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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Current Mood: Sleepy & Excited
Current Song: No. 666 by Gazette
WAAAIIII!!! I just read Tani-chan's update and SQUEE!!! DIRU MAY BE TOURING IN AMERICA AGAIN!!! ^____^ I think Korn, A.F.I., and the other bands they might be touring with are decent, but if DIRU's gonna be there, I'm so gonna go, jump on stage, take off my pants and steal the entire band. ^^ I'm so hyped that they may be in America again and I hope so badly that they come to my state... cause when they weren't in my state but I knew they were in the same country, it killed me. I felt like crying. ;_; If I get to go to a DIRU concert, I'll have mastered one of my 4 life goals.
1. See NIN (Which will happen on June 10th)
2. See DIRU (Which may happen if they come to my state)
3. Master Japanese
4. Go to Japan
I have a very simple life... please, God, make these things come true!!!! ;_;
Speaking of DIRU, I watched my MACRABE tour DVD and at the end it made me cry. I know this sounds really stupid and fangirl-ish, but I don't care. All you guys can kiss my ass if you have a problem with it. T^T I watched Kyo singing "Mushi" and I felt his pain... I felt the torture in his voice... in his SOUL. He looked so sad even though screaming fans were among him and he looked like he was about to cry. Through all the screams, all the angry lyrics, all the fake blood, he's just crying for someone to listen to him and really take in what he's saying. He's such a sad person... I can't read more than two of his songs a day without getting all choked up. I've felt all this hatred and pain he's felt. I've felt everything that he's talking about. And at the end of the DVD, he was hiding his face in a towel but swept the cloth from his face and smiled the happiest smile I've ever seen. His face just suddenly lit up, like he had suddenly seen the meaning of life. Kyo made me feel such deep emotions that I wrote a song about it, but I'm kind of embarassed to write it... so I won't. But do you guys know see why I love DIRU so much? I feel as if Kyo and I are one person... I understand him. And even though I don't know him, I love him. I love everyone who has encountered such pain and survived it, for these are what REAL people are made of.
S'okay, Kyo-san... I'm here. ;_; *hugs*
The reason I haven't posted in a while is because I've been going into super-hyper-jrock-mode. I REALLY want to listen to the band Gazette-they have amazing sound and have some of the most catchy songs and PVs in J-rock I've seen. So, if anyone knows of any awesome Gazette sites, please let me know because I LOVE this band's sound.
I'm sorry for everyone's site that I haven't commented on today, my computer is being a retard and not letting me comment. Stupid computer. >_< *punches screen* It mocks me and trys to kill me in my sleep... yet it supplies me with J-rock, yaoi, and yuri. I can't decide wheather I hate it or love it. >_O I'll just call it a love-hate relationship. It's still retarted, though.
Happy Belated Earth-day!!! Love our environment or I'll get some rabid squirells to drool on you!!! ^^ I's sleepy... Oyasumi nasai, minna!
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