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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I'd Like to Love You, but My Heart is a Sore
Current Mood: Empty
Current Song: KABOOM by Marilyn Manson
Heeeeeeeeey, everyone. Last night after I posted I went to the gym and burned 550 calories. Yaaaaaay. *weakly dances* I came home and Laura, one of my parents' friends, was drinking a bottle of wine with my mom. -__- My mom drinks at least once a week. At least she's not an alcoholic or anything, but she gets buzzed everytime she drinks. *le sigh* I took a shower and ate a quesodilla for dinner and wrote a little bit before I had to go to bed. I school because I have to get ready to go to bed at 10. -_-
This morning my alarm went off and I turned it off in mid-sleep mode. Then I realized I had better get up or else I'd be late. I got ready and everything and got to school at 7:15, and it starts at 7:35. I wandered around with Lisa for a little bit before we went our seperate ways and I stood off in our little group not talking, but Katie came over because she said that I looked sad and started talking to me. Katie's such a sweetheart. ♥ I went to homebase (yes, I'm still in the middle schooler habit of saying homebase, NaeNae XD) early and all our teacher did was give us our lockers and combinations, and they were the exact same they were last year. -_- I talked to Chelsea for a little while before the bell rang and I had to go downstairs and put my shit in my locker. Since we have homebase this week, we only have 5 minutes between each class and I was running around trying to be on time. Luckily, I got in the room like a minute before the bell rang and was on time~! ^o^ In Art we had to look up definitions and identify the elements and principles of style in artwork around the room. *head desks* I hope the rest of the class this year be more exciting than that. We have to sit on these tiny, old stools and I had an extra creaky one. It probably didn't help that I fidgeted every five minutes because I couldn't get comfortable and I REALLY wanted to stand up. o_< In German class Frau Stammerjohann (I'm guessing that means Mrs. Stammerjohann, because that's what she wants us to call her) taught us some German today and I was furiously scribbling down notes. It was funny whenever everyone was practicing their r's because you have to kinda gargle whenever you say them. XD It didn't help that I had a sore throat. :/ She talked about how to pronounciate some stuff and recommended that we should listen to some German music. Nicole and I instantly thought "RAMMSTEIN!!!" XD We're such dorks. I would listen to some songs from GAUZE for German, but Kyo's pronounciation isn't all that great (it's okay, we still love him!!! T^T). We had to go around asking people "Hi, how are you? What's your name?", etc. in German and they had to answer in German. Nicole asked me but that was the only person I talked to in German... as you can see, I don't really like talking to people I don't know. @_@ Nicole also made fun of me because I kept on saying "America" in a Japanese accent. x_x We had to go up in front of everyone with a poster we made last night talking about us. I was so nervous that I was shaking and could hardly speak. -__- After I sat down I was still shaking so hard that Nicole went "Oh my God, Becky!" During my presentation I mentioned that I played bass and whenever someone said that they played an instrument, Frau Stammerjohann would say "you can play in a band!!!" XD My friend Thu went up there and said that he played guitar and she said "oh!!! Have him in a band, you even have the same hair!" X3; She's pretty funny. There was this guy who stood up in front of the class and told us that he was going to Iraq after his final year of high school was over and was talking about how patriotic he was and that he wanted to protect his country. I'm not super patriotic and don't support the war in Iraq, but I was really impressed with how passionate he was. At first glace I thought he was just your average idiot, but now I have a real respect for him. Once German was over I ran downstair and grabbed all of my books and ran upstairs to Geometry (the teacher's REALLY strict-if you're late, your parents get called) but was there on time, thank God. Korki was worried about me because I was breathing hard and looked all flustered. XD I already hate the Geometry class. The teacher is a bitch, is extremely picky (for instance, if you do your work in ink, you get a zero) and.... I just don't like her. I guess I should get used to teachers like this, though, because that's the way they are in college. We did a worksheet and went to lunch, came back, and did a quiz.... for the second time in two days. -__- The good thing is that she gave us an easy worksheet for homework. I finished half of it in about 3-5 minutes. :P In English we traded our papers with someone in our class about a memorable thing we wrong, and I was nervous because I actually wrote a line of the poem I was proud of. -__- Luckily, I traded papers with another quiet girl and she said that she liked it. ^_^ That made me happy. After that we had to do this weird activity where we would walk to either side of the room, labled "agree" or "disagree" whenever she would read a statement. We had to write our reasons down on paper and the retards of the class were always in charge of the pen. -__- Like I said yesterday, I absolutely hate honors class kids. They think that they're better than everyone else, are extremely over confident when they don't have anything to be confident about, are loud and obnoxious, and are just plain annoying. (And NaeNae, your teacher is exactly right about honors classes. All we do is get more work and everyone instantly thinks that they can misbehave and are smarter than the kids in the CP class.) The only reason I'm in English Honors is because I know it'll look good on my college application and if I want to be a Japanese translator, I have to have proper grammar and everything in English too. Sometimes I don't even think it's worth it, though. -_- After that activity we had to pick a topic we were very passionate about and explain why we were so passionate about it. I picked "killing is bad", because it is. That's kinda obvious. She wanted some people to share their opinions, but no one was raising their hand. About three people shared but then no one was and she said "if you're really passionate about whatever you wrote, you'd be willing to share it." Since no one was talking, I stated my opinion and I was so nervous and my voice was so shaky that it sounded like I was crying. Then some asshole tried to argue whenever the floor wasn't open for argument. -_- I mean, it's fine that someone has their own opinion, but couldn't they see that I was really nervous and didn't want to elaborate anymore on the subject? I wanted to punch that stupid motherfucker in the face. Eventually we had to get together with a group and sketch out what we thought Mary Holmes from On the Beach (*shudders* I hate that book) looked like, but everyone was just talking in my group so I started drawing what I thought she looked like. I drew a baby with her since she's a mother in the story and one of the idiots in my group said "draw her breastfeeding!!!" -__- You can see why I hate the people in that class. After school I talked to Nicole, Stacy, and Storm and was envious of Stacy's Willy Wonka bag that her boyfriend bought her. T^T I want one!!! She said I could borrow it, though, but only because she loves me. *shiny eyes* We were talking about one of my ex-boyfriends later on and I said "I have bad judgement.... except for about Kyo~!" She laughed and said "you're gonna marry him one day." I was so happy that I squealed. XD I love whenever people say that. Eventually I had to start walking home. On a crossroad I saw Katie and Sydney in a red beetle with spots on it (so it looked like a ladybug-so cute~!) and told me to get in. They drove me home but then said that they were going to get some ice cream at a place that was just like 5 houses up my street. They asked if I could come and I was a little hesitant at first but Mom wasn't home so I went. They bought me a chocolate cone (I'm gonna have to pay them back, they bought it with their own money) and we sat in the car and talked for a while. I always like talking to Sydney and Katie, they're awesome. Once we were finished eating and talking, they drove me back home and I said bye. I got in the house and Mom still wasn't home so I finished my homework and got on the computer. Here I am~! :D

Goddammit, I love that man. XD *is jealous of that dude sitting beside him*
Damn, I've spent a while typing this up. @_@ I'll see you guys later. Mata ne~!
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