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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, October 29, 2007
Birthday report.
Current Mood: Blank
Current Song: HYDRA -666- by Dir en grey
Currently Watching: 300
So Friday was my 16th birthday. A lot of people flip out over their birthday, especially their 16th, but I just couldn't get up the energy. I wasn't excited because I knew what all of my presents were going to be (my mom felt the desire to tell me every single one -_-), what my cake was going to be, and everything just feels... blank lately. It was a normal day at school except for when Nicole made my German class sing happy birthday to me and Gaia tried to. >_< Whenever I got home I watched "DOZING GREEN" a couple of times and watched TV. Mom got home and I waited for a few hours before I asked her if I could get my birthday presents. @_@ I knew what they were, but I didn't have them or anything. I got a sewing machine (A SINGER, a hella good sewing machine :3), two sewing baskets (because she thinks that I'm gonna sew on the road too @_@), some sewing supplies like needles and scissors, and "DOZING GREEN." That's coming in the mail in a few days. I may get to dye my hair pink for my birthday too. :D I started putting my pins in my pincushion while watching "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" until Mom decided that we needed to get pizza and cake. We got stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut (one of my favorite foods EVER), and got my Hello Kitty ice cream cake. So many calories, but it was SOOO good. ^_^ When we came back home, we ate and watched Transformers. Dad came home around 11 because he had to work and he was super depressed. He kept on apologizing... and I know it's not his fault, but I still felt kind of angry towards him. If he was home he would've just been bitter and angry like he always is.
The next day I went to Best Buy to spend some of my birthday money. I got "Portrait of an American Family" and "Holywood" by Marilyn Manson (I now have all of his CDs), "Spit" and "Funeral for Yesterday" by Kittie (I think I have all of their CDs except for "Oracle" and their remix CD "Paperdoll" now @_@), and "Mesmerize" by System of a Down (I now have all of their CDs too). Damn, I got a lot of CDs. XD Mom and Dad tried finding "The Nightmare Before Christmas" on DVD for me but we can't find it anywhere. I think Disney took it off the market and is gonna re-sell it in a few years like the normally do. -_- Fucking Walt Disney. I went to a my friend Katie's party, which was more like a dance party. o_o I talked to Korki and Thu for a really long time since they don't like to dance... they eventually left like an hour early and said that they were going to have sex. XD Nice. It seems like all of my friends have sex, do drugs, smoke, and drink. Bad influences!!! @_@ Nicole was dancing with some guy named Alex who she had never met before the party and I mean was DANCING. I'm happy that a guy was making the moves on her, but I still felt like the a third wheel. Around 12 we went to her house and screwed around. We watched "Fight Club" for a while but I was so tired that I eventually fell asleep.
Yesterday was okay. Nicole and I sat around watching "LA Ink" for a while and looking at tattoos and talking about her ideas. Nicole has a million tattoo ideas and I'm worried that she's going to end up with a whole sleeve she regrets. I have to keep on reconsidering my ideas so I can get a job. @_@ After a while we went over to Bobby's house and watched him play "Guitar Hero 3" for a while... I can't wait until I can rent it, it looks so awesome. >w< We carved pumpkins and had a fun time with that. Bobby did a traditional Jack-o-lantern face, Nicole had a man and a woman holding hands, and I did the hill from "The Nightmare Before Christmas." I wanted to do Oogie Boogie, but I couldn't draw a descent picture of him just from memory. -__- I went home at 9 and I don't remember what else I did.

"Saku" Kyo pumpkin by Zhanna. Coolest thing I've ever seen. :3 Aaaaand, since were talking about Kyo, I give you...

THE CUTEST PICTURE EVER!!! >w< *squeals*
Ummm... today I have no school so I've been chillin' and watching TV. I have a really bad headache, I can't get warm, and my nose keeps running. I hope I'm not getting sick. T_____T Later, you guys. I gotta take a shower. @_@
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