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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Friday, September 14, 2007
Too Much Sugar o_o
Current Mood: Hyper
Current Song: dead tree by Dir en grey
This morning I was super depressed because Dad was angry and was throwing everything and I wasn't happy to begin with. Everyone at school was asking me what was wrong and I ended almost crying a few times. We had homebase this morning to get stuff on career day coming up and vote for Homecoming people that I don't even know. I did cheer up a little bit, though, because Chelsea said that she listened to her first two Dir en grey songs~! ^o^ She listened to "dead tree" and "THE FINAL" and said that they rocked. I'm so proud of all the people that I've converted or at least made aware of Dir en grey I could cry. ^_^ During Art I finished this picture of shapes (-_-) we were drawing and I started working on the homework we are assigned and worked out a rough in of a hand in about 30 minutes. o_o It shouldn't take that long! There's this boy in my art class named Christian that's really cute but is kind of an asshole and is pretty cocky... but he's nice to me. I've developed a crush on him since last year (although I don't expect anything but being dissapointed if I try anything) and now he's talking to me as much as the pretty girls. I'm shocked and flattered, although he probably just sees me as "Rebecca, that girl." Although he did ask me for art advice the other and I was so happy-he's an amazing artist and him asking ME for advice.... wow. ^//^ Anyway, I scooted my paper off to Mrs. Verbiest (my teacher) but accidentally threw it off the table and she said "everyone pass them to me, try not to throw them at me." I bit my lip and blushed and he smiled at me. @//@ I made an even bigger fool of myself because he showed his finished picture and I told him he should look up a career in tattooing because he'd be an amazing portrait tattoo artist. He just kinda stared at me and said "okay." -_- *punches herself in the head* In German I was still a little depressed as not as much as the beginning of school. We had to read and translate some stuff out loud but I think I did a descent job. Afterward we played a game of bingo, and I got some chocolate and I felt better. ^^; The last few minutes we got to talk and Nicole figured out how to say "where are my pants?" in German. XD In Geometry we didn't do any math, we just created a mission statement for our class. It was boring, but it's a whole of a lot better than math. :3 In English we presented posters on what we believe. I talked about "I Believe in Unity" and talked about how I believe that you don't have to speak the same language to understand someone and that emotions and actions speak louder than words ever could. I talked about how much Dir en grey has affected that idea and that I wanted to become a Japanese translator to help everyone understand each other better. I was so nervous whenever I was doing it that I was shaking REALLY hard and my voice was quivering so much that it sounded like I was crying. My friend Gaia thought I was just really passionate about it (she couldn't see my face), and I was also afraid that people thought it was stupid. I don't care whether people think that the fact a band has influenced me so much is stupid or not, but I was afraid that I had worded it wrong and didn't give the idea justice. A couple of people said that I did really well, though, so that made me feel better. After that we watched some more of Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. I get so pissed off whenever people talk really loud during it because I'm a total Star Wars junkie. XD Nicole came home with me for a little while and we did our German homework together... we had 12 pages in our workbook, so it was nice having someone else to do it with. @_@ She left after an hour and I finished my Geometry homework. I still have to finish my art homework and poster for German before I go to Stacie's house tommorow. @_@ I ended up playing Naruto: Clash of the Ninja 2 with my brother for like 2 hours afterwards and I was super hyper afterwards. I'm a whole lot more happy than I was yesterday. I can be so bipolar sometimes, though... it makes me crazy. -__-

Thank you for everything you've shown me. You guys are amazing. ♥
Well, I better get off and work on my poster. I love you guys. Mata ne~!
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