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• 1991-10-26
• In the US of A. :B
Member Since
• 2006-02-27
• Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
• *shifty eyes* Momo...
• I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
• Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
• DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
• To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
• Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
• I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Oniisan, Kochira Te no Naru Hou e....
Current Mood: Achey
Current Song: [KR] Cube by Dir en grey
Yesterday was a lot of fun.... hot, sticky, sweaty fun (not in that way, you perverts! Jeez... can't take you guys anywhere). I got up at around 10:30 and got ready to go to the fair and eat. Stacy, Tiller (her boyfriend), and Shana (her sister) picked me up at 1 and we headed off to the fair. It was so hot, within half an hour I was covered in sweat and trying not to pass out. It probably wasn't the best thing to do since I'm recovering from a cold. XD We went on a couple of rides, and Tiller decided that he wanted to, but he was too big. And he had already paid $20 for his ticket. :( I felt really bad for him and guilty for riding the rides when he couldn't. We rode around 8-10 rides until I felt naseaus (sp? Eh, I don't care) and we got something to drink. We sat there for about an hour just drinking lemonade and soda next to the fan. XD I felt really bad for Shana since she wanted popcorn but Stacy was being stingy with her money, so I gave her a dollar for her popcorn. She's a sweet kid. :3 After that we got back on some rides and this time Stacy made me get on this thing called "The Hammer" with her. The Hammer is like a pendulum-it swings back and forth until it gains enough momentum and spins all the way around.... leaving your upside-down for a few seconds. Despite my fear of heights and the low safety of fairs, I love riding on rides that scare me, so I did it. She made me ride twice in a row and the second time I kept my eyes open for a little while and started screaming "OH MY GOD!!! UM.... AAHHH.... KYO'S CROTCH! YES! LOSING MY VIRGINITY TO KYO!!!" trying to take my mind off of it. She said that other people on the ride were laughing, but I don't care. XD We rode on a couple of other unsafe metallic structures until the pig race came on and my inner Carolina girl came out. I ran over to the pig race and kept on screaming "go, piggies, go!!!" XD They were all so cute!!! I wanted one. ;o; Once the race was over Shana rode some more rides and I felt like I was going to die because of heat exaustion and naseau. Not good. @_@ Soon enough they drove me back home and I layed down on the couch and re-read JTHM for the rest of the night since I felt so bad. I didn't even eat dinner. It was still fun, despite the aches and sunburn I have now.
Today whenever I woke up, I thought I was going to die. My neck hurts from a ride I rode, my arms feel like they're going to fall off from gripping the bars on the rides so tightly, and the back of my head hurts when I touch it because during one ride the gravitational pull was so strong that it got slammed against the back of the metal seat. @_@ Ow. In Art today we took a test on the elements and principles of style. We started taking notes on drawing techniques, so hopefully we'll start soon. I hate just taking notes. T^T In German we learned how to count from 21 to 99, and that's about it. -_- I like German and all, but they expect us to learn this stuff really fast. I didn't even learn Japanese that fast!!! D: In Geometry we had to take a re-test on a test about every one failed last time. I think I did decently, especially considering that I got the extra credit this time. :3 During lunch I sat outside with Sydney, Katie, and Stacy and flies were everywhere. o_o Ew. Back in Geometry we took some notes and I read a little bit of SQUEE!... I love that comic, Squee reminds me so much of myself, even now. We both share irrational and extreme paranoia about anything and EVERYTHING. XD In English we had to create a little symbolism sketch with a group. I teamed up in a group that has this chick named Gaia in it. She's one of Nicole's friends, and has always seemed like a cool girl, so it was nice to get to know her better. Whenever she finally realized that I was Becky, she started freaking out. "OMG, that's who you are! I thought you looked familiar! Nicole talks about you all the time!" XD That's about the only note-worthy thing that happened. Plus, the throbbing pain in my arms and the dizziness is making it hard to concentrate. -_-
OH! Yesterday Dir en grey released some new pictures for their single "DOZING GREEN" that's coming out on October 24th... *fangirlish giggle* You want to see, no?

Group picture, enlarged by some angel on LJ. *stares holes at Kyo's chest*

Die-san.... (WHY DOESN'T HE SHOW HIS FACE ANYMORE?! D: He's always wearing hoods during photo shoots now. T~T)

Kaoru in all his pimp-tastic glory.

Kyo-kun... (NOOOOOO!!! *shakes fists angrily* You can barely see that beautiful face!!!! ;o;)

Shinyaaaa.... for some reason I think of Guns 'n Roses everytime I see his new look now. XD;

And last, but CERTAINLY not least, Toshiya. :3 At least you can see some of his face.
I love Dir en grey's photoshoots and everything, but I thought the point was supposed to see them. o_o; I can't wait for the single, they have a remix of "Hydra" on there.
It's called "Hydra -666-", and you can preorder "DOZING GREEN" here. Goddamn you, lack of money. *shakes fists angrily* Maybe I can preorder it from Barnes & Nobles or something since the release date is two days before my birthday. >3
Okay, that's about all I got left in me. Love you guys. v@_@v
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