checked everything before finally getting some yaoi in my system after over a month of not having any (yes, I am a deprived little child). D: I read a KakaIru fic and was giggling from the extreme cuteness of it all. XD I love KakaIru. ♥ Whenever I get better at making plushies I plan on making a Kakashi chibi plushie and then an Iruka so he won't be lonely. ^w^ Speaking of which, can you guys give me any pictures of chibi Kakashi and/or chibi Iruka? I would really appreciate it. ^_^

OMFG... *dies from the overdose of cuteness from the idea of Kakashi asking Iruka on a date* *twitch*
Eh, I think I'm gonna read another yaoi or two before going to the gym. Love~!!!
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